Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 16. Bloomin' Idiots

Totally loving it. Thanks :-)
04/20/2010 04:31 am

04/19/2008 03:41 am
torch seems to have other plans besides a trip to africa. very good read, thank you.
Your welcome.  : )

04/04/2008 08:46 am
lol  Lydia is putty in Spike's hands.  New glasses and a kiss on the hand?!  You really crack me up! :)

The Andra/Torch relationship is bittersweet, especially set against Buffy/Spike.  They are obviously still passionate about each other.  I wonder how he would handle getting a soul?  He has so much more guilt and angst to deal with than Spike did.

Looking forward to the Council meeting.  They don't know about Torch, but it seems to me he's planning to be there....
I'm glad you enjoyed Lydia's scenes with Spike.  If I was a character in BTVS, I think I would have been Lydia.  : )  I'm the studious type and have a little thing for bad boys that I keep underwraps in RL.  LOL! 

04/04/2008 03:47 am
I really do hope they figure out they were setup by Travers... And Torch is thinking of making the journey for Andra?  Awesome
Thank you.  I'm glad you liked it : )

04/03/2008 03:33 pm
Oh the intrique! Excellent update...can't wait till the next!
Thank you.  : )

04/03/2008 11:24 am
Excellent chapter.  The Council seem more open minded than I expected, though Travers is bound to have at least one like-thinker on board.  Dirty deeds afoot!  Tosh and Andra are interesting -  vamped much longer than Spike and Buffy but able to learn from them.
Thanks.  I'm glad you find my OC vamps interesting.  As you read the next chapter, you will see that you were right about Travers.  .  .

04/03/2008 05:27 am
The Council meeting was quite fun to read, and the "Uncle George" lines were hilarious.  Torch and Andra are great characters, and it's nice to see a softer side to him.  I'm rooting for them :)

On another note, I'm not looking forward to see what Albert and Travers are going to cook up.  I know it's going to be highly unpleasant :(

I'm so glad you liked the "Uncle George" line.  : )  Thanks for the review.