For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.16

04/19/2008 10:53 pm
loved faith's short lecture. very good read, thank you.
You're Welcome. I'm glad you liked it. :)

04/11/2008 12:50 am
I've just started reading this fic and I love it!!  Battles, handsome kings, magic, dragons, Spike... what more could a girl ask for. :)

I hope Spike thinks of Willow when he hears about the cloaked army.  Faith's right, Buffy needs to get over herself and let someone else be general for a while.  I can see how it would be hard, though, having to suddenly play second fiddle, but she needs to accept that and help in any way she can.  A bit ironic that she's feeling useless when they really need her in L.A.!

Looking forward to more!

I'm glad you like it. :)

Yeah, Buffy has some things to figure out. I honestly don't think she's ever been second fiddle in her life. (Popular cheerleader becomes Chosen One.)

I should have more soon. I've already finished the next chapter. I'm just waiting to see what changes my beta thinks I should make. :)

04/07/2008 03:54 pm
YAY an update on this story!!!  I am so excited even before I read it.

Nice "gathering of forces" segment here.  Faith gave Buffy a needed reality check (maybe just in time to prevent her attitude from getting sour before Spike gats back). 

Have a suspicion obout the unnamed girl tattling on the Key and Father being in town.

Excellent update all round.  Love Spike's humility (really that is what it is) in pooh-poohing the whole reverence for "the father".


 I am so excited even before I read it.

Thank you! You have just made my day. :)

And yeah, our Spike is a humble one, when he isn't evil that is. :P