Origins:Resolutions by Niamh
Chapter: Let every eye negotiate for itself

03/23/2010 08:36 am
Oh, I *like*.

I also haven't mentioned previously, but I'm heartened on how you capitalised on the potential of Anya, Tara and Oz. Having them treated like real important characters and explored means a lot.

generic penname so my boss can't find me...
06/19/2008 09:34 pm
hi there! the blank review was from me, apparently my work computer is none too pleased with the fact that your tale has consumed me for the past 4 days.  yep. i didn't accomplish much this week. i blame you ;)

that said, obviously your story pulled me in, and would not let me go, like no other i've read. the relationships are so realistic, despite being those of supernatural beings. the story is intricate, full of twists, yet you never seem to lose the thread, nor do you include something that doesn't come to bear fruit later on.  your style is so engaging that i can't believe i never found this tale until this week.

all apologies, hugs and bottles of bourbon to your muse... looking forward to seeing what kind of deal anya pushes travers to. just when i think it couldn't possibly get more interesting... it does!


06/19/2008 10:44 am

06/03/2008 08:13 pm
Yes, Anya master negotiator is on the job, if she can't hammer together a deal no one can. It makes sense that Quentin would see the benefits to the situation. Buffy maybe rebellious, but she gets the job done. great update.

06/03/2008 12:47 am
LOL!  Love Anya taking the reins of the negotiations; amazing!  And can I just say, I love every glimpse of Jenner that we get; just love him!!  Can't wait to see what happens next; please update again soon!!!

06/01/2008 08:01 am
What a pleasure to have another update - wonderful chapter - love your Anya coming in at the end - what kind of a Bad Bargain is the CoW going to force on them?  - hope I find out soon.

06/01/2008 02:52 am
Love it can't wait for more!

05/30/2008 06:23 pm
woo hoo!!!  new chapter!!!  can i just say i hate travers???

05/30/2008 03:47 pm
Excellent!! Can't wait for the next chapter! Wooo let's see how well Travers holds up to Anya's neogtiating!

05/30/2008 12:27 pm
Welcome, welcome back, Niamh!  I've been scanning the updates for weeks looking for a new chapter.  I really enjoyed this one, but if you don't mind me saying so it feels like a bridge more than a development in plot.  Maybe you could speed up the pace of the plot strands?   

05/30/2008 12:18 pm
Go Anya!!  Travers won't know what hit him.  Thanks for the update.

05/30/2008 12:18 pm
It seemsTravers is sincere, slayer/vamp offspring will be a coup for the Council, which I imagine they'd protect at all costs.  Shame they had to add loony Kennedy to the mix, though!  And Riley...words fail me; at least Graham is thinking right and Willow too, it seems.  I 'm looking forward to the next update!

05/30/2008 08:06 am
Interesting little work around Riley's come up with to try and not see himself as a scumbag. He's gonna be screwed.

05/30/2008 05:49 am
Oooh, wonderful update. I'm glad the council will be working with Buffy and Spike. Maybe. :-D

05/30/2008 05:23 am
Oh, brilliant bringing Anya into that little discussion.

Willow still trying to help, good.

Riley's really an idiot.

05/30/2008 04:31 am
with all the tension having anya step forward to negotiate is a wonderful stress releaser. as always a fine read, thank you.