Out of My Head by AJ Hofacre
Chapter: happy fairytale go boom

Excellent :-)
04/26/2010 03:24 am

02/01/2009 04:31 pm
Neat title and very apt!  Love this take on Dawn's inadvertently being apprised.

10/23/2008 07:26 pm
Good chapter.

Glad Spike actually got mad and shit for once, most stories have him being a lil pussy, Buffy deserved to get told off there.

Also I like how you have the scoobies character. Giles is the perfect father type/still watcher, Anya is...weird. Willow/Tara are sensitive and stuff. Spike isn't a bitch, Dawns...well Dawn and Buffy is Buffy.

04/10/2008 07:12 pm
Ohh,goodie,it's starting to get more exciting! Lovin't it:)
Damn skippy! ;)

03/17/2008 02:33 am
Wow...really liking this one....wow.
Goodness, you liked it so much you reviewed it twice! Thanks :)

03/17/2008 02:33 am
Wow...really liking this one....wow.
Thank you :)