Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 5. Sherlock Gets a Clue

02/29/2008 06:51 am
Good Lord he's an idiot!  First with the questions, the emotions, and failing to see Buffy's soul.  Then with the she's never gonna have a normal life anyway and I won't lose my soul so we can be together now.  I'm glad Buffy handled it the way that she did, but I wish she had stayed within earshot of Spike so he could hear her choose him over Angel. 
LOL.  He's an idiot indeed.  Thanks for reading.

02/28/2008 09:22 am

Angel? Pot. Kettle. I think he's all about the chase, and if he could actually "have" Buffy, she just wouldn't be as interesting to him.

I'm with you on that.  : )

02/27/2008 02:17 am
Keep going.
Will do : )  I'm glad you like it enough to want more *hugs*

02/26/2008 11:30 pm
Bye Angel, don't come back, unless Spike wants to beat on him some!  Thanks for this wonderful update.
LOL!  I see Tour Guide Barbie in my head saying "Good-bye.  Good-bye..."
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

02/26/2008 06:55 am
I am just so glad that buffy got some closure with Angel.  Now Angel might not see it that way. And what in the world will she find when she gets back to the crypt?  Love the chapter.
I'm glad you liked it.  What will she find when she goes back to the crypt?  Indeed.  LOL!

02/26/2008 01:58 am
very good buffy telling the poof what is what. only  should have been where spike could hear, so she doesn't have to go through it again. very good read, thank you.
You're welcome.  I'm glad you liked it : )

02/26/2008 12:12 am
Someone thinks he's the grandest prize in all the land.  So glad Buffy told him off, but I really hope that little seed he planted doesn't grow any.  Hopefully, Angel hasn't mucked things up too much for them.
Thanks for reading.  : )

02/25/2008 08:27 pm
For a detective , he's really clueless. I hope he hasn't screwed anything up for them.
: )  Yes he is.  I think the last thing he thought he'd find when he drop to Sunnydale was a turned Buffy.  And I don't think his brain can compute the possibility that she'd choose Spike over him.  But she did...

02/25/2008 07:43 pm
Angel is so full of himself!!  Hope he stays gone.
: ) 

02/25/2008 06:28 pm
oh boy i bet spikey is really upset
: )  The next chapter is coming soon and you'll get to find out.

02/25/2008 04:53 pm
Yay Buffy! Good on her, telling Angel off! Can't wait for more!
: )  Thank you.