Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Losing Control

04/02/2009 02:51 am
Oh, no....  This is brilliant having another evil conspirator.
Thank you so much for letting me know you liked the development :)

07/01/2008 05:20 am
Thank you for an update, horrifying as it was.
And yes, my brain is still spinning, but now it's trying frantically to figure out what you might have in store for your loyal readers next.  Of course, I"ll never know till I read it, but I'm getting dizzy here!  Have some pity!  :)
Hi BT_

You'd better hold on tight - it's quite a rollercoaster that you've got yourself on!!

More soon :)

07/01/2008 03:30 am
Oooooh our poor Spike!!  Help him soon please!
Scoobies to the rescue!!!!!  Will they get there in time...?

Thanks for taking the time to review. :)

07/01/2008 01:11 am
Gaaaahhhhh NO NO Spike arm removal...his hands and arms are far too pretty *begs and offers first born to nice writer lady*.

Wow, scary chapter.  Glad he called out to Willow and even happier Buffy and Giles are on the way.


Hi Kathleen,

This came up twice!!

Thanks again! :)

07/01/2008 01:10 am
Gaaaahhhhh NO NO Spike arm removal...his hands and arms are far too pretty *begs and offers first born to nice writer lady*.

Wow, scary chapter.  Glad he called out to Willow and even happier Buffy and Giles are on the way.


Hi pfeifferpack!

Had to chuckle when I saw this - chuckle and begin turning guest room in to a nursery ready for receipt of said first born! LOL

More soon :)