Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Origami

03/25/2008 02:52 am
very good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading! :)

Miss Rose
03/20/2008 07:46 pm
Whoa! :o So all this time Oscar's been a familiar... very interesting turn of events. :heartfic: Fantastic chapter! :)
Yep.  Does that make you happy? :)  I keep the world go to hates?  Not in my world!  It'll take some time, but Spike will get what a hero deserves. Glad you like the story.

03/20/2008 06:38 am
Great to have a new update - thank you for the new addition - burning his journals was very sad - I sure hope that Spike and his family can come through all these horrendous experiences -

Like Oscar very much -
Glad you like Oscar.  You're supposed to, and you will still see him in flashbacks/forwards.  There is a little pinpoint of light ahead, and a happy ending.  I hope you enjoy the ride getting there, and looking for the clues I've laid out within this story and its prequel.

Thanks again for reading :)