Moving On by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Missing You

04/24/2008 08:21 am
Thanks much for the updates - very much enjoying this story -

04/24/2008 07:59 am
Argh!  Talk to him already!!!!!!!

Oh, Buffy can be so blind and stubborn.  Spike needs to follow her to her room and talk to her.  Please get them together soon, pleeeeeaaaaaase?!!! 

The last three chapters are nicely written.  You write Fred well.  She is always a positive influence.  Maybe she can help more.

04/24/2008 02:10 am
You're making me depressed.  But really, its just me,  great story.

04/23/2008 11:29 pm

Speaking of other comments on bringing down the building.....I think it would only be proper that the reunion sex take place on Angel's desk (and chair and sofa and bed, etc.).  Yes, I AM evil why do you ask???


04/23/2008 11:27 pm
Kinda glad she IS being thick headed...she needsto know the agony she put him through all that time.  GOOD!

Spike is in for a shock when he finally figures out why she is acting this way.

Fred should have said more even though Buffy balked....sigh!



04/23/2008 10:28 pm
*gasp, choke, gag*  See, killing me!!!  God, Buffy sounds so completely bereft; it doesn't surprise me she doesn't realize Spike still loves her; their reunion better make another building collapse, the way you're building up the tension here!  Can't wait for more; please more soon??? 

Oh dear, killing off readers not good. :-s I promise progress in the next chapter (even if no buildings collapse- would be quite impressive if they could make the whole of Wolfram & Hart collapse!)

04/23/2008 09:31 pm
Poor Buffy!!! *Huggles her close* Stoopid vampire *glares at Spike*
Hehe, quite. Although I think Spike needs some huggling too! :-) But maybe that's just me wanting to huggle him always...

04/23/2008 08:48 pm

Heartbreaking; what a stubborn pair. Looking forward to your next installment.

Stubborn, but also afraid... Next installment will be soon. Thanks as always for reading.

Pam S
04/23/2008 07:08 pm
Talk to him.. Buffy..

Enjoyed the double update..

Talking (a small amount at least) to come. Thanks for reading.

04/23/2008 06:58 pm
Can you give them a good shake from me?
Good shake, check! :-) One of them's going to have to get up the courage to make the first move... you'll have to wait to see who though...