For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.18

04/28/2008 02:28 am
love what you have done with dawn, and buffy's reaction. looking forward to spike's reaction to a strong, maturing niblet. very good read, thank you.
Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing that. Now I just need to write Spike's reaction. :D

04/26/2008 12:47 am
Another awesome chapter!  Your descriptions are so vivid and the emotions pour off the page.

Buffy's reaction to Dawn's relationship is in true Buffy form.  :)  She forgets that her sister is growing up.  Can't wait to see Spike's reaction, though I have a feeling that it will be a little more understanding than Buffy hopes, though I could be wrong.

Speaking of Spike, has he turned Angel?  Oh, dear, what will happen if Angelus returns in all his glory...?  The Senior Partners would have a field day with that! 

Looking forward to more!

Thank you so much! :)

I put a lot of work into the battle scenes and I'm happy to know it worked. (This is only the third one I've ever written.)

Again, thank you for the lovely review.

04/25/2008 12:06 pm
My money is on a return of Angelus.  Hope it's a version that will fight on Spike's side....but if Spike is his Sire he might. *shameless guessing*

Wonderfully vivid battle scenes, I am in awe!  So difficult to write with enough detail while not going over some did it marvelously!

Tee hee on the reaction to grown up Dawnie!  So like her sister in her passion it's funny.  I think Spike will be so glad his daughter is alive that he won't mind the kissage as much....then again.....

Wonderful wonderful update. 


Thank you so much! I put a lot of work into this battle scene, and it's nice to know I did it right. It's only the third one I've ever written. :)

And I'm looking forward to Spike's reaction to a grown up Dawn as well...since I haven't written that part yet. ;)

But it will get written soon!

Again, thank you for the kind words.