Closure by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 10

08/14/2009 04:02 am
Oh, yes! Way to go, Buffy. Honestly, these story is so well-written and exciting that I can bearly leave the computer to do my r/l
Heh, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)

07/24/2008 11:31 pm
Great chapter!

07/18/2008 11:33 pm
I just read your story up to date and I am very impressed with how you have handled Buffy. The way she's thinking, the way she's feeling, the way she's reacting to everyone around her, it is all very realistic, and very painful for her. The worst part, and most realistic, is how she is feeling like a victim and is feeling powerless. For Buffy, who has always been able to find her inner strength and face the very worst of things in her life, being a victim of rape has made her doubt herself and robbed her of that inner strength. Trying to live in denial didn't help, but it is also a normal kind of behavior for rape victims trying to cope with what has happened to them.

Your doing and excellent job with this story!!!

(? I'm trying to understand, but why the hell did Xander just leave Buffy in Riley's room? Xander, Anya and Willow were all with her, why didn't they take her back to her dorm room? I really can't see leaving my best friend past out cold in an empty bedroom of a fraterity house full of drunken strangers roaming the hallways???)
Thank you for the lovely review! So glad to hear that you're enjoying it.

As for Xander... well, it wouldn't be any fun if no one did anything suspicious. :) Bad decisions like that are what cast doubt on his innocence (of course, by this point in the story, they've already had it out, and Buffy's satisfied it's not him). His logic was pretty much that they were leaving her in her boyfriend's room, so she should be safe, not anticipating anyone disturbing her. They had all been drinking, and Willow at least was drunk enough to not make good decisions. This was easier than carrying her across campus to her own room. Bad idea, but if no one made mistakes, this kind of thing wouldn't happen...

07/17/2008 08:29 pm
“Buffy, you don’t want to go against the Initiative.”

Initiative boy say what?

Love it so far, keep it up!
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it!

07/17/2008 02:06 am
the subject matter of this story really didn't thrill me and I hate Initiative stories, but haviing said all that.  Can I just say that this story is incredible.  I really like how you are handling the aftermath of the rape and that you are letting the relationship between the slayer and spike build slowly.  Sometimes I read stories and one sentence they hate each other and the next their moving in together.  anywho.... great story and keep the updates coming...and if you feel the need to let the cat out of the bag about who raped her.......e mail me.
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and that you decided to give it a shot even though the subject matter didn't seem appealing. Slow and steady Spuffy seems to be one of my trademarks - I just can't get them together without a lot of effort. :) And I think I'm okay for now keeping that secret... two people know, but you'll have to find them and bribe them if you want answers. :)

07/17/2008 02:02 am
"You want Spike, you’re gonna have to go through me.”
Yay! Forewarned is forearmed.
Buffy's a tough chica when she wants to be. :)

07/16/2008 05:04 pm

Excellent Chapter - the part with Buffy and Joyce is so realistic -  Perhaps the greatest block to overcome would be with her mother.  Even if you have a great mother/daughter relationship, the complexity of emotions resulting from this type of rape are devastating.  Your summation with the "Joyce list" is splendid. 

Your work on this piece is so very good - this is a real "move forward" project for your work -

I am so tempted to skip the next two updates and wait so that I can have more to read at once -

Thank you! I think it's definitely hardest to tell the people closest to you, especially a parent whom you look up to and want to be proud of you.

You're more than welcome to wait a while to read the updates... if you can... ;)

07/16/2008 11:47 am
Buffy needs something she can fight - and the Initiative will do just fine, all of them!
Heh, they should keep her busy for a while, right? :)

07/16/2008 04:00 am
That might help.  If she can't single out one of them, she can lash out at the Initative as a whole.  My money's on them being complicit anyway.
Well, at the very least, she was drugged by an Initiative soldier, using Initiative drugs. I'd say that makes them complicit, regardless of who the rapist is.