Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 4. Hello, Buffy

02/23/2008 09:12 am
Geez, just what Vamp!Buffy needs... Angel!  I really hope the large foreheaded one doesn't jump to conclusions about her current undead state or who turned her.  Who am I kidding?  He's Angel, of course he will!  Think I miss Buffy's slayer strength almost as much as she does!  It's hard to think of her as helpless even if she does have a slayer and a master vampire to watch her back.
I'll be looking forward to knowing what you think of the next chapter : )

I think that one of the things I liked about Buffy was that the sum of her strength was not in her physical abilities.  She had an inner strength that set her apart as well.  The good thing is, as the years go by, vamp!buffy will be as strong as she ever was, so it's not permanent.

02/22/2008 03:22 pm
I'm really enjoying this story.  I rarely encounter Faith in the stories I read, which is too bad, as I generally like her. 
I'm so glad you are enjoying it.  Thanks for letting me know. 
I like Faith, too.  I always felt for her.  But I have this thing for the bad guys.  Hence my obsession with Spike. 

02/22/2008 02:24 am
very good conversation between buffy and faith. very good way to bring everyone down to earth (or lower): "Hello, Buffy." very good read, thank you.
Thank you.  LOL!  "lower"  You are very welcome.

02/22/2008 12:20 am
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!  Of all the ways to be left hanging!!
Sorry : )  I hope you'll keep reading to find out what happens.  *hugs*

02/21/2008 11:35 pm
Please make him go away!!  He's probably going to go all "do as I say not as I do".  Thanks for the update.
: )  You're very welcome.

02/21/2008 09:31 pm
Pary time now Angel's here?  Don't think so.
You be thinking right.  : )  Please let me know what you think of the next chapter when I update.  : )

02/21/2008 06:49 pm
oh boy......... Great chapter!
Oh boy, is right.  LOL!  Thank you.

02/21/2008 05:17 pm
Great update, can't wait to see Angel's reaction.
Thank you.  : )