Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Rupture

05/30/2008 02:41 am
two simple lines: "it hurts'" and "I know..." beautifully done.

05/29/2008 04:08 pm
Goodbye, Angel.  : )  I like your softer versions of both Buffy and Spike.  Your words made me "feel" for Buffy and I couldn't help but to be sad right along with her, even though I'm so happy to wave bye-bye to the Poof. 

05/24/2008 02:13 am
Yep, Angel left and Spike stayed. And Drusilla's still out there unaccounted for. And her friends fear and distrust her new patrol partner. Mom and Spike are the only ones right now who aren't putting undue pressure on her. Looks like it's going to be a wonderful summer.
Isn't it always in Sunnydale? At least she does have Spike and that'll make it a bearable summer - and maybe increasingly pleasant one! Thanks for reading.

05/24/2008 01:04 am
awww.... poor buffy. see, this is why angel is an idiot that doesnt deserve buffy. look what he's done to her! in the name of love, pfft. whatever. anyways, loved the update... can totally picture the comfort scene in my head. *sigh* all guys should be like spike. lol. if only.
We can dream... :-) Glad you enjoyed.

05/23/2008 10:21 pm

really loving your story - and I like the how you handled Angel's message of "leaving." - again, simple but so effective.  I like how you allow your readers to fill in with their own emotions and ideas with your treatment of the characters and their acts -  

NICE variations on the series -  

Thank you muchly! I wanted to have his leaving sort of echo the canon version, but of course with a twist because it's earlier. And of course, having Spike witness it is very good for the Spuffy :-) Thanks for reading!

05/23/2008 08:43 pm
Well the hits just keep on coming with the two of them.  Interesting that all it took was her hand on his chest and saying his name for Spike to back down.  I think angel's leaving is a good idea, with that temper of his, but i can see why it would bother her so much.  I wonder how long it will take Spike to tell her Oz's demon is always there, not just on the full moon.
They haven't had it easy, have they? My muse is very cruel to them. But at least they have each other for comfort...

Yeah, Angel definitely needs to get gone before he does some serious damage with that jealousy/ anger of his. And of course having him out of the way is always good for Spuffy! :-D Thanks for reading.

05/23/2008 06:56 pm
Angel leaving already?  What a quitter - presuming he stays gone.  Can't help but feel for broken-hearted Buffy but I love how she's turning to Spike for comfort.  Good to see him regaining a little of his moxie.
Well, if it was a toss-up between Spike and, well, anyone else for hugs, I know who I'd choose! :-) and yep, Angel is a loser. Thanks for reading.

05/23/2008 06:39 pm
awww poor Buffy, no matter how much I hate Bangel I can't help but feel sorry for her, because he always has so much power over her. But well, good riddance to him and let the spuffy good times come XD  I really loved Spike posturing before Angel, btw.
Angel is a **** (insert word of choice) but she did love him and it's still got to be hard to realise that the person you love is not who you thought they were...

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you especially enjoyed Spike mouthing off to Angel. It had to be done :-D

05/23/2008 06:23 pm
He's leaving--yipee! It's wonderful to see her turning to Spike for comfort, he's so tender and compassionate.  Just lets her be and it's lovely.
Well, we saw just how tender he could be with Dru - it just needed to be released. And yep, Angel will be leaving because he is indeed a poophead. :-) Thanks for reading!

05/23/2008 06:17 pm
Lovely chapter.....Spike has his bite back at least with Angel (makes perfect reason to hold back from guilt with HIM).  Angel is as big a wanker as in canon...note he didn't apologize to EITHER Buffy or Spike for that last encounter either....pfffft

Hum...since Spike got the soul from a curse I wonder if he'll try to anchor it even though Angel has never bothered to.  He may not have wanted it but now that it's there (and as he falls for Buffy) I can't see him worrying about it going walkies or leaving her, "for her own good" like another souled vampire we all know.

Love the escalating tension between the vampires and Buffy stepping in .  Noticed she spoke to Spike as if she realizes on a basic level that HE would at least listen to her and care about her desires whereas Angel would not.

Love Spike's compassion and caring...very tender.

Well, it's a good opportunity to flex his Big Badness at someone at least. :-) But Buffy's there to hold him back- I'm glad you noticed that.

Yep, Spike is great and Angel is, as we all knew, a big poncey idiot. (I'm really not good at this Bangel lark. :-D) Just have to wait for Buffy to realise this... at this rate, it won't be long.

Thank you again for your lovely review!