Tempus de Muto by Schehrezade
Chapter: Chapter 24

09/13/2006 07:39 am
very good read, thank you. hope kristin states aroun, she is very entertaining.
Ohhh she is defo staying around and has a major hand in the finale!

09/10/2006 11:04 am
Nice in for them. Connor's going to school and Angel's a seer. Guess Giles doesn't know that Willow is to be killed. Yup, guess there's a sequel somewhere. Thanks for this entertaining story.
Yup Connor gets all the right stuff happening without W & H interferance! And Angel's visions all will be explained in the Epilogue *g*

Gulps at thought of sequel I need to finish this bit first!


09/07/2006 04:55 am
great chapter
Thank you I hope you like the next one :)

09/06/2006 08:53 am
i'm quite worried about the council...adn willow's gonna be so far gone by the time they find her... *sigh*
The Council can be right sods be warned buuuut trust me haven't I flipped alot of canon characters on their heads *g*

Hmm I wonder if we can save Willow....

09/05/2006 10:30 pm
I think I'll re-read this before enjoying the new chapter. Top story, Schez!
Hugs you! I am so chuffed you like this fic!

06/07/2006 05:40 am
I really hope you continue this story! I love it!
After a very long struggle I have updated I do hope you enjoy?

04/22/2006 02:34 am
Neeed an update waaaaaaa :(( lol

Question do you read Meredes Lackey?? Cause the way Rack uses Blood Magics sound like Falconsbane. :D
:) finally broke my writersblock and updated - I know shame on me *blushes*


03/24/2006 05:52 pm
This story is everything I ever wanted out of fanfic. I hope you have at least 50 more chapters in the pipeline. I want lots more of this AU.
Wow thank you - I am so thrilled you are enjoying and am sorry I have only just worked out you can reply to reviews *blushes*

I have just posted chapt 25 and am mid chapt 28 so a few to come!

02/07/2006 07:49 pm
So how will I know when this updated because you know I will have to read it all now. It is a great story and heads up on the fang fetish awards.
Thought I might give you a heads up on chapt 25 being posted *g* hope you enjoys it!

12/26/2005 10:34 pm
I'm hooked, gripped, and hoping there'll be more soon? I'd hoped Giles would have grown out of his hidebound thinking, but obviously not *sigh*. Wesley and Anya, huh? *grins* So much to love about this fic, I'll only babble if I keep typing.

10/11/2005 10:10 am
I'm so glad to see this story updated somwehere! I can't wait for the next part.
Have finally updated with Chapt 25 and I am writing chapt 28 so have a few to post soon! Hope you enjoys?