Origins:Resolutions by Niamh
Chapter: Strings of Tension

06/10/2012 06:17 am
ok so im only on chapter 16 but im loving the fact ur making railey the villian in this lol i hate him so especially after he faked staked spike, evil bastard needs to die lol

03/23/2010 08:18 am

You have definitely grown as a writer since your first series. Your plots are more complex and seamless, and more of a joy to read. Can't wait for more!

03/15/2008 12:41 am
i'm happy to see you've added another chapter.  you sounded kinda sad in your author's notes.  i hope you don't give up on this story, because i have really enjoyed it.  some resolution would be nice.  not that i'm pressuring you or anything:)

03/08/2008 09:12 pm
Always a joy to get an update.

I have keyboard problems, so short review.

03/07/2008 09:15 am
Super update, waiting for all the players to get into place, is excrutiating, but i wouldn't have it any other way.  Traver's is as enigmatic as ever but you can read Riley like a book. I can't wait for more. Love it.

03/06/2008 07:04 pm
let the tension build. very good read, as always. thank you.

03/06/2008 05:53 am
Another excellent chapter. We're counting down to the show down now. I have more hope now that the Council will back Buffy.

03/06/2008 04:04 am
Now what is Travers' up to?  And really did Riley think he was going to just walk back into Buffy's life like nothing happened?  He was always such a dumb person.  I love the sparing of Jenner/connor/Faith and Spike.  they are really a great team.  And I just love blunt Dawn.. Awesome chapter Lady...

03/06/2008 02:28 am
Amazing story and the tension is unbelieveable-I love this!  I have to wonder though if the Powers are gonna bring Angel back since he came back before when Buffy sent him to hell.  How would that make everyone feel?  I sincerely hope it doesn't happen and that is entirely up to you...

I can't wait for the next update and I promise to review regularly...:D


03/05/2008 09:01 pm
You're really ratcheting up the tension - and another Council team joining the mix.  Can't wait for more.

Amy. B
03/05/2008 05:14 pm
Great chapter.
Ican't wait for the next one :-)

03/05/2008 03:17 pm
I adore the story, and the earlier ones.
I adore everything you keep up the good work.
The verse is a wondrous place thanks to writers with your talent.

03/05/2008 06:01 am
Another great instalment and a rise in tension!  What oh, what will happen next?  Please don't leave us hanging too long.  Love the story, thanks.

03/05/2008 05:33 am
great to have another update - thanks ever - I really like having all these diverse character in the piece -

03/05/2008 03:53 am
he he he he i can't wait!

03/05/2008 03:50 am
Ooo, goodness! So many players, so many agendas...

Makes sense that Cordy would go straight to Lorne. He could see her trauma without her having to talk about it, and be sympathetic without her feeling pitied. Perfect safe place. Poor girl...

Travers proprietary stance about Slayers can work in their favor when it comes to someone else getting in Slayer enemy's enemy....

03/05/2008 03:41 am
Thanks for the update!  I really enjoy reading this story.  I can't wait for all the parties to finally intersect.

03/05/2008 01:53 am

Cliffhanger!!  Please, please, please update again soon!  Thanks for the wonderful update.

03/05/2008 01:40 am
Excellent chapter; love to see Travers showing his respect for Buffy, which I really believe he had for her since she faced down the whole council in S5; glad to see a bit about Xander & Cordy; will they be striking up their relationship again, or just friends??  And can't wait to see the final showdown b/n Buffy and Riley; dying to see what happens; please update again soon!!!

03/05/2008 12:33 am
oh the tension!! keep them coming I love this, and Cordy getting help from Lorne is just what she needs too.