Victims Of Fate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Weirdness

09/25/2008 01:42 am
I love this story!!!!!!! Great work! It's soooooo cute!  I can't get enough! I'm addicted! *gose to  read the next chapter*

06/04/2008 06:57 pm
"Love Story" - many years since I've seen that one - NICE chapter - just the right touch of humor and interaction between two really good friends that find themselves with a big surprise over what could be some very different feelings from their platonic relationship.

06/04/2008 03:43 am
OK, off to the rental shop tomorrow!
Nice chapter.  Funny, soothing, emotional...
where's Joyce?

06/03/2008 10:37 pm
oh, i was wondering when the spuffiness was a comin! that was beautiful. really? ive never seen it, note to self, ever wanna cry, watch love story. got it!
beautiful once again!

06/03/2008 10:31 pm
Tee hee....up you are right the music makes it worse (same with Titanic that got even my husband weepy the thirteen times we saw it in the theaters...don't laugh!)

So visual a chapter!  They are bonding in such a natural progression.  I'm just glad her friends aren't in the mind frame they had later and aren't trying to put a stop to this.  Of course Joyce is in the picture too and that is a plus.

They really complete each other in ways that Angel never could.  Hope she sees it very very soon and acts because I think this Spike will need for her to take the initiative (no pun intended there BTW).

Too funny that they both react to this as weird when it is actually quite natural and to be expected....very in character.


06/03/2008 09:20 pm
Great chapter - funny and sweet.  Thanks for the update!

06/03/2008 06:45 pm
A classic near-kiss - that was a lovely moment.  I'm glad Spike's finding his feet at last.

06/03/2008 03:50 pm
Could things be heating up? Such a great chapter!
They may well be :-) Glad you enjoyed it - I really enjoyed writing it.