Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Feeling Hungry

09/16/2009 11:21 pm
Buffy ought to just give up on Xander & Giles entirely. From among Willow, Dawn, and Spike she has all the help she needs - both power-wise & research-wise.
They are beyond horrid to poor ole Spike :(  And good points about the research etc.

04/26/2009 01:00 am
Poor Spike.  Very emotionally wrenching.
He's still having a hard time, bless him.

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

08/22/2008 04:15 am
Good Willow - Miss goody goody does have a temper.
I think Willow can be scary! LOL!  Thanks for taking the time to let me know - really appreciate it :)

07/29/2008 12:29 pm
How about castration???  For Giles. I understand that if you cut a mans balls off he stops being such an asshole and becomes all passive and even tempered???

I think Spike is right, the men in Buffys life will never trust him no matter how much good he does or how much he helps them. Poor Spike, they never give him a break. :(
Now that would be a neat idea...wish I'd thought of it! LOL!

Spike is definately feeling unappreciated and emotionally battered!

(did you see that my response to your challenge A Loss of Pride got some awards at Sunnyd? *grins*)

Thanks for taking the time to comment :)

07/29/2008 02:20 am
Ya know...Giles never has thought about his time as a Fyral demon (A New Man).  Then he met up with Spike in the cemetery and before he spoke Spike didn't know it was Giles.  He had even taunted the Fyral with a "Something I CAN kill."  Yeah they talk about how Spike took money to help Giles BUT forget that had he wanted him dead or wanted to "get at" Buffy that was a perfect opportunity to kill her Watcher and make Buffy weak with grief.  Even that early on he didn't try to kill him.  That spoke volumes to me.

Poor Spike has every reason to be exhausted by their attitude.  I can't say I like Willow's remarks either.  It's BUFFY'S business if she wants Spike to bite her ever again.  No one has the right to tell these two what they can or cannot do.

As for Maggie....scary bitca!  I don't feel sorry for Michael though.  He has not learned a bit of empathy even now.

Great update.
Giles never thinks about any good that poor ole Spike has done - just goes overboard on the whole 'let's protect Buffy' thing'.

All her friends have a tendency to try to 'protect' her but Buffy is a big girl and certainly should be allowed to make her own decisions!

Spike is feeling pretty battered and low right now.

Maggie is super scary - Michael deserved his fate!

Thanks so much for letting me know and glad that you like it! :)