Origins:Resolutions by Niamh
Chapter: A dragon or a tiger

03/23/2010 08:24 am
Goddess, you just make me hate Riley more and more. Very effective writing.

03/25/2008 02:32 am
another excellent read, thank you. another evil chapter ending, ok, thanks for that too!

03/22/2008 04:03 pm
So pleased with the update, you really know it's a holiday when you get prezzies. I think Quentin's starting to show why he's the boss, got a feeling he's several steps ahead of his cohorts. Really looking forward to more. Happy holiday.

03/21/2008 08:44 pm
Cliffhanger!!! I am really enjoying this story, and I hope you don't get too dicouraged. You have at least one faithful reader (who is anxiously awaiting another chapter).

03/20/2008 07:00 pm
well, i have ALWAYS enjoyed your stories...and still do!  another wonderful chapter, as always.  thank you.

03/20/2008 09:14 am
I've been reading lots of fanfic recently and I want to tell you that this is one of the best.  Can't wait for more. 

03/20/2008 09:14 am
I've been reading lots of fanfic recently and I want to tell you that this is one of the best.  Can't wait for more. 

03/20/2008 03:58 am
Grr! I wanna smack Riley so hard right now. I trust Giles will put him in his place.

Travers actually seems to be on Spike's side. That pleases me.

Excellent chapter, hon.

03/20/2008 02:00 am
I don't know who has or has not been reading but I have been along for the ride since volume 1... I am just glad that Riley walked in on them.  Buffy and Spike needed to have that connection and leave it to the twins to make that happen.  And what is Quentin up to?  GO Faith for stepping up to the plate.  The initiative really does not know what they stepped back into.  Awesome chapter.

03/20/2008 12:34 am

You evil, evil woman!  Cliffhanger!

Seriously loving where this fic is going.  I hope Giles is about to read Riley the riot act, and that whatever hell broke loose in the shop isn't too bad for everyone else to handle!  I'll say it again; you are an evil evil woman!  Please please please update soon; I absolutely adore your fics and eagerly await each installment, even if I don't review that often.  Thanks so much for keeping this going!

03/19/2008 10:33 pm
I was really sorry to read about the lack of support for this story. I have read & re-read this and looking back I am probably the worst reviewer ever! I'm so sorry, please don't take that as lack of support, its just a case of not knowing how to express how much I enjoy reading the story.  I jump straight in and read it through - then go back and read it again! my re-viewing is usually 'great' or 'excellent' because I cant write anything that would compare with your writing.  Lady you are a seriously awesome writer and I read anything you post.  So THANK YOU. xx 

03/19/2008 05:36 pm
I'm sticking with you with this I can't wait for the next update.
you rock!!

03/19/2008 03:43 pm
This is such a great story, I always look forward to the updates.  Sorry you're had having such a stressful time of it, hope it gets better soon!

03/19/2008 01:09 pm
This is a great story - I'm loving every chapter.  Question - when does Buffy punch Riley out??? 

03/19/2008 12:38 pm
more pls

03/19/2008 10:02 am
Riley is in for another surprise if he thinks the Watchers are going to agree with his Nazi leanings - he really is a nasty piece of work.  Great job.  I'm sorry you're not feeling appreciated., be assured you have my heartfelt appreciation!

Rosemaree Allison
03/19/2008 08:43 am
I really don't like Riley.  Once again you have brought  the love, affection and respect that Spike & Buffy feel for each other to life for me.  I am sorry to hear you are trying to finish up this story - I really love the "originsverse".  Thanks for sending me the link to your other stories, I've had a quick look but will spend some time on it over the Easter break - 4 days off and I can't wait! 
You went from Bay City Rollers to punk - I went from BCR to Split Enz - went to their reunion shows in Melbourne in 2006, two of the best gigs I have ever seen.  They are playing in New Zealand over the next couple of weeks, wish I was going - a couple of my friends are, I'm sure I'll hear all about it when they get back.
Anyway, keep on writing, and please remember, lack of reviews doesn't mean lack of readers.  Some people are just not into the reviewing thing.  I'm not, usually,  Don't know what made me send the first review in to you.  I suppose I just wanted to thank you for bringing some enjoyment into my life.   
I hope your shoulder is better and you stay on top of it all.
Look after yourself,

03/19/2008 07:53 am
Well, Travers is full of surprises....

Oh, come on, Riley....idiot. Now, all hell breaking loose on which side of the door? Cliffhanger, here! Nice to see Faith step up, and be calm about it, too.

03/19/2008 07:31 am
wonderful....i will be waiting eagerly for the next update

03/19/2008 06:45 am
Great, great story!!  Please keep it coming!  I'm always excited when I see new updates.  Not sure what Travers has up his sleeve, though.  Looking forward to more - soon, please!!!!! 

03/19/2008 05:34 am
First off let me admit to being guilty of reading a whole lot more then I review.  ::hangs head in shame::

So, kudos once again on a beautiful angst filled chapter. Hate Riley! Loath Tavers! You make me smile.... Thank you! 

Hope RL mellows for you soon.


03/19/2008 05:33 am
First off let me admit to being guilty of reading a whole lot more then I review.  ::hangs head in shame::

So, kudos once again on a beautiful angst filled chapter. Hate Riley! Loath Tavers! You make me smile.... Thank you! 

Hope RL mellows for you soon.


03/19/2008 04:47 am
oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!  I can't wait for MORE MORE MORE!!!!  Great chapter!

03/19/2008 04:32 am
You're evil!  I want more!!! MOOOOOOORE!

=) Great installment.

(This reminds me of a Russian joke: A woman walks into a pharmacy and says "Give me some pills against greed!  Lots and lots and LOTS of them!")

03/19/2008 04:12 am
another great chapter. can't wait for the next one. i'm hoping someone gives  riley  a smack down :)

03/19/2008 04:04 am
Really sorry that I haven't reviewed more.
I have been with you since the start and am anxiously awaiting the next chapter.
Excelent work throughout!! I love it!

03/19/2008 03:41 am
This reader wants to send right back the "appreciated" to you for continuing to write this saga - I have been reading it for a long time and loving it from its beginning.  I wish more people were reading along with me cause this is one fine Buffyverse series you have created.  Hope life is going better for you and that you can continue to update regularly.  I sincerely hope that you will not give up on your readers - I am sure that once everything is completed it will have a whole new set of people wanting to read and loving this tale as much as I have.  Can't hardly wait for the children to come out into the world.  I love the idea of Spike and Buffy as parents - and again, I love how you have used characters from the early seasons and all your new vampires -

thanks for the update - hope you can bring us another one soon.

03/19/2008 03:20 am
I think Riley is going to be disappointed. Giles may just lay a smackdown on him if he starts pouting off about humans and demons together being disgusting.

I had this flash of Riley and his men being arrested as a threat to the country since they are interfering with the people who save the world.

And I'm not real good at pop culture refernces. I live in a cultural wasteland.It's sixty miles to an indoor movie theater (ther'a drive in with one screen and it's only open in the summer 2 days a week).

03/19/2008 03:13 am
The wily Q. Travers is captivating in this chapter. And Riley just as plodding as he ever was.

03/19/2008 02:10 am
Hmmm, Riley continues to be an asshat, or worse.  Love Faith and her support.  Can't see how talkign privately to Riley is going to help anything!  Continue to love this story; thanks!

03/19/2008 01:45 am
I seriously want to do Riley some major physical damage here!  I hate him more than I do Angel at his worst and that is strange for me.  I canNOT wait for your next update.  I can't imagine what you are trying to deal with getting real life stuff situated and writing to satisfy us needy fans but you are so very appreciated and your stories are not thing short of amazing! 

Don't give and know that you will get responses from me.  Sorry about the pop-culture things I miss but maybe I wasn't aware of some of them due to age or whatever.  who knows, lol  I will try and pick them out but no promises here.  I just get too involved in the action of the story...


03/19/2008 01:38 am
I will stick through every one of your stories, and will wait with bated breath for the next update; love love love your work; enjoy this series immensely, and can't wait til the next chapter is available; please don't get discouraged; love the way Faith is so protective of her new "family", especially Buffy; love the relationship b/n S & B; can't wait for more!!!