Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Entreaty

05/25/2008 10:47 am
Great to have another update - their lives are filled with so much pain and sorrows - maybe finally times and places will begin to come back to being able to live together again -

Wonderful Series -
They will---but there's still that sacrifice to be made.  And it may not come from the quarter you think it will. 

05/25/2008 03:28 am
beautiful read, thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it, and I hope to keep you enthralled a little longer. :) 

Miss Rose
05/23/2008 05:30 pm
" He’d been rocked, set back on his heels, but he wasn’t going down"... yep, that's Spike alright!  It's so sad to see Joni blaming herself. :( Spike handled the tough situation pretty well though. Can't wait to find out what happens to this family next. Great chapter.
Glad you liked it.  It makes sense that Joni would blame herself, she's a tiny Slayer with all of Buffy's angst inside her! :(  Now, if Angel would just show....