Connection by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: The Devastating Truth

02/17/2008 10:29 am
Lovely chappie.  I'm sure there's still some fallout with Riley ahead.  Keep Spike safe from retaliation.  Riley can be pretty nasty!
Fallout definitely to come, but it kinda needs to happen to get rid of Riley once and for all :-D

02/17/2008 07:41 am
Well that was a long time coming!  Enjoyed this chapter since it was the first nice one in a while.  Glad the truth about Riley is finally out and love how it made Buffy decide to stop denying her feelings for Spike!  So, did she claim him again?  It seemed like it but wasn't clear.  Also, really liked how accepting Joyce was of Buffy needing to patrol, it was a nice reassuring moment between mother and daughter.
Yep, she did claim him again. That's what the bite mark was about . (Oops, should have made that clearer.)

Sorry it took so long to get here, but now there will be Spuffy all the way!

02/17/2008 05:02 am
Ahhh... very nice.  Thanks. 

02/16/2008 10:33 pm
A little surprized our skeptical Buffy didn't want proof about Riley - actually seeing him or the bite marks- but then I guess she wants to believe it - have a legitimate excuse to get rid of Riley.  Not that she should need one!
Don't worry, she's going to get her proof soon. But yeah, any excuse.... Thanks for reading.

02/16/2008 08:51 pm
Finally more bites!!  Thanks for the update, I really enjoy this story!

02/16/2008 06:43 pm
Awww, so very sweet, was sad to see it end.  Waiting for more soon!

02/16/2008 03:06 pm
The fact that Buffy took Spike's work about Riley shows how much things have changed between them.  Nice chapter.