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Something Blue, Something More by Opal
Ch 1 through 9

This is for my beta, Meli!. Thanks for all you help!

Chapter 1 – Something Blue

Buffy stared at the stick on the bathroom counter. It could not be true. Not possible. All she wanted was a normal life, a normal boyfriend, to finish school and to get married. Then get the house, white picket fence, and maybe have a few kids.

Hopefully by then, Faith would grow up and take over the slaying duties.

She thought a slaying duty, or some big bad would have thrown her life for a loop again.

Well at least she was not screwing around with any vampires; then again, she could not deny that she did not like her seven minutes in heaven with Spike under Willow’s spell.

She could not blame Spike or Willow on this bump in the not so normal life of Buffy.


Buffy peeked back over at the stick on the counter.

‘Yep. Still Blue.’

She shut her eyes closed tight, and prayed to the Powers That Be that the next time she opened her eyes; there would be no blue line.

‘One Mississippi, Two Mississippi…’

She peeked out one eye, and then let out a loud sigh. No change. If she was lucky, maybe the test would be wrong. Maybe it was a bad test, so it would not be possible.

Of course, of all places for her to be doing a pregnancy test, the common girls’ bathroom was not the best. Willow picked just that moment to come in and brush her teeth; it was as if the Powers were looking to teach Buffy a lesson.

“Oh my Goddess! Someone left a pregnancy test in here Buffy.”

Buffy was surprised that with all the progress Willow had made towards maturing, that she still could be so naïve.

“Um, Wills, I don’t think any one left it here.”

“Well Buffy, it didn’t get there on its own. Unless it’s yours.”

Buffy just looked at Willow with a blank face. She tried to hold back the tears, but even the Slayer could not hold back her pain. Willow quickly moved over to Buffy. She wrapped her arms around her sobbing friend for comfort.

“We’ll find a way Buffy. We’ll get through this.”

“I know Wills. It’s just, I have to tell Riley. I don’t think I want to do that until I know for sure, you know.”

“Do you want to go to the clinic? It’s open late on Thursday nights.”

“I’d like that Wills. I don’t think I could deal with the uncertainty of not knowing.”

Buffy and Willow walked back into the dorm room so they could grab their student IDs and purses. They were definitely going to need money to get some ice cream tonight. Buffy had a feeling she her comfort food would be eaten quite a bit over the next nine months.

Buffy grabbed her sweater. She was not sure if the night was cooler or if she was just getting clammy from the stress she was under.

When they left the dorm, dusk just settled in the sky. Luckily, most of the vamps did not bother to show their face on campus anymore since the Slayer protected it. The only vamp that dared show his face had left shortly after Willow’s spell. Buffy still did not understand what he expected out of her. He just kept rambling on and on about her being his mate, that it was not just a spell.

If it had not been for Angel, perhaps she would have given Spike a chance, a crumb as he had asked.

Too bad for Spike though; Angel had come through, caused his damage and left. Angel left her behind with the knowledge that her and vampire lovers are unmixy. So it was safe and boring with Riley, but at least he was normal.

She just prayed she would get used to laying on her back for him. If she had things her way, she would probably break the soldier boy because he could not handle it. Unlike Spike. Spike could handle it.

‘Then again, without that chip in his head he’d probably screw me then eat me. That’s a shame. Again that just justifies why vampire lovers and Buffy are unmixy.’

Without a care, she repressed her fond memories of her night with Spike out of her head. Well at least she tried to, until Willow spoke up.

“Buffy, if you are pregnant are you sure it’s Riley’s? I mean if you’re further along, it could be Spikes?”

Buffy’s face just dropped in shock at the thought. ‘Just be denial girl Buffy. Don’t let her go down that road. Bad thoughts.’

“No way Willow. Besides, Vampires can’t breed. There seed is dead.”

“Oh, sorry Buffy, I forgot its cold, dead seed.”

“Damn it Willow, it’s not cold!”

“Care to explain that one Buffy?”

“No, no. Sorry Wills. Just it can’t be Spikes. I would consider it if it was possible.”

“So what do you think will happen with Riley? Do you think he’ll ask you to marry him?”

“I don’t know Willow. I don’t know if I would want to marry him. Oh look, we’re here. Let’s go in and watch the Slayer get poked with a needle!”

Willow smiled at her friend’s humor. She could always tell when Buffy was trying to cover her fear up with a funny. She took Buffy’s hand and led her into the clinic.

Buffy took a quick look around to make sure no one was watching them. It was tough to see with it being dusk, and the landscaping that surrounded the area had an abundance of greenery.

She could not stand gossipers, but more important she did not want Riley finding out from his army buddies at the Initiative.

She would not have to worry about that though. In her quick glance across her area, she had missed one Mr. Riley Finn hiding in the bushes, in full army camouflage.

There he stood, mouth wide open, also hoping his Initiative buddies had not seen what he just saw.


Riley was in awe. There was only one reason his girl was going into that clinic this late at night. He’d been around campus long enough to know that.

‘Fuck. Buffy must suspect she’s pregnant.’

This was not how he had planned his life. He was supposed to have a spectacular military career, find a great girl, fall in love, get married, get the house, white picket fence and THEN have a baby.

The baby part was coming a few steps ahead too soon for him. Panic flashed through him. This would certainly affect his military career, because he would have to take into consideration his wife’s opinion when he selected his next move in the military.

He did not want a reputation for knocking up a young girl. Buffy was not a conquest for the men in the unit to brag about.

Then again, he was not sure what Buffy was to him. Yes, she had been trying to be a good girlfriend since Willow’s botched up spell. In fact too good. He could not help but have his suspicions that something more went on between his girlfriend and the master vampire.

‘Can’t happen. Couldn’t be.’ Riley mused to himself. He did not think vampires could impregnate at all, never mind a human.

One thing he did know for sure is that he loved her, even if she did not love him back. That he knew for sure. She cared for him, but she did not love him.

He would stick by her though. When the baby was born, and he found out it was not his then he would offer his help and support her; on her terms though.

That is what nagged him about his whole relationship with the Slayer. It was on her terms.

Riley sighed and made his way back to the Initiative headquarters. He would wait and see how long it would take her to come to him.

Sadly, she would come to him, but never completely with her heart.

Thanks for the kind reviews!

Chapter 2 – Announcements

Riley listened to Buffy’s not so cheery voice on his answering machine.

“Umm… Hi Riley…when you get home, can you come by my dorm room. I need to talk to you.”

Riley picked up the machine and threw it against the wall.

“Fuck. I’d do anything to make sure it isn’t mine. Walsh is going to fucking kill me!”

“Well man, you don’t have to worry yet.”

Riley whipped his head around to see his Initiative buddy standing behind him.

“Forrest! What do you know?”

“I know your girl’s knocked up, and I know that Walsh won’t know because I was on duty to observe at the clinic and take a copy of the roster. Coincidentally, the roster accidentally met a bad fate tonight.”

“Oh man I owe you.”

Forrest placed his hand on Riley’s shoulder.

“Well it will buy you some time, until she starts to show.”

“I know. This is going to blow my career.”

“No it won’t. Not if you go with Walsh on the Special Ops mission in South America.”

“But I can’t leave Buffy to raise this baby on her own.”

“But it can’t be your baby dude.”

Riley froze in place. That only meant there could be only one other father, and even though it was a hostile, he was so hoping that was the case. He would be broken if his girl was cheating on him, and frankly the spell did not count to him. It also meant that he would be able to save his career and keep Buffy.

Forrest broke Riley out of his reverie.

“Dude, I’m sorry but that fetus was more than a month old.”

Forrest was confused at the look of relief on Riley’s face.

“Finn, dude you almost look happy that I’m telling you someone else knocked up your girl.”

“Forrest, it’s perfect. I wasn’t even with her then, so I can’t be mad at her. Plus I get to salvage my career.”

“Well, if you put it that way. I still think you should go on the special operations mission with Walsh, it will only confirm your dedication to the Initiative.”

“You're right. I’ll see her after I go see Buffy.”

Riley grabbed his coat, and left Forrest standing in his room. Forrest just shook his head and left Riley’s room.


Buffy was so grateful to have Willow as a best friend. She did not judge her, but after all, she could not. The very possibility that this baby could be Spike’s would assign a great deal of responsibility to Willow.

‘Nope. Not going to think that, definitely not the bleached wonders demon child in me.’

She heard a soft rapping on the door. Willow held her hand up, signaling Buffy to stay put. Willow walked up and opened the door for Riley.

“I’ll be at the library for an hour to study,” Willow informed them as she shut the door gently.

Riley could sense Buffy’s nervousness. It occurred to him then that she herself might not realize she had a demon spawn in her.

“Riley, I have to…”

He raised his finger to her lips gently, and let out a gently “shh.”

“You don’t have to say anything. Forrest was on surveillance tonight, and he already told me.”

Buffy stiffened up immediately. ‘How dare Forrest interfere? This is our baby, our business!’

Riley did not want to have the uncomfortable, ‘I don’t think I’m the daddy’ conversation with her. He took the cowards way out and opted for a different tale.

“I would have been here sooner, but Walsh got wind of it and called me to her office. She wasn’t happy at all”

Buffy finally summoned the courage to speak, “What did she say?”

“Buffy, I’m so sorry!” He truly was sorry, sorry he was about to lie to her.


“Walsh assigned me on to a mandatory special operations mission. I have to go on it. It will be for a few months.”

Buffy was not surprised the smug bitch would do that.


“She wants to make sure I’m still committed to the cause.”

“How long will you be gone?”

Riley had to think hard about this. He did not want to be there when the baby was born, when she realized that the child did not belong to him. He did want to provide her with his support though, after she realized the truth.

“Eight Months. I’m sorry Buff, but I have to go.”

“When do you leave?”

“Tomorrow. 04:00 sharp.”

Riley reached up and brushed the tears from Buffy’s eyes.

“Don’t worry; Willow will be here to help you. I also have some funds sent aside to that I can transfer into your account to help you.”

He pulled her into his arms, tight against him. He wished that this baby was his, and then they could be a happy family. ‘If I wasn’t in the Initiative, then it would be perfect.’

He let her cry herself to sleep, and then laid her down on her bed. He placed a gentle kiss on her head. After he found some pen and paper on her bed, he left her a quick note.

Buffy – Sorry I could not stay the night, and we must part like this. You are a very strong woman, and I know you’ll make it through the rough months ahead. I’ll be thinking of you and will come back as soon as my time is up. ~ Riley

Riley quietly placed the note on the pillow next to her head. Without looking back, he shut the door behind him and made his way over to Maggie Walsh to volunteer for his new assignment.


Buffy woke up with a heavy heart. They all left her. Even Spike had left her when he found her back with Riley. If he stuck around long enough, he would have found that Riley abandoned her too.

She picked up the note that he left by her side. As she finished reading it, she could not stop the tears coming down her face.

‘Some Dear Jane letter this is. He didn’t even sign it with love. Bastard probably took the assignment Walsh gave him happily.’

She walked over to the mirror and frowned at her puffy, swollen eyes. It would be the last time she would allow herself to feel self-pity, for she had much more important things to deal with now.

I promise Spike next chappie!

Chapter 3 - The Gift

The night was hot and steamy in the little beach town in Brazil. All of the townsfolk were out at the only local bar in town to have a few drinks to cool off.

Being the only bar in town also meant all of the demons who could get away with it were there also.

Spike leaned back in the chair and kicked his feet up on the table. It seemed no matter what he did or how drunk he got, it all came back to her. Buffy. She had crawled under his skin in that one night. No longer did he want to strangle the bint’s neck, he wanted to lavish it with his tongue, pierce her flesh with his fangs and take her as his mate.

He pouted in his chair as he remembered why he was thousands of miles away from her.

Buffy was finishing dressing as they both woke up from the spell. They had spent days making love. It was the most heavenly moment of his unlife. She had been his, truly his. Then the Powers That Be truly fucked with his life.

He had tried to pursued her, had given it his all. But, it had been for nothing.

‘Slayer, I know you feel it too. It isn’t because of the spell!’

‘Spike, I can’t!’

‘What do you mean you can’t? Buffy, luv please let’s just try.’

‘No. You’re an evil, vile, disgusting neutered vampire!’

‘Not what you said while I was plowed deep inside you. You didn’t want me to stop. You made future plans for us.’

‘It was a spell!’

‘It was a spell to work off of our feelings. Damn it, you told me you love me!’

‘Spike, even if I did love you, remember I’m the Slayer. You vampire!’

‘Stop being such a bitch about it. It can’t hurt to try; you didn’t even deny just now that you love me.’

Buffy looked away from him, she would neither deny nor confirm his love for him. She did the only thing she knew how to do to protect her heart. Spike knew this, but knew there was no getting around her walls.

‘You have to leave Sunnydale Spike. After what happened with Angel, I don’t know if I can risk my family and friends from being hurt again.’

‘I’m not sodden’ like Peaches!’

‘Spike if I date again, it will be a normal human boy. I can’t go through this again.’

Spike finally decided it was time to pull the wild card out. With desperation written all over his face, he laid it out on the table.

‘I won’t treat you like that. I respect what is mine. I love you!’

‘Spike, I don’t know if I can love you. Please go. Now.’

Spike grabbed his duster and stormed out the door with out looking back. He waited until he got to the old Desoto before he let the tears fall.

Spike quickly pulled back to the present when he felt a cold hand brush the lone teardrop from his eye.

“William, what has Sunshine done to my poor boy?”

Spike was shocked. He would have thought Drusilla would have been long gone from the continent by now. Unfortunately, the disgusting antler boy was also with her. Not that he cared about Dru having a fuck buddy; he did not want his sire like that anymore. The site of mucous dripping off the antlers was turning his stomach.

“Nothing Dru. Nothing at all”

Dru snarled at him. Even in her lovely white silken gown, she was still intimidating. Quickly, she went from angry to excited.

“Don’t lie to mummy William. I know the secret!”

“That she loves me but she pushed me aside for some normal fragile fucking boy? Not news here luv.”

Spike crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair again. He really wanted this little session of hide-and-go-seek to finish as quickly as possible. All he had to do was get her to tell her little secret.

“Sunshine she loves you, but she has something else of yours besides your heart.”

“For God sake Dru just spit it out!”

“Now. Now. You must be patient with mummy. Miss Edith hasn’t told me yet, but I do know that the boyfriend is gone.”

Spike’s interest peaked at that. Dru was often correct with her insane visions, so he knew to pay attention to her.

“William, look around here do you see those soldier boys?”

“Bloody hell! Those are the soddin’ chaps that neutered me!”

Spike began to panic. Drusilla laid her hand on his shoulder and chanted a few words under her breath.

“Don’t worry my Spike. When they look at you, they won’t recognize you as one of their ‘hostiles’. Now I want you to use that vampire nose of yours and inhale.”

Unable to refuse his sire, he deeply inhaled the air around him. That is when the smell hit him. It was faint, but enough to know someone in that room had been close with Buffy.

His Buffy.

“Now William, be patient. You listen in to what that soldier boy over there has to say, and you’ll find out what your present is back home.”

Dru gave him a kiss on the cheek, then turned and left the building, of course not without quickly grabbing one of the soldiers and leading him out to a premature death.

Whatever it was that would be his present intrigued Spike. He got up and moved closer to the bar where he recognized Riley, the white bread that had been trying to woo his Slayer.

He sat at the edge of the bar, in the seat closest to the round table the soldier boys were drinking and playing poker. He did not need to strain to hear the conversation.

“Finn, have you heard from your girl lately?”

“I told you, she’s not my girl.”

“Yeah but she’s knocked up!”

“Damn it. Stop bringing that up. I told you it’s not mine.”

“Finn. Gotta hand it to you. You could handle the Slayer!”

The rest of the guys laughed at Riley’s expense. Riley slammed his fist down on the table. His men knew they pushed him too far. All but one rose and left the table.

“Finn, man I’m sorry about that.”

“Nah Forrest, don’t worry about it. You guy’s don’t know what the worse part about all this is.”

“Well, until you told me on the way down here she was the Slayer; I didn’t think it could get any worse.”

“Forrest, remember that Billy Idol vampire we captured?”

“Oh yeah, he scared the shit out of me!”

Spike could smell the fear on the man. He was so glad that still all this time later, he had that effect on the ponce.

“We’ll apparently Buffy was protecting him from us.”

“Man, that’s jacked up. She’s the Slayer of Vampires, not their protector.”

“We’ll she didn’t like that we continued to pursue him even though he couldn’t defend himself. She said it wasn’t a fair fight.”

“What’s this got to do with her being pregnant Finn?”

“Well her little red head friend, Willow. She’s the witch. She did this spell, and well one thing led to another. Theyslepttogetherunderthespell.”

“Say that again Finn. Slowly.”

“They slept together under the spell.”

“Oh. Man that sucks.”

“Yeah. Well that is where the baby comes in.”

Forrest’s face lit up as he put two and two together.

“Don’t let Walsh get wind of this. If she finds out that the Slayer is pregnant with a vampire’s spawn….”

“She won’t find out.”

Spike abruptly left his spot at the bar and ran into the night. Smack into Dru.

“So, like your little prezzie, Daddy

My thoughts and prayers are to all of our friends whose lives have been impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Incidentally, many family pets have been displaced as a result of the hurrican and are currently looking for foster homes. If you have room and time in your home to open up your arms to these pets, please please please help out!


Chapter 4 - Conversations

Spike sank to the ground and placed his head in his hands.

“Why, why …” He mumbled over and over again.

“It’s a gift Dearie, from the pixies for you.”

“Dru, how can having a child with the Slayer be a soddin’ gift? I’m evil, she’s sunshine.”

“William, she’s your sunshine. As you said, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

Spike shook his head. If she was still looking for normal, then what was Riley doing in South America?

Of course Dru was not going to be quiet long enough to let Spike gather his bearings.

“William, she won’t accept it’s yours until he is born, so you can’t run to her yet.”

“I protect what is MINE. Damn it. I should be there to protect her now, help make sure she’s taken care of while the sprog is in the uterus.”

Dru danced circles around Spike; humming to herself only a tune, she knew the words to.

“The pixies told me to cast a little spell protecting her, so I did. Miss Edith thought it was a wonderful idea. So see, you don’t need to go running off to make Sunshine’s day cloudy.”

“How will I know how she’s doing you daft bint?” Spike yelled.

Dru stopped her dance, and then slapped Spike across the face. Stunned, Spike looked up at her.

“Tut-Tut. Don’t be cross with mummy. You have soldier boy to keep you posted.”

Spike threw his hands up in frustration, and bit back his anger.

“Mummy dearest, then would you so kindly tell me how you expect me to sit back and listen to Captain Cardboard speak of her affections for him?”

“Spike, patience. Did you not hear the soldier boy say ‘She’s not my girl.’?”

Spike stood up and started to pace back in forth. His facial expression reflecting the master vampire was deep in thought. When his face lit up with a smile, it was evident he had stumbled upon the right thought.

“William, don’t you think you should go back in there and see what else you can find out? Then mummy can help you make a plan to get your girl.”

Spike found it odd that he would take direction from his crazy bint of a sire, but he did not have a better alternative. He mumbled a bit of thanks to her, and kissed her cheek as he walked back into the bar. Lucky for him, no one had really noticed he had left, except for the bartender. The bartender passed Spike another bottle of beer. Spike wiped the condensation off the bottle, took a swig, and feigned concentration on removing the label off the bottle. He concentrated on the soldiers’ conversation. Luckily, it had not progressed much beyond Walsh being a sadistic bitch.

“Enough about Maggie, I don’t know why we waste so much breath on her Finn.”

Riley shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His friend had no idea of the mad experiments she was doing behind the scenes.

“There’s just something that’s not right about her Forrest. I watch my back around her, always.”

“Well I’m not scared of that bitch Finn. Anyway, speaking of bitches, how far along is Buffy with the Demon Spawn?”

“Forrest, I know you don’t like her but she is still my friend. If you could please not…”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah Finn. I get it. You haven’t gotten over your crush with her yet.”

“Forrest, that’s where you’re wrong, I have. I would never want to put my prick near where some demon’s has been…”

Spike tried hard not to get out of his seat and smack Finn upside the head. After all, the only difference between his and Finn’s was probably size; Spike figured he bested the soldier in that category.

“…And she is my friend. I don’t go talking about your friends in a bad way, so lay off mine. To answer your question, well you said at the time she found out she was a few months along. I’ve been gone for three months now. So she’d be around six or so.”

“She healthy?”

Spike rejoiced that the men were finally moving into some territory he cared about.

“She’s doing well under the circumstances. She says it’s getting harder to slay now that her body is starting to show evidence of her pregnancy. She’s actually being quite humorous about it. The other day on the phone she was complaining about her breasts getting in the way.”

Both the men and Spike broke out into laughter. Spike regained his composure in order to keep himself undercover from the men.

“Yeah Finn, she’s being funny but how is she really taking it. She’s all alone going through this.”

“Well she has Willow, Xander, Anya, and Giles. They all help her out. Her mom has been great too. She helped Buffy move back home. Right now they are redoing one of the spare bedrooms for the baby.”

“Finn, that sounds all nice but cut the shit man. She has no man up there to lean on. Have you told her it’s over yet?”

The silence that hung in the air was almost unbearable to Spike. He could not hold his cover if he knew that Riley was leading Buffy on. William just would not allow such an ungentlemanly thing to occur; Spike would not let it go without vengeance.

“She knows. She didn’t feel like the long distance was working and that in retrospect she had been haste into getting involved with me so deep, so quickly.”

“Lucky you, no dramatics. You’ve gotta teach me your secrets Finn.”

“Actually, she came to that decision after thirty minutes of tears and arguing. She was upset that I wasn’t being affectionate to her or telling her I loved her. It was hard to keep on feeling for her though; she’s carrying another man’s baby.”

“You mean vampire Finn. A vampire’s baby.”

“It wouldn’t have mattered. When that baby is born, Buffy would take one look and regret being with me because I’m not the daddy.”

“She still believes you’re the daddy?”

”She doesn’t say much anymore. She’s been denial girl about it, which seems to work well for her. After what Angelus did to her, I can understand why she’s in denial land.”

“What did Angelus do to her?”

“He took her heart and broke it.”


“It doesn’t matter. He had her heart first. I couldn’t compete with that. Then there is still the mystery of Hostile 17. If Angelus hadn’t ruined her, I wonder if Hostile 17 would have had a chance with her.”

Forrest laid his hand on Riley’s shoulder.

“Love hurts. We’ve had enough brews, let’s head back to camp.”

As the soldiers walked away, Spike sat and wondered would he still have a chance with his Goldilocks?

Thanks so much for the read! If you liked please, please, please, please leave me a review! They make me so happy and so want to write more!


Thank You to Meli for Betaing! You Rock!

Chapter 5- What’s In a Name?

Buffy ran her fingers in her hair and tossed it quickly into a ponytail. She kicked her swollen feet up on the coffee table before she pressed the play button on the remote. She had not been looking forward to watching the parenting tape her mom had left for her. Joyce had already watched it, and Buffy was sure that she was going to get a lecture about it when she got home.

She hand glided over her swollen belly. It was getting harder and harder for her to deny that she might be carrying demon spawn inside of her. After all, she looked like she was ready to deliver, but she only had her first ultrasound six months ago. She prayed to the Powers every night that it was not true. At one point, she had begged Willow to check her spell to ensure it did not include anything about making vampire sperm fertile.

As soon as Buffy pressed play, she fell asleep. With a Slayer’s dream that included Spike.

** **

“Slayer, why don’t you want me to take care of our child?”

“She is my child Spike, mine.”

“I told you I’d protect you, always. I told you I love you.”

Buffy placed her hands on her hips. She glared at Spike as she reminded him of who he was.

“You’re evil. You’re a dead evil murderer. This baby will not grow up with that. This is my baby and I will protect it no matter what!”

Spike threw his hands up in frustration.

“I can smell the little one is made from you and me. It’s not right that you would keep me away.”

Buffy looked around the cavern of the cave she was trapped in. She was there with her baby held closely to her chest.

“You have no soul.”

“I have the chip; I can’t hurt either of you even if I wanted to.”

“But I can.” Angelus sung as he came forth from the shadows of the cave.

“And so can I.” Drusilla mimicked from the other side.

** **

Buffy woke up with a start. She quickly hit the rewind button so she could at least try to watch some of the video before her mom came home.

Better yet, she had better get her notepad down and start writing down some of that Slayer’s dream she just had. The last thing she remembered from her dream was Spike turning to her in game face. She suddenly dropped her pen and paper when she remembered the other important part.

Spike was the baby’s father. The Slayer’s dream said so and Slayer dreams were never wrong. That also meant that Angelus and Dru would make an appearance.

Damn it as much as she hated it, she knew she had to call Riley. There was no way she would be able to protect herself and child from three master vampires.

That threw another monkey wrench into things, as Riley still thought he was the father. So did she. Maybe the Slayer’s dream was wrong. That would be a first, but she firmly decided that would be the better thing to believe.

Having regained her confidence to pick up the phone, she was ready to call Riley, the father of the baby according to her, for help.

“Arrhhh!” Buffy cried holding herself tightly.

She took a few short breaths, to try to ease off the pain; moments later, another pain tore through her as she felt water gush down her leg.

“Fuck!” She cursed. Rather than dial Riley, she knew she better dial someone who could help her here and now. Willow.

** **

Willow rushed over to Buffy’s house as fast as she could. She burst through the door to find Buffy lying back on the couch. There was sweat beading off the Slayer’s forehead, and her face was bright red.

“Willow.” Buffy weakly acknowledged her friend.

“Oh my goddess! Buffy I’m here, but I think we’re going to need to get you to the hospital. You’re in labor!”

“Yeah Will, that’s kinda why I called.”

“Buffy, you’re going to deliver this baby now. You can’t wait for the hospital.”

“Arrhh! I don’t fucking care what we do. Get this out of me. NOW!” Buffy screamed.

Willow paced back and forth, trying to think of something useful to do. She certainly could not deliver the baby. She also knew that Buffy hated the hospital, passionately. Therefore, she did the next two best things. First, she called a midwife from the coven to come over. Second, she called Tara.

Willow jolted back to reality as she heard Buffy’s cries again, along when a pillow hit her in the head.

“Willow! Help me now. I hurt!”

Willow walked over to Buffy. She pulled a few herbs out of her pocket. As she scattered them around her friend, she murmured several incantations to the Goddess, all Buffy heard was “So mote it be.”

“Will thanks, I feel so much better now. So who’s going to deliver this baby?”

“Alexandra, the midwife from our coven. Tara is coming too.”

“Oh good. No hospital. I didn’t think I’d make it.”

Just then, Joyce walked through the front door with her packages. She did not notice Buffy’s condition at first and neither did she see Willow.

“Buffy. I hoped you watched that video tape and didn’t just sleep through it.”

Joyce placed her packages down, and then turned to shut the front door. It was then that she noticed two people about to come in behind her and her daughter’s distress.

“What’s going on here?”

Alexandra was the first to speak up. “Oh you must be Buffy’s mom. Willow’s told me so much about you. I’m Alexandra, a…” she used her judgment when she saw the look on Willow’s face, and opted to keep things simple, “…friend of Willow’s and a midwife.”

“Buffy called me.” Willow explained. “She called about her pains. When I came over I saw it was too late to take her to the hospital, and Alexandra lives a few doors down.”

“Arrhh! Willow I thought that the pain was supposed to go away!”

“No, no it only helps make it easier.”

“What does?” Joyce said, wondering how Italian seasoning got all over her couch.

“Oh the pain. I told Buffy if she thinks happy thoughts the pain will go away.”

“That was so kind of you Willow. But that’s crap. I had to tough it out and so will she! Let’s get her off the good couch and up to her bed.” Joyce directed to the girls.

“Good idea Joyce,” Alexandra voiced in. “Tara, could you please set aside a basin of hot water and wash cloths next to the bed?”

“S…S...sure.” Tara stuttered.

Willow and Alexandra helped lift Buffy up, and together they carried her up the stairs into her bedroom. Joyce stripped down the bed and covered it with several layers of beach towels to keep it clean.

As Buffy’s contractions came closer and closer together, Willow took her hand away from Buffy before she crushed it. She replaced her hand with Mr. Gordo, hoping the precious pig survived tonight’s ordeal. Tara continued to wipe the sweat off Buffy’s head.

In the midst of all of this, Buffy’s cell phone started ringing.

“What a time for that thing to start! Wills, can you answer it?”

“Sure.” Willow grabbed the phone off Buffy’s nightstand. “Hello?”

“Hi Willow. It’s Riley. Is Buffy there?”

Just then, Buffy let out another earth-shattering scream of pain.

“Yeah she is, but she really can’t talk right now.”

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, but she’s about to have the baby.”

“Willow, I can’t call back tonight. I finished my assignment and I am on my way home. I’ll be by to see her and the baby as soon as I get back.”

”Ok Riley. Thanks.”

** **

Riley sat down for the last time in the South American heat. He chugged the last of his beer.

“So Finn. What’s going on with Buffy?”

“She’s having the baby as we speak.”

“Aww, that’s great man. So, are you going to visit her when we get back?”

“You bet. I picked up some handmade baby clothes from some of the village people. At least the little one will have some unique clothes.”

“Well then what are you waiting for, let’s go pack and get home Finn!”

The two men quickly rose from their seats at the bar, and threw the bartender a $100 in cash.

“Thanks for everything during our stay. We appreciate it.”

They quickly left. Immediately, an additional $100 landed on top of the other money.

“Thanks mate for keeping their asses alive.”

“No problem Spike. Where are you going now?”

“Gonna go get my girl and see our child.”

Spike threw on his jacket, lit up his cigarette and walked into the night air.

** **

“Push Buffy! Push!” Alexandra calmly directed.

“I can’t fucking push anymore!” Buffy cried back.

“Oh Goddess! Is that the head?” Willow questioned.

“Yes it is. That means you’re almost done Buffy.”

“Thank fucking God!”

“Language young lady!” Joyce knew the pain her daughter was going through, but she still was not going to allow her daughter to use such atrocious language.

Buffy threw Mr. Gordo across the room at her mother. Joyce went to reprimand her daughter, but she could not help but laugh when Buffy stuck her tongue out. Buffy prepared herself to push one last time. She grasped onto the sides of the beach towels and pushed with all the Slayer strength she had.

That push was enough. The baby and afterbirth came out in one quick whoosh. Joyce used the warm clothes to clean off the baby, while Alexandra took care of the umbilical cord.

“Care to give your grandson a quick smack on the butt?” Alexandra asked.

“I’d love to.” Joyce replied. Within seconds, the sounds of the baby’s cries filled the room.

“Can I hold him?” Buffy asked.

Joyce wrapped him up in towels before she handed her grandson to her daughter. She felt almost ashamed in thinking the little one looked a lot like Spike and nothing like Riley. Joyce wished it were so.

“Mom?” Buffy said as she disrupted Joyce from her thoughts.

“Oh. Sorry.” Joyce carefully handed her grandson to her daughter.

Buffy looked down into her son’s face and eyes. She knew right away. Spike would be here soon for his son.

Joyce noticed the pensive look on her daughter’s face, as did Willow. Willow took one look at the baby and knew exactly what Buffy was thinking. She also felt it would be a good opportunity to bring up a very good question.

“So Buffy, what is his name?”

Buffy looked down at her son in admiration. Spike would be coming for him, and although she was unsure how she would deal with it, from her Slayer dream she knew one thing. She could not keep him from Spike forever. The best place to start with would be his name. ‘What’s in a name little one? For you, it is the name of your father.’ She lowly whispered to her child.

“William. His name is William.”

Ok Y'all know the drill....leave me lotsa reviews and my little fingers will type quicker!


Thanks to everyone for reviews! :) Extra thanks to Meli for betaing!

Chapter 6 – Pondering Daddy

Joyce was thrilled to see daughter holding her newborn baby. She was even more thrilled to see that the baby didn’t look like Riley but looked like a certain bleached blond vampire that used to frequent her kitchen for a good cup of hot cocoa.

Even though Buffy had only vaguely spoke of the botched up spell Willow had done months ago, Spike had been much more open with Joyce. He had been a gentleman and spared her from the intimate details, but Joyce had quickly come to that conclusion on her own. It was clear that the vampire had feelings for her daughter, which pleased Joyce immensely because she enjoyed his company. Unlike Angel, he didn’t have a soul to lose.

It boiled down to, vampire or not, Spike wore his heart on his sleeve, he was committed to his love, and he was honest. Not many human men were like that.

Sadly, her daughter had her own ideas of who the perfect man for her was. Joyce grimaced at how that turned out. The stupid soldier had left her before even confirming if the baby was his. He skipped right out. All the more reason that throughout Buffy’s pregnancy that Willow botched her spell up enough to make this Spike’s baby and not Riley’s.

From the timing, the face, and the chosen name it appeared that Joyce had her prayer answered.

Of course it was at that moment that Joyce realized that the herbs around her daughter were part of a spell. At this point, Joyce really didn’t care but Willow had been nervous about doing spells around people since her big botch up. Giles had really given the young girl a tongue lashing; which in retrospect was not the best approach to take. So since then, she hid her spell casting from all of the Scoobies, with the exception of Buffy.


On the other hand, Willow was becoming nervous. Now that it was obvious that Spike was the father, would her best friend hate her?

“Buffy, he is so beautiful!”

“I know. He has his dad’s eyes.”

“He’s just a little bundle from heaven.”

“My little bundle from the powers alright. One hundred percent Spike Jr.”

Buffy noticed Willow wince at her remark. It reminded her that Willow has been nervous about the topic of Spike since her botched up spell. Buffy was quick to reassure her that there was nothing to be nervous about.

“Wills, I couldn’t be happier that this is Spike’s baby. Yeah Riley and I are still friends, but he wasn’t the long haul guy.”

“Yeah but Spike, evil vampire.”

“Missing evil vampire. Which means me and little William are going to have so much fun together with no worries.”

“But what if Spike comes back Buffy?”

“I’ll deal with it then.”

Buffy placed soft kisses on her son’s head and rocked him gentle in her arms. Right now nothing would spoil her happiness as she held her precious cargo in her arms.

“Buffy, honey you should think about it.” Joyce advised.

“Think about what mom?”

“Think about how Spike is going to fit into this. I know you do not like him, and I know that my beautiful grandson is a result of a magic spell. I also know that he loves you, he’ll support you, and he’ll take care of you.”

“Mom, he is also an evil vampire without his chip. He can also eat us and no more nice Buffy and baby William.”

“Well honey, he will undoubtedly be back.”

“I know. I’ll think about it.”

“Just be careful Buffy.” Joyce asked of her only daughter. ‘Be careful with his heart.’

Joyce left the room, and left Willow and Alexandra to aid Buffy with the baby. Alexandra took out a few candles and placed the around the room.

“Buffy, I’m just going to do a quick spell to protect you and the baby. It will not only protect the house, but also the property around it. No vampires will be able to enter your yard for the next few weeks. This will allow you to rest and recover from giving birth.”

Buffy was relieved that Alexandra was going through with this. It killed two birds with one stone. Kept nosy vampires away from her house and would keep Spike from coming too close to see what was going on. That is if he did come around. During the spell he said he would protect her always, never leave her. That was then.

The Powers That Be only knew where he had left to all these months. He could have gotten the chip out, could be with Drusilla. It didn’t matter though. She would have to be on guard for him if he did show up. She’d protect her baby with her life.


Several weeks went by, and the baby had grown just a little bit. William was still so tiny, easily fitting in his newborn diapers. Buffy gently placed him in the bassinet to sleep, when she heard a knock at the door. She was curious who would be over this time in the afternoon, since everyone else she knew was at work or at school.


“Buffy! You look great. You don’t even look like you had a baby! So where is the little one?”

Of course that is when Buffy realized that she hadn’t told Riley that he wasn’t the dad.

“He’s over in the bassinet sleeping.”

“A boy? That’s great Buffy. What’s his name?”


There was an awkward silence in the air, but it only took the name of the baby to confirm what Riley knew all along. Hostile 17 was a dad.

“That’s a great name. You know Buff, there’s something I really need to tell you.”

“Why don’t you go first, because I have a few things to say too.”

“I know Hostile 17 is the father.”

Buffy was shocked. There was no way that he knew Spike was the dad.

“Well that explains your distancing from me. Now maybe you can explain to me how you know?”

“Well I saw you go to the clinic that night. I didn’t think I would ever need to tell you, but apparently I should have. Walsh has the clinic monitored by the Initiative. Forrest was on that night.”

“Oh.” Buffy barely squeaked out her acknowledgement.

“So I had access to a lot of things. I could tell from looking at the age of the ultrasound pictures that the baby was further along and the rest just logically fell into place.”

“So that’s why you left?”

“Yeah it would have killed me to have continued falling in love with you only to have your bear another man’s child.”

“I’m sorry Riley.”

“There’s nothing for you to be sorry about Buffy, wasn’t your fault.”

“Walsh knows that you’re not the father?”

“Correct. But she doesn’t have any of the records from the school clinic. I had those destroyed. She doesn’t have access to your personal doctor’s records either.”

“But why would she care?’

“Because that woman is up to some pretty strange things in that secret lab of hers, and you would be a prize to her.”

“Thank you. Thank you for protecting both William and I.”

“I’ll be here to protect you and help you Buffy, as your friend.”

“I appreciate that Riley, I really do.”

The pair had just sat on the couch when William decided to scream off the top of his little lungs and remind his mom exactly why she was having this conversation with her ex-boyfriend.

Buffy took her son out of the bassinet and held him close to her. She sat back down on the couch and rocked him gently as he fell back to sleep.

Riley felt it was probably a good time to bring up another sensitive subject. He took a deep breath and crossed his fingers tight.

“So does Spike know?”

“I haven’t seen him since he left after the spell. As far as I know he doesn’t know.”

“Would you tell him?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been frightened of him before, but to tell you the truth Riley I am now.”

“Why you’re the Slayer?”

“Yeah, but he’s just a little baby. A little baby that can’t defend him self if his mommy gets hurt and his daddy has lost his chip!”

Riley laid his hand on her shoulder to offer some comfort to her.

“I’ll be here to help you with that Buffy. I won’t let him get you and the baby.”

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to leave a review. Additional thanks to Meli for taking the time and effort to beta the chapter! :) **Hugs** ~ Opal

Chapter 7 – Eyes of a Child

Riley noticed the dusk was beginning to fall across Sunnydale. He was genuinely concerned what would happen if Hostile 17 came to claim his child. Riley was also concerned that Hostile 17 may try to take the life of little William’s mother for keeping that child.

He would not let that happen to his friend. They may not be lovers anymore, but she was still his friend.

“Buffy, do you still patrol?”

“Every night. Usually Mom or Wills will watch William for me.”

Buffy held sleeping William closer to her chest. She placed a gentle kiss onto his head.

“So you haven’t run into Spike yet on Patrol?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

Riley was starting to get frustrated that Buffy was not being very cautious on her patrols. He knew better than to lecture the Slayer, so he took the position of concerned friend, hoping to get through to her.

“I just think you need to be extra careful. I’m sure word will spread in the demon community about the Slayer’s child.”

“I try to vary the time I patrol now, so I don’t have an easily recognizable pattern.”

Riley could see he was not getting through to her.

“But Buffy, it’s not just…” Riley’s phone began to ring, interrupting him. “Sorry, it’s Forrest on the line. I have to take the call.”


William seemed to have woken up at the sound of Riley’s phone ringing. He began to wail very loudly, which was uncharacteristic of the little guy. Buffy was trying everything she could to calm him down.

She noticed that Riley’s face had shifted from one of concern to one of extreme panic. He began pacing back and forth, making wild hand gestures.

Whatever the issue was, it was not good. Further, she had tried all of her tricks to calm William down. She tried his pacifier, favorite blanket, a little honey on her finger, and even her breast. Yet none of these things would satisfy little William.

He continued to scream bloody murder, piercing his mother’s eardrums.


Spike could sense his child as he approached the house. He was pleased that the familiar link passed down to his son. Now that he had established the bond’s link for the first time, he would always be able to find his son from now on.

Abruptly, Spike bounced away from the perimeter of the Summers’ property. He could hear his son crying for him inside the house. Spike knew that surely, Buffy would not realize that their baby was crying because of the awakened bond. Spike tried again to pass into the yard, only to bounce back and land smack on his ass.

Growling in frustration, he opted to fixate on the room he sensed his son in. There for the first time with his own eyes he saw his little son, wailing in his mum’s arms. Spike could have sworn his dead heart warmed for a moment watching her try to pacify the little sprog. She turned around, holding her son to her chest with his little head peaking over his shoulder.

At that moment, Spike’s eyes met with those of his son for the first time. His son’s blue eyes flashed emerald when they connected. The baby quieted for a moment, sinking in his father’s face before him. Through the family tie, he felt his son’s love for him and Buffy’s love for their son.

Spike was pleased he was able to feel both mother and son’s feelings through the family tie, and even more pleased that he could tell the difference between the two.

Suddenly, he was able to feel her panic. He watched her move away from the window, which rendered William unable to see his dad. Little William was quick to renew exercising his little lungs, as he let out wails that his dad could easily hear.

Spike had been so preoccupied with his son; he had not noticed someone else was in the room with Buffy. Unable to see, he concentrated an inhaled deeply.


His nostrils had captured the scent of the soldier boy he had so despised. He fisted his hands by his side, hoping that the bastard was not the reason for Buffy’s fear. He saw Buffy hand off William to the wanker, run upstairs to her room, and throw her light on. It appeared she was getting ready to go somewhere in a hurry.

Spike groaned in fury, seeing his boy in someone else’s arms. Spike would not let Captain Cardboard play daddy to his William. No way, no how.


Buffy grabbed two bags out of her closet. Quickly she filled the larger of the two with all of little William’s needs. The second bag she filled with the bare minimum of her own clothing. She used the rest of the room in her bag to pack weapons.

She worked as fast as she could to get things together. From what Riley told her about their situation, time was of the essence and they had to leave fast. She thought of his chilling words to her only a few moments ago.

“Buffy, how fast can you pack?”

“Very. What’s wrong Riley.”

“Well it looks like the shit’s hitting the fan now. Forrest just called to inform me that Walsh found out about your baby from a hostile they captured.”


“Forrest said that she has made it the Initiative’s top mission to bring in the Slayer and her baby.”

“She doesn’t know the baby’s father is a vampire.”

“Yes she does. Apparently, William the Bloody is back in town. Seems he got himself in a tiff with a Fyarl demon and mouthed off to him that he didn’t have time to fight; he had to go the Slayer’s to see his baby.”

“What are we going to do Riley? I’m scared. I don’t want Walsh getting my kid! I don’t want to find out if Spike is all fangy with no chip!”

“Like I said Buffy, pack your bags and pack them fast. Were gonna do the only thing we can do.”

“And that is?”


Buffy zipped up her final bag. She ran downstairs and gently took William from Riley’s arms.

“Thanks for holding him. I don’t know why he is still screaming like this, he never does this.”

She carefully placed him into his car seat, and then tucked his blue blanket, with little piggies similar to Mr. Gordo adorned on it, into the sides of the car seat.

“Ok Riley, ready to go.”

Riley grabbed Buffy’s bags, while Buffy carried the still wailing William. They were concentrating so hard on rushing; they did not even notice Spike was waiting for them across the street.

Luckily, for Riley and Buffy, Riley had parked his black SUV in the Summers’ driveway. This allowed them the safety of the barrier Alexandra had erected all those months ago, the barrier that would not protect them from Maggie Walsh’s evil intentions.

As Buffy gently placed her crying son into the back seat of the car, she was startled when she heard the sound of tires screeching down the road and the sound of growling from the other side of the road.

‘Growling?’ Buffy thought.

She looked up to see Spike across the street, looking angry and ready to strike. She could sympathize with him; after all, there was this barrier keeping him from his own son. However, right now the possibility of him being chip less was the least of her priorities.

He son was her number one priority.

“Buffy get in. Maggie’s team is barreling down the street we have to get out of here!”

Riley had noticed the Initiative on the move, but not Spike. Not until he went over to push Buffy into the car.


Spike was right on the edge of the property trying to get to his son and the mother of their child. He had become aware very quickly, something else was seriously wrong. The Slayer would never run from him.

Of course, he was dead wrong. She was just as much running from him as the Initiative. As Riley pulled the car out of the driveway, Buffy rolled down the window and yelled to him.

“Spike, run! The Initiative is after me and William!”

Spike took off as fast as he could. There was no way he could be effective in getting to his son if he was stuck in some military compound. He ran off towards the woods as fast as he could, while Riley drove his vehicle as fast as he could away from the vehicles that were just pulling up into the Summers’ driveway.

“That was close.” Buffy said.

“Too close.” Riley replied. “Why did you warn Spike?”

“Because it isn’t right what the Initiative did to him. Besides who knows what would happen if they took him back into custody.”

“Yeah but you wouldn’t have to worry about him trying to confront you with William.”

Buffy thought about Riley’s words. She was not sure if he made sense or not.

“Riley, I’m more scared about Spike not having the chip than I am about if he would willingly hurt me and William.”

“I’d be scared for both Buffy.”

“Well William seemed to have calmed down when he caught a glimpse of him, there may be more to this than we understand. Maybe that’s why Maggie wants us so bad?”

“Maybe Buff, I still don’t understand why you did the hostile a favor.”

“Do you want the truth Riley?”


“I did it because in my heart, I knew I had to do it for our son.”

Riley thought about her words, which made sense to him. He admired her devotion to putting her son’s interest in his dad before her duty as a Slayer.

“We still have to keep running through. No telling when or where Maggie will try to get us.”

Buffy was getting very tired at this point. She turned her head over to him, and nodded in approval.

Riley let loose a sigh of relief. He was glad he would not have to fight her on going anywhere.

“So Buffy, have you ever been to Iowa?”

For all of you that stuck with me on this story and had faith, I so appreciate you. Things start to turn around from Buffy's POV from here.

Thanks to AD and Wulfie for being cheerleaders for me on this fic! I appreciate it.

Extra Extra Thanks to Meli, who not only does a great job betaing, but is also for whom this ficcie is written for.


Chapter 8: Road Trip

Buffy stared out the window as they drove away from Sunnydale. She was lost in her thoughts about Spike. She wondered if she had made the wrong decision not to trust Spike or hear him out.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized the truth of the matter had nothing to do with Spike. She was afraid of making a bad decision, such as trusting Spike to hold his son, then vamp out, and take his life. If that scenario played out that would only mean Buffy was a very, very bad mother.

The realization dawned on her that it would be utterly ridiculous that Spike would hurt his own flesh and blood; after all, he took care of crazy Drusilla all those years. Spike took care of his, and William was one of his own.

After miles on the road, and time in her own head she decided she had truly wronged Spike and was being a bad mother by keeping William away from his dad. ‘Damn it, I just can’t win.”

William had fast fallen asleep once they had been on the road for a while. Riley had been quiet. The only noise was coming from the CD player, which had one of Riley’s homemade CD’s popped in it. As much as she was not into Journey, as she listened to the words, she felt like they applied to her.

I’m finally out in the clear and I’m free
I’ve got dreams I’m livin’ for
I’m movin’ on where they’ll never find me
Rollin’ on to anywhere
I’ll break away, yes I’m on my way
Leavin’ today, yes I’m on my way
Just when you think you had it all figured out
Runnin’ scared can change your mind
I never knew I had so much to give
How hard times can fool ya
Oh I’m okay, I’m alright
Feelin’ good out on your own
I’ll break away, I’ll break away tonight
I’ve got dreams I’m livin’ for
I’ll break away
Yes, I’m on my way
I’m leaving’, leavin’ today
Yes, I’m on my way
This is my escape
Yes, I’m on my way
I’ll break away
Yes, I’m on my way

In that moment, Buffy saw things clearly for the first time. She had wronged Spike and she needed to make her escape to him. It had been so long since he had given any real reason to fear him. He offered at one point after the spell ended to do anything for her.

Buffy had laid out one goal of her big plan. Escape to Spike, the vampire she had misjudged and wronged. Unfortunately, she was not sure how she was going to do this and there was still Maggie Walsh to deal with. ‘Shit, Riley’s taking me to Iowa. Spike will never find us there. We’ll need him to help with Maggie.’

Buffy sighed as she thought her big plan might have been thwarted before it began. Riley heard her sigh, and was surprised she was even awake.

“Hey Buffy, you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She replied nonchalantly.

“No, you’re not fine. Spill. Tell me what’s up?”

“Well, Riley, as much as Iowa would be a nice place to go, don’t you think that will be the first place Walsh sends men to look for you.”

“You are right Buffy. I kinda thought about that, and really, it did not make sense. I figured you were sleeping so I didn’t wake you to tell you that I changed our plan.”

“It’s ok. So where are we heading on our road trip?”

“I was thinking either LA or Vegas?”

“Well if we go to Vegas we can get lost in the crowd easy.”

Riley nodded at Buffy in agreement. He had thought of Vegas for the same reasons.

“And if we go to LA, we can get help from Angel.”

Riley shook his head at that reasoning. He had not thought of LA for that reason; he had not gotten beyond big city, easy to get lost.

“Ok. Maybe we won’t go to LA.”

“Riley, I know Angel is by far the last person you want to see. You need to remember now you are also running from the Initiative, which means you’re going to need protection too.”

“I don’t like it, but you are right.”

“I also think I should have given Spike a fair chance too. We could really use his help too.”

“What? Are you crazy? He doesn’t have a soul.” Riley replied, with his voice slightly raised.

Buffy just let his response roll down her back. At one time, she would have cared what her friends thought of her wanting to deal with an unsouled vampire. Such prejudice could cost her son, and she was not willing to pay that price.

“Riley, I remember the way he fought to protect Drusilla. He did it with absolute love and devotion.”

“So, your point is Buffy?”

“My point is that he more than likely is going to do the same for his son. This child is a miracle for him. A miracle I know he can appreciate, even as an evil unsouled master vampire.”

“I don’t agree, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to change your mind. Besides, my intentions here are not to keep you away from friends but to protect you. I’m still not convinced thought that Hostile 17...”

“Spike. His name is Spike, also known as William the Bloody.”

“…Ok. I am not convinced Spike will be a safe bet. Since Angel is a safe haven for us, we should have Spike meet up with us in LA under Angel’s roof.”

Buffy laughed at that thought. Angel was going to have a hard enough time dealing with the fact that she was the mother to Spike’s child. On the other hand, Riley had a very valid point. If for some slim chance, Spike did not stand up to the occasion, Angel could handle him.

“Well then, looks like we are off to LA.”


Spike counted his blessings that vampire stamina came in handy for more than nightlong sessions of romancing a woman. He had made it to his Desoto in less than five minutes. Still, it was in the opposite directions they had driven. He supposed that they had a ten-minute start on him, tops.

He started the Desoto and pulled it out from its hiding spot. Luckily, he would not need to panic about how to find them. His link to William was an innate GPS device. Since William was still a baby, he did not know how to control it. That meant anywhere and anytime, Spike would be able to find his baby boy.

As he pulled out onto the highway, he noticed that Riley had started out driving to the west, when they suddenly changed direction towards LA.

LA was where Peaches was living now. Great. If he did not have enough crap he had to deal with, he would have to deal with his sodden grandsire. At least he knew that Angel did not like the soldier boy one bit.

When it came down to it, he was glad they were going to Peaches. If Buffy was not open enough yet to let him get close enough to defend their son, at least Angel would do it. Angel would feel the family obligation.

‘Gee, what is Peaches going to do when he smells me all over little William?’ Spike thought. He laughed, as he drove on into the night, trailing behind Riley’s car far enough that the soldier boy would not be able to see the headlights.

Song is Escape by Journey (Circa 1981/83)

Yeah! Buffy is finally seeing the light...y'all were so patient in waiting around for it. So time for you to feed my muse and leave a review! Cheers ~ Opal

Wow! You all reviewed like mad. I am soooo honored and I love you all so much for reviewing.

Extra Extra Extra thanks to Meli for betaing.

Chapter 9: Firsts

The little green sign on the side of the highway indicated that they had just reached LA city limits. Buffy was not sure how long she had been asleep for, but the evident sounds of William crying had woken her right up. She unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled into the back seat to be with her son. She sat down next to his car seat, and proceeded to take him out. She picked him up and brought him over to hold in her lap.

She could have sworn that his blue eyes flashed green for a moment, but she dismissed it to her being tired. She pulled the little guy close to her chest and into a hug. He calmed down a little bit, but was still whimpering.

No matter what she did, it was as if she could not do enough.

It was clear that whatever William needed, she could not provide. However, she knew the vampire who could. She was hoping that he would not be infuriated with her for running as she did; at least for William’s sake, and hopefully they could learn to be friends and be civil with each other.

Now that they were in LA and almost at Angel’s, she was not sure how things would go down or how she would even get word to Spike. She felt like she had been a bad, bad mommy. Panic gripped her as she realized that it was possible with the Initiative converging in on her that they could have taken Spike. She became panic stricken, and tears rolled down her eyes. William sensed her reaction. His whimpers quickly rose to loud wails. ‘Oh my, I may have left my baby’s father to die. What kind of mother am I?’

Riley interrupted her thoughts when he tried to speak to her over the volume of William’s cries.

“Buffy, are we going to go to our own hotel or straight to Angel’s place?”

Buffy knew if the went to a hotel, they would have to share a room. Plus, they would not have Angel on site for protection.

“We’ll go to Angel’s he has plenty of rooms at the Hyperion that we can stay in.”

Riley moaned. He had been hoping to spend as little time as possible with Buffy’s cold blooded ex.

“How do we get there?”

“This exit! Now!”

Luckily, it was still dark and traffic was light. Riley cut across three lanes of traffic onto the off ramp.

“Sorry Riley. I just realized that was the exit.”

“That’s ok. Just give me directions from here.”

“No problem. I’ll just yell over my wailing son.”

Buffy proceeded to dictate the turns to Riley. She was definitely nervous about seeing Angel, no doubt. She wondered if he would be able to sense if Spike were William’s father. Either way, she hoped that Angel would feel protective in a familial sense.


Sex Pistols blared out of the radio of the old Desoto. Spike, however, was not bouncing around to the music as usual. Instead, he had a look on his face of complete concentration.

Spike slowly tailed behind the SUV. He had allowed himself to bring the Desoto a little closer to them when he felt his son getting upset. He had seen Buffy crawl into the backseat with him and pull him out of his chair to comfort him. He was concerned when he could sense her panic through the baby, but what ever was bothering her did not have to do with the baby’s welfare.

He could sense little William was just fine.

William. Buffy had named the little sprout after him. Just thinking about it filled him with joy and hope. Hope that maybe the Slayer would be open to letting him into their lives willingly.

Either way, he would be a part of his son’s life. Very soon.


Riley pulled the SUV into a spot near the Hyperion. He was nervous about meeting up with Angel. Hopefully, the vampire still had a soul and would help him. He helped Buffy out of the car. She held onto William as she walked into the hotel, while he lagged behind her with all of the baby gear.

“Oh my God! Buffy is that you? With a baby?” Cordelia spoke, with surprise. ‘Wow, look at that hunk of man behind her. Damn, that means Angel’s gonna be pissed.’

Buffy cringed at the way Cordelia tactlessly announced her presence. Surely, Angel would have heard with his vampire hearing and would be down in the lobby in no time flat.

“Hey Cordy. So how have things been?”

“Good. Never mind me, for once, let’s see this cute little baby!”

Buffy carefully handed William over to Cordelia to hold.

“Oh he is just a little bundle from heaven. And do I get to meet this lucky guy over here?”

Riley stuck his hand out to Cordelia. Quickly, she reached out and grabbed his hand.

“Hey. I’m Riley, nice to meet you.”

“Cordelia, but everyone calls me Cordy. Congratulations on being a daddy!”

Riley felt a little awkward in that moment. This was exactly the reason why he had broken off his relationship with Buffy.

“Cordy, I’m not Buffy’s boyfriend. I’m also not the father.”

Cordelia’s mistake embarrassed her, but as usual let it roll off real quick.

“Oh. Sorry. Well looks like Buffy has some explaining to do.”

Buffy definitely felt like she was under pressure, especially since she could sense Angel lurking in the shadows.

“Well Cordy, Willow did a spell. To keep it real simple, the spell went wrong and the end result was a pregnant Buffy.”

“Wow! You had an immaculate conception by magic. That’s incredible.”

“No it wasn’t an immaculate conception.”

“Well then, what’s holding you back? Who’s the lucky guy that got caught up in this mess?”

Buffy saw Angel start to emerge from the shadows. For the first time she was truly afraid of him with his soul. Not for her sake, but for William’s.

Angel came over cool and collected, but he did not touch the baby.

“It’s ok Cordy. Why don’t you let Buffy and I talk. You can show soldier boy where he will stay.”

Riley was about to protest, but Angel was quick to stop him.

“Don’t worry, she’s not staying in my room, but she isn’t staying in yours either.”

“But if she is alone shouldn’t someone stay with her?” Riley questioned Angel.

“Um, hello? I’m right here.” Buffy said, but the men seemed to have not heard.

“She’ll be fine. I’m sure Spike will be here soon to see his son and he won’t be happy to see either of us in the room with her.”

Buffy’s mouth dropped as she heard the words come from Angel’s mouth. She held William closer to her, almost as if he was her protector.

“Angel, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this but the Initiative is after William and me.”

Angel winced as he heard her role his Grandchilde’s given name off her lips. Clearly, she respected Spike enough as the father to name the baby after him. He was upset that the Powers That Be had not been so kind to give him such a gift, but he had no time to brood now.

“Buffy, its ok. I’m not upset, but I just wished you had called.”

“I’m sorry. Riley got the call and we ran.”

“You can fill me in about that later. I want to know more about Spike and William. Has he seen his son yet?”

Buffy hung her head down.

“Yes. He saw him as we were running from the Initiative. I should have grabbed him and taken him, but I was so confused and scared at the moment.”

“Understandable Buffy. He is a vampire, you acted on instinct.”

“I acted irrationally, and now because of that William may never be held by his father and Spike may never have had the chance to hold his own son. I feel awful.”

Buffy began to shake and cry all while continuing to clutch William, who had finally calmed down. Angel purposely leaned forward as close as he could to Buffy and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I can tell you he hasn’t been dusted. In fact, I could tell you a lot of things, but perhaps he’d rather tell you himself.”

Buffy looked up through her tears at Angel. “Huh?”

She felt the familiar tingle down her back as Spike stepped in from the door he was leaning against.

“Buffy.” Spike said, acknowledging her. He was still smarting over her keeping William away from him in Sunnydale, but after hearing her remorse, he had forgotten all about it.

“Spike. I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.”

“No worries. I managed to find my way, thanks to our little bundle of joy. Now don’t be shy or scared, ‘m not gonna hurt you. I just want to hold my son.”

Buffy nervously walked over to him with William. Angel stayed right behind her just in case Spike did something irrational.

“Peaches, give me a sodden’ moment with my son and girl.”

Angel looked at him suspiciously. ‘His girl?’ He thought. ‘Buffy didn’t even protest to Spike referring to her as his.’

Angel moved back to the shadows to brood while Spike had his first moment with his son. Buffy gently placed him into Spike’s arms.

Buffy watched as a gigantic, genuine grin crossed over the master vampire’s face.

“He’s got your eyes.” Buffy said.

“He’s got my name too.” Spike whispered.

“How did you…” Buffy began.

“I just do. We have this link. In fact, I have a link to both of you. It’s a familial bond that allows me to sense you.”

“So that’s how you found us so quickly.”


“I’m glad you did. I’m scared and he needs all the protection he can get.”

“Heard Peaches rambling about talking ‘bout it later. How ‘bout we go upstairs, settle the nibblet in and talk.”


Spike was pleased that she was responding to him in a positive manner. He was concerned about the broody one, but that could wait. He took her hand and lead them over to the elevators so they could find a room.

“By the way luv, he’s got your eyes too.” Spike said as their little bundle of joy peaked open his eyes from his sleep. As they stared down at him, cooing, they both witnessed his eyes flashing emerald green.

Buffy gasped in shock when she realized she had not been seeing things incorrectly earlier. Now not only did they have the Initiative to deal with, but also she had to find out why William’s eyes were flashing green.

“Buffy, it’s a good thing. I promise.”

“What? His eyes flashing green?”

“Yeah goldilocks, but like I said we can talk later. It’s time for some rest.”

Spike opened up the last room at the end of the hall. Buffy followed him in, with no reservations and without questioning his intentions.
Ch 10 - Family

Chapter 10- Family

Buffy shut the door to the room gently, but made sure she locked it. She glanced over at Spike, who was gently placing William in the middle of the bed. She was amazed at Spike’s gentle nature with their son.

She hoped that someday, he would forgive her and be that gentle with her. He had been accepting of her apology in front of the others, but now that they were alone she was scared.

Spike sensed his Slayer’s nervousness. He turned around and noticed she was shyly looking down while worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. His concern for her temporarily replaced with adoration for her. Slowly, he walked up to her and lifted her chin gently with his hand.

“Hey luv, what’s bothering you?”

She looked up into his cerulean blue eyes. In that moment, she connected with him, and she knew that there was no sense in not being honest.


“Me?” Spike questioned, a little taken aback at her response.

“I’m scared about how you will deal with me now that we are behind closed doors.”

Spike leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Have no worries luv.”

“But you should be mad at me for keeping you from your son. I keep expecting that you’ll drop the softer side of Spike that you’re showing right now and return to your Slayer ass kicking Spike mode.”

“Ya’ I’m bloody mad pet, but what good would that do any of us right now with the Initiative after you. ‘Sides luv, I can’t stay mad at you and I couldn’t hurt you if I wanted, you’re the mother of my son.”

Spike felt her tremble beneath his hand. He gently pulled her into an embrace. His arms tightly wrapped around her, for he feared that she might run. Spike breathed the scent of her hair and let out a sigh.

Tears began to flow from Buffy’s eyes. In all her life, no one had ever stood by her. First, when called as a Slayer, her father left her. When her mom found out she was the Slayer, she had to run away. When she found out she was pregnant, Riley had run from her. Everyone had run from her. Spike had, but it was only because she pushed him away. He had only left because he feared he would be dust.

He came back to her and William. He was rational and understanding, and she was in his arms.

“Luv, don’t cry. I’m not even angry any more.”

Buffy pulled away from Spike and looked up at him. He raised his finger to brush the tears away from her eyes.

“I never thought I’d have a moment of happiness like this. Spike, I never would have thought you would be the one to stand by me, even as I stumbled. You never gave up on me.”

“Luv it’s because you’re one hell of a woman. You’re the one. Even Dru knew that. Maybe one day you could love me as much as…”

Buffy raised her finger to his lips to silence him.

“Don’t say it. Please don’t. Everyone who says that leaves me in the end.”

“I’m not like everyone else.” He whispered in her ear.

Buffy leaned into him. “I’m realizing that. I also know that I’m afraid. Afraid to share my heart with anyone but our son right now.”

“Do you think someday pet? Just give me a crumb, please?”

“Let’s put it this way Spike, I thought I wanted nice and normal. I’ve already figured out that is way underrated.”

Spike knew if his heart could beat, it would have just skipped a few. His beautiful Slayer had tossed him the crumb. Now it was up to him to be patient and work with it.

“Thanks luv. Now let’s talk about how I’m gonna protect you and the sprog. I know you’re exhausted and tired, so why don’t we head over to the bed and make ourselves comfy while we talk”

Buffy nodded in agreement. Spike led her over to the bed where their son was sleeping. He gently picked him up so Buffy could climb into the bed. Spike passed William to Buffy as he climbed in and pulled his family close to him. ‘His family,’ he thought.

“Luv, I know I can’t easily protect you from humans but I need to be able to protect you from other demons. I don’t fancy the nibblet growing up without his mum.”

“You’ve always been a good fighter; we’ll be great fighting side by side.”

“I’m not just talking about helping you with fists and fangs, but I’m talking about using a little more fang to help you out.”

Buffy was puzzled with Spike’s words, but she just snuggled into him more. She really liked his possessiveness and his need to protect her and the baby.

“I’m not sure I get what you’re saying.”

“Luv, remember when I told you about the bond I have with William.”


“And you know how his eyes flash from my blue to your green.”


“Part of it is mystical. It is because he knows his family bond is incomplete. He is not capable of completing the bond to grant his mum protection from demons, so for now his eyes flashing is the only way he can let others know that he belongs to you. The other part is that he has the mystical strength of a Slayer and a vampire. He doesn’t know how to control his powers, which will be revealed and grow as he gets older. So when his power tries to come out, he can’t control it and his eyes flash or change color. Like when I do when I go into game face.”

“What would need to be done to protect me from other demons?”

“You would need the mark of your family on you or the blood. You see William’s little mark on his neck?”


“Well it looks like he was born with the mark of family, so other demons can identify him. You luv, don’t have such a mark.”

“Oh. So what does the mark mean?”

“It means that other vamps and most demons will recognize you as belonging to me. They will respect that and will not try and hurt you.”

“Well that’s good then. I don’t have to worry about as many demons trying to hurt William, just humans. That takes some pressure off.”

“Yeah luv, but the humans and demons can hurt you. Buffy, I want to mark you to protect you.”

“You want to do what?”

“Mark you luv. Make sure our little guy has his mum around. At least by reducing much of the demon population from harming you, it will make you less vulnerable.”

“That makes sense Spike. But how would you mark me?”

Spike held her closer to him and moved his lips down to her ear.

“Well love that’s where it gets complicated.” He whispered. “You’d have to let me bite you, and I’d say a few words. It wouldn’t be a mating claim, but you would have to accept me as your family in order for the mark to give you protection.”

Buffy thought about it for a few moments. “Would it protect me from Angel if he ever lost his soul again?”

Spike thought about it. She had a very valid point. If Angelus was loose, first thing the vampire would do is renew his vendetta against the Slayer. Buffy needed to be able to protect William. Spike needed her to help raise their baby.

“I would protect you and dust the bastard if he ever came after you again. To answer your question luv, yeah it would.”

“Would it make us a family?” She quietly asked.

Spike felt his undead heart warm. She wanted them to be a family, even if they were not lovers or mates.

“Yeah luv, it would officially make you, me and William a family. It would take the stress off of the little guy to know that the familial bond was complete.”

Buffy did not need to give it too much more thought.

“Spike would you make us a family? Please?”
Ch 11 - Visions of Blood
Thank you all so much for your reviews! The time you take to leave me your thoughts is very much appreciated.

Extra Extra Thanks to Meli who continues to do an awesome job betaing this fic! :) ~ Cheers! Opal

Chapter 11: Visions of Blood

“You just let her go off with him, alone, into a room together?” Riley yelled at Angel.

Angel paced back and forth in the lobby of the Hyperion. In retrospect, he wondered himself why he let Buffy go with Spike. He sat down and began to brood, forgetting all about the annoying soldier in the room with him.

Riley ran his fingers through his hair. He could not believe that the vampire in front of him was so ignorant that he let Buffy alone with a killer. ‘And this was the great love of her life?’ Riley thought. ‘He loves her so much he sent her off with the Slayer of Slayers.’ Riley concluded that Angel really had not been thinking in her best interest and decided he was going to do something about it. If he played his cards right, he would not be worried about either vampire by the end of the day.

Riley continued to pace around the lobby putting his plan in place. He made a mental inventory of the supplies that he had on hand, along with what he would need once he was on the way. He knew it would not be easy to pull off, but be was doing this in Buffy and William’s best interest. Hopefully, Buffy would see it that way when he was done.

As he continued to plot his plan, Cordelia had been watching both the vampire and soldier boy slip away in their minds. Clearly, Angel was upset that Buffy willingly walked away with the competition. He always had the mindset that if he could not have Buffy, then no one else could. No matter how many times he would declare that he left so Buffy could have a normal life, the reality was that Angel felt otherwise. She figured he must be devastated to see her with another vamp, even if it was out of a spell or accident, the baby clearly linked Buffy and Spike together more than Angel cared to see.

Cordelia had a little trouble figuring out where the soldier boy came into the picture. He seemed to care about the well being of the Slayer, but she was not sure if it was out of friendship or feelings that are more amorous. ‘He possibly could be feeling inadequate because he had to drive to Angel to adequately protect Buffy.’

She continued to shuffle around her paperwork, pretending to not pay attention to the tension that was clearly getting stronger in the room. Cordelia knew that eventually Angel’s brooding would lead to anger and a need to work off some steam. She watched him carefully as he sat down and leaned back into the chair, finally prepared to deal with the arrogant solider boy in front of him.

“Yeah, I let her go off with him. You got a problem with that?”

Riley could not believe Angel spoke to him like that. He figured he better be good for now and not provoke the vampire. Even with the soul, it did not mean that Angel would not hesitate to beat his ass.

“What if he hurts her?”

“He won’t. That baby in there is a miracle. She is the child’s mother; there is no way that he’ll hurt her.”

“How do we know? Look at his track record with her friends, do you really think that he wouldn’t try and pull something in there with her?”

Angel furrowed his brow and looked Riley in the eyes.

“Boy you best listen to me, and listen good. I’ve been around hundreds of years longer than you have and so has Spike. I’ve been around Spike most of his existence, and I know him better than you do. When Spike decides he cares for someone, he does it completely and with his entire being. He doesn’t do it half way. The way he looked at that child when he walked through the door was with complete devotion.”

Riley pondered Angel’s words. “But how does that protect Buffy? She’s the Slayer; he’ll still want her dead.”

“No he won’t. Killing her would leave the baby motherless. Spike would not want that for William.” Angel gritted through is teeth as he fisted his hands at his side.

Riley was not so sure if he believed Angel. It sounded good, in theory. Riley decided he would not bother any further with prodding Angel’s brain. ‘Why should I believe him? Vampire. I’ve got to get her away from here.’


Spike was flabbergasted that she had actually agreed to the familial claim. The tiny slip of a girl, mother of his child, was looking into his cerulean blue eyes asking to make them a family.

The Slayer was asking to be a part of his family. It would be one of the most fucked up and twisted events in the history of Vampires and Slayers. It would figure. If it would be any two beings that would fulfill that role it would be them, an unconventional vampire and an unconventional Slayer.

He had nearly forgotten to react to her having his thoughts consume him. He gently touched her face with his hand.

“Are you sure? Once I do it, it can never be undone.”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything Spike. I want what is best for William. I have no doubt in my mind that the claim is in the best interest of William. I also think it is in the best interest to us as parents.”

“Alright luv, we should do it now while the platelet is sleeping.”

“What do I need to do?” She asked.

Spike realized that he was nervous. He was more nervous about performing the familial claim that he had ever been about anything else in his existence even more nervous than he had been about telling that awful pretentious bitch Cecily about the poems he had written for her.

Slowly he pulled her close to him.

“Relax Buffy, let me hold you.”

Buffy melted into his arms. Just the way he said her name turned her to a puddle of mush. She felt his arms wrap around her gently, his hand stroking her back.

“Luv, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m going to do a few things to make the bite easier on you. All you have to do is accept the claim with your heart and mind; you won’t actually need to speak the words. What matters is that when you hear me ask you to come into my family, agree with your heart. Ok luv?”

Buffy leaned further into him and nodded in agreement. She felt him pepper her neck with soft kisses that sent butterflies right to her stomach. ‘Wow, he hasn’t even bitten me yet and I feel like I’m going to explode.’ She wrapped her arms tighter around him and began to return his affections by stroking her fingers through his hair.

Spike was pleased that she responded to him, he had not put his hopes up that she would respond further than what was required to complete the familial claim. Yet here she was, responding to him physically. He was so tempted to kiss her lips and relish in the moment of feeling her respond to his affections. He felt her face caress the side of his cheek, her body pressed against his.

Buffy relished in the moment. ‘This is what it is like to find the perfect fit for you. The one.’ She was saddened knowing that she had built the walls to her heart so high that even though she knew Spike was the one, it would be a long time before she would decide to risk her heart again, if she decided to do such a thing. She placed a soft kiss on his check and whispered in his ear, “Do it Spike. Make us a family.”

Spike changed into game face, and nibbled at the side of the Slayer’s neck. He quickly found the vein he was looking for and pieced her flesh with his fangs. He felt the essence of Buffy the girl, Buffy the Slayer, and Buffy the mother fill his being. He felt the love she had to give, the fear she had surrounding her heart, and the love she had for William. In that moment, he surrendered his heart to her completely. He gently removed his fangs from her throat and whispered in her ears, “Buffy, my love, mother of my child, I bring you into my family. Blood of the Aurelius clan, is now your blood.”

Spike opened his wrist with his fang and held his lifeblood up to Buffy’s lips. She ran her tongue over his wound and gently accepted his gift. She felt the bond take place; she felt his love for her. She felt almost complete. Instinct took over, as if the Slayer in her knew exactly what to do to fulfill the emptiness.


Cordelia fell to the floor, holding her head in her hands. She cried in pain as Angel ran over to hold her.

“Cordy, are you all right?”

Cordelia motioned to him to wait a moment, as she gathered her thoughts from her vision.

“Buffy.” She said.

Riley walked over, confused by what was going on. Angel continued to hold Cordelia as he explained her visions to the soldier boy.

“We used to have a colleague that had visions. When he passed on, he passed his gift onto Cordelia.”

Riley was flabbergasted. All he had heard was that she had been a cheerleader who aspired to be an actress. His expectations on what she could contribute to helping them had not been high.

“Is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine after she gets a little rest and some water.” Angel said as he brushed Cordy’s hair from her face.

Riley wondered how accurate she was. “Is she right?”

“Always. It takes a little bit of work to figure out the vision though. It is never perfect.” Angel replied.

Riley had immediately recognized that Cordelia could be a valuable asset to help him with his plan. He had finalized his plan in his head; he just needed the right moment to act on it.

Cordelia opened up her eyes. Angel could sense the fear emanating off her body.

“What did you see Cordy?”

“I saw blood and Buffy.”

Riley panicked; afraid his worse nightmare was coming true. “Is she okay?”

“Oh my God. I saw Spike, with his fangs in her neck. And she had blood on her mouth!”

Angel helped Cordelia up, while Riley gloated internally that he finally had his reason to act on his plan. Quickly, the three of them headed up to the room the vampire, slayer, and their child occupied; praying they were not too late.


She removed her bloodstained lips from his wrist and looked into his awestruck eyes. She felt an odd transformation-taking place. She felt fangs bursting through her gums, yet instead of being horrified, she felt like they were a part of her.

Buffy grabbed Spike by his hair and pulled his neck down to her lips. She nibbled at his neck, and before she pierced his artery, she whispered the words he thought he would never hear from her.

“Mine. My vampire. My love. Father of my child. I accept your claim on me. Your complete claim.”

Spike felt the magic flow through him, and he felt tiny fangs piercing through his skin. It was the most exquisite pleasure he had ever felt. He did not question why or how, he felt complete. While she was gently closing the bite marks she had inflicted on his neck, he leaned down to take her neck and validate the full claim.

“Buffy, my love, my mate. I am yours as you are mine.”

His fangs pierced her throat again. They grasped each other and were in utter ignorance and bliss.

The door to the room slapped open. Buffy opened her eyes and saw Angel and Riley run in.

The last thing she remembered were the sounds of William crying and the taste of her mate’s blood on her lips before the world went black.

Evil Cliffhanger!!! This is going to be a longer story, so it was way to early to keep things all agnst free! Leave me lots of reviews (yep I know you'll tell me Opal you evil biotch you!); Just don't forget to come back to the next chapter to see what happened!

**Hugs** Opal

Ch 12 - Kidnapped

*smiles* thanks for your kind reviews & thanks to Meli for betaing!

ok...don't hate me too much because I did run the next few chappies by my beta, who happened to issue the challenge, before I even wrote the chappies

in other words, i turned the angst up big time..but no fear it will only last a few chappies and then it will be all spikey saves the day.

so you've been adequately warned...no leaving me flamey reviews!!

happy reviews = next post sooner = sooner we get to a happy spuffy ending

**hugs** ~ Opal

Ch 12 - Kidnapped

In hindsight, it had seemed so easy to pull it off that Riley had forgotten why he had been sweating it out in the first place. The drugs Maggie Walsh had given him had affected his strength and speed, which enabled him to quickly subdue the two master vampires with the tasers easily. It was a good thing too, since all he saw when he entered was blood all over Buffy. That was enough to propel him to ‘do the right thing’ in his mind. He pulled the tasers out of his pockets; hitting Angel with one while at the same time hitting Buffy with another. Spike did not even have enough time to turn around and stop him. Riley had hit the vampire while he was in the midst of turning around.

He had become very annoyed with Cordelia, who had started to beat on him with her fists once she saw him take out Angel. She had been quick to take care of. Riley had simply pushed her up against the wall and hit her with the taser.

In fact, the only person who got out of the room, besides Riley, without being hit with the taser was little William. William was now all-snug as a bug in his car seat, strapped into the back seat of the SUV. The only problem with the baby was that he had not stopped wailing since they left LA, and nothing Riley did would calm the child down.

He had wrapped Buffy up in a blanket and cleaned her up as best as he could, but he was not sure how much time he had until the vampires would awake. Spike he knew would be out for a few hours, but Angel being the older master vampire, could possible recover sooner. He had bound the wrist of both girls and gently placed them in the back compartment of the SUV. Hopefully, they would not be too mad at him, but he knew he did what was right and they would come around. A soldier could never be too careful.

The sun was just rising in east, as he drove out of California and into Nevada. The sunlight would buy him eight or ten hours before the vampires could come out and pursue him. Hopefully, by then he would be out of Nevada and into Colorado.


Angel was the first to awaken. Dazed and confused, he looked around the room until he saw Spike lying on the floor. “Buffy,” he whispered. It was then that he remembered. Cordelia had her vision, and they rushed into the room to find Spike with his fangs in her neck. Before he could lean down and finish off his errant grandchilde, his demon sensed a change. Angel deeply inhaled the air around him and concentrated on the scent of the blood in the room. The Slayer’s blood, which was most prevalent, assaulted his senses but he also smelled Spike’s blood. ‘Why would I smell Spike’s blood?’ Angel thought to himself. He shrugged and reached over to flip the blond menace over. It was at that moment that Angel’s demon recognized the claim on the vampire below him.

Angel’s demon roared in pain that the woman the vampire loved had claimed his nemesis, but it also recognized a change in the situation. Angel could not stake Spike because he knew it would kill Buffy.


So consumed with wanting to off Spike, he had forgotten about her. He took another look around the room. Buffy, Cordelia, William, and Riley were nowhere to be found or sensed in the building.

“Bastard.” Angel spoke in anger. He realized Finn was responsible for this. He knew the soldier boy had complex with vampires, but still to put Buffy at risk? There was no way that he could protect Buffy and William on his own.

There was no way, now that her mate would be coming after him with a vengeance. With renewed focus, Angel gently lifted Spike off the floor and laid him on the bed. As Angel moved away, he noticed two tiny holes on the side of Spike’s neck. Two holes over Spike’s sire marks. ‘Strange,’ he thought, ‘she was alive when we entered the room. Giles will need to look into this.’ Angel had a smug smile cross his face. He always felt awful for the wrongs he had done to Giles and the Scoobies as Angelus, but he would take deep pleasure in letting the biased Watcher know that his Slayer was now extra special.

Angel just did not know how special.

He did know that he could feel the younger William’s distress through the family bloodline. The baby was clearly upset from being pulled away from his father; hopefully Finn would not be stupid enough to take him away from his mother too.

Angel walked out of the room to call Giles. His footsteps were quick, but echoed across the floor of the Hyperion. He moved to the closest telephone and dialed Sunnydale.


Willow was sitting on Giles couch plugging away at her computer trying to research any sign of where Buffy may be. Joyce had called Willow and Giles to let them know that Buffy and the baby had not come home that night. Joyce’s neighbors had told her of a black SUV that had skidded out of her driveway and a strange looking young man with blond hair who looked like he had his heart broken. Joyce had quickly figured out that Riley must have taken Buffy away. As for the brokenhearted blond, she really hoped it had been Spike. She knew if Buffy was in trouble that Spike, as much as he would vocalize otherwise, would follow her to ensure her safety.

Giles was not so convinced. He thought that Spike was coming after the Slayer and her child with evil intentions of offing them both. As far as he was concerned, Riley was acting as a savior. Willow, knowing both sides of the story, was not so sure if Riley was such a hero.

When the phone rang that morning, Giles was in the kitchen preparing his cup of tea. The phone startled him, resulting in him dropping his teacup on the floor. Before bending down to clean up the mess, he muttered a ‘dear lord’. He shouted for Willow to get the phone for him.

“I got it Giles.” Willow yelled. She reached over and picked up the phone. “Hello?”



“Is Giles there?”

Willow was surprised that Angel was calling for Giles. Things were still shaky between the two men since the Angelus incident. She had not yet forgiven him for the death of her beloved teacher and mentor.

“He is, but he’s just cleaning up a mess. Look Angel, I don’t want to worry you but have you seen Buffy? She’s been missing since…”

“Yesterday. I know. She was here. Can you tell Giles to leave his mess and come here, it’s really important.”

‘Monosyllabic much?’ Willow thought. “Hold on Angel. I’ll get him.”

Willow placed the phone down on the couch and walked over to the kitchen entry.

“Giles, I’ll clean that up.”

“Oh, no bother Willow. My mess, I’ll clean it. Incidentally, who was on the phone?”

“Angel. You need to speak with him. He’s seen Buffy.”

Giles stiffened up when he heard Angel’s name, but when he heard he had information on his Slayer he quickly handed Willow the dust mop and broom. He walked into the living room and placed the phone to his ear.



“How is she?”

“She’s gone and not by her will either.”

“Damn it, I knew if William the Bloody was involved there would be trouble.” Giles began to nervously tap his foot on the floor while he waiting for Angel’s response.

“No Giles, not Spike. Riley. Do you have any information why she left?”

“Except for what Joyce’s neighbors told us, nothing.”

“Well then, are you sitting?”

“Yes.” Giles replied.

“Good. Make sure you have a pen and paper, because what I’m about to tell you will require some research.”

Giles reached for the pad of paper and pen on the coffee table. His nervousness increased tenfold when Angel had told him to he should be sitting.

‘Good Lord, what has happened to Buffy?’
Ch 13 - Help Arrives

Hugs to you all for your reviews! Since you all reviewed so fast and didn't yell at me, here's the next chappie.

Same disclaimer as in last chappie....challenge must include Riley. So no flamey reviews..

On the bright side, 2 more chappies or so till Cptn' Cardboard get's butt kicked.

**Hugs** ~ Opal

Chapter 13 - Help Arrives

Giles sat on the couch in awe of the story that Angel had told him. He had no intention of going to the Council and no intention of interfering with Spike and Buffy’s claim on each other. What he did do is grabbed Willow and began to research Buffy’s mysterious fangs with earnest.

Angel on the other hand was still trying to wake Spike that had yet to wake up from his taser shock. He did not think it should take this long for Spike to come to. Angel had to do something fast to wake him up. The only way they could track Buffy down would be through the mating bond. Although he could sense Buffy, he could not pinpoint her location as Spike could.

Spike’s demon refused to drink the pig’s blood that Angel had brought in to feed him. Angel was beginning to suspect he would have to use either human or sire blood to awaken him.

Certainly if Spike did not kill Riley when they caught up with him, Angel would.

As Angel was preparing to slice his wrist for Spike, he heard loud banging on the front doors of the Hyperion. Quickly, he ran to see what the commotion was but all he could see was an oversized blanket flinging itself against the door repeatedly.

As he opened the door, the mysterious being under the blanket was in the midst of throwing itself against the door again. This time, with the door open, the mystery visitor flew through the doorway into the main foyer and landed onto the floor with a thud.

Angel could have sworn he heard a small whimper, but still he walked over and carefully removed the blanket from atop the still bundle. He gasped when he looked down at the lovely raven-haired figure on the floor in front of him.

“Daddy! You looked surprised to see me?”

“Well Dru, it isn’t everyday you go on a suicide mission at my doorstep. Why are you here?”

“To help my childe rescue his mate and child. My big William and little William need help, now where is Spike?”

“I don’t know if I should let you…”

Dru reached up and shushed Angel.

“Tut-Tut. Daddy you listen, I’m not going to hurt sunshine or the baby. The pixies told me they are in trouble and if we don’t track them down soon, and then baby will be no more. Angry, mean humans in uniforms, like the Prague mob, will attack the Slayer and her child.”

Angel realized that perhaps Dru could be more help than he realized. “Can you sense Buffy’s location Dru?”

“Cha-ching!” Dru said.

Angel though he may have to reconsider his thought about Dru being helpful. He rolled his eyes as Dru grasped his arm.

“Don’t be silly Daddy. You know what I mean. What’s that city with the pretty flashing lights, dancing girls, and the machines that go cha-ching?”

“Las Vegas.” Angel answered.

“Well that’s where they will be by nightfall.”

Angel smiled. He should know by now never underestimate Drusilla, no matter how insane she is. Angel reached over and grasped Dru’s hand.

“Want to help me make William better?”


“Good girl, follow me.”

Dru spun around dancing to her own tune behind Angel as she followed him up to Spike’s room.


“Ow!” Cordelia yelled as she hit her head against the side of the SUV. She had just regained consciousness when the vehicle had hit a nasty bump in the road. She tried to readjust her hands but found them bound behind her back.

She heard a baby crying hoarsely from the other side of the back seat. She did not know what was going on, but she knew that the poor child needed some tending too. She looked across from herself and saw Buffy. The Slayer was laying there unconscious with dried blood along the creases of her mouth and the side of her neck. She could have sworn she saw little fangs peaking out from the Slayer’s partially open mouth, but figured she had to be seeing things.

Either way, she was one furious seer and wanted to know who was driving this contraption and who had the nerve to put Miss Cordelia Chase in such an uncomfortable position.

“Alright, I don’t know who’s driving this thing but do you think you can pull over and get these damn handcuffs off of me! I hurt!”

She got no response, but felt the oversized vehicle pulling over to the side of the road. She could see the shadow of the driver as he came around to open up the back of the SUV.

“Riley?” Cordelia asked. She acted surprised, considering how she had fought with him back at the hotel until he shocked her.

“Look if you can sooth the baby and get him quiet and promise not to cause me trouble, I’ll let your wrists go so you can sit in the back seat with the baby. “

Not one to look a gifted horse in the mouth, she took no time to think over her answer. “OK.”

Riley reached over and unlocked the handcuffs. He glanced at Buffy. The extra shock he had given her and Spike would ensure they both stayed asleep a little bit longer. He helped Cordelia up and was surprised that she was cooperative. He shut the door to the back of the SUV and assisted the former cheerleader into the back seat next to William. She quickly picked the sobbing child up and into her arms. His screams lowered into whimpers.

Her heart broke for the little tike. His tears were pouring out of the sides of his little eyes and down his cheeks.

“Why me?” She asked, using her most innocent voice.

“What do you mean?” Riley responded.

“Why did you take me too? What did you do with Angel and Spike?”

“I knew you could help with the baby and with your visions, you can tell me if the Initiative or vampires can be expected to cross paths with us.”

Cordelia was on her game and turned on the charmed. She already had decided that this lumbering idiot was more of a fool than Xander Harris was. He would certainly be easy to work with.

“Oh. Ok. Makes sense to me. Good idea.”

Riley thought he had it made. ‘Didn’t take much to get the little woman on my side.’ He directed a smile to Cordelia in the rear view mirror.

Cordelia smiled back at him and thought ‘Sucker. I may not be a Hollywood actress, but I can be a damn good one when it counts.’ She pushed her hair behind her ears and gave him a wink. She figured a little flirting would help. ‘Angel better get his ass here soon!’

ch 14 - Revalations

Thank you all for your fab reviews!!!

SB,SM has been nominated for Best Angst and Best WIP at Vampires Kiss Awards (http://vampires-kiss.net/vkawards) and Blood Ties Awards Round Three (http://www.blood-ties.net/). Thank you for being so kind and nominating this fic! Please go to these site and express your support for the fic and vote!

So now I grovel at your feet . I'm soooo sorry it's been awhile since I posted. I'm actually at an impasse on the next chapter. A few chapters back I thought I'd be done with the angst by this chapter.

Oops..my creative juices stayed angsty, so it looks like a little more angst. So I beg your forgiveness...sorry! On the other hand if you would like some fluffy stuff or need a pick me up after reading this chappie o' angst, go read my little off canon fic Spiked Christmas or for a good read that will get you laughing Ariel Dawn's Walking A Mile (it's really good, I reccomend it!).

Hugs to Meli! She has continued to do a marvelous job betaing much of my work! She's done another fine job with this chappie as well.

**hugs** ~ opal

Chapter 14 - Revalations

Willow had managed to infiltrate the Initiative by mid-afternoon. She hacked her way into Maggie Walsh’s personal files. Willow had gone through almost everything in the Initiative’s systems and found nothing about an order to go after the Slayer and her kid.

She did find that not only had Riley put on “unpaid leave” but also that Forrest and Walsh were on the “paid leave” list.

Something was not right with this picture.

She figured she start the old-fashioned way and look up some info on Forrest. A quick search on Google turned up that he had an active blog. Willow pulled it up and began to read his entries. The first entry that caught her eye was one titled “Satan’s Spawn.” It was around the time that they first found out that Buffy was pregnant.

On duty today at the clinic found out that my commander’s crush was knocked up. He had told me before that she was some kind of demon fighter. That fetus was over a month old, couldn’t have been his. That bitch is trying to play him. She’s gonna take my best friend down, well she’s gonna pay.

The next entry was not any better

Apparently, the bitch got knocked up due to some spell, I bet it’s a demon spawn. Walsh would give me a great promotion if I brought her the demon spawn. Good thing my friend is coming with us to South America, I can work on convincing him to turn her into us.

She scrolled to find that there had been no further entries for several months until about the time Buffy had the baby. It was at that time she found the next entry regarding the baby.

Finn’s ex-girl had the demon spawn today. These months down here in South America have been good for him. He seems more loyal to our family again, so when we return home he should turn over the hell spawn with no problem.

Willow finally made it down to the most disturbing entry.

Talked to the family head today. Said we should take demon spawn down. I tried to keep Finn in the loop, but he was at the girl’s house when I called him. It will take a little more convincing, but he will see that the girl and her hell spawn would be best turned over to Maggie. He ran off, but he won’t be able to protect them for too long.

Willow was afraid for her friend. Was Riley protecting them or was he going to turn them in? After Giles told her what had happened at Angel’s in LA, she was not sure if Riley was going to stay protective of Buffy and William.


Buffy slowly started to awake. As she tried to stretch, she felt her hands bound behind her. She was still a little weak, and her full Slayer power had not yet recovered. She heard William whimpering and Cordelia whispering soft words to him. Then Buffy remembered what had happened.

Riley. Angel.

They had burst in when she was claiming her mate. The last thing she remembered was Riley coming towards her with one of those tasers. She felt her body move along with the bumps in the road, and realized she was in the back of Riley’s SUV. She looked up and she could see Cordelia looking back at her.

Cordelia made a silent “Shh” with her lips to indicate to Buffy that it was best for her not to speak. Buffy indicated she understood by winking back.

The next twenty minutes were silent, with the exception of William’s whimpers. Finally, the SUV seemed to have stopped and Riley spoke.

“Cordelia, we’ll rest here for a few hours. We’ll only sleep for six hours and then we are off again.”

“Sounds good Riley. Looks like Buffy’s still asleep back here. Why don’t I stay out in the car with the baby so you can get us a room out back? That way no one will see us carrying Buffy in.”

“Smart plan Cordy. Good to have a girl like you around.”

Cordelia gave him another one of her winning smiles as he exited the car and shut the door behind him. Cordelia watched as he entered into the motel to get them a room. Once he was in, she felt free to speak.

“Ok Buffy, I’m gonna make this quick before he comes out. First, I’m not on his side, I’m just pretending so I can gain his trust. Second, he used that taser thing on all of us. Third, I saw you biting Spike! What was up with that?”

Cordelia looked out the window, keeping watch for the soldier to come back. Buffy took the time to quickly explain the mating bond.

“Spike and I agreed to do a familial claim so that he would be able to protect me as the mother of his child. It also would help stabilize William, knowing both of his parents were linked together by the claim. Of course, we started the familial claim and then I just knew in that moment I wanted him as a mate. So, I bit him. In fact I bit him with my own fangs!”

Cordelia was astonished. She knew Angel would not take it lightly, but hopefully he would bond with Spike to come and get them. She looked up and noticed Riley making his way out of the clerk’s office.

“He’s on his way. Look, when you’re able to break out, do it, but not until you think you can handle him.”

Buffy shut her eyes just as she heard the SUV door open.

“Ok Cordelia,” Riley said. “I could only get us one room but it has two double beds. William can sleep in his car seat and you can share a bed with Buffy. Is that good?”

“Yep that’s great. So what is your plan with them anyway?”

“Well it started out I was protecting them from the Initiative. Now I’m not so sure. When I was cleaning some of the blood off her face, I noticed she had these tiny little fangs. I’m afraid she maybe a demon now too, and the best thing maybe to turn her over to the Initiative so she can be chipped like Spike.”

Buffy heard and sent a silent plea through her mind, ‘Oh no, please Spike where are you? I’m so scared!’


Spike jerked awake just as he felt the rich blood of his sire touch his lips.


“Daddy! He’s awake, now let’s go save Sunshine!”

Spike was about to ask what was going on, but then he felt his mate’s plea for help through the claim. He remembered Finn and Angel coming in before being shocked repeatedly with the taser.

He vamped out and searched the room for his grandsire. Furious that Angel had something to do with whatever frightened Buffy; he wanted to off the bloody poof as the first victim of his path of vengeance.

Dru had other ideas. She overpowered Spike, who was still weak from the taser.

“Tut-Tut. Not Daddy’s fault. Soldier boy’s fault. Daddy will help us.”

Spike’s game face melted away. Angel walked over to him.

“I may not approve, I may not understand why she chose you. But, I know that you were trying to protect her. I will not challenge the claim. I will honor it. Now we are going to find that stupid soldier boy and show him what the Scourge of Europe does when it works together to exact vengeance.”

Angel reached out his hand to Spike and Spike accepted it. Drusilla placed hers on top of theirs. Each of them vamped out, with their eyes glowing Spike spoke with conviction, “Vengeance will belong to the Order of Aurelius, cursed those who bring harm to my mate and child.”

Under the protection of shadows, they exited the Hyperion and made their way to Spike’s car. Thanks to Dru’s vision, they had a destination in mind. Las Vegas.

Ch 15 - Conversations
Thanks Meli For Betaing! Great job!

Ok the next chapter, which I have written, will have Riley's luck turn for him and things will go better for everyone else. In fact I got some goodies coming up and even little William get's Riley! But that's next chapter. This is the last angsty chapter where Riley is an ass.

**hugs** ~Opal

Thanks for your reviews! :)

Chapter 15 -Conversations

Cordelia looked around the hotel room. There was no way that Buffy was going to continue to feign sleep. The place was an absolute pigsty; it was the kind folks used by the hour. She did not even think she would be able to sleep here for the night.

The final straw was when she looked up and saw the mirrors on the ceiling.

“Riley!” Cordelia yelled.

Riley ran into the room with his cell phone flipped open in one hand and a map in the other. “What?” He asked in annoyed tone.

“Look at this hellhole! The mirrors, the dirt, the roaches and there is even a machine to put quarters in to make the bed vibrate. This isn’t appropriate for a lady like me, never mind a baby!” Cordelia shouted.

“Well it’s all we’re getting, so get used to it,” Riley said bluntly. “We’re only going to be here to rest for a few hours and then we are heading out. I’ve made us some reservations at a place right outside of Las Vegas that’s decent. I just need to rest before I drive any further. Now why don’t you go out to the car and check on Buffy.”

“Fine.” Cordelia spat out at him. She held William close to her as she brushed by the soldier. Riley reached out and grabbed her by the arm. He pushed her against the wooden doorframe. Cordelia’s head smacked up against the frame.

“It would do you good Cordelia if you remember I can easily overpower you. Don’t forget that.” Riley sneered. He stepped away from her and continued his phone conversation while she quickly scuttled away to the van. Once he was sure she could not hear he picked up his phone conversation.

“Sorry about that Forrest. The snobby bitch apparently has never been some place you pay by the hour.”

“No problem man. So you were saying something weird happened to Buffy?”

“Yeah man. After Cordelia had a vision, I ran into the room and found her with Hostile 17. Not only was his fangs buried in her neck, but she had her own fangs in his neck.”

“Holy shit Riley, he turned her into a vamp!”

“No Forrest, that’s the fucked up thing. She’s still human but she has these tiny fangs.”

“Finn you know what you have to do, right? The chic is obviously a demon now.”

Riley thought about it. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Forrest was making sense. He had tried to save Buffy from the Initiative, but he failed her. In the end, she turned into a demon. Now that she was a demon, she was a hostile, and now that she was a hostile, she should be turned over to the Initiative.

“You are right Forrest. I have to rest right now though. I was planning on going just outside of Vegas for the night. When I get there, I can give you my coordinates. You and Walsh can meet me there.”

“Glad you came to your senses Finn. Send along your coordinates when your ready and we will meet you tomorrow evening at 21:00 sharp.”

The connection disconnected between the two men. Riley sat down on the bed. He knew that logically, he had made the right decision. He could not shake the sinking feeling in his heart.


Cordelia did as instructed and wondered out to the SUV. She sat in the back seat so she could watch for Riley.

“Buffy, are you awake?”

“Yeah. Uncomfortable and awake.”

“Well I don’t know how well you’ll be able to fake it for a few hours in the porno palace we’re staying at.”

“Great,” Buffy said. She let out a soft sigh of frustration.

“Do you think you have enough strength to break out of those bindings and overpower him?” Cordy asked.

“I need some more rest first. I also think these are specially made to hold demons, so I’ll have to try harder.”

“Well I think Riley’s attitude has turned for the worse. He pushed me up against the doorframe when I complained to him about the room. He was all Mr. Testosterone with the trying to put me in my place. What an ass! I hope Angel gets here soon.”

“They should be able to find us. Spike has some kind of link with William.”

“And he does with you too. I read about mating claims. If you concentrate you should be able to communicate through a bond with Spike,” Cordelia said. She looked up and saw Riley coming from the hotel room. “Look, pretend to sleep and I’ll suggest to him that we should leave you in the car with a blanket over you. That way you can concentrate on the bond thingy.”

Buffy nodded quickly and shut her eyes as Riley approached the SUV. He opened up the backdoor next to Cordelia.

“Come on, let’s go in and sleep,” Riley said.

“Ok,” she skittishly replied.

“You need to help me carry Buffy in first,” he commanded.

“I think we should just cover her with a blanket and leave her in the car. Besides, it will be hard for me to carry her and the baby at the same time,” she pleaded.

Riley thought about it for a moment. It made sense and he was feeling bad for being an ass towards her. “Ok, your right. I’ll get a blanket out of the room and cover her up, besides we’ll have to bring her in when we get to Las Vegas. That will be a challenge,” he said.

“Thank you,” She replied. Cordelia carefully maneuvered herself out of the car with William. She made her way into the hotel room. Riley followed her in, and grabbed a blanket off the bed.

“I’ll be right back,” he told her. “Pick your space and make yourself comfortable after you set William up in his car seat to sleep.”

Cordelia watched him walk out of the room. She had no other options now, so she did what Cordelia told her. She prayed to the Powers That Be for some help. When Riley walked back in, he looked over at her sleeping form. He was glad that there was no more pushback about the room, although she had been 100% correct. This was no place for a lady or a child, but he was too tired to care.


Buffy was relieved that Riley had thrown the blanket on her and left her to be. It would give her time to work on the bond that Cordelia mentioned she would have with Spike. She was suddenly grateful for all of the times Giles forced her to practice meditation. She regulated her breathing, and centered herself. She pictured herself wrapping her arms around Spike and holding onto him for deal life.

Buffy did not expect any results from trying to work the link, but she was surprised when she heard Spike’s voice in her head.

“Buffy, luv, are you ok?”

“Spike, is that really you or am I losing it?”

“It’s really me. Our claim has opened up a bond between each other that we can communicate.”

“Thank God. I did not think you would ever find us. Riley still thinks I’m out cold. Were shacked up at this roach motel and he left me bound up in the back of his SUV.”

“Where’s William?”

“Cordelia has him Spike. She has been playing housekeeper to him, but she’s on our side. She says that he’s changed his mind from wanting to keep us away from the Initiative to surrendering us to them. You have to hurry.”

“No worries love, we are on the way.”

“But how do you know where I am?”

“Seems someone who speaks to the Pixies wanted to help us out.”


“Yeah luv, but don’t worry about her. Look luv, we know you’re near Vegas. Rest for now and I’ll open up the link later.”

“Sounds good. I’m still groggy from being hit with the taser.”

“Rest now Buffy.”

Buffy felt her connection with Spike close off. As she lay there, she could not help but remember the Slayer dream she had with Dru. ‘Will Drusilla prove to be a friend or a foe?’

She would find out soon enough.
Ch 16 - Changes

Extra Extra thanks to Meli for betaing this chapter wicked fast! :) She did a great job, as usual!!

Thank you to all of you for you reviews! Now the story starts getting good. Someone in the initiative gets it, and little William inflicts some damage of his own.

Chapter 16 - Changes

Willow was thankful that Xander still had some commando gear leftover from the year they turned into their Halloween costumes. Although she had to use a belt to keep her camouflage from hanging too loosely off her, it would do the job. She had to admit though; Giles looked a little odd in his camouflage suit. Xander’s suit was the only real outfit that fit.

The three of them were an odd site. It seemed like a good idea at first to hide in the bushes and then rush to the car so they could follow Forrest to wherever Riley may be, ergo leading to Buffy.

“G-Man, I see him through my infrared goggles. Looks like he is on a phone or a walkie talkie.”

Giles removed his glasses and polished them in frustration. Willow just shook her head.

“What? Why are you all looking at me like that?” Xander said while he plucked some red berries out of Willow’s hair.

“Xander, perhaps it is because no matter how many times I ask you not to call me that horrid nickname you disregard my request.” Giles patiently explained, knowing it was falling on deaf ears.

“G-Man? Huh, never realized it bothered you so much. I’ll have to come up with something new for you. Like Rupster or …”

Xander did not get to finish his thought as Giles and Willow let out a simultaneous reply of “NO!”.

“Well I’m just saying, you guy’s should know me by now. Can’t take the Xan-man anywhere.” Xander looked through his infrared back into the house. “Looks like he’s packing for a trip.”

“And it looks like you folks aren’t out here camping.”

Willow, Giles, and Xander whipped around quickly to face an unhappy Maggie Walsh. A very unhappy and armed Maggie Walsh.

“Trying to foil my plans Miss Rosenberg?”

“No, no we were just out here checking out the neighborhood. You know, neighborhood watch program. Gotta keep it safe!” Willow mumbled nervously as she reached into her pocket for her bloodstone.

“You’re a bright young lady Miss Rosenberg. Just not bright enough to cover your trail as you hacked your way into the Initiative’s records. My hackers were easily able to lock on to your PC and whereabouts,” Maggie explained.

With their undercover work foiled, Giles was not pleased. “You have no business interfering in the life of my Slayer.”

Maggie sneered at the Englishman, “As a member of rank in the United States Government, I have all the right in the world to interfere in order to fulfill my mission. Which includes deporting you or eliminating you,” she paused for a moment as she looked around at each of them, “all of you.”

Maggie neglected to pay close attention during her little speech, as she was too focused on making her threat that the last words she heard were Willow’s whispered “So mote it be.”

In a flash, all that was on the ground were the clothes Maggie had been wearing.

“What did you do Willow?” Giles asked for once thankful that the witch had used her powers.

Willow leaned over and sifted through the pile of clothes until she found her prize.

“I made a new friend for Amy!”

Willow picked up Maggie the rat and put her into her backpack, “One down, one more to go!”

“While I’m grateful you saved us from the wrath of that woman, I’m afraid we can’t turn Forrest into a rat.” Giles said.

Willow just let Giles condescending tone roll off her. She knew that he just did not understand her. Xander interrupted her train of thought as he let them know that it appeared Forrest was finally making a move.

“He’s grabbing his keys and it looks like he’s heading for the door. Let’s go.”

Luckily, the three were able to fumble out of the bushes and make it to Giles’ car before Forrest made out of his front door. The commando would have heard the not so quiet rush to the car if he had been outside.

Of course, they did not realize that the only reason for the delay was that Forrest was on the phone with Riley discussing where Maggie could possibly be.


Riley was groggy, but he had managed to process what Forrest had told him. Walsh had not arrived at Forrest’s place. She was overdue by an hour and Forrest had no choice but to leave her behind in order to get to the helicopter in time.

Riley did not want to say it, but he knew that Buffy’s friends had to have interfered. ‘They may have gotten Maggie, but there is no way they’d be able to overpower both Forrest and I at the same time,’ he thought to himself. He sat up in the bed and threw his legs over the side to sit up. With fresh eyes, he looked around the room and shame filled him. This really was not the place to bring a lady, but it served its purpose. He still felt bad that he had left Buffy out in the SUV, but she was knocked out and there was no telling what she would do with her new fangs. Better to be safe than sorry.

He walked into the shower to freshen up before the drive. He looked around and saw the hard water stains permanently etched onto the tub and sink. About the only think that looked clean were the towels. ‘Get over it soldier boy,’ he thought, ‘you’ve bathed in the jungle with oversized bugs, snakes, and dirt.’ Riley reached past the soap scum encrusted shower curtain and turned the water to the shower on as hot as he could. As he began to strip down, he heard Cordelia screaming in pain. He rushed into the room to ready to attack whatever was hurting her.

Riley saw her clutching her head, and recognized that she was having a vision. He walked over to comfort her, but she gestured to him to keep his distance.

“Just go shower. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” She whispered.

“What did you see?” Riley asked.

“I’ll tell you after. It hurts now; I need a few minutes to let the pain go away. Go shower.”

Riley began to reluctantly make his way into the shower, but not before he picked William up from Cordelia’s arms. As he lifted the small child up, he noticed the baby’s eyes flashed green before he felt little teeth piercing his skin.

Little teeth that hurt very badly piercing his skin, teeth that felt an awful lot like little fangs.

“Ow!” Riley yelled as he pulled William away and placed the baby on the bed. “He bit me!”

Cordelia just shook her head, not wanting to share too much information with Riley. “He’s probably pissed because you’ve kept him away from his mother.”

“But he has fangs!”

“Riley, just go shower.”

Riley scoffed at Cordelia and made his way into the shower.


“Good Boy!” Spike shouted.

“What the hell are you blabbering about Spike?” Angel asked.

“My little sprog, got so angry at the stupid soldier boy, he sunk his little fangs into him.” Spike said proudly. He looked over at Drusilla, who was staring at Spike with an evil grin across her face. “What the bloody hell are you thinking Dru?”

“You’re sprog didn’t just bite him my Spike, he marked him for vengeance. A vengeance he cannot escape. Every vampire will see or sense that bite mark and recognize that that man is marked for death for wronging the Aurelius clan. That is, if mummy doesn’t get him first.”

The car was silent for a moment as Angel and Spike took in Drusilla’s words.

“Bloody Hell! Buffy’s going to sense that our sprog has marked him and she’ll go after him to protect her child.”

Spike was very worried that Buffy would now react on natural instincts and not use her head. Angel had clearly come to the same conclusion as his foot pressed down on the accelerator a little harder.


Buffy felt her fangs descend from her mouth, she did not know what it was, except that her little William was upset and that she needed to protect him. That bastard Riley had been keeping him from her, and she did not know how much longer she could be without her son.

Riley had finished his shower and was preparing to send Cordelia out to the car with William. He had almost forgotten about Cordelia’s vision. Almost.

“So are you going to share with me what you saw?”

Cordelia sauntered over to Riley and threw her arms around him. “You’re going to be a hero. Those vampires are going to come after you and you’re going to win!”

Riley beamed with pride, he knew he had done the right thing all along, Cordelia’s vision just confirmed it.

“Well how about you get little William out to the car so we can get to Las Vegas and get this over with? I’ll go pay the hotel bill while you get settled in the car,” Riley said.

“No problem Riley. I’ll see you in the car,” Cordelia replied as she walked out the door. He never saw the smug smile on her face. She walked to the SUV and opened it up.

“Buffy it’s me. Look, I’ve got to be quick; he’s paying for the room so just listen. I just had a vision and told Riley he was going to win and all that. I lied. Spike, Dru, and Angel are on their way and they are so going to kick his ass. Ok I’m being quiet now, he’s coming.”

Riley opened the door and climbed into the driver’s side of the vehicle. As he drove away, the noise of the traffic drowned out the growling noise in the back of the SUV.

In addition, it was dark enough out that he did not notice that a certain Slayer managed to get free.
Ch 17 - Challenges
Chapter 17 - Challenges

Cordelia noticed Buffy out of the corner of her eye. Apparently, the Slayer had finally managed to break free of her bonds. Buffy’s eyes possessed a feral gleam to them and she appeared angry and ready to strike.

Cordelia looked over to Riley to see if he had noticed. The soldier was too busy concentrating on the road ahead of them and tapping his hands along the steering wheel as if was the drummer in whatever godforsaken band he was listening to.

Therefore, the brunette beauty had a very important decision to make. Risk their lives by letting an angry Buffy attack Riley while he was in process of driving or suffer and listen to whatever shit Riley was listening to for the next couple of hours. The decision turned out not to be that difficult.

“Riley, I’m going to crawl in back to grab William. He looks like he’s about to get fussy.”

Riley did not even look at her. He mumbled a “sure” to her, sounding slightly annoyed that he was interrupted from his daydream. Quickly, she unbuckled her seat restraint, and crawled towards the back. She noticed that Riley’s coat was hanging off the back of the driver’s chair, and sticking slightly out of its pocket would be all she needed to resolve this situation, the taser. Carefully she removed it out of the pocket as she finished climbing into the back.

Luckily, Buffy was concentrating too hard on leering at Riley that she did not even notice Cordelia had reached behind her and zapped her with the taser. Cordelia collapsed against the back of the seat and relaxed. ‘Catastrophe averted.’ She thought. Then, she unbuckled little William from his car seat and rocked him gently. Hopefully, he would not try to bite her since she just knocked out his mom. She silently hoped that he had some way of being able to sense intent, and that her intent was out of the goodness of her heart.

“Yes!” Riley exclaimed from the front seat. “Man I love this song.”

Cordelia cringed as the volume of music increased and she had to listen to Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” belting out of the speakers and William start to whimper. William she could deal with. Bad 80’s hair bands she could not. She tapped Riley on the shoulder, and he immediately turned down the volume.

“What?” he asked her obviously annoyed.

“Look Riley, I understand it is a very long drive. I understand that it is helpful to have the radio on something you like. I even understand the whole reliving my high school dream of I want to be a rock star. I plead with you anything but this. Don’t you have some CDs in here that we can listen too?”

“Look under the passenger seat, there is a CD folio there,” he barked at her. She placed William back into his seat, making sure she secured it before proceeding to move down to grab the holder. She sat back up, opened it, and thumbed through his small collection. ‘Vanilla Ice, REO Speedwagon, Air Supply, Stryper….ugh this guy has shit in his collection,’ she thought. A frustrated driver interrupted her from her inner musing.

“Are you going to hand me something or not, because if not I am going to turn this back up,” Riley said.

“Fine, fine,” Cordelia huffed as she blew her hair out of her face. She quickly flipped towards the back and found a couple of CDs she could tolerate.

“Here, these two are good,” she said as she reached to the front seat and handed the discs to him.

Riley snagged them out of her hand. He smiled; pleased that she had found something that would allow him to continue using his steering wheel as a drum set.

“Perfect! I forgot all about this Motley Crue disk. That Billy Idol one must have been from an old girlfriend, but it’s still cool,” he said.

“Glad I could make you happy,” Cordelia replied. She would never admit it to anyone, but she actually was quite fond of Motley Crue herself. She smiled knowing that at least now they would spend the duration of the trip listening to some quality 80s music.

William began to fuss again in his car seat. Cordelia reached over and unbuckled him from his seat. Gently, she picked the little guy up and held him to her chest. He quieted down, but before Cordelia could be relieved, she felt like a little pin pricked her breast.

She looked down and saw that little William was a little hungry. Cordelia was relieved that for once, she had decided to wear her Victoria’s Secret water bra. After all, if would have hurt if the little vamp kid had stuck his teeth in her. As quickly as he struck, he also pulled back. He had recognized he was not going to get what he was looking for out of Cordelia. Cordelia looked in the back of the SUV and saw that the Slayer had fallen in such a way that William could easily be placed aside her so he could nurse. Before William could begin to fuss again, she gently lifted him over the back seat and placed him next to his mother.

In no time, William was a very happy baby.


Forrest made it to the helicopter pad only to find one little problem.

There was no helicopter.

It did not take him longer to identify his second problem.

There was no one there from the Initiative.

He was not sure what was going on, but he knew that for sure whatever had thrown a monkey wrench into their plans had to do with Walsh not showing up at as agreed. He had even tried her cell phone several times on the way over. Every time his calls had gone unanswered.

Usually, the self-assured soldier did not panic. After all, he had fought against demons in the jungles of South America so why should he suddenly feel insecure. ‘Because I can’t shake this feeling that I’m being followed,’ he thought. Forrest made his way back to his vehicle. He climbed in and then shut and locked the doors. Next, the soldier reached for his cell phone and hit the speed dial button for Finn. At first, all he heard was music blasting, but then he heard it abruptly stop.

“Finn?” Forrest queried.

“Hey Forrest, sorry bout that. I was wrapped up in my tunes.”

“No problem. Listen we may have some complications. Have you heard from Walsh at all?”

“No. Why?”

“She never showed up tonight. I’m at the helicopter pad now, and there is no one here. No copter either.”

Forrest could here Riley take a deep breath before he spoke.

“Forrest, I know the vampires are after me but I have one of their people here. She’s a seer. She had a vision about it and in that vision they caught up with me, attacked, but I won. I don’t want you to risk you life trying to get here to face them. Without having access to a helicopter to whisk us back to Initiative Headquarters, I put you at risk because we won’t have a quick escape. Do you have any contacts here that I can work with?”

“No. You’re on your own Finn. But, I’ll try to do what I can to get us some air transport. You know you could just grab a civilian flight?”

“That’s a good idea Forrest. I won’t be able to do anything until I get into Las Vegas. Even then I think I’m going to want to rest first.”

“That makes sense. Hey, have a little fun with the seer chick. Maybe you can play the tables at the Bellagio and make some dough. In fact, I have a friend that works there. Ask for Mac, he’ll hook you up with a nice room there.”

“Sounds sweet. Thanks for keeping me posted Forrest. Call me if there is any change.”

“No problem. Over and out.”

Forrest turned the phone off and placed it into the console between the front seats. He felt like someone was watching him again. He sat up, but before he could jump from being startled from seeing Giles in his rear view mirror, he had passed out from the chokehold that Giles had placed around his neck.

“Now what are we going to do with him Giles?” Willow asked.

“Well, now that we know specifically where Riley is heading to in Las Vegas we should call Angel and let them know,” Giles replied.

“There is no way we could get to Las Vegas in time to help them out. The car would take way too long, and we don’t have a helicopter at our disposal.” Xander said.

“Agreed Xander, we also don’t have the funds for airline tickets.” Giles said.

“Well I could go,” Willow offered.

“Wills, unless you have a secret stash of money, how are you going to go?” Xander asked.

“I have been studying teleporting. I could try to do it?” the witch shyly offered.

“I have to disagree with you Willow. I don’t think that would be a good idea, especially since you haven’t even practiced doing it over small distances.”

Willow pouted, but it did not have the same effect she desired.

“I suppose now that we are done with Forrest, you could make Amy another friend?” Giles offered.

“Ok!” Willow answered, knowing that later that night she would still be making a trip to Las Vegas.
Ch 18 - Las Vegas

I know it's been a very long time since I've last updated. (Opal ducks down from rocks being thrown at her). Things have been hectic in real life!

I hope all is well with everyone. Thanks so much for your reviews and support. It's so fab to see that folks have been stimulated enough by this ficcie to leave feedback. You all rock!!

Happy Holidays! ** Hugs** Opal

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 18 - Las Vegas

Spike was startled out of his nap by the ring tone on Angel’s cell phone. ‘Figures the poofter would have something as lame as Manilow as his ringer.’

“Tut-Tut. No bad thoughts about Daddy,” Dru reprimanded. “You need to listen to Daddy for news about sunshine.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Spike answered back to her. ‘She’s right,’ he thought, ‘I ought to be listening for news about my girl.’ By the time he came to that conclusion, Angel was already off the phone.

“Who was that on the line?” Spike asked.

“Giles, he gave us an exact location where they will be tonight.”

“How did he find that out? Red cast a spell?”

“No. Apparently they did some reconnaissance work and overheard this information firsthand,” Angel replied.

“So how is Buffy?”

“He didn’t know. He just was able to tell us that Riley is taking them to the Bellagio Casino.”

A low growl emitted from Spike’s throat. He was aggravated that he could not connect with his mate and apparently, he could not get any confirmation of Buffy and William’s well-being. Dru patted his arm to reassure him everything would be ok.

“No worries. All will be well,” she whispered.

Spike nodded to Dru in acknowledgement before he turned to Angel.

“So Peaches, how much longer until we get there?”

“We can be there before the sun comes up.”

“Perfect. Let me make a few calls on your phone. I have a few friends in the area that will do me a favor and make arrangements for us to get in there undetected.”

Angel handed the cell phone to Spike and let the blond vampire get to work. Spike quickly made a few calls, some of which caused Angel to shake his head and wonder why he was using Spike’s connection. It was hard not to laugh though when Drusilla managed to persuade Spike to get her and Miss Edith their own suite, complete with tea on arrival. He was puzzled for the request for cheese though, he had no clue what she would need that for.

“The arrangements have been made. When we arrive, we are to go around back to the demon entrance. They have also set up surveillance to watch for their arrival and monitor all of Riley’s movements. My contact will give me a call as soon as they arrive, but they will not attempt to intervene.”

“Smart move on their part,” Angel replied. “Since your feeling better now Spike, would you mind driving the rest of the way?”

“No problem. We’ll get there faster anyway,” Spike replied.

As Angel and Spike went through the motion of changing seats, neither of them noticed Dru quickly swipe Angel’s cell phone. Both of the male vampires had not thought of her to be technology savvy. However, little did they know she had learned quite a lot in the time since they were all together. A wicked grin spread across Drusilla’s lips as she flipped the phone open and quickly went to work. Luckily, Angel was too preoccupied with settling back in the car and getting some rest to notice her handiwork. Carefully, she shut the phone as to not bring attention to her mischief.

Dru swiftly returned the cell phone to its resting place and smiled. Her William would be much happier the next time Daddy’s phone went off.


Cordelia glanced at the clock in the front of the SUV, twelve o’clock. She could not believe how late it was. She heard little William start to fuss. ‘Shit! I left him back there with Buffy,’ Cordelia thought. Quickly she looked over to see him lying on his back next to his mom. She reached over and pulled him over the back seat and into her arms. Caressing his back, she leaned against the window and peered out into the dark night.

That is when she saw relief from the confines of the SUV. Cordelia was confident at this point, that many individuals were happy to see the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign.

Her happiness quickly vanished when she remembered that there was one more hurdle to go through – getting Buffy into the hotel without getting them killed. It would be so easy to just alert the security guards, but the unknown outcome of doing such was not worth the risk.

She knew that Angel and Spike were coming.

A noise from the back indicated that Buffy had started to wake up from her taser-induced sleep. Cordelia saw that they were very close to the Strip, so she decided that perhaps she was better off just letting the Slayer exact her vengeance now, since they were no longer barreling down a highway.

Nevertheless, the Slayer did not rouse as she had expected.

Instead, Buffy was trying to reach out to her mate. Cordelia’s earlier decision to taser her had been enough to temper her feral desire to exact the vengeance that her son had marked on Riley. As much as she wanted to reach for her son now, she knew that communicating with Spike might be the difference between William’s life and death. She relaxed and centered herself, allowing her mind to open up the bond between Slayer and mate.

Spike’s voice suddenly echoed in her head, ‘Buffy?’

‘Spike? Is that you? Where are you?’

Spike could sense her panic, and hoped to calm her fears and keeping the link open.

‘On my way love. Driving now. Peaches and Dru are resting. We estimate that we will be there with you before the sun rises. How are you doing luv? How is the baby?’

‘I’m a little shaky. Cordelia is taking good care of William. How are you going to find us before sunset? I don’t even know where we are.’

‘Thank your Scoobies and Watcher. They did some legwork and got us some information first hand.’

‘Great. So where are we going?’

‘Bellagio. Soldier boy doesn’t know it, but Peaches and I got the place covered.’

Spike could feel Buffy’s relief that help was on its way through the bond. Before he could feel satisfied that he had calmed her, he felt her anger balloon up.

‘Slayer, do not let the call for vengeance make you do something stupid. You just cooperate with the soldier boy until you get there.’

‘We’re slowing down Spike, we must be about there. Keep the link open, but don’t distract me.’

‘Be careful luv. Just pretend that you should go along with him, and please do not do anything rash.’

Spike waited for a reply, but it did not come. He assumed that the soldier boy had finally arrived at their destination. Meanwhile, Buffy had to decide if she should continue to feign being unconscious or at least rejoin the world of the living.

As she heard the driver’s side door open and close, she quickly sat up. It was time for this little pathetic game that Riley was playing, was played on her terms. As the back of the SUV opened, Riley was surprised that she was up and that she had not tried to attack him. It was a good thing too, because Riley had made the mistake of leaving his taser in the front of the vehicle.

Buffy decided to start with making Riley think and that she thought he was doing the right thing. She hoped that he would not see right through her fake sweetness; however, she was confident that he would be too smitten with having his ego stroked to even notice.

“Riley, you rescued us from the Evil Vampires! I’m so glad you helped us, I don’t know what even happened back there, like I said so happy you got us away.”

Riley had not even expected her to respect what he did for them, never mind be happy about it. His heart swelled with pride.

“No problem Buffy. I could see that Spike was taking advantage of your pain before you both went to the room. When we all reached the room, I saw his fangs in your neck and just knew I had to act,” he replied. Riley figured it would be best just to keep the information about her and William having fangs to him. Perhaps they would not feel threatened about being around the Initiative. For once, the burly soldier was actually able to think quickly and use her cooperativeness to his advantage. “In fact Buffy, I’m sure we’ll have two angry vampires coming after us. That is why we fled to Las Vegas. I have some of my friends from the Initiative coming out to help us. They’ll help protect you and William from any retribution we may have.”

Buffy hopped out of the back of the SUV and jumped into the soldier’s arms. “Oh Riley,” she said as she placed a kiss on his cheek, “you’re my hero. I do not know how to repay you? Maybe we can see if Cordelia will sit for William and we can enjoy some time in the casino together?”

Cordelia was still in the backseat of the SUV holding William. She rolled her eyes at the situation. All it took was a little shameless flirting and Riley was putty in Buffy’s hands. Cordelia had to give Buffy credit. If the Slayer could occupy the soldier long enough, it would give Angel and Spike enough time to get there and launch a surprise attack. When she heard Riley agree to Buffy’s idea, Cordelia stepped out of the SUV and walked, with William in her arms, around to the back of the vehicle.

With her best one hundred watt smile, she looked at the pair and spoke, “That sounds like a fantastic idea. I would love to watch him for you both. In fact, let the valet park the car and after we get keys to our rooms, you two can run off and have a good time.”

“Thanks Cordelia,” Riley replied. “It really means a lot to me that you’ll do us this favor. With all the stress Buffy and I have had over the past few days, a good stress reliever is what we need.”

As she felt Riley’s arm sneak around her waist, Buffy had to resist pushing out of his arms – even if she could feel her mate’s heavy disapproval through he claim. She winked at Cordelia and leaned into Riley.

“That’s so sweet of you to do this for us Cordy. I really appreciate it,” Buffy said. She leaned in to give little William a kiss on the forehead. She could feel her son’s disapproval of his mommy being so close to the bad man, but she would hope that Spike would send William some soothing vibes to calm him down. Spike had been able to read her thoughts at the moment, so as quickly as she felt her son’s disdain it also went away. Buffy kindly sent Spike some loving thoughts through the claim, reassuring him that her actions with Riley were absolutely an act, one big torturous act.

Riley had entered into the hotel to take care of their rooming arrangements for the night. It gave Buffy and Cordelia a brief moment together to set their plan in motion. Buffy backed away from William, and as she did, Cordelia noticed both mother and son’s eyes change colors. Before she could question what was going on, Buffy spoke up.

“Cordelia, keep William away from me and keep him safe. It’s so hard for me not to rip Riley to shreds right now, and being close to William is making it very difficult to fulfill the call for vengeance he put on Riley. I can’t make a move until they get here.”

“Are they close?” Cordy asked.

“Yes, they should be here sometime after midnight. Then vengeance will be ours.” Buffy said. She leaned in, gave Cordelia a hug, and quickly shifted back into her act. “So, thanks again Cordy. I appreciate you watching William.”

Buffy quickly turned around and put her arm through Riley’s as they waltzed into the Casino. Cordelia turned to the staff member whom was waiting to escort her and William to their room.

“Ahh, the souled one’s seer,” he said. “Don’t worry about them. Angel and Spike have this placed covered with friends to keep things from getting out of hand. We have already taken care of all of the Initiatives operatives that were here. So now let’s get you up to your suite so you can relax in the whirlpool until the rescue squad arrives.”

Cordelia happily followed the staff member all the way to the elevator. Finally, she was going to be treated like Queen C again, for the first time in a long time.

Next Chappie it all goes down!!! Don't forget to leave a nice review and inspire my muse to work a little faster!!

Ch 19 - Playing Games

Thanks to Meli for the Beta work!

Thanks to Ariel Dawn for allowing me to run the "Willow Scene" by her! She also told me I made the Top Ten list here at BSV. Thank you all!! *blushes**

Thank you all for coming out to review! *blushes*

Have a wonderful holiday season. I probably won't post again for this fic until after the new year! I know this tidbit is on the shorter side, but hey its a crumb! Don't forget, leave my muse some nummy reviews.

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Disclaimer: It's still not mine....except for the plot. Damn.

Chapter 19 – Playing Games

Buffy yawned as she stood behind Riley. It was hard work acting as if she was excited to see Riley win. Clearly, luck was on her side too, because he had been so preoccupied with the joys of winning that he was not paying much attention at all. She did not see a clock around, but she knew it was getting late. Before she could think of where her mate may be, she felt the tell tale tingles at the back of her neck.

‘Going for the sneak attack.’

‘Just don’t turn around Buffy. Don’t do anything, except get his bleedin’ hand off of your arse!’

Buffy was about to gently nudge his had off her, but he did it all on his own.

“Yes! We are going to hook ourselves up sweet with the winnings from this hand Buffy. Let’s go check out,” Riley suggested. As he turned to slip off the chair and take her in his arms, he was face to face with a beautiful black haired woman.

“Tut-Tut, Sunshine isn’t for you. Look into my eyes. Be in me.”

Immediately, Riley fell under Drusilla’s thrall. She gently grabbed his hand and led him away from the tables. The dealer awarded Buffy the winnings Riley had left behind; she generously left a couple of thousand on the table as a tip. As Buffy watched Drusilla walk away with Riley, she felt Spike’s cold, strong arms wrap around her. Gently, he nuzzled her neck with lips. She could feel his hands moving down her body, his hard cock brushing against her ass.

“You guys can get a room later. We have a soldier to torture.”

“Yeah, yeah. Poofter can’t even give me a moment with my girl.”

“If I gave you another moment with her, you would have had her up on the table.”

“What’s a bloke to do when he’s just seen another man with his hands on his girl? C’mon, you would have done the same thing.”

Buffy just stood and watched her former and current love banter back and forth. She shook her head slightly and rolled her eyes.

“I would have been more discreet. For Buffy.”

“Well how’s this for discreet?”

Spike quickly shifted into his game face and swiftly bit over his claim marks and drank down her lifeblood. The quick release that ripped through her body surprised Buffy. She was disappointed when he had removed his fangs, but she was thrilled when he heard his possessive words spoken in front of Angel. He had looked up at her, with worry in his eyes that she might not acknowledge their bond in front of her former love. Buffy soothed that worry quickly by answering him with no hesitation in her voice.

“Yours. Only yours. My love belongs to you.”

They stood in silence until the sound of a cell phone going off interrupted their moment, the cell phone that Angel was pulling out from his pocket. The cell phone ring tone set to “Anarchy in the UK”. Spike chuckled; all knowing who the culprit was behind it. When Angel finally flipped open the phone, he was very agitated with his greeting.

“Daddy! I hope you like your new music. Much better than that other stuff, it hurt my ears. Now you tell William to get his fangs out of his girl and go down to the lower level elevator. Then we’ll play hide and seek.”

“Dru, no games.”

“This isn’t a game for us Daddy. It’s a game for the boy. You like games, games that we always win.”

“We’re on our way.”

Angel clicked the phone shut and looked back at Buffy and Spike whom were still cuddling, but were at least being discreet enough and not too clingy.

“Looks like it’s time for hide and seek Drusilla’s way.”


Willow had waited enough. She was an all-powerful witch, and would certainly be able to help Buffy out. So what was she doing? She was back at Giles flat, sitting on his couch while those two had run out to get some pizza and beer. What was up with that –Giles and Xander bonding over going to get food? She did not need to hang around for this. Suddenly, instantly gifted with the insight she needed, and ran over to frantically scurry a note on a pad Giles had on his desk.

Giles & Xander,

Sorry I couldn’t stay for pizza. I changed my mind and decided to head back to the dorm for the night. Have fun with the pizza and beer!


‘That aught to do it.’

She took all of her stuff, including newly acquired rats, and made her way back to her dorm room. After putting Amy’s new friends in the cage, she grabbed her supplies and laid them out. She stood in the circle, whispering the words needed to harness the magicks that would teleport her to Las Vegas.

She opened her eyes and looked around. Then threw some dust around her and mumbled again; when she opened up her eyes, she grinned with excitement as she looked around. She had successfully teleported into the casino. This was certainly better than her first stop, which had been had been a sight right out of a Discovery Channel show. Specifically the mating part of the show; perhaps it would not have been very bad if it had been furry dogs, or bears or something cute. No, of all the things Willow had to teleport into the wild pig love festival. They were not cute pigs, like Mr. Gordo. Nope. Ugly wild boars. At least it had not been a Fyarl demon love fest.

She began to search around for Buffy, but before she could, hotel security had approached her. She turned to escape, but the guard had grabbed her hand.

“Miss you’ll have to come with us.”

Willow was shocked and scared. Could this be one of the men that Forrest had referred to? Before he could drag her away, another staff member came forth.

“She’s all set. A friend of the Slayer and the Seer.”

The change in emotions she was feeling, overwhelmed Willow. Before she could process her confusion, she started to feel weak. The teleporting had taken much more out of her than she had expected. No longer able to remain focused, she fell back into the arms of the guard.


The elevator doors opened, and the three warriors stepped out into the lower level of the casino. Both vampires slipped into game face and inhaled deeply.

“That is so gross.”

“Leave it to you love to be prissy when we are about to walk into a bloodbath.”


“Yeah love. Seems Dru as already started having fun playing carve the soldier boy. I can smell his blood in the air. Even more I can feel the sprog’s little vengeance mark calling me.”

“So, what are you waiting for?”

“Love, it’s not going to be pretty. When Angelus…”

“Angel,” his grandsire corrected.

“When Angel and I get in there, that boy is going to get what is coming to him. You don’t have to be there love. In fact you may not like what you see, but I’m bound by duty to exact vengeance upon him.”

Spike looked at his mate, silently praying she would understand. He knew that this would make or break their relationship with each other going forward. He knew he was taking a risk, as she took her sacred duty seriously. As her lips parted, he waited to hear the lecture of why they cannot do it pour out of her honey sweet lips.

However, it never came. What did come from her lips pleasantly surprised him.

“So, like I said. What. Are. You. Waiting. For?”

Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!!

**hugs** Opal
Ch 20 - Appearances

Thanks to everyone for being so patient with my updates! I really appreciate all the reviews I've received. I'd like to thank Meli for being an awesome beta.

Extra thanks to Bloody Tears of Life and Ariel Dawn keeping me on my toes.

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 20 - Appearances

Willow slowly opened up her eyes as she stretched out on the bed. As soon as she heard the baby crying, she sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room to find its source. She slid off the bed and walked over to the crib on the other side of the bedroom. Cautiously, she leaned into the crib and picked the whimpering little boy up.

“It’s okay William. Auntie Willow’s here now, wherever here is.”

She placed a gentle kiss on his soft forehead. Before she could turn around and continue to explore the new surroundings she found herself in, a familiar voice caught her attention.

“Willow! It’s about time you woke up.” Cordelia exclaimed.

“Um, yeah hello to you too Cordelia. Where are we?” Willow asked.

“No time for formalities now. You are still in the hotel, but this is a safe room. Look you’re needed down in the basement. You have to go down there and stop Buffy.”


“I don’t know why. Look Willow, I get these visions. It’s the Powers that Be's way of sending me an instant message. The last one I got told me you need to go downstairs, pronto!” Cordelia hastily explained as she took William from Willow’s arms and pushed her out of the bedroom, into a very luxurious living area.

“Wow. This placed is just…Wow.” Willow said, as she looked around, amazed at the posh surroundings.

“Damn it Willow,” Cordelia exclaimed, “Go now, gawk later!”

Cordelia lead her to the door and then instructed her to take the elevator to the lower level. The red headed witch thanked her and ran to the nearest set of elevators. As she stepped into the empty elevator, she pondered what had just happened. She pressed the lower level button and leaned against the back wall. She quickly moved one of her hands away from the brass bar she was holding on to in order to push her hair out of her face. She had ten floors to figure out how she was going to stop Buffy, but she was puzzled at what and why she was supposed to be stopping her best friend who was on the same side as the good guys.


Spike’s demon was overjoyed that his mate had approved of the violence about to take place. After giving his demon a few moments to gloat, he let some rational thoughts finally slip into his head. ‘Maybe it isn’t a good idea for her to stay around for this,’ he thought.

Buffy noticed the pensive look on her mate’s face. She knew that Spike was not much of a thinker, more of a doer, so this was a sign that perhaps he had some hesitation in letting her be here. Impatient with him and itching to exact revenge against the man who sought to destroy their son, she quickly turned around, her blond locks whirling around as she moved...

“Damn it, if you two aren’t going to do anything than I am.”

Reaching back into her waistband, she pulled out a stake and angrily walked her way towards Riley and Drusilla. Drusilla smiled with glee to see the Slayer so willing to participate in the torture and death of a human.

“Goody! Baby wants to play.” Dru said as she clapped her hands.

Any thoughts of hesitation that Buffy should not participate in this disappeared from Spike. Both Spike and Angel focused on seeking revenge against the soldier that had wronged their bloodline. They were both so intensely focused, that they had not noticed another set of blue eyes watching them from the shadows. As the being stepped from the shadows into the light, everyone else had been distracted by the ding of the elevator.

Everyone except for Buffy. She was closing in on Riley, with her arm poised to throw the stake directly into the shaking man’s chest. She had several more stakes on her, and she intended to use every one of them to bring pain. The final one would be the one to finish the bastard off. With an evil grin on her face, she looked Riley right in the eye.

“You are evil. Look at you. You have the look of blood lust on your face,” Riley whispered, “I knew I should have killed you right away.”

“Too late now.” Buffy replied.

Willow stepped off the elevator, hurrying into the room, looking at the sight before her. She saw Riley, with blood dripping down his body, and Buffy ready to impale him with her stake. She also saw another man, besides the vampires, with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Apparently, the others did not realize he was here, because they were shocked when they heard him speak.

“Aunt Willow. Stop her now!”

Willow did not question it. She just knew by instinct that this is what had to be done. It was as if the words she needed were whispered into her ears as she spoke them.

“Suspended. Fall. Sleep.”

The stake that had that had just been released into the air stopped midstream and fell to the floor, along with Buffy whom was caught in the arms of the handsome stranger.

Spike growled possessively as he began to rush over to save his mate.

“Dad, would you stop being all growly for a second. Auntie Willow, could you bring mum back up to the room with Aunty Cordy?”

The mysterious young man placed a gentle kiss on the top of Buffy’s head. He looked up to see everyone in the room, including Riley, staring at him. Either they did not hear him address Spike as “Dad” or they had suddenly gone mute.

“Well, I guess I should explain stuff.”

Spike took a moment to focus on the man in front of him, the man that had just called him dad, the man with the same blue eyes and natural brown hair as he, the man who had his mate’s smile. Slowly Spike walked up to him, and gently placed one hand on his mate, and another around the man’s neck.

“I certainly think you should William.”

Opal ducts from Wulfie's projectiles being thrown because the torture hasn't started yet.....

Ok...I've started writing the next chappie already. This has what you've all been waiting so patiently for. I would have posted as one big chappie with this one, but my muse cut out...well actually real life cut into it.

I'll be working on my other fics once I've finished up with this.


Ch 21 - Vengeance
Thank you for all of your wonderful, kind reviews. Without your support, I wouldn't be encouraged to write!

Extra thanks to my beta Meli for doing a great job with reviewing this.

Here is what you have all been waiting 20 chapters for. I'll warn ya, it's a little dark, but enjoy!


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Chapter 21 - Vengeance

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

William was pleased his dad was not upset with him. He was pleasantly surprised to see that his dad was much different from the man he had become, but he would never tell his father about that. He was prepared to provide an explanation without revealing all of the ugly details.

And ugly they were.

“I had to stop her. This was the moment, the moment that broke her,” William whispered, “And it was my fault. I asked Aunt Willow to teleport me back into time to fix everything.”

Spike looked over at his son, and gently wiped the tears from Williams’ eyes. “In this time, your just a little sprog, how could this be your fault?”

“Because I marked him, and her instinct to do her job as a mother and fulfill the call for vengeance; it consumed her and prevented her from thinking rationally. After she killed him, the call for vengeance lifted and her rational returned. When she realized what she had done, she couldn’t handle it and went insane.”

Spike mentally kicked himself for letting his demon instincts get the best of him. “Son, this would have been my fault, I thought about what it would do to her for a moment, but I let my demon win out.”

William looked to his father with kindness. Of all the years, that he had heard from his father that it was his fault that Buffy had gone insane, he finally knew why his father sought solace with JD all day.

“No dad, not your fault. You were just as consumed by the call for vengeance as mum. Everything will be ok now. She’ll live and be sane. You’ll both be happy.”

Spike tightened his hold on his family, “What do you mean she’ll live?”

William looked down at his mom and realized he had to be truthful with his father. After all, the future could not be made better if he did not reveal everything.

“You couldn’t handle her mental state, so you made yourself numb. This further drove her insane because she could feel your pain through the claim. The breaking point was when I was seven. You went out and got drunk one night and didn’t come home to us. It wasn’t that you didn’t come home though, after all that was nothing unusual, but it was that you broke your fidelity to mom with Drusilla that night.”

Spike was furious with his future self, for not being there for Buffy and then breaking her heart. He swore to himself that he would never betray his golden goddess.

William could sense that his words had affected his father, but still felt he had to continue with the dreadful events of that night.

“It was so sad to watch her cry out in pain. She just kept saying it was all her fault over and over again. Finally, she stood up and kissed my forehead. She said she was sorry, but she had to do this before she drove me away too. She said she just couldn’t handle the fact that someday, like every man in her life, I would be destined to leave her too. Then she walked outside and staked herself in the heart before I could stop her. Just before she passed, she whispered to tell everyone she was sorry, so sorry for the pain.”

Everyone in the room was silent. Their Buffy, their hero, their friend would go on to have such a miserable life and an unfit ending. William gestured to Willow to come over and take Buffy upstairs. He whispered the words she needed for the spell that would make the small slayer light and easy to carry. Before Willow walked further away, he gently kissed her head and told his mom he loved her one last time. As soon as Willow and Buffy disappeared behind the elevator doors, he stood up in game face and looked directly at Riley.

“Now as I said, I came here to stop her. The only way I can do that is to stop the call for vengeance. There is only one way I can do that Riley.” William sneered, just like his father.

Riley was shaking at his knees. Clearly the outcome of events from what he though was doing the right thing had turned into one very bad future. Now, he was going to pay the price for that.

Drusilla began clapping her hands with glee and dancing around. She sang aloud her own little tune, which really made no sense except that she was pleased that the torture was about to begin. All of the vampires in the room were in game face and ready to participate in the torture. William held his hand up to stop them.

“No, since I experienced the pain that this bastard started first hand I must request that you allow me the pleasure of being his executioner.”

Each of the master vampires in the room nodded in agreement. They stepped back and allowed William to approach Riley. William stopped only to grab the stake that was on the floor. As he began to rise, he looked up at Riley and inhaled the scents of fear.

“Apparently, the Initiative didn’t teach you how to not shit your pants in fear,” William teased.

Riley looked at William with a mixture of fear and disgust. He defended his integrity the only way he could. Of course, he did not think before he spat on William’s face that this might make his death that much more painful. William wiped his face clean and looked at the human with anger. Riley was so shaken about what was about to come, he did not even notice that William had moved to strike him with the stake.

The blood-curdling scream that echoed through the lower level of the casino brought pleasure to Spike’s ears.

“Now that you don’t have the balls any more, since I drove my mother’s stake through them, I don’t think you’ll be disrespecting me by spitting in my face again,” William spoke into Riley’s ear. “There is no one here to help you. No one here that cares that you’re screaming in pain all night long.”

William took the stake out of Riley and aimed for the next best spot. As the stake pierced through Riley’s manhood, his arms strained against the restraints to move his hands to protect what was left. Tears of pain from the soldier fell down his face and mixed with the blood that was pooling on the floor below him. William pulled out the bloody stake and walked away.

“That was for my mum,” he spoke. He quickly turned around and threw the stake in the air. Riley screamed in pain as the stake impaled him just inches from his heart.

“That one was for my dad.”

William left the stake in Riley and sauntered up to him. William pulled out of his coat a weapon, which looked like a knife. Its handle was made of ivory, with red jewels inlayed. On one end was a long, sharp blade. The other end had a short pointed spike. William raised the weapon and pushed the pointed spike through Riley’s right eye.

“That was for you being too blind to see that demons have feelings.”

Riley screamed in pain, but he managed to let out grunted “fuck you” through his cries.

William responded by saying, “Well, if you insist.”

He pushed Riley’s ass away from the wall and swiftly inserted the sword end of the weapon up it.

“Hope it was as good for you as it was for me,” William sneered. He glanced over at his father. William was so pleased to see how proud his father was of him. William knew then that he had changed things for good. His father had never once looked at him with such pride before. He removed the sword end of the weapon from Riley’s ass, and quickly sliced an “X” through the skin of the crying human’s chest.

Riley braced himself for the next blow, but it did not come.

“Dad, you know the best way to make sure someone cannot be resurrected?”

Spike caught on to exactly what his son had planned. He could not be happier to have the pain in the ass soldier boy gone once and for all.

With venom and malice in his voice, Spike replied, “Burn them.”

William smiled at his father. “Lighter please Dad?”

Spike tossed the lighter to his son. William easily reached out and caught it in the air. He clicked the lighter several times in order to scare Riley, and with each click of the lighter, Riley jumped in his chains. Finally, William held the lit lighter under the soldier’s nose.

“Smell this soldier? This is the last thing you smell before you smell your burnt flesh.”

William moved the lighter to Riley’s tattered clothing. Riley lit up like a starter log in a fireplace. His screams went on and on until his vocal cords melted away.

Finally, all was silent except for the sounds of four vampires purring in satisfaction.
Ch 22 - Healing Power
Wow! Everyone really came out and reviewed. Thank you so much. I appreciate that you all take the time to let me know your thoughts.

Thanks to Meli for doing a superb job as the Beta!

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Chapter 22 - Healing Powers

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 22

William walked over to the spot where the ashes lay on the floor. The youngest vamp in the room bent down, then reached over to separate the ashes into four quarters. He took four vials out of his pocket. As he poured each vial of liquid over the individual piles, he whispered words of a spell so softly; even the vampires in the room could not hear him.

Within moments, the ashes had disappeared from existence. This ensured there would be no way that anyone could try to resurrect the dead man in the future.

William slowly rose up and turned towards his vampire family. Both father and son walked towards each other and embraced.

With relief laced through his voice he spoke, “It’s over Dad. All these years of pain and it is finally over.”

William pulled a pair of cigarettes out of his pocket and offered one to his dad. After William lit his smoke, he held the flame towards his father. Spike leaned over to catch a spark off one of his prized possessions. The sound of the metal clicking throughout the basement indicated the flame was extinguished.

“So William, do you want to tell me when you became a vampire?” Spike asked.

“We’ll I was a half breed up until I was about 16. That was the year I got sick. By then I was living with Aunt Willow full time. Both she and Grandmother Dru brought me to the best demon hospitals, but there was nothing they could do about the leukemia that was attacking my human side. The only person who could have saved me would have been mum, but she was dead. The Demon Council banned teleportation in the new world at the time, so we could not go back in time to get the blood we needed from her. The leukemia was so quick, that it was going to stop my heart from pumping within a week’s time after we found out about the disease.”

William paused for a moment to take a breath. Then he looked over to Drusilla.

“Grandmother Dru, she had a vision, as did Aunt Cordy. They both confirmed that my vampire side would not reanimate my heart once it died. They gave me the choice, to pass on from life or be turned. I asked Grandmother Dru to turn me.”

William felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, then the feel of her arms wrapping around him.

“My wonderful, precious grandson. Are you going to save great grandmummy tonight like you saved mummy?”

William nodded, and then sliced his wrist for her. She took his wrist in her diminutive hand and slowly brought the blood to her lips. She loving took one strong pull of blood from him. As she laved the wound closed, she turned to Angel and Spike.

“Your turn to help me,” she said as she moved towards Spike. “Don’t be afraid, all will be good.” She gently took Spike’s wrist to her mouth and bit through his flesh. She took the same amount of blood from Spike as she had William.

As she did this, William whispered the words to a spell.

“Darkness took away,
Heaven kept safe,
Return thy will to thee
Along with clarity.”

William finished his words as Drusilla finished taking her final pull of blood from Angel. Dru looked up at Angel and punched him clear across the room. Angel hit the back of the wall. Stunned, he slid down the wall and did not bother to move.

“Sorry Angel, but I had to do it. I think you’ll agree it is just a small price to pay for what you took from me. I feel better though having done that. William I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to you. I feel like I have finally been freed. Of course it will take me awhile to adjust to the spark inside me.”

William walked over and gave Drusilla a bear hug. “Good to have you back Grandmother Dru.”

Next, he turned to his father and looked him in the eyes.

“Dad, promise me you’ll treat mom good. Promise me you’ll stick by her no matter what, and promise me you will be faithful.”

“I will. I promise you son, I will make a better life for you both than you had.”

“Thanks Dad. When I go back, I’ll be able to see for myself.”

“When are you going back?”

“Soon, I just want to see mom one more time and explain things to her. I just want to spend a moment, just the three of us as a family.”

Spike grasped William’s hand and led him to the elevator. Drusilla and Angel stayed behind in the cellar. Before the elevator door closed, William gave them his parting words.

“Angel, in a few years you’ll get the crazy idea to infiltrate Wolfram and Hart. Believe me when I tell you, very bad idea. Don’t do it. Instead, you should focus on researching the First and rehabilitating Faith.”

“Grandmother Dru, I love you. Just keep being you that is all I ask.”


As the doors of the elevator reopened, Spike and William stepped out together. Before Spike opened the door, William reached out and stopped him.

“Dad, first you have to have Aunt Willow bring the infant version of me into a separate room. I’m sure you know the drill about being to close to your past self. We could cancel each other out and not exist at all, or worse cause an inter-dimensional rift capable of initiating an apocalypse.”

Spike nodded at his son. William waited outside while his father stepped in and ensured that little William was safe. Adult William was pretty positive his dad was spending extra time cuddling with the infant form of himself. After all, his vampire hearing did not lie.

When Spike was finally ready, he opened the door and motioned for William to come in. Spike did not need to express in words which room they would find Buffy in. All they both had to do was reach out with their senses and feel her.

William became aware that his mother was awake. Throughout this entire ordeal, he had never been so nervous. It would be the moment of truth. His mother would be happy, loving, and sane or she would be lost forever.

William said a silent prayer to the Powers That Be before his father opened up the door to the room. He watched as his father swiftly made his way over to his mother and smothered her with his affection.

She seemed unmoved though by her mate’s presence. Preoccupied is more like it. It was as if she was waiting for someone to speak.

It took William a few minutes to muster up his courage, but finally he had the will to find out for sure.

Ch 23 - Mommy?
Wow! Everyone is still totally kicking ass and leaving reviews! Thank you so much. I appreciate that you all take the time to let me know your thoughts.

Thanks to Meli for doing a superb job as the Beta!

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Chapter 23 - Mommy?

Buffy stared at the sight before her. She almost thought she was seeing two Spikes, but the man next to him looked different enough that she could tell the difference. She felt calm in the second man’s presence. Something soothed her soul. Her primal instincts told her that the stranger was family.

His first words to her confirmed it.

She reached out to her son with open arms. William rushed to close the space between them and threw himself in her arms as if he was still a little boy. His body was shaking as he sobbed profusely.

Spike slowly moved behind his son and placed his hand on his back in order to soothe his son. He understood the lad had been through a great deal of pain in his life. Spike understood what it was like to have a broken family, from his own experience with his own mum and then when Angelus left the fold.

As William finally calmed down, he sat up and leaned against his father. Buffy grasped the corner of the bedsheet in her hand and lifted it to William’s eyes. With loving care, she blotted his tears away.

“Sorry bout that mum,” William whispered; embarrassed that he had acted so unrestrained.

Buffy cupped his cheek in her hand, and softly spoke in a soothing tone to him.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I love you. Your father loves you. I am so proud of you; for your strength and courage to stop me from doing something that I probably would have regretted for the rest of my life. I don’t know what would have happened, how you got here, or why you came; all you need to know is that whatever actions you took have calmed the rage that was inside of me.”

William smiled and turned to his father; the two exchanged glances and communicated without vocalizing their thoughts. They agreed that there would be no need to tell Buffy about what would have been, since now it was not going to happen.

Hope, joy and serenity filled William. Although he did not know what kind of life he would go back to, he was not afraid that it would not be a better one anymore.


Spike slowly rose and stretched his limbs out. He looked down at the glorious sight before his eyes. His mate and their son fast asleep holding one another, even if he was a grown adult now, it still was one of the most precious sites he had seen. Spike moved to a plush, comfortable chair in the corner of the room. He sat back and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket.

For at least an hour, he was content to watch upon the site in front of him. It was incredible how time could move so slowly as he observed, but when William and Buffy finally awoke, the time then seemed to have passed too quickly.

“Dad, you know I’m gonna be all over you about that nasty habit of yours for a few years,” William spoke.

“I’m sure son, but then again, I already know that you’ll end up smokin’ them too. So I’ll just give you my best evil sneer and light up another,” Spike replied.

Buffy rose up off the bed and playfully slapped her mate across the shoulder.

“You will do no such thing. I won’t have you scaring my little pumpkin!”

William blushed at the sound of the nickname he had not heard in so long. Although it was heartwarming now, he knew he better say something before his parents made his younger years tough.

“If I could ask you both to please just refrain from the cutesy nicknames, I’d appreciate it. It’s bad enough that I had long curly hair for a while, and some glasses. But, the cutesy nicknames; let’s just say a few of the other neighborhood children picked up on them and I never lived them down.”

Spike was pleased to see that his son had to earn his way into being a Big Bad, along with the confidence and swagger that goes with it. ‘Then again, the little guy does have the original Big Bad as his role model.’ Spike kept that thought tucked away in his head to himself. The only sign that gave Spike away was the slight smirk on his face.

William could clearly tell his father had some grand scheme up his sleeve, but he did not have any time to force the issue. There was only thirty minutes left until he had to begin the process of opening the portal to transport him back to his time.

So, like his father, he took advantage of any good opportunity he saw.

“By the way, when I am four, all I will do is beg and plead for a bike. Not a tricycle, or bicycle, but a mini motorcycle that is just like the one Dad has. Before you even say I’m too young, lets just say you won’t like the repercussions of what happens. Also, when I am seven, I am going to ask for a dog. Please don’t get me a stuffy little girly dog. Please take me to a dog shelter, so I can pick out a nice big dog that wants to play with me, like a golden retriever. When I’m fifteen, I’m going to ask if my girlfriend Mel can stay over, so if you could…”

William was cut off with a resounding “NO” from both of his parents.

“William,” Buffy spoke, “Your father and I will seriously consider all that you have told us. Except for the girlfriend.”

William rolled his eyes and accepted the defeat.

“Well, can’t say I didn’t try. Ok, well before I get ready to go, I just need to speak with Auntie Willow before we go.”

Spike was closest to the doorway. He cracked the door open, and then gestured to Willow to come join them in the room. The young witch sat down in the chair Spike had occupied earlier.

“Aunt Willow, you must listen to me very carefully. There is a coven in England. When our time is done here, you must go to the coven and let them teach you the ways to control your power. You are very powerful, but if you don’t learn now, you will do something that will cause more harm than good. You will end up hurting someone near and dear to you first, before you take your magic gift seriously. Please promise me, that you will do this for me,” William pleaded with Willow.

Willow was a little unnerved to hear that her magic would grow to a point that she would hurt her loved ones. After all, she was just little, geeky, bookworm Willow.

William got the sense that Willow did not understand the awful impact she would have. He looked into her eyes, taking her into a thrall like state. He sent her images that would show her the death of her closest friends, Tara and Xander, at the hands of her magic.

William quickly looked away from her. Willow jumped in her seat, startled and truly scared at what she had seen. She rose up and knelt before William. She took his hand, and spoke her promise to him.

“William, I’ll leave tomorrow. I promise.”

“Thank you,” was all William could muster up.

“No William. I should thank you. After all, you’ve saved us all from certain misery. I forever will be grateful.”

Willow stood up and placed a gentle kiss on her nephew’s forehead.
Ch 24 - Make Evey Moment Count
Thank you all so much for your wonderful reviews & sticking by this story!

**hugs** Opal

Thanks to Meli for doing a superb job as the Beta!

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Chapter 24 - Make Every Moment Count

The time had finally arrived when William was to begin his preparations to return to the time he came from. It was bittersweet in a way. For the first time ever, he had experience being loved equally by both parents and basking in the love they have for each other. It pulled him to want to stay, the sweetness of the moment enticing him to say fuck it and stay.

The bitter end of it was that he had no choice. It was impossible for him to try and exist without running into his current form. His consolation was that he was going to return to an even bigger prize.

A life. A truly fantastic life.

His parents sat on the bed and his aunt remained on the chair while he began to pour some sand out of one of the vials he kept in his pocket. He poured a circle around him. Then he poured the entire contents of a vial of fine, purple sand on the north side of the circle. He repeated this for each direction, blue sand for east, orange sand for south, and red sand for west.

Before he began the incantation, this would mark the final change in his life; he looked over at his parents one last time.

“Mum and Dad, before I being the spell, could I just ask for one last hug before I go?” he spoke, with tears in his eyes.

Buffy and Spike, were completely teary eyed too. Without hesitation, they both went to William. Buffy stood on one side and Spike on the other. They both wrapped their arms around their son, and each other. William turned and gave his father a kiss on the cheek, and then turned to his mother and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Before Buffy and Spike released their son, the both whispered endearments of love to him. As they broke the embraced, Spike looked at his son proudly and spoke the words all sons want to hear from their fathers.

“William, no matter what happens and where you go in this world, know that I love you with my entire being. Just as I love your mother with my entire being. I am honored and proud that you are my son. Your courage and selflessness is the mark of a true hero. I love you.”

“I love you too, Dad.”

Spike wrapped his arms around Buffy and stroked her hair. As they wiped each other’s tears, William began the incantation that would return him home.

Sent back by time
By family so dear
To clear up the future
Starting right here

If true love will prevail
Powers please send me back
If true love fails
Then change these events back

As the circle around him began to light up, Buffy cried out to her son, “William I love you!”

As the light began to engulf him, he replied, “I love you to mommy. I love you both so very much.”

The light completely shielded him from the others in the room, and then in an instant the light was gone, so was the sand on the floor, and William.


It seemed to be hours before Buffy and Spike were able to pull themselves together just to look at each other and speak. Their eyes were red from the tears they had shed. Buffy’s face was a complete mess. Her mascara running down her face, her hair all frazzled up.

Even Willow had found she was unable to move out of her chair. The things she had seen still rocked her, yet had so many unanswered questions she had for William. Truth was, as long as she kept her promise, then none of her questions would even matter.

She noticed on the bedside table that there was a small note on the table. Willow recognized that the note was not there when she had first come in the room earlier when she had first brought Buffy up from the lower levels of the casino. She went over to the bedside table and unfolded the note that had been carefully handwritten on yellow legal paper. Buffy and Spike looked over to her and nodded, granting her permission to read aloud.

Dear Mom & Dad,

Well if you’re reading this, then this can only mean that my mission here went well and I have been sent to my own time. I want you both to know much I truly love you, and that I know you will both raise me to be the best son that I can be.

Mom, I know that I wasn’t able to speak to you about everything, especially as in why I am a vampire. Well I explained it to Dad and he will fill you in on all of the details. Let me just say that, first I love being a vamp. Second, I will keep my soul, and third turning me will be the only option to deal with the issue at hand.

Now at least I will be turned and have the loving support of my family to guide me.

So, I ask you both, treat each other well. Treat every single day as precious. Even with a new and improved future on the horizon for you both, it still is a future for yours to make.

Make every moment count.

And don’t forget the motorbike, the dog, and really I know you’ll just love Mel if you give her a chance. Besides, you do let me take care of Auntie Willow’s rats, Amy, Maggie, and Forrest when she goes away.

Like I said before, can’t blame a bloke for trying. After all, I did what I could to make the rest of our lives better just by trying a little and it worked.

Always remember, I love you both.

With Love, Your Son

As Willow finished, she could not help but join the cry fest that was going on.

Naturally, leave it to Spike to open his mouth and change the mood.

“Bloody kid’s got another thing coming if he thinks I’m letting him ride a motor bike at a small age. He’ll get the girl in his room at 15 before that happens!”

Buffy looked up at Spike and smiled. She cupped his cheek in her hand.

“Spike, I love you. I love you with my heart and with my soul. As of this moment we will do everything we can to be good to each other, be good to our friends, and most of all be the best parents we can be to our William.”

Spike leaned down and kissed his mate on her lips.

Forgetting Willow was in the room, they began to become more passionate in their embrace. Luckily for her, Cordelia poked her head in and disrupted them.

“Ok, let’s finish up with the smooches. Your kid’s diaper stinks, and Queen C did not have any visions of changing baby diapers today. After all I’ve been though, it’s my turn to go out and enjoy the shopping!”

As if on queue, William began to cry from the other room. Buffy used her bond and her mother’s instinct to recognize that what her child wanted.

Motherly love.
Ch 25 - Magic
Thank you all so much for your wonderful reviews & sticking by this story!

**hugs** Opal

Thanks to Meli for doing a superb job as the Beta!

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Chapter 25 - Magic

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Spike sat in the living room area of the hotel suite with Willow while Buffy nursed William in one of the bedroom suites. He watched Willow as she sat in a chair, reading the copy of Lucky Magazine the concierge had brought up for Cordelia. It occurred to him that he should really reinforce with Willow that she must fulfill her promise to William.


Willow looked up at Spike. She had felt him staring at her for quite some time, but she really was not in the mood to think. After the day they had, she really just wanted to veg out.


“You know I was just thinking about the promise you made to William. You are going to keep it, yeah?”

“Of course Spike. After what he told me, how could I not?”


Willow returned to flipping through the magazine in front of her. She wondered where Spike’s concern was coming from.

“Have you called Giles yet? You now how antsy the Watcher gets.”

“No. He’s going to be pissed because I teleported here. Can you call him?”

“Red you’re going to have to deal with him at some point.”

“I know,” Willow softly responded, “But after all we have been through today, I just need to relax a bit.”

Spike nodded. He certainly could understand the witch’s reasoning for putting off speaking to Giles. He walked into the bedroom that was unoccupied and sat down on the edge of the bed. He picked up the telephone and dialed the number for Giles' apartment.



“Spike! What the hell is going on? Is Buffy ok? I’ve been waiting patiently for an update for several hours now and I’ve heard nothing. In addition, Willow seems to be missing. Xander went to the dorm room but all he found were the rats in the cage!”

Spike kicked up his feet on to the bed and lay back against the pillows. At least one of the two of them were going to be relaxed, as Spike was sure the Watcher was taking out his stress on a poor pair of spectacles.

“They are both here and they are in good health.”

“And the baby?”

“My son is fine. He is with his mother right now.”

“Well, may I speak with Buffy?”


“No? I won’t accept that, you will put her on the phone this instance!”

“No, I will not interrupt her while she is nursing. ‘Sides, don’t you think you can give the poor girl some time to rest before the grand inquiry? Really Rupert have some consideration.”

“Perhaps if you explained that in the first place Spike, I would not have been so abrupt. You must understand. I worry for her as if she was my daughter and I would just feel better if I heard her voice.”

“I can appreciate that. We are planning to rest up here overnight and coming back to Sunnydale sometime tomorrow evening. I’m sure Joyce will want to see her daughter.”

“Have you called Joyce to tell her about Buffy?”

“Bugger. No, I haven’t. I take it she’s in the dark about Buffy’s disappearance, isn’t she?” Spike questioned.

“Dear lord. Joyce is going to be livid. She isn’t as antsy about Buffy as she used to be, but still it’s not right that she hasn’t come by or called to question her daughter and grandson’s whereabouts.”

Spike felt something was off if Joyce was not up Rupert’s arse about her daughter and grandson.

“You should go over there with the Whelp and check up on her. I’ve got an awful feeling about this.”

“Will do. You mentioned Willow was there. I’m sure she teleported there after I told her not to even try it.”

“Red’s here and yes she did use magicks to get herself here. Good thing she did too, or things would not have turned out so well. She’s resting up a bit too right now. Poor girl is emotionally drained. I know you want to speak with her, how bout instead of giving her a tongue-lashing, you work with her to find a trusted coven to train and guide her. I’m confident that she’ll be open too it.”

“That’s a good point Spike, although I am terribly disappointed in her.”

“She knows that Watcher. So just skip the bloody routine of making her feel crappy and use this as opportunity to strengthen your relationship with her positively and build her trust. By doing so, you will eventually be able to share your lessons learned from your days as Ripper and prevent her from making the same mistakes.”

“Good point. Well, I suppose I should run off and check on Joyce. Perhaps when you come back to Sunnydale I can conduct my ‘grand inquiry’ as you so kindly put it.”

“Of course. Just give us time to get in the door first.”

“Will do. Give my regards to Buffy and Willow.”

“Yes, and Giles if there is anything wrong with Joyce, please call and ask for me?”

“I hope it’s a call I don’t have to make.”

“Me too,” Spike said before he hung up the phone. He hoped that he would not have to be the bearer of bad news to his mate. ‘Perhaps she had a last minute trip to LA for the gallery. That sounds right.’ As he was about to close his eyes, he noticed Willow appear at the door.

“Is everything okay at home Spike?”

“Yeah Red,” he fibbed, “Everything is peachy.”

“Good,” she said as she nervously twiddled her thumbs, “Giles isn’t too happy with me.”

“He’s disappointed, yeah. You know that though, and just like you, he experimented with magicks before he was properly trained. I think he’ll be open to helping you find the right place to go to so you can be properly trained before you fall into the same pitfalls he did as a younger lad.”

“Really? You mean no Giles’ lecture?”

“I wouldn’t be too hopeful about that Red. After all, he wants what is best for you because he cares about you. Magicks should not be taken lightly. There are always consequences, always.”

“I suppose Giles wouldn’t be Giles if he didn’t give the big ‘be responsible’ lecture, but I’m glad that he isn’t going to go all crazy with the ‘Willow bad’ routine.”

“No, but if he does, just remember at the end of the lecture he’s going to work with you to help you.”

“I’ll have to remember that as he pontificates to me.”

“Seriously Red, it’s really important that you understand that there is always consequences when you cast a spell or use magicks to alter events.”

Willow sat back for a moment and thought through Spike’s words. Spike watched her go through her inner monologue and hoped that the point about magicks had been driven home. He noticed her expression changed from deep thought to fear.

“What is it Red?”

“You said magicks always has its consequences. You did mean always, right?”

“Yep. I believed I made it a point to emphasize it,” Spike replied smugly.

“Are those consequences always negative?”

“Not necessarily, but more often than not they are. It depends what you do.”

“So a disruption in the time continuum or something that would majorly alter the course of events could be very, very bad.”

“Could be or the changes that happened will lead to unexpected events.”

Willow sat down in the chair and thought about things for a moment. Spike also took the opportunity to think about the knowledge he shared.

“Bugger!” Spike shouted.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking Spike?”

“I’m afraid to say it Red.”


“Yep. It seems that the William that came to help us didn’t get the lesson about magicks having consequences.”

“Well maybe he did,” Willow said in his defense, “But things were so bad that he decided it was worth the consequences.”

“Doesn’t matter now; but at least we recognize that there will most likely be repercussions for what he did. We’ll have to prepare to deal with this.”

“Deal with what?” Buffy said as she leaned against the door of the room

Well I know many of you are saying, "OMFG....Opal I thought we were done with the angst!"...Well I thought about how Spike once commented about the consequences of magic, which led to the thinking that I had to do justice to the whole "consequences with magic" thing. It just didn't seem right to let Spike over look it for a happy ending. (yeah I know,when have I cared before, but this time I just did)

Have no fear, I do believe in happy endings!

So stay tuned folks, what is going to happen? How will they deal with things? And where is Angel, Dru, and Cordelia anyways?

So don't forget, leave me nummy reviews! :)

*hugs* Opal
Ch 26 - An Eye-Opening Realization
Thank you all so much for your wonderful reviews & sticking by this story!

**hugs** Opal

Thanks to Meli for doing a superb job as the Beta!

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Chapter 26 - An Eye Opening Realization

*Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Angel sat in the pedicure chair next to Drusilla. He thought he was in heaven with the relaxation he was getting, but he knew if anyone ever saw him like this, he would never hear the end of it. Dru said they would have to kill time and asked if he was willing to try something new with her. He figured, maybe a sane conversation would be good to start with. So when she dragged him up to the hotel spa for some massages and pampering, he could not say no.

After all his guilt for her previously insane condition would kill him if he let it. Yet, she was not throwing it in his face; instead, she was using it to get her way.

“Oh my god! This picture is perfect,” Cordelia squealed.

“Tell me you did not just take a picture.”

“No, I didn’t, but hey, that doesn’t mean that word of mouth isn’t going to get out about this.”

Both Drusilla and Cordelia laughed at Angel’s expense.

“Not funny,” Angel said as he started to go into full brood mode.

“Naughty Angel, don’t get all pissy. It’s not like Spike wouldn’t find another reason to justify calling you a poofter anyways,” Drusilla replied.

“Well, when you two are done and changed, we should go upstairs and see what is going on.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Angel said.

“Great,” Cordelia replied, “By the way, pink is definitely your color!”

“What!” Angel exclaimed as he looked at his nails.

“God, you’re so gullible sometimes Angel.”

Angel shook his head at Cordelia as she walked out of the pedicure room. He double-checked his fingernails just to make sure that they were bare.


Luckily, for Giles, Xander had showed up at the Magic Box shortly after he hung the phone up with Spike. Over tea and donuts, Giles filled Xander in on his conversation with the blonde vampire.

“So, can we be sure that Buffy’s okay? I mean really, I know he has the chip and all, but he could always get someone else to hurt her?”

“Xander, I’m confident Spike wouldn’t hurt the mother of his child.”

“I know, I know. But, I just can’t seem to trust him. He is a vampire.”

“Albeit a master vampire that is in love with a Slayer; trust me Xander when I say this, but it is just as hard for me to put my faith in him as well. Spike has always been a different kind of vampire though. He’s straightforward and he showed he could love and devote himself to another. After all, he stayed with Drusilla despite her insanity all those years.”

Xander took in Giles thoughts as he munched on another jelly donut.

“Well, I guess so. Doesn’t mean I like it though. I mean, what if she doesn’t want to be with him?”

“Buffy knows what she wants. If she didn’t want to be with him right now, I trust she would have called herself.”

“But, what if he has her tied up and she can’t?”

“Xander, you’ll need to get over this schoolboy crush you have on her. It wouldn’t matter if it were Spike or a normal human boy she was with. You’ve always been jealous of Buffy’s paramours and it is starting to become an unflattering trait of yours.”

“It’s that obvious, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. However, I suppose we should move on to something more important, like going to check on Buffy’s mum,” Giles said as he put his jacket on and then opened up the apartment door.

“Let’s go.”


Spike had hoped not to worry Buffy about this yet. It seemed as if the poor girl never got a break from the shit hitting the fan.

“Deal with the consequences of using magicks, love. Your watcher is going to help Red here train properly.”

“Yep, that’s me,” Willow piped in, “Need to be taught to do things the right way.”

Buffy looked suspiciously at them both.

“Ok. That’s great that Giles is willing to help you Wills. There is one thing I know that he won’t be able to help you with.”

“What’s that Buffy?” Willow asked.

“The fact that I know you so well, that I know that isn’t what you both were referring to,” Buffy said sternly.

Willow looked to Spike to help her out.

“Ok Spike,” Buffy said, “Spill. Now.”

“Well love, it did start out as a discussion about the consequences of magicks. Then we had a bit of a realization.”

“Ok Spike. Get to the point.”

“No need to get all shirty about it love.”

“Sorry Spike,” Buffy said as she walked over to the bed to sit next to him. Spike placed his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

“Well love, it seemed that William was so eager to fix things that had gone wrong with our family that he forgot about what the consequences would be.”

“Well duh, everything is going to be great.”

“Or maybe not,” Spike pointed out. “Love, this wasn’t a simple spell he did. It was an interruption in the time space continuum. Those types of things almost always have negative consequences.”

Before Buffy could digest Spike’s words, the door to the suite opened up. Angel, Cordelia and Drusilla walked through the door. Dru noticed the glum faces in the bedroom.

“What’s a matter? We should be happy and relaxing,” she said.

Cordelia followed Drusilla into the room, and Angel tagged behind her.

“I don’t like those looks. What’s wrong?” Angel asked.

“We had a revelation,” Spike replied, “Which is responsible for cutting off our short lived happiness.”

“Never thought I’d be saying this to you Spike,” Dru said, “But let’s not speak in riddles please.”

“Magic. It has consequences.” Spike said.

“Always,” Dru finished. “Well it seems like we have to think about what those consequences might be and how to handle them.”

“How?” Buffy asked.

“We could all hide out in LA, at Angel Investigations?” Angel offered.

“No way. That’s no way to live a life,” Spike said.

“Obtaining a new identity may not be a bad idea Spike,” Dru said. “But you are right, hiding out is no kind of life. Not for a family. All I’m saying is that we need to outline the possibilities and be prepared.”

“I can help by putting up some wards and doing a few protection spells.” Willow piped in.

“No Red, you must go get trained.”

“I’m afraid Spike’s right,” Drusilla said. “Unharnessed magic can easily be turned against you, even if you have only the best of intentions. You need a few years of training. However, I don’t see why you must be kept out of things. I believe she whose light is intertwined with your aura can help us with the wards and spells for now.”

Relieved that she would not be left out of Buffy’s life, she nodded in agreement.

“So where do we start?” Buffy asked.

“We drive you and the sprog home love, and think about things along the way.”

Dru quietly walked out of the bedroom to fix a cup of tea. ‘Little do they know what unexpected changes they will find when they do return home,’ she thought to herself.

Oops… Opal did it again. More Angst to come? Looks like it. After all Magic has its consequences. Always!!

And I really truly appreciate everyone who left a review last chappie! Wow you all left alot.
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Ch 27 - Lessons Learned
Sorry it has been sooo long since I've updated. I was on a roll for awhile, but real life...mainly work...has been piling up on my plate. I hope to be able to get another chappie up in about a week.

Thanks for all the lovely reviews, I truly appreciate all of them.

**hugs** Opal

Of course, I can't forget to give thanks and praise to Meli for doing a superb job as a Beta!*hugs*

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 27 – Lessons Learned

The remaining occupants cleared out of the bedroom, leaving Buffy and Spike with some alone time. Buffy gently shut the door and sat down on the edge of the bed. Sensing her nervousness, he made his way to her side and lovingly wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his embrace, and let her tears flow.

“Love, hush, everything will be ok.”

“No it won’t,” Buffy whispered between sniffles. “It’s all my fault.”

Spike held her tighter to him. He concentrated on her thoughts through the claim.

‘It’s the first time we’ve been alone since back at Angel’s. If I had never run off…he must hate me.’

“I don’t hate you love,” Spike said aloud. “I could never hate you. You were scared and just protecting him.”

“But look at the mess that has been created by running away!” She cried.

“Buffy look at me,” Spike said as he gently raised her chin up. “We live life on life’s terms, not ours. The natural instinct of being a mum is to protect her newborn. Just like mine as a vamp was to protect family. My family.”

Buffy’s teardrops dried as she took in her mate’s words of reassurance.

“By claiming me, you were protecting me? But how? How did you bite me with your chip?”

Spike had expected Buffy to come to that realization someday, but he did not expect her to ask the question without a trace of venom in her voice.

“Well, I always knew of the demon in Africa that could help, but I heard that sometimes he doesn’t give you what you ask. Dru told me about another in a jungle in Brazil, about 100 miles or so away from Sao Paulo. At first, I could have bloody dusted the bint for not telling me sooner, but she just smiled and said the pixies wouldn’t let her. When I arrived, I made my way inside and found what looked to be the most disgusting creature I’d ever seen. It snarled, and it tried to attack me.”

“Did it hurt you?” Buffy asked.

“No love. I kept focused as to why I was there. For our son, and as I focused on my true purpose, the monster changed from its hideous nature into a little sprite.”

“How did the sprite help you?”

“She giggled, and said that it was a good thing I chose her over a trip across the ocean to her brother. ‘I don’t hand out gifts, but I don’t torture folks for them either. I grant wishes on intent and purpose. Although you are a demon, you are different. You have purity within you. It is your love for your son, and for his mother.’ She threw some pixie dust at me and muttered a few words. I felt whole for the first time, yet it wasn’t because the chip was gone.”

Buffy listened to Spike’s words with awe. She raised her hand up and gently ran it through his hair.

“I felt the love you had for our son in my heart, and the love you would someday have for me,” Spike continued. “I smiled a thousand smiles. ‘You don’t need a soul to love William, but you needed to feel how it felt to be loved. That is my own gift to you. You have been given your reward, use it wisely.’”

“That’s amazing Spike. I never thought I would have given you a chance, but faced with doing what was best for William; I did give you that chance. I’ll never regret that.”

“Neither will I love. We should rest though. As much as I want to ravish you, ‘specially now that I’m alone with you, we need to rest so we can go back to Sunnyhell and prepare for what is to come.”

Spike moved them off the bed, and turned down the covers.

“After you my love.”

Buffy crawled into the bed, and Spike followed. He wrapped his arms around her, and then they both quickly fell asleep.


“The lovebirds are sleeping,” Drusilla spoke. “Let’s get some room service. We all need our nourishment.”

Willow agreed, she picked up the phone and dialed the number. She was surprised that when the wait staff picked up the phone, they did not bother taking an order; they just said they would be up with anything they would need. She relayed the conversation to the rest of the living room’s occupants.

“Eww, that means we’ll probably get blood!” Cordelia cried.

“No Cordy, I’m sure they meant they will bring us what we need for everyone, including little William.” Angel said.

“He’s right,” Dru said. “I’ve got to work with you Cordelia on your skills as a seer. That is for later. What I can tell you is that little William is due to wake soon, but his parents should rest. When the cart comes in, Cordelia should bring the diapers in to me and help me change him.”

“Eww, I don’t change diapers.” Cordy replied.

“Maybe not now, but someday.” Dru said with a smile.

“How about Willow changes him, since she seems to be a favored auntie, and I feed him a bottle?” Cordelia asked.

Willow shot Cordelia the evil eye, and contemplated murmuring a quick spell to change that idea. Drusilla quickly stopped that.

“That’s sounds fine, doesn’t it Willow?”

“Sure Dru,” Willow said in her chirpy voice, but she knew that Dru had figured out her quick plan.

“Come now, I can hear him getting antsy. Let’s get him out of the dirty diaper.”

Willow followed Drusilla into the bedroom, but she noticed that William had not yet woken up. As Willow turned to shut the door behind her, Drusilla helped by picking the witch up by her throat and pushing her against the door as it closed.

Cordelia had noticed the vampiress’ actions, but Angel stopped her from intervening.

“She’s going to teach her a lesson.” He whispered.


Willow felt her feet rise off the floor as she looked into the yellow eyes of the vampiress. Willow tried to move, but she could not. She tried to speak so she could whisper the words of a spell that would be her salvation. She could not.

All she could do was urinate in her pants when she felt Drusilla lean into her and sink her fangs into her neck. Willow silently prayed to Gaia that she would be saved, but as Willow’s life drained away from her, she knew her prayers were of no use.

Then she opened her eyes.

She was breathing.

She was leaning against the same door.

Her heart was beating.

Her pants were dry.

Then Drusilla’s laughter shattered the silence in the room. Willow looked to the corner to see the vampiress cradling little William in her arms.

“That will teach you not think about using your magic for such trivial things for a while.” Dru said.

Willow stared at the vampiress with wide eyes.

“That was all fake? All magic?”

“Every bit of it Willow. You must learn to resist the temptation of the small stuff. It starts with small stuff, like party decorations, getting places, and so on. But it grows. It grows into malicious and manipulative things to serve you. It doesn’t make a difference if it is good, bad, or the right thing. It’s that it is purely self-serving that makes the difference. It is in those cases that the consequences of magic are the most detrimental.”

“I understand,” Willow humbly mumbled.

“What was that?” Drusilla said.

“I understand now. I didn’t before, or at least I thought I did.”

“Always remember, I can see what you cannot. I have been along far longer and learned more lessons.”

Willow nodded in acknowledgement of Drusilla’s wise words.

“Now our food is here. Let’s get everyone fed, and then I’ll see about sending you somewhere to control your powers. No need to go through Mr. Giles. You need something more rigorous and structured than where he would like you to go.”


Well it looks like Willow has learned her lesson…So next stop Sunnydale!

Is Joyce ok? Is she in trouble? What about William…..what were things like when he left this time to return to his own?

Stay tuned for more of the saga! Of course I crave feedback, so feel free to leave some :)
Ch 28 - Nourishment
Work has really been kickin' my butt --- STILL! So updates will continue to be periodic, although I hope to be able to put more time to it.

Thank you all for your tremendous amount of support for this story. I truly, truly, truly appreciate all of your generous and kind words.

Extra thanks to Meli for her hard work betaing this chappie! As I write this fic in the midst of my tiredness from my workload, I'm sure she did quite a bit of work to make it great!


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 28 – Nourishment

Spike woke up to find his mate in his arms. Rather than wake her, he choose to just watch her. Spike was cherishing this moment. After all, it was the first time the two had spent the night together. He smiled as he watched her breath. Buffy turned over and snuggled her back to him. Her warmth beside him led to… and as much as he felt compelled to fulfill that need, he wanted to wait until they had full privacy.

As well as out of the poofter’s earshot.

He could hear the conversation in the living area adjacent to their bedroom. He was not surprise to learn that Willow had tried to use her magicks, but apparently had learned her lesson when Dru put her into place. ‘Scary bint Dru can be when she uses her full power.’

Buffy’s tummy began to rumble, around the same time he could hear room service come to the suite. He did not want to wake her, but he also knew that he needed to feed too. He found himself focusing on the marks he had left on his mate’s neck; Spike wanted nothing more than to have another taste of delectable Slayer blood. His rationale returned, and he chose to suppress his desire. The next time he marked her would be the first time they were alone together. His thoughts were interrupted when Buffy rolled over and opened up her eyes.

“Nice to see you awake sleepy head.”

“I feel better now. I’m hungry.”

“Let’s get up so we can get you some food.”

“What about you?”

“I’m sure there is some of the bagged stuff for me out there love.”

“Why have the bagged stuff when you can get it fresh?” Buffy whispered.

Spike was shocked she so openly offered him her blood. He could sense her fear of rejection. Although he had mixed feelings internally about waiting until the right moment, he did not want to make Buffy think he thought of her as inadequate.

“You offering, love?”


“I’m only going to take a few little sips. You’re a bit weak and I sure don’t want my girl fainting on me,” he said to her. He was satisfied when he saw the worry fall away from her face. She slightly leaned her neck to the side. Spike slowly dipped his head down, and began to nip at her golden skin. His demon came to the fore as he felt her pulse pounding away on her neck. She gasped as he carefully slid his incisors into her throat. She pulled him closer to her while she moaned his name in passion. Her lifeblood slowly sucked into her lover’s throat, providing him the nourishment he needed. Buffy could feel the euphoria building inside her. Her small fangs extended through her gums as she latched on to Spike’s neck.

Spike repeated “Mine, Mine, Mine,” repeatedly into his girl’s ear. He reveled in the feelings of pleasure he was receiving from the piercing of her fangs. He was in heaven, and they were still clothed!

Buffy took a final sip of his blood, and then sealed his wound. She pulled back from him and looked at him with love and devotion. With blood still staining her lips, she whispered her acceptance of his claim.

“Yours. Your woman, your slayer, your lover, your mate. Yours for eternity.”


Buffy and Spike lay in what seemed to be hours in each other’s arms. The reality was that only twenty minutes passed before Drusilla decided that it was time for them to pack up and move on. The hard decision was going to be who was going to walk in on the couple.

William’s wailing answered the question for them. Within seconds Spike had run out of the room and over to little William. Spike peppered his son with soft kisses and words of affection.

“Someone’s ready to sleep in his own bed tonight, yeah?”

“You can say that again,” Willow uttered.

Buffy walked into the living room and shared her consensus with Willow.

“Great. I soooo need my bed. There is nothing that relaxes you better than sleeping in your own bed,” Buffy said.

“Right then,” Spike asserted, “Since we really didn’t have anything packed, we should just have ourselves to account for. Let’s get a move on. You girls finish tidying up. Peaches and I will go down and get the cars ready.”

Angel glared at Spike, but quickly let it go. His grandchilde would always find a way to get a poke in at him, but for Buffy’s sake, he would learn to restrain himself.

After the door shut, William began to whimper at the loss of his father. Buffy held him close, rocking him back and forth but nothing seemed to calm the little boy down. Buffy started to panic. Drusilla had realized the baby’s cries for exactly what they meant. Food.

“Buffy,” Dru whispered, “I think he might be hungry for some of mummy’s milk.”

Buffy gave Drusilla a nod and quick “Thank you” before she went into the other bedroom.

“Thank goodness regular babies aren’t like him,” Cordelia stated, “Its bad enough they bite you, but William uses fangs!”

“Ouch!” Willow exclaimed.

“It’s different for Buffy. Her body is built to take it,” Drusilla explained.

Buffy walked out from the other room with William held in one arm, and a thick towel over her breasts.

“Definitely more messy though,” Buffy said. “Could one of you guy’s hold him so I can make sure I stop squirting out blood milkshakes.”

Dru gently took William from Buffy.

“Clean up good, because knowing Spike…”

Buffy put her hand up signaling to Dru to halt, because that was a sentence that would not need finishing.


Cordelia only recognized Angel’s car waiting out the sea of cars that were jockeying for position. Cordelia was desperate to get out of this situation and get back to reality. She dodged her way through the cars, swiftly opened the door, and claimed the passenger seat.

Angel looked over at Cordelia with surprise written all over his face.

“You know we are going back to Sunnydale for a little bit, right Cordy?”


“So, I’m a little puzzled as to why you’d want to do that ride in the car with me rather than get in the limo Spike rented.”

“As if. There is now way he would have done that.”

Amused, Angel pointed his finger over to the limousine that Buffy was climbing into.

“Oh. Well, its real simple Angel. There is no screaming baby in this car.”

“You’ve got a good point there Cordy. You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be for going back home.”


Spike gently finished buckling William up in his child seat before he settled down next to Buffy. Both of the California girls were gawking at the luxury around him, while Drusilla seemed indifferent.

“Spike, I don’t know how you were able to afford this, but after all we’ve been through it’s nice to relax on the way home.”

“Buffy, you’ll never need to worry for money again. Spike here has managed to put himself in a nice position financially,” Dru commented, “And he’s never spent a dime on a girl until now so enjoy it.”

“Oi! That’s not true Dru. I bought you lots of nice pretties.”

“And they tasted good too.”

Both Buffy and Willow exclaimed “Gross!” at the same time, while Spike just rolled his eyes.

“What’s a matter with you folks? You’ve got to turn everything into blood and death, you sillies; Spike had purchased me a few courtesans to keep me entertained.”

Well some of you are saying gross and some of you are laughing your butts off.

I promise next chappie we find out what happened with Joyce!!


PS. Please leave me nummy reviews, they make me happy!
Ch 29 - Something New
Thanks to my faithful reviewers & readers! You words are so very encouraging.

Thanks to Meli for her work as a beta! :)


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 29 - Something New

After ensuring that both Buffy and William were comfortable in the limo, Spike opened up the console, reached in and pulled out two Diet Cokes, plus what appeared to be a bottle of red wine. After he handed the two Diet Cokes to Buffy and Willow, he then pulled out two wine glasses. Buffy shot her mate a look of discontent. Spike was confused, but only momentarily. Apparently, Buffy thought he was being disrespectful to her by offering her a child’s drink yet sharing the good stuff with his sire.

Little did she know how good the good stuff was. Well, he would get her good.

“I didn’t think you’d want some of this love, but if you’d like to try,” Spike said as he poured a small sample of the deep red liquid in the glass.

“I’m a big girl. Just no beer. Beer and Buffy equals bad.”

Drusilla smirked at Buffy. She had no idea what incidence Buffy would be referring to, but figured the Slayer must have learned some sort of lesson.

“We don’t need cave Buffy,” Willow said.

Slowly Buffy raised the glass to her lips. She sniffed the liquid and was surprised when she really could not smell anything. ‘Huh, wonder what all the wine sniffing is about if you can’t smell a darn thing.’ Gently she raised the glass to her lips and sipped.

No sooner had she ingested a small quantity of the liquid, she had spit it back out allover the floor of the limousine.

“Oi! Slayer, that’s some fine blood you just wasted!”

“Spike! You big, stupid…ugh!!! You infuriate me sometimes. How could you do that! I would have expected that from you before we mated, but now. I can’t believe you!” She cried at him. She promptly turned away from him and stared out the window of the limousine.

Spike could not help but laugh at his mate’s humiliation. He felt bad, but he also knew that she would still be sitting there seething with jealousy if he had not done that.

Dru moved from her seat on the far side of the window and sat next to the distressed blonde. She wrapped her arms around Buffy as a sign of solidarity and comfort.

“Hey now, don’t let him get to you. Deep down he’s just a little boy. You know what little boys do best? They tease the girls they like.”

“He should have just said it wasn’t wine and that it was blood. If he didn’t want to say it out loud he could have used the claim,” Buffy whispered. “He didn’t have to humiliate me.”

Spike winced at his mate’s words. What had started out as a lesson in jest had quickly deteriorated what was supposed to be an enjoyable ride home into a very tense one.

“Love, I...”

“Don’t,” Buffy replied.


“Don’t speak to me. Just don’t Spike.” Buffy asked.

Spike looked to Drusilla for help, but all he got in return was an evil glare from her. He knew if he did not rectify this soon he was not only going to have a pissed off wife, but also a sire with a wicked temper to deal with. He looked up to his last potential ally for help, but the witch just shook her head.

Three women against one of him; things were not looking up for Spike at the moment. William sensed the dissension between his parents. He began to whimper, and then managed to throw his pacifier at his dad.

‘Ok, four against one,’ Spike thought.

The sound of Buffy trying to stifle a snicker caught his attention again. When he looked up, he could see all three ladies trying not to laugh at him.

Finally, Drusilla broke the silence.

“Well Spike, it seems even your son agrees. You’ve been naughty in this case. What are you going to do about it?”

“I’ll apologize to my lovely mate over there for fooling her only if she promises to show me more trust in the future that I would never openly disrespect her. In fact, when I think about it, I should be offended that you even thought that!” Spike replied with his voice slightly raised.

Buffy immediately became defensive.

“How was I supposed to know it was a bottle of California’s...”

“France’s,” Spike interjected.

“Whatever,” Buffy replied, “French is so passé, even I know that. The point is how was I supposed to know that was a bottle of blood. It looked like a bottle of wine.”

Willow spoke up, hoping to try to mitigate the situation from escalating further.

“You know Spike; it did look like a bottle of wine. I was kinda thinking along the same lines as Buffy, except I was more like the ‘hey I’m not a kid anymore’ line of thought.”

Buffy smiled and patted Willow on the back.

“But Buffy,” she continued, “Spike’s right. You should have trusted him not to be disrespectful to you.”

Buffy put forth her best pout, and it was Spike’s turn to pat Willow on the back.

“So what I’m saying is that what you both did essentially cancels out the other’s misdeed.”

Spike held out his hand to his mate. Buffy gently placed her hand in his as he pulled her over to him. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

“Sorry Spike.”

“Sorry love,” Spike replied as he wrapped his arms around Buffy and held her tight to him. He gently tucked one of her stands of hair behind her ear, and then placed a kiss on her forehead.

Drusilla sat back and smiled. ‘These two lovebirds will learn to complement each other soon enough,’ she thought.

Willow did not see fit to let the two blonds continue there cuddling. She had another priority, indicated by her growling tummy.

“Spike, so what else is in that console of yours? PB & J?”

“Willow!” Buffy replied.

“What?” Willow asked, completely unaware that Buffy’s reply was purposely over dramatic.

“Ugh. Can’t you see we’re having a moment here? Spike was just about to give me orgasms!”

Spike looked at his love as if she was off his rocker, until he heard Willow laughing hysterically. He then realized that this was some kind of inside joke. Willow brought her laughter under control before she commented on Buffy’s reply.

“Oh my, you are starting to sound just like Anya!”

“Anya?” Dru questioned.

“Yes, Anya.” Buffy replied. “You know, Anyanka, former vengeance demon now human, now dating the demon hating friend of mine.”

“Ah, so she was the one the powers deemed would be the player.”

“The player?” Spike asked.

“Yes the player. Don’t look at me like I’m loopy. I had a vision a while ago that someone would come along that would be able to provide ancient knowledge to help win an upcoming battle. After that happens, she truly wins the heart of the one who straddles the dark side,” Dru explained.

“But Xander’s all fluffy puppy dog, so does that mean Xander will get his heart broken?” Buffy asked.

“Um, Buffy.” Willow whispered.

Buffy looked over at Willow suspiciously. She was scared to think what the next words out of the witch’s mouth would be. ‘Could Xander be a demon too, or did Willow do a spell, or is he still a hyena?’

Once Willow was sure she had her friend’s attention again, she began to explain.

“Tara read his aura once. There is a light color and a dark color pushing against each other. The light color is the inside light of his aura, and the dark color is on the outside. She said it looks like it is love and hate constantly at war with each other.”

Spike could feel Buffy’s worry and concern for her friend through their claim. He placed a hand over hers and squeezed gently. Drusilla, could sense Buffy’s distress through her childe-sire link with Spike.

“Don’t worry. Everything will turn out fine. The light will win out in the end, but there is nothing that you all can do to try and help. I just thought that it was rather ironic that it was Anyanka would ultimately save a man’s heart.”

A collective sigh of relief was let out between Buffy, Willow and Spike. They had hoped for a little reprieve before the next drama began. Of course, with little William relief only lasted so long as the little babe began to scrunch up his face and turn beet red.

“Oh no,” Buffy cautioned, “Look’s like the waiting is about to begin.”

Spike looked over at Willow.

“I reckon now might be a good time to ask the driver to pull over and we can see about getting Red some grub while Buffy takes care of the little sprog?”

“Please?” Willow pleaded.

“Now is good,” Buffy agreed. “I can’t believe we are almost already half way home. It seems like we just left.”

“Except for the few moments you gave me the silent treatment love,” Spike replied.

“Tsk-tsk, Spike. Don’t be an ass.” Dru warned.

“Okay! Forgot you chits like to gang up on me. Gonna call Peaches and let him know what’s going on.”


Cordelia’s head snapped up to the sounds of AC/DC’s Hell’s Bells ringing from Angel’s phone.

“Finally,” she said as she snatched the phone off the console before Angel could grab it.

“Please tell me we are stopping for food soon,” she whined.

“We are at the next stop. There is a diner along the highway coming up.” Willow told her.

“Good. I’ll let Angel know. Thanks,” Cordy replied. She did not even wait for Willow’s response before she snapped the phone shut. Angel just looked over at the brunette, and expected her to start relaying to him where they were going.

“Diner coming on the right.”

“Are we stopping there?” Angel asked.

“Duh! You were just listening to the phone conversation, what do you think?”

Angel just rolled his eyes and did not bother replying. He looked over and saw Cordelia fiddling around with his phone.

“Cordy, could you not mess around with my phone. It’s bad enough Spike and Drusilla have already had their way with it.”

Cordelia looked at him, the expression on her face clearly conveying to the master vampire ‘no shit’.

“All done.”

“What did you do Cordelia?” This time Angel was sterner in his voice.

“Please, would you get the stick out of your ass? I swear sometimes I think Buffy shoved a stake up there. Look, it is clear that you need help in the fashion category, but it was glaringly obvious that “Mandy” was not a cool ring tone. I just had to make sure that you wouldn’t switch it back to that awful song again.”

As the car rolled to a stop behind the limousine, Cordelia threw the phone over onto Angel’s lap. The car had barely stopped before Cordelia jumped out to join the rest of the gang in the diner. Angel flipped open his phone to see what kind of damage she had managed to do. He flipped to the ringer menu so that he could change his phone back to his favorite Manilow tune. As he scrolled through the list of songs, he realized that Cordelia had made damn sure she would not have to listen to it again.

All of his Barry Manilow ringers had been erased. In its place, Cordelia had set the theme to the Muppet Show. As Angel tried to change it, he quickly realized that his attempts were futile. Cordelia had managed to find a way to lock him out of changing his own ring tones.

He placed the phone in his pocket, and decide he better join the rest of the gang inside.


Angel sat down just as the rest of the gang had finished ordering.

“Would you like anything sir?” The waitress asked of him.

“No, I’m all set?”

“Are you sure? Your friends said you’ve been traveling for hours with no break.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks.”

Angel was pretty sure that she was about to insist he eat something, but another waitress had yelled out “Tasha” and beckoned the girl over to come take another order.

“Angel you could have just gotten a cup of coffee. It would have made the girl feel better you know.” Dru said.

“You know how I am Dru. You know I don’t eat what I don’t need.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.”

“You know that isn’t what I taught you.” Angel said. He was beginning to become frustrated that his childe was challenging him.

“Angel, you need to let go. I’m telling you this is not a contest, but telling you that in order to be effective as a warrior and a champion you need to hone all sides of you. If you can’t control you natural instincts, you could potentially obstruct yourself from being what you need to be, when you need to be it.”

Angel simmered down a bit, taking in his childe’s words.

“She’s right you know,” Buffy said. “Don’t be upset with her or any of us. It’s just you bottle stuff in and you feel you have to abide by a code that you set centuries ago. You have to be able to change the rules as the game goes, or you’ll lose.”

“Sorry Dru,” Angel said. “You both have a point, but I am stuck in my ways. It will take time. I have to ask though that you be respectful of me, and the way that I am. Remember, I’m not going to do things because it’s the hip new way of dealing with things.”

Spike could tell this conversation would probably continue to go nowhere fast. He spotted Angel’s hand placing the cell phone down on the table.

“Hey Angel, can my girl here borrow your phone?”

“Yeah. Just don’t play with it anymore.”

“No mate. Gonna have Buffy give her mum a call.”

Buffy reached her hand down to grab the phone being passed her way.

“I hope she’s back by now. I really hope nothing happened to her,” Buffy said as she dialed the numbers into the phone.

“Hello?” Buffy heard through the phone.


“Buffy! Where are you?”

“Oh Spike and I went for a drive.”

“A drive?”

“Yeah. It’s a long, long, story. Let me tell ya.”

“Of course you can. Are you going to come over?”

Buffy was puzzled at her mother’s response. Of course, she was going to come over. She lived there.

“Yeah. After we drop everyone off Mom. Spike, William and I will be over.”

“Great. Your sister is so anxious to see her nephew. See you soon. Love you honey.”

Joyce hung up the phone, but Buffy was still hanging on the line with her mouth wide open.

“My sister?”


Thanks for the lovely reviews last chappie. Next Chappie we will find out what William went back to!

*Hugs* Opal
Ch30 - Cuppa Hot Cocoa
As always, much thanks to my faithful reviewers & readers! You words are so very encouraging.

Thanks to Meli for her work as a beta! :) She says this chappie is sad, so you have been warned!


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 30 - Cuppa Hot Cocoa

*Note – This section is about William’s return to the future

William opened his eyes expecting to see himself surrounding by loved ones and family. He was shocked to see he was surrounded by quiet and fog. He changed into vamp face in order to make his way through the surrounding mist, but he was not able to see any better than he could in his human guise.

He walked around aimlessly for hours, searching for purpose, for family. Yet he felt none of the bonds he had when he was back in time. In fact, he could not even feel the bond he had with his father.

Finally, he came across a small clearing. It appeared to be a small, recently abandoned campsite. He sat down on the ground and leaned up against a large rock. He let the despair he was feeling overtake him as he nodded off to sleep. When he awoke, he was surprised to see his Grandmother Joyce sitting across from him. With tears in his eyes, he rose up to embrace her.

He fell forward as he lost his balance. Either he had seen a mirage, or the air had come between his arms had been that of a ghost. William still held on to the hope that the grandmother that had died when he was younger would at least speak with him and give him some inkling of what was going on.

“Grandmum Joyce?” William whispered.

“Oh my beloved little angel. You must be wondering why everything is so not as you expected.”

“How did you know?” William was surprised that his grandmother was aware he had returned to that fateful moment to change his mother’s life.

“William, Buffy and Spike raised you in my house. With everything that had happened to them, they made sure that once they returned home they told me the whole story. Your father was so proud of the way you exacted vengeance, and I must say that so was your mother. She had confided in my how she was most proud that you were able to use your leanings of magic to do something as unselfish as to risk your life and existence by returning to the past and stop her deadly mistake.”

“Was nothing really, looks like it didn’t pay out though.”

“Well now, you know what your father tells you all the time, don’t you?”

“I know; magic always has consequences.”

Joyce used all the energy she had inside her to bring forth enough solidness to her form that she would be able to hold her dejected grandson in her arms.

“William, how bout you come with me and we talk about old times?”

William nodded in agreement, as he followed his grandmother to what appeared to be an underground lair. Within moments, the opening to the lair collapsed. William looked around the lair trying to sense what had happened to his grandmother. He began to think that someone was trying to play a joke on him. Perhaps his dad was trying to teach him a lesson.

“William, no one’s trying to pull a fast one on you. Just come over to the couch and we will sip some tea while we wait for the video to start.”

“Where on earth is there a place to sit back and watch the teley? We are in the middle of a soddin’ cave?”

Joyce rolled her eyes at the young vampire.

“Breathing isn’t an issue for you, right?”


“And you haven’t ventured into the other rooms in the lair yet out, true?”

“Yes grandmother.”

“Ok then. If you follow me, you will find what you are looking for,” Joyce instructed.

“Very well then,” he replied. He followed his grandmother around the corner to find a video tape, TV, and a remote control. He put the archaic tape into the antiquated viewer, and after a few tries he was able to start the contraption in front of him.

William purred in delight when he finally got the picture to work. However, each time he would try to press play, it would not move beyond watching his mother’s introduction to her sister, Dawn. William was pleased that Dawn and Buffy were interacting on friendly, sisterly terms.

Joyce gently took the remote from William.

“Only I have the power to work the remote. It will allow me to stop and make explanations on what the Powers That Be want you to see. I remember this day as if it just happened. I could not understand why Buffy was so friendly to her sister, because they were usually at each other’s throats. Of course, once I got an explanation everything made sense, but the how and why of Dawn did not really matter to me. She was of my family’s blood and I loved her.”

William gave his grandmother a puzzled look.

“Well you know the monks did really manage to make a mess. After the Scooby Gang did some research, they found that the monks had not counted on the spell’s effectiveness if the Slayer was the mate of a vampire. When they cast their spell, it did not work on her. The also only made a mistake of casting the spell on friends in Sunnydale and LA. When they performed the spell, the monks emphasized ‘in,’ and as many of Buffy’s friends were not in Sunnydale and LA at the time it was cast, they also didn’t get the fake memories.”

Joyce turned to her grandson. Her face reflected deep sorrow.

“Of course it didn’t take long for the hell-god Glory to come around. That is when I found out Dawn was also an inter-dimensional key and the monks made her. Glory wanted to use my Dawnie to open the portal to hell. The Scoobies tried so hard to stop it. It still hurts me to speak of it; you’ll just have to watch.”

Then the television began to play again. In front of his eyes, he saw the events that his grandmother had spoke about. He saw the members of the council come to the Magic Box and resist giving information to his mother.

What he saw next shocked him.

He saw Quentin Travers at a posh hotel room with a few of his closest allies. He spoke of how he saw that the Slayer was mated to William the Bloody. Travers was furious and told his men that the mating must cease to exist, and their job was to hunt the rogue Slayer down and eliminate her from this realm no matter what the cost. William clenched his fists in fury that after all his parents went through that the arrogant son of a bitch would dare disrespect his parents.

The scene before him then switched to Buffy giving Spike a kiss on the cheek. She asked him to keep good care of the baby while she was out on patrol. His dad then told his mother that she did not have to go out tonight, not while they did not know where Glory was. His mother just said that the regular baddies were still out there and that her personal crisis could not hold her up from doing her job as the Slayer. She told him as soon as Willow could come take over watching William, then Spike should come join her.

Buffy was just about to step into Restfield cemetery when the sound of gunfire rang out. His mother immediately collapsed to the ground. Two men ran up to her. William watched the scene and prayed that they would help her. He could not hold back the tears when he saw their faces.

Two men he had seen at Quentin Traver’s hotel room. They saw that she was still breathing, but unconscious. Blood was pouring out of her chest due to the bullet wound. Then the screen went blank.

Softly, Joyce spoke.

“You don’t need to see what happens next. In fact, it was removed from this tape because it is just so horrid. They shot my Buffy in the head. By the time Spike had arrived there, with you in his arms, it was too late. She was already dead. He was so angered that he was able to tear the heads clear off to the two bastards that had done this to her. Apparently they had hung around, thinking they may be able to off her mate in the process.”

William was still stunned at what he had just seen and what his grandmother had relayed to him. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach though that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

“Of course without Buffy to protect Dawn, it made fighting Glory harder. Your dad did everything he could. Some man he called the doctor stopped him from releasing Dawn. Your father fell off a huge tower and could not get back up in time to stop the Doctor from cutting Dawn. Her blood opened the portal to hell.”

William, with tears streaming down his face, looked over to his grandmother.

“So all I did was for nothing. I destroyed the world.”

“No dear, it wasn’t your fault. You just altered the path of life. Part of that progression did result in all of us dying shortly after hell broke loose; we all did our best to fight off the evil. The last straw for your father was when demons stormed our lair where we lived and killed both you and me before his eyes. It was then when he gave up and staked himself.”

William was silent. He was at a loss for words. Wrapped up in his thoughts, he did not notice two cups of steaming hot cocoa, with marshmallows, in front of them.

“Don’t be sad though William. Here have a cup of cocoa while I tell you what your going to do to on behalf of the Powers to make things right.”


I'm evil! Ha ha ha....I know you are all throwing stuff at me for being evil, but hey the Powers are giving William a chance to make things right.

Thanks for reading! As always, I love reviews. They inspire me to write and post faster.

**Hugs** Opal

Ch 31 - Icy Cold Hands
As always, much thanks to my faithful reviewers & readers! You words are so very encouraging.

Thanks to Meli for her work as a beta! :) She says this chappie is sad, so you have been warned!


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 31 - Icy Cold Hands

William sipped on his cocoa while attentively listening to Joyce explain what the Powers That Be had in plan for him.

“Now William, they will send you back in time to stop your mother’s death. You must remember that even though you will save her in the graveyard; that does not mean the threat is over. The Council will still be aggressive in it’s pursuit to kill Buffy, and Glory will still be a constant threat to both of my girls.”

“So, what’s to say I’m not going to bollocks things up again?” William replied.

Joyce gently reached her angelic hand out to William’s pale cheek.

“I know you won’t. With my heart, and my soul, I know you will succeed.”

William smiled at his grandmother’s kind words, but he was still not confident things would go well.

“William, there are some changes in the rules this time around. First, you will be able to be in the same presence as your infant form without causing a paradox. Second, the Powers are bestowing the means upon you to create a safe haven from the Council and Glory. I cannot tell you what it is, but when the time comes you will know. Finally, this is the last time you will be able to travel through time. When your task has been completed, you will receive no warning of your return to the rightful period in your life.”

“But what if my job isn’t done? What if they need me longer,” William asked.

“We live life on life’s terms William; well I should amend that to be ‘on the Power’s terms’. So you will have to accept that when they choose for you to return, it is for the best.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I just know. It’s one of the perks of being a messenger for the Powers That Be.”

“What if I fail? What if I don’t stop them in time?” William whispered.

Joyce looked at her grandson with pity. The poor boy had only done what he thought would be right. Now his diminished self-confidence could cost the Powers the only chance they have at setting things right.

“William, you just get off the pity-pot right this moment young man. This isn’t a time to be wallowing in whether or not you’ll be able to make the mission at hand. This is a time for action. Your father would be very bitter if you he knew this is what had become of you.”

Joyce reached down and grabbed William’s hand. She pulled him up off the couch and towards a new room in the cavern. Before he knew it, Joyce had pushed him right into the room.

He could hear her yelling that she loved him, but he had to jump in now or it would be too late. Eventually her voice faded, and then finally his consciousness.

____ ****

Drusilla was sitting in her hotel room at the Hyperion. She had been stocking up on all of the magical accoutrements that she could get her diminutive hands on. She had been able to feel a moderate shift in the earth’s energy over the past few days.

Something was going to happen. Something big.

She could not quite put her finger on what it was though. It was difficult, since her grandchilde had left. She felt she was missing part of herself. Angel had even tried to do ritual with her that would restore her enthusiasm for the undead life.

It failed. Nothing could fill the space the missing family member had left. She decided though that if she were feeling a shift in the air, it would have to be the result of strange happenings down at the Hellmouth. She quickly threw on her clothes, packed a bag, and then snuck down the back steps so she could take the motorcycle and drive to her family in Sunnydale.

Her mission would be sans Angel; in fact, any way she could get away from the broody wonder would make her happy. He had been lavishing attention on her day after day as if he had nothing better to do. She felt smothered and felt she had to behave according to same rigid restrictions Angel had imposed on himself.

She had a feeling things were not like that in Sunnydale.

She slipped on to her bike and slowly let it roll away from the Hyperion for a good quarter mile before turned the bike’s engine. Before she could start the bike moving, she suddenly filled with a feeling of completeness she had not felt in weeks.

William was home again.


Buffy had started her patrol without Spike. She just did not get why he was so overprotective of her. She was the Slayer, could take care of herself. Besides, it was just one night of patrol without him and someone had to watch the baby. Therefore, Spike was left with baby watching duty, because he had totally lost their argument. She hoped that they had not left too much of a mess for her to deal with when she arrived home from patrol.

She absently twirled her stake in her right hand as she made her way towards some of the more popular demon cemeteries. If there was one thing she was always craving at night, it was the thrill from the slay. It was most certainly on the top of that list. That and some ice creamy goodness she decided as she walked alongside the local ice cream shop. She reached into her tight leather pant’s pocket and pulled out a ponytail holder to pull her hair back. Then she popped into the little ice cream store to get her self a nummy treat.

The slayer was unaware that the entire time, she was being followed.


Buffy had finished her ice cream cone before she had reached the gates of Restfield Cemetery. It seemed unusually quite. She walked past Spike’s old crypt just to see if he had been there lately or if he just happened to be waiting in there for her. She turned around and slowly began to open the door.

Then let out a bloodcurdling scream when she felt icy cold hands grasp hers and pull her into the darkness of the crypt.

Ch 32 - Lessons from Dad
Chapter 32 - Lessons

Thanks to everyone for being so patient with the updates. Ch 33 is already written, so leave me nummy reviews and I'll post quickly!

*hugs* Opal

Thanks to Meli for her work as a beta! :) She has been so very hectic with her own real life work, so extra thanks to her for finding the time to do this.


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 32 - Lessons from Dad

Buffy could feel a cold, hard surface beneath her legs, and a cool soft surface cradling her head. At first, she thought Spike was holding her, until she remembered being knocked out. Before she could jump up, her captor spoke up.

It was not at whom she expected it to be.

“Mum, it’s just me. William.”

“William, what are you doing here? I thought you went home?”

“I went home; home to Grandma Joyce sending me back to fix a few things.”

Buffy sat up and gave her son a perplexed look.

“So, kidnapping your mother is supposed to fix things?”

“You wouldn’t be sucking air right now if I hadn’t.”

Buffy scrunched up her nose.


“I’ve got two words for you. “

“Spill them quick, because right about now that laundry list of stuff you wanted…not looking so good on being fulfilled.”

“Quentin Travers.”


“Travers finds out about our family, and if I hadn’t intervened then you would have just been off'ed by his assassins. So I think that although I didn’t go about preventing your untimely death in the best way, I do think some of those items on my little list can come back, yeah?”

“Well, did you at least kill the assassins?”

“No, they are still out there. “

“Then it looks like we’re taking the sewers back to the house and if you couldn’t tell already, your father is pissed at you.”

”That’s Dad. It’s to be expected. But it would sure help him to open up and listen to me, but since he’s blocking me out from the link, perhaps if you would use your charm on him mum and get him to be reasonable.”

Buffy made her way over to the sewer entrance at the back of the crypt. She waved to William, indicating that he was to follow her.

“Come this way. Maybe by the time we get back to the house, he’ll have stopped fuming.”


Spike had paced around for what seemed to be forever. Buffy had only been passed out for a matter of minutes, it had not helped that his son did not at least send a warning to either Buffy or him. He effective blocked all further communication attempts that William had taken to communicate with him, but by the time Buffy and William had arrived back to the house, Buffy had calmed him down and relayed their son had yet again saved the day.

Still did not mean he was not going to give his offspring bloody hell.

As Buffy and William rushed through the door, William stopped when he saw his father’s glare of anger. He was not about to shrink back, but he was not going to confront him either.

“You bloody idiot!” Spike yelled. “Do you have any idea how ignorant, disrespectful, and stupid it was of you to do what you did? Do you have any idea of the consequences of your decisions?”

“But Dad...”

“No ‘but Dad’. How effective did you think scaring us all half to death would be to achieve your objective?”

William had had enough of his Dad’s ranting and finally moved to go up the stairs to the spare room. Before proceeding up the stairs, he turned to his father.

“I did what I had to do to keep mom alive.”

William then proceeded to go up the stairs without waiting for his father’s response.

“Was that really necessary Spike?”

“Yeah. The bugger scared the shit out of me!”

“He saved my life!” Buffy yelled back at him.

“And nearly almost lost his!” Spike screamed back.

“What? What do you mean almost lost his?” Buffy asked as she walked over to Spike within an inch of his face.

“When you were suddenly gone from me, I was holding infant William at the time. I was so frightened by the loss of our connection that I dropped him.” Spike softly replied.

“You what!” Buffy shrieked.

Spike looked at her and leered right in her face.

“I said I bloody dropped the baby, love. His little bitty body fell right from my arms and smack…”

“NO!” She yelled as she tried to run past Spike and up the stairs. William, having overheard the conversation, ran down the stairs to care for his mum but stopped as his father put his hand over Buffy’s mouth.

“…right in the middle of our big fluffy bed in between the pillows; where he is sleeping now.” Spike finished.

Buffy visible relaxed.

“So, he’s okay now?”

“Yeah love, he’s okay and the adult size version is standing on the stairs doing just fine too. As I was saying earlier, our decisions have consequences. Lucky for you William, that ended up being a pile of pillows.”

Spike scooped Buffy up in his arms and began to walk up the stairs. As he got to the step that William was on, Spike looked right at him.

“I’m only an ass because I love you all so much. Sometimes we make decisions that seem right at the time, but in the long run, they aren’t. When it comes to my family, I…”

“Protect what’s mine. Yeah Dad, you are right. I didn’t think, I just did.” William responded.

“That’s right. Here endeth the lesson.” Spike replied.

The family made their way up the stairs. Spike stopped to gather some blankets and pillows before proceeding to the bedroom. When William realized that he would be staying in the same room as his parents, he recalled the paradox clause that Grandma Joyce had mentioned.

“I don’t have to stay with you. I can stay in my room, with infant me.”

“But you’ll cancel yourself out, won’t you?” Buffy asked.

“The Powers gave me the gift to occupy space and time with the infant version of myself without any consequences.” William revealed.

“And what else did the Powers that fuck with our lives tell you?” Spike asked.

“That this is my last time coming back.”

“Well then, you better go sleep in your room. We will have to plan carefully to make sure that what we do this time is the right thing.” Spike advised.

Buffy sleepily walked over to her son and pulled him into her arms.

“I love you and thank you for saving me, yet again.”

“Love you too mum.” William replied as he took the blankets and pillows from his father.

Buffy turned to walk into her room, but she peaked out quickly.

“William, do you want me to tuck you in or read you a story?” Buffy asked.

“As much as I would love one of your stories, I think just a tuck in. Love you mum.”

“Love you too William. Spike say goodnight and come to bed,” Buffy said and then went inside her bedroom. From there she yelled, “And quit giving the poor boy shit because you dropped him!”

Spike rolled his eyes and turned to William.

“Not going to bloody live that down.” Spike said.

“Probably not ever,” William replied.

“Yeah, but I’ll be hearing about it for the next two months.” Spike spoke. He then quickly pulled his son into his arms and held him.

“Thank you for saving her,” Spike said, “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

“No problem Dad. Sorry I scared you.”

“’s okay. You obviously take after me in the ‘planning department.’ Go on,” Spike said as he gestured to William’s bedroom. “Go grab some sleep because tomorrow all the Scoobies and the Watcher will be here and we won’t get any peace and quiet until this issue blows over.”

“Sure Dad.” William replied as he walked into his room. As he threw his blanket, pillows and finally himself onto the floor, Spike poked his head into the room.

“Don’t ever forget son, I love you.”

“Love you too Dad.”

“And if you’re infant self wakes up because he needs his binky, diaper changed, or just wants to be held, you are going to take care of yourself! Goodnight son.”

“Good night Dad.”

Ch 33 - Breakfast on the Hellmouth
Chapter 33 - Breakfast on the Hellmouth

Thanks to all of you who were so kind to leave me reviews!! **squee** makes me so happy!!

I do so appreciate each of you who take the time to leave your feedback, and just as much all of you who read. So this chappie is dedicated to all of you.

I've got a little twist at the end of this chappie.....lol


*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 33 - Breakfast on the Hellmouth

The aroma of bacon filled the air of 1630 Revello Drive. It was a combination of that and the banging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen that roused William from his sleep. He concluded that it was either his dad or Willow cooking.

He was shocked when he came downstairs to see a younger girl in the kitchen. He inhaled, and recognized her to be family but he could not pinpoint whom.

“Ok, you can stop the stalker thing now because that’s so like Angel.” The young girl spoke, but did not turn around from the stove.

“Who are you and what are you doing in my mother’s kitchen?” William asked.

“Your mother? Are you for real? This is Buffy and Spike’s kitchen, and the only person she’s a mother to is in the living room happily drooling on his teething ring watching “Passions” with his dad,” the young girl replied as she finished flipping the pancakes. “You must be the big deal that all the Scoobies are coming over this morning about, that’s why I had to get up so early. So do you have a name?”

“It’s William.”

The young girl turned around to extend her hand, but stopped short when her eyes met his. In an instant, William recognized that this was Buffy’s sister Dawn.

“Ahh!! No way. No freakin’ way. You must be Spike from another dimension, or Spike got split in half and you’re his human side, or maybe you’re an imposter, or...”

“Nibblet enough, it is none of the above,” Spike said as he walked through the door.

“Who is this freak then?”

Spike shook his head at the excited teen, “Not a freak Dawn. This is your nephew William, just older and from the future.”

“Damn.” Dawn mumbled.

“Sorry Dawnie,” Buffy mumbled as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Nice look Buffy.”

Buffy took a minute to look at her bed head in the mirror. She grabbed an elastic band out of he robe and pulled her hair back.

“Whatever Dawnie, anyhow this isn’t the brother you wish Spike had but this is actually your nephew.”

“And how can you be sure?” Dawn questioned as Willow walked through the back door.

“Aunt Willow!” William exclaimed as he ran over to hug the redhead.

“William!” she exclaimed as she pulled back from him. “Of course it would have to be something really important if we are all getting up at this hour in the morning to meet up. If you’re back, it must not be for a vacation.”

Before William, Buffy or Spike could reply, Xander and Giles came walking through the door.

“Ahh! Double Vision, I’ve been cursed with double vision,” Xander squealed.

“You and me both,” Giles replied, “But why would it be isolated to Spike?”

Willow turned around and frowned at both of the human men that had entered the house.

“It’s William. Remember how after we all came home, we explained to you everything that had happened, including William coming from the future?”

“So that means we don’t have super powers?” Xander asked.

“No.” Spike and William simultaneously replied.


“Well, I for one say it’s nice to actually meet him in person,” Giles replied. “Especially to thank him for saving the Slayer’s life.”

“Again.” Buffy interjected.

“Again?” the gang asked.

“Again?” Dawn asked. “What do you mean by again and why does everyone else seem to be familiar with William except me?”

Buffy looked at Spike, hoping that he would answer her because Dawn always took news better when it came from Spike.

“Nibblet, when we got back we were still trying to deal with your instant appearance into our lives as well as you being the key. Since then, we have concentrated on Glory. Then when your mom got sick, sitting down to speak with you about him fell to the back burner. We wanted to tell you but we just didn’t want to add something else to your plate.”

“Whatever,” Dawn replied as she huffed her way towards the stairs. She was stopped when a cold hand grabbed her arm and stopped her.

Spike turned her around and looked her directly in the eye.

“When have I ever not done something that involved protecting you or your sister?”

Xander chuckled but quickly stopped when he felt Willow kick him in the shin.

Dawn just stood there dumfounded, looking back at him.

“Look Nibblet, I’m not mad. I know you’re a teen and you get this way. Your sister may put up with it, because it’s what sister’s do. I will not. I’ve been nothing but straightforward with you and have done things in your best interest. If you don’t believe that then I’d have to question your trust in me. So Dawn, do you trust me?”

With tears filling her eye to the brim, she replied. “I trust you.”

Then she launched herself into the vampire’s arms and shed her tears. “I’m sorry Spike,” she mumbled.

“It’s okay Nibblet. Just want you to understand the consequence of your words and behaviour.”

“Apparently he’s into that lately,” William mumbled.

William’s response roused laughter out of everyone, and surprisingly, even out of his father.

“Suppose he’s right about that. Sorry Nibblet, we should have shared.”

“It’s okay Spike. So anyhow there must be more to this pow wow this morning then just William being here.”

“Of course. Let’s gather around the table, enjoy some pancakes and discuss the latest and greatest of attempts to destroy Buffy’s life.”


William explained what he had been through and the actions he had taken the night before, sans the drama between him and his father. The gang had diligently made their way through Dawn’s delicious pancakes and bacon. William finally took his share of the food since he could now enjoy it between questions.

“Well, I’m not surprised at all,” Giles stated. “It’s quite clear that there really is only one thing to do about this.”

“Kill Travers?” Buffy asked.

“Yes and no.” Giles replied.

“Should be clear cut what needs to happen Watcher. Kill the bastard.”

“It’s not that easy. If we just kill the man, there will be one of his protégés within the Council to replace him. This will take a bit of planning on our part.”

“Buffy could be dead before we come up with a solid plan!” Spike exclaimed.

William gently tapped his father on the shoulder.

“Remember what you said last night about you and me with planning,” William whispered so only Spike could hear.

“Yeah. Good point.” Spike replied under his breath.

“So first thing we need to figure out…” Giles started before a knocking at the door interrupted him.

Buffy stood up and opened it up to find Cordelia standing there. Cordelia poked her head in and saw everyone at the table. “Breakfast, excellent. My vision only showed William saving Buffy from some assassins. This is great. Look I hope you don’t mind us just showing up, but you know vision, migraine, and then as I told Angel of my vision Drusilla came running in clamoring on about Miss Edith and the Council.”

“Us?” Buffy asked.

“Oh, sorry. Dru and Angel are in the car. So is Wesley. Remember him, not so nerdy any more. ”

“Ok cheerleader,” Spike said, “Yell out to the circus act out there and tell them to come on in.”

Two smoking blankets quickly made their way into the house, with the rogue Watcher following behind them. Angel and Dru shed there blankets and stood behind the breakfast counter.

“What’s the crazy one doing here? She’s going to put us all into a thrall and kill us!” Xander shouted.

“That’s what I’d like an explanation on,” Spike said. “Cheerleader here says you were speaking with Miss Edith?”

Dru rolled her eyes in a manner that reminded Spike of his Buffy.

“I’m still sane from the ritual, but that doesn’t mean that Miss Edith went away. Miss Edith is another seer that is trapped in an alternate plane. She was a human seer once; in fact, she often visited the convent so she could get help to stop her visions. We became friends, but then Angelus found out. About a week before he turned me, he decided that she would make a good dinner show. That is dinner for him and a show for me. Instead of passing on to heaven, her essence became trapped in Miss Edith and her soul in an alternate plane.”

“So, can Miss Edith be trusted?” Willow asked.

“Yes. She would often try to give me direction, for achieving good. Unfortunately, my insanity often misinterpreted things, but at least I did well when it came to Spike belonging to Buffy.”

“So now that we pretty much have everyone here, what are we going to do?” William asked.

“That’s why I’m here,” Drusilla replied. “Let me tell you, Miss Edith and I have some answers for you.”


No surprise....I've left another cliffie...okay well a semi cliffie...

I've got to finish up my chappie to Always Invited In, after that I will start the next chappie of SBSM. I hope to have it to beta before the holiday weekend, but be patient...I'm sure Meli wants to enjoy the weekend to...so with beta time in, I hope to have a new chappie next week.

Again, thanks for reading! You rock!

Oh yeah...don't forget to feed my muse and leave a review!

Chapter 34 - What a Madman Wants

*hugs* to Meli for betaing!

Chapter 34 - What a Madman Wants

“Xander Harris, why aren’t you home giving me orgasms!” Anya spoke as she opened the kitchen door to Buffy’s house. She quickly realized that Buffy’s house was full of guests, some she did not know and some she did.

“Oh my god, Drusilla! It’s been a while.”

“Anyanka, good to see you too.”

“Oh, it’s just Anya now.”

“I see. And no longer reeking vengeance on the world either?”

“No. All human. But I don’t taste good, so don’t think about eating me.” Anya replied. “Spike, please don’t let your evil girlfriend eat me.”

“She’s not his evil girlfriend.” Buffy replied.

“In fact Anya, I’m not evil at all any more.” Drusilla added.

“Oh thank goodness then. Well there must be an apocalypse.”

“Anya, honey this is one of those times that we just eat and let someone else do the talking.” Xander suggested.

“Well, I had to find out what was going on. Obviously it’s important if the whole world is here.” Anya responded.

“Then you’re just in time Anya, because Dru was about to tell us all about it, right Dru?” Spike asked.

“Yes I was…” Drusilla began before Anya interrupted again.

“Oh my, there are two Spikes! Buffy did you build a Spikebot or something? Is he a clone?”

Xander rolled his eyes, while William came forth and answered.

“No, I’m Buffy and Spike’s son, William.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right. Xander told me about him.”

“Am I the only one who didn’t know?” Dawn cried.

“Enough!” Angel finally piped up. The whole room turned around and looked at the broody one. “Go ahead Dru.”

“Thank You. I told you all a little about Miss Edith having been a seer and visiting me in the convent. Not only was she a seer, but her father was a magically inclined member of the Watchers Council. Her father had been searching for a way to harness the Slayer’s powers for himself. He found the ancient texts and was able to modify the spell so that he would have some of the Slayer’s essence passed on to him when each Slayer was called. Of course, her father did not realize that he made a mistake in his spell. Instead of gaining the strength and power of the Slayer, instead he gained the immortality of the demon.”

“Immortality? I didn’t think that was part of the Slayer package.” Buffy replied.

“It wasn’t supposed to be. When they made the first Slayer, the men knew that she had to be able to renew herself every so often so they could keep her in control. Miss Edith found the spell her father did, and then got a vision of how he would eventually destroy the Slayer line. She also began to get more disturbing visions that she did not understand, but that she does now after all this time. She has been able to move through the ether and keep tabs on her father. Her father who never really left the Council, he’s only changed his appearance to the outside world with a glamour spell. I believe you all now know him as Quentin Travers.”

“See, I knew that bastard was evil!” Buffy said.

“So how does that affect Buffy?” Giles asked.

“It seems that Travers still wants the power of the Slayer. He has now found that if he kills her and drinks her blood during a ritual then he will inherit those powers and the Slayer line will be terminated. He has only a handful of close operatives that are aware of his plans.”

“If he is immortal, then how do we stop him?” Spike asked.

“Well the original demon used to create the Slayer was like a vampire,” Drusilla answered.

“So if the demon was like a vampire, then it has immortality on the same terms as a vampire?” Xander asked.

“This means we can stake him!” Buffy exclaimed. “I’ve always wanted to get that bastard back badly for what he put me through during the cruciamentum.”

“How do you suppose we get close enough to stake him?” Giles asked.

“That’s simple,” Drusilla replied. “We just use his own game on him. We just need a decoy that we can do glamour on. Make the decoy look like Buffy, while we appear to be his aids or his prisoners, and then when he thinks he has dusted the Slayer, the white witch can cast a spell to make him feel as though he has had a burst of power when in turn we have stripped him of his magic. His demonic form will appear and then we will dust him.”

“Sounds good in theory love, just who do you think would be willing to sacrifice themselves for Buffy?” Spike asked.

Drusilla rolled her eyes at Spike. “You silly, we don’t need a victim. What happened to that vapid, blonde bimbo you were with for awhile?” Drusilla asked.

“Harmony!” Xander interjected as he jumped up from his chair. “Oh, that would be perfect. I couldn’t stand her in high school; I can’t stand her as a vamp. Please, please use her and make her go away.”

Buffy smiled at the proposition of using Harmony as bait, but she had to be realistic about the plan. “We don’t even know where Harmony is, so we may just have to settle for your average vamp.”

Drusilla shook her head and then brushed her hand through her raven locks.

“No, it’s not that easy. We need someone who can take commands and go along with us. If given the right incentive,” Drusilla spoke as she turned and looked directly at Spike, “Isn’t that so Blondie Bear?”

The group snickered. At least everyone but Buffy, she was not pleased about the possibility of vamp skank coming anywhere near her love. Dru sensed Buffy’s immediate distress. She walked over to the blonde and placed her hand on Buffy’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry. Spike only has eyes for you, and besides we’ll make sure part of her incentive to go along with us will include that she doesn’t touch Spike for the duration of the time she is with him until she does what she needs. The stupid girl won’t even realize that we’ve put a glamour on her until it’s too late.”

“Are you sure?” Buffy asked.

Spike seeing her distress, made his way over to his love and knelt before her. “Buffy, there is no one else but you that I want. There is no competition. This is a means to an end, and I have to agree with Dru, this plan makes sense.”

“Well Dad, it makes loads of sense, if we knew where this Harmony girl was.” William added.

“Isn’t the Unicorn Art Display going on today and tomorrow at the Sunnydale Museum?” Willow offered.

“Oh yes,” Anya confirmed. “They have all kinds of unicorn art, from cute to fantasy; they don’t have anything showing org...”

Xander effectively silenced his over sharing girlfriend, but everyone had a good idea what word she was going to say.

“On that note,” Xander said, “Who is going to volunteer to go to get Miss Bleach-Sucked-My–Brains-Out?”

“I’ll do it,” Dru offered. “She will be eager to ally herself with me if I tell her that Spike really misses her but that she needs to prove herself to be a strong vampiress. I’ll tell her she has to go through a ritual, and that no matter what, she must bear all that comes her way.”

“The stupid chit will fall for that,” Spike replied.

“So you’ve determined how we are going to get our bait, now how are we going to get into his lair?” Angel asked.

“It’s time for Rupert Giles to make some amends with Mr. Travers.” Drusilla replied.
Ch 35 - Attack of the Pig

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Thanks again for all of you for continuing to stick by this tale and review. You are all fantastic!

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Ch 35 - Attack of the Pig

Drusilla and Angel used the tunnels in order to get to the museum. Dru developed the ingenious idea of fooling Harmony into thinking she would be doing something to get back at Spike for treating both herself and Dru like crap. Angel came along in order to exert his command as a master, if needed. Angel knew that his reasoning was a load of shit, but really just did not feel like being cooped up in a house with the Scoobies.

While Drusilla and Angel took care of their agenda, Willow and Tara began to prep the ingredients they would need in order to cast the glamour spells on both Harmony and Buffy. Buffy would have to have her essence concealed in order to prevent Harmony from recognizing that there was a Slayer in the same room as her. Harmony’s big mouth could blow their cover.

In the meantime, it would be Giles who would bring Buffy and Spike to Travers. The glamour on Buffy would make her look like Willow. Angel would bring Harmony disguised as Buffy to Giles. Giles would pretend to be turning them in and then Buffy posed as Willow would stake Travers; then poof, catastrophe averted.

William thought that sounded too easy. Especially since his parents had managed to create an action plan that did not involve him. He paced around the living room while Xander, Anya and Dawn cleaned up after breakfast.

“William, is something bothering you?” Buffy asked as she rose from her chair. As she walked over to him, she looked at him in the eyes as if trying to understand what was troubling him through their mother – son bond. She was shut out, and she was puzzled as to why. She looked over to Spike, and from the expression on her mate’s face, it was clear he was not having any luck through his familial bond either.

“Mum, Dad. Can I have a word with you?” William asked.

“Sure, Son. In private I assume?” Spike replied.


William quietly went up the stairs, in order to not draw attention to the others that they were leaving the living room. William knew enough about teenage girls that even if Dawn were not in the same room as them, she would instantly know that they were making a move and would want to join. Dawn would not have been an issue, but the others, well William just did not want to have a personal conversation with his parents in front of them. He knew how Xander could be with words, and with misinterpreting others input. He loved his Uncle Xander, but there were just some conversations better to be had without him.

Buffy and Spike realized William’s need for privacy without the usual cast of characters, and followed their son quietly up the stairs into Buffy’s bedroom.

William slowly shut the door and turned to his parents.

“Sorry I shut you both out down there, but it was awfully hard to concentrate when you were both trying to ask me questions. Rather than accidentally answer the wrong person and have it misinterpreted, I rather we come up here.” William softly spoke. He looked at both of his parents, expecting his father to be agitated for being shut out.

William was surprised that he was instead met with a look of admiration and respect from both of his parents.

“It’s ok William, go on.” Spike assured his son.

“Look, this is what is troubling me. I hope you can follow my logic. If everything was already better or was going to go better, I wouldn’t be here right now. It’s clear to me that this little scheme that’s been hatched up here is flawed in some way and won’t work.”

“What’s wrong with our plan? Really, it’s easy. Pretend to be Willow and then stake that fat bastard.” Buffy said.

“Yet, you both really didn’t think I’d see that in this entire plan you didn’t involve me at all?”

“You didn’t speak up.” Spike said, hoping that his son would not realize that both Buffy and him had decided they would do nothing to put their son in danger, in adult or infant form.

“You were all so enthusiastic, talking almost simultaneously. Then suddenly it was as if mum, the grand Scooby spoke and declared the plan valid by saying ‘yes that’s what we’ll do’. No one took the time to write out the plan and evaluate it.”

“So then, what would you do instead?”

“Keep mum out of it. Send me in as Willow while the two of you take my little baby butt into hiding. I’m sure that Dru or Angel can send you some sort of signal through the familial bond to let you know it is ok. By sending yourselves in there, it’s just a set up for failure.”

“That does make sense.” Buffy replied.

Spike rolled his eyes, and replied, “If you were only this agreeable all the time.”

Buffy playfully hit Spike on his shoulder. William tried not to laugh as he watched his parents interact.

“Hey, a mom knows her son’s reasons. All he’s simply asking is that we do whatever we can to preserve our family. The current plan puts our family severely at risk.”

William sheepishly looked down at the floor. Spike noticed his son’s moment of shyness, but he respected it. William may be grown, but deep down he needed to know his parents would be there.

“Ok then,” Spike agreed. “Seems like William here has come up with a new plan, the next step is to figure out how we are going to implement these changes midstream.”

Both William and Buffy looked at Spike in shock.

“Wot?” Spike asked.

“Well, you’re thinking and not just doing, that is so unlike you.” Buffy said as she sat on the edge of her bed and pushed her hair out of her face.

“You should talk action girl.” Spike replied. He then looked towards William.

“What is that look for? And don’t roll your eyes; your bloody mother does that all the time. It is so irritating.”

“I’m just in shock that you easily agreed.” William replied.

Spike picked up Buffy’s stuffed pig off the bed and threw it at his son. William ducked quickly from the pig. He was grateful that his mom did not keep weapons in toys, because Mr. Gordo managed to bounce of his shoulder and into Buffy’s hands.

“Hey! Leave Mr. Gordo out of the fight.” Buffy playfully exclaimed as she took her pink pig and placed it on top of her pillows.

“I say we have a little more of this family fun time for the next hour. Since we will be going our separate ways, this may be the last time we all get to spend alone together. Let’s make the most of it.” Spike said.

“That would be really nice Dad. Really nice.” William replied.


Buffy, Spike and William spend the next several hours just hanging out in Buffy’s room. Spike entertained them both by telling stories of his youth and ancestors. In turn, Buffy recounted her better memories of growing up and her family members. Buffy felt a little strange talking about family and memories without Dawn being around, but she knew how much William was relishing their time together. Buffy feared that if she left the room to invite Dawn in, the others would take it upon themselves that they were also welcome to invade family huddle time.

Buffy made a mental note that they would take the time to do this with infant William from now on. Start a tradition that every night after dinner, they would spend time together as a family. Not only did she enjoy seeing how William was enjoying bonding with his father, but also the way that Spike lit up as he interacted with his son filled her heart with complete love and adoration.

She was proud to be the mate of William the Bloody. Her own human father never looked so happy to interact with her.

The three of them were so lost in the moment; they did not hear any of the commotion downstairs. They did perk up when Dawn could be heard yelling, “No, no! Don’t pee on the couch!”
Chapter 36 - Protecting Those We Love

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

I appreciate all the very kind reviews from the last chappie. Good news is that you won't have to wait as long as the next few chapters are already written and with Meli to Beta. Big round of applause to Meli who has just been fantastic with betaing this fic.

*hugs* to all of you again whom have continued to stick by this. Real life has been so hectic, that it has been very difficult to write. I truly appreciate each of you who leave such kind words.

This chappie is a bit of a destresser before the big tearjerker so be warned! :)

*hugs* opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

36 - Protecting Those We Love

Buffy, Spike and William flew out of Buffy’s bedroom almost simultaneously, the doorway was only wide enough for a petite blond and one vampire to fit through – not all three of them. Buffy managed to edge herself out in front of the two male vampires whom were hot on her heels down the stairs.

Buffy had expected to see infant William on the couch, in the middle of being changed. She did not expect to see Dawn holding a little fluff ball with four legs.

“When Buffy comes down here, we are going to be in so much trouble!” Dawn squealed.

“You already are. Need I ask where you got the puppy from Dawnie?”

Dawn knew that she might be dealing with bitchy Buffy, but if she could get William and Spike on her side then perhaps she would be able to keep the new addition to the family.

“Janice stopped by. Her mom wouldn’t let her keep the puppy, so she brought him to me to keep. Come on Buffy; please don’t make me give him away. You have Spike and William, and what do I have? I’m too young for a boyfriend, definitely too young for a baby."

“Damn right you’re too young for a baby Nibblet.” Spike emphatically responded.

Buffy could see right through her sisters pleas, even though they made sense, she was not going to be snowballed easily.

“Dawnie, you help care for baby William too. It will be really hard for you...”

Dawn did not let Buffy finish her sentence. She knew damn well that if Buffy had the opportunity to put her foot down, Dawn would lose her fight.

“But William belongs to you and Spike, but Trouble would belong to me.” Dawn cried as she held the puppy closer to her.

William stepped over to Dawn and took the dog out of her hands. He held it up and cuddled the little fluff ball to his face. He laughed as the puppy’s pink tongue gave him kisses on the cheek.

“Aw, such a good boy you are. Dawn, do you promise to let me play with the pup too as I grow up?”

Dawn looked up to William, and gave him her best 100-watt smile. “Of course I would. “

William turned around to Buffy, “Mom, if I could ask for just one thing? Please, please, please can Dawn keep the puppy?”

Then William turned Buffy’s best weapon against her. He did the patented Summers’ pout.

“Ok. The puppy stays.” Buffy affirmed, causing both William and Dawn to pull her into a hug. “On one condition though. Trouble will be our family dog, and we are all responsible for his well being, which includes protecting him from things that go bump in the night.”

William continued to hold the pup, and brought it to the kitchen and Dawn tagged along behind while Buffy and Spike stayed in the living room with the remainder of the Scoobies.

Spike turned to Buffy, “William had a good plan up there but he forgot to cover who would take my place in our little scheme. So luv, don’t argue with me when I tell you this, but I want you to stay here and protect our home, the pup, Nibblet, and our William. I will go with them to meet with Travers as we planned.”

“But...” Buffy began before she was swiftly silenced.

“No ‘buts.’ Things are going to get scary and complicated.”

“He’s right Buffy,” Willow added, “I can only maintain the glamour on William and Harmony along with the protection on the house simultaneously for so long. It’s the best thing to do.”

Buffy was not pleased that her friends and family were trying to stop her from participating in the showdown. Spike could sense he irritation, and was afraid that she would try to do something rash. He looked to Willow, whom had also noticed Buffy’s agitation.

Willow softly spoke, “Serenity and sleep, so mote it be.”

Buffy yawned and fell back into her mate’s arms.


In the kitchen, Dawn and William were providing a much-needed bath to Trouble. The puppy was having fun splashing around the sink. William noticed that Dawn had a solemn expression on her face when she should have been giggling from the pup’s antics.

“Dawn, what is bothering you?”

“What Buffy said earlier, what if we can’t protect Trouble from demons?”

William pondered for a moment, and then he had an idea.

“Dawn, what do you know about demonic bonds?”

“Oh, like claims? Like Buffy and Spike?”

“Sort of, but different. There are different kinds of claims, but one is a protective, family claim. If the claim is made with the right magicks, it is almost always respected by other demons.”

Dawn smiled, with the weight of the world clearly rolling off her shoulders.

“That sounds great William, although I was worried you were going to suggested doing a mating claim on the dog.”

William laughed. “There are a lot of things for you to learn. After this is over with, I want you to sneak up to the Watcher’s secret stash of books. There are two books up there that you need to look for, one is the Elements of Demonic Rituals and the second is called the Nature of Demons. In the second book, there is a rather lengthy section on the transdimensional keys. “

Dawn scrunched her face for a moment, clearly lost in thought. “If they had a book that explained what I am, then why wouldn’t they share it with me,” she asked.

“Because the Watcher forgot the books were up there and he didn’t associate transdimensional key with actually being a demon. Unfortunately, that Watcher of mum’s still sees the world as ‘demons bad’; but we all know better. Well, mum is still coming around. But these books you should take and keep for yourself.”

As Dawn thought about William’s request, she lifted the wet puppy out of the sink and wrapped him in a big, fluffy white towel. “Giles will know they are missing and if not him, then Anya will.”

“Trust me Dawn; it will be good for our family to have a reference library on hand in the home. So, let’s take care of this protection claim real quick, while I’ve got you both here.”

“Do I get a big bite mark on my neck?“

William grabbed her wrist and lifted it to his mouth. “No, it is just a quick bite here. On the pup, it will be a quick one on her paw. Then I’ll mumble a few words, and presto.”

It sounded okay to Dawn, but she was still a bit nervous. “Will it hurt?”

“Actually, no. It may pinch, but it won’t hurt. But you can turn away and not look if you want.”

Dawn did exactly that. Within moments, she felt a quick pinch, and then heard a small whimper from Trouble. Then she heard William whisper the words, “Always family, always protected. Mine. So mote it be.”

“Thank You."

“You’re welcome,” William replied as he pulled her into his embrace. “I’m going to miss you, even though we only spent a little bit of time together.”

The teen looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “You’re going back tonight aren’t you?”

“I believe I am. “

“It was fun, while it lasted. Thanks for sticking up for me with Buffy. I don’t think she really understood…”

“How lonely you are?”

“Yeah. It’s not that I blame her, she’s fighting her own battles.”

William gave Dawn one final embrace and kissed her head.

“Sounds like the Watcher just got here.”

Dawn pulled back and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m going to be the bestest auntie to you.”

“I bet you will be. You’re going to be the cool aunt, I can tell. C’mon let’s go join the others in the living room.”

William opened the door and led Dawn out to the living room. Despite the look he got from his Dad, the lecture that he expected never came.

“Why’s Buffy sleeping at a time like this?” Dawn asked.

“Because Nibblet, you know big sis – she was set and determined to go join the good fight.”

“That was the plan, wasn’t it,” she questioned as she continued to pet the sleeping dog on her lap.

Giles rather than Spike saw fit to answer the younger Summers’ question. Amazingly, he accomplished it without polishing his glasses. “It seems that William realized that his whole family being onsite would put his family at risk, so Buffy is to stay here with you, Anya, Tara, and Willow. Angel and Dru are already in the car waiting to go. Harmony has been tied and gagged; Willow is out there now performing the glamour spell.”

“Xander, Spike, and William will be coming with me. Either William or Spike will have a glamour spell to appear as Willow. Travers is aware of the discomfort that Buffy’s friends went through the last time she had a vamp boyfriend, so by having them with me it will add to Travers perception that I am doing this with good intentions.”

Willow walked back into the house, and turned to Spike and William, “So who wants to be me for a day?”

William spoke, “Let it be me, sides I can do the glamour myself. Just the way you taught me.”

Spike walked over to Buffy and placed a gentle kiss on her head. He stood up and walked over to the door. “C’mon Watcher, let’s go be heroes.”

Ch 37 - Do You See Her?

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Thanks to Always LBL for giving me the correct BSV link...if not for her, there would be no update tonight. Big hugs!! :)

Next, Thank you all for sticking by the story. I was so afraid I would lose all of you after so much time off. I really appreciate each of you from the bottom of my heart.

It was brought to my attention by a very kind reviewer that I could have a Dru conflict a few chappies back (as in I said she was here but she was there). Thanks so much for pointing it out, and I will go back and make any necessary fixes. Sorry if it was confusing!

Finally, Go grab tissue boxes!! :)

*hugs* opal

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 37 - Do You See Her?

Quentin Travers paced around the empty crypt waiting for Giles to arrive. Today would be his day. As luck would have it, Giles had managed to capture William the Bloody and would be bringing a battered vampire through the crypt door at any moment. The icing on the cake was that Angelus – with soul – had caught wind of his errant childe’s mating with the Slayer. Angelus had phoned Travers a couple of days prior to inform the Head Watcher of his disapproval of the Slayer’s relationship with Spike. The souled one was incapable of actually killing the Slayer, but he had no problem turning her over to the Council to decide on her punishment – even if it included her demise.

Travers paced around the cold, dimply-lit crypt. He brought only two men to aid him, after all it did not even seem like he would need them. Everyone had seemed to finally come to their senses about Buffy Summers.

“Sir, someone is coming,” advised one of the Council’s Special Ops guards.

The door creaked open revealing the broody vampire, carrying the Slayer gagged and wrapped up in chains. Dust kicked up off the floor with each step that Angel took.

Travers smiled to see that the girl was alert and she would be when he sentenced her to death by impaling a stake through her heart.

After all, why kill her easily when he could kill her with her own weapon of choice.

“Put her over there Angelus, and place the chain around her waist so she can’t get free,” Travers directed. After Angel locked “fake Buffy” to the crypt wall, Travers offered him a drink.

Angel politely declined, but before he moved into the shadows, he noticed that another vamp had already taken watch in the corner. Drusilla had managed to slip her way in, undetected, through a hole in the floor that was hidden behind another sarcophagus.

Minutes later, Giles, Xander, William as Willow, and a roped up Spike walked into the crypt.

“Giles, I knew you’d come around.” Travers stated as gripped the stake in his hand.

“Seeing as that pathetic excuse for a Slayer over there is to busy cavorting with this vampire to fulfill her mission, I’d say yes we do see eye to eye on this matter.” Giles replied as he pushed Spike towards Travers.

“Can we get this over quick?” Xander said. “I just want them both gone.”

Xander did his best to sound genuine and forceful, but on the inside he cringed. He had learned that even though he was not the number one fan of the evil undead that it would be even worse if he was on the top of Buffy’s shit list.

Luckily, William put his acting skills to use and in a perfect replication of Willow’s voice, he spoke up to support the death of the Slayer before his Dad.

“Please, please, Mr. Travers can you just get rid of Buffy now? Take care of her first and make this vampire suffer before his death.” William spoke as he rocked back and forth on “her” heals.

Travers was pleased that everyone in the crypt was being cooperative. He decided to no longer draw out the inevitable. He pulled out the stake and prepared to throw it at whom he thought was Buffy.

He never noticed “Willow” walking up behind him, losing her glamour and morphing into William.

Travers threw the stake at the supposed Slayer and was in shock when she exploded to dust.

He was even more shocked when he felt the teeth of a vampire sink into his neck and drain him. He looked up to the guards for help, but Drusilla and Angel had already taken one down. Xander and Giles had chained the other up.

Which left William the Bloody standing before him, without chains to restrain the angry vampire, leaving Travers wondering what the hell had just happened and how had they managed to out smart him.

“Well, your little sex toy is all gone now vampire, even if you kill me another Slayer will be called to take her place. Stupid bint, getting herself vamped. She really was worthless.”

Travers felt the teeth rip into his neck deeper, but he did his best not to succumb to the pain. He was still conscious enough to realize that something must not be right.

The red headed girl was a vampire too, he realized.

Yet, when he was thrown into the arms of William the Bloody, he was shocked to see the vampire staring back at him was also William the Bloody. Or so he thought.

“Dad, I give you the honor to finish this bastard off. Make it hurt. Every single drop of blood you take make it burn.”

As Spike morphed into game face, William looked right into Travers’ face.

“You are nothing but a weak minded, selfish fucking prick. Trying to kill my mother, how dare you! Did you think you would be able to get away with trying to murder the greatest Slayer that ever lived, one of the top warriors sent to protect innocents by the Powers That Be, and mate of William the Bloody?”

William took a stake out of his back pocked and impaled the dying man in the stomach. Travers cried out in anguish.

“You are a pussy. A worthless piece of shit. Sending out girls to drive these bloody stakes into the hoards of demons night after night. It doesn’t feel so fucking good does it?”

Spike pulled his teeth out of Travers.

“Your blood is worthless, tastes foul mate. You wouldn’t even make a decent demon.”

Spike threw Travers against the wall. The old man slumped down and fell to the floor, barely hanging on to his life. Spike took the stake from William and walked up to Travers.

“See this, mate? The last bloody fuckin’ think you will see is this stake going right through your heart, complements of your’s truly.”

“No!” Travers cried.

Spike threw the stake into Travers heart.

“Yes.” Spike replied. He turned around and took note that the rest of the team had managed to eliminate Travers’ two men.

Then he saw William leaning against one of the sarcophagi.

“William, are you ok?” Spike asked as he walked over and held his son.

“Can you see her?”

“See who?” Spike asked.

“The Slayer’s mummy,” Drusilla replied.

“Yes Dad. Grandma Joyce. She’s saying it’s time for me to go, that my work is done.” William whispered as he felt himself starting to slip away. He felt love though. The love of his father holding him.

“I’m proud of you son. I wish you didn’t have to go, but then it might be odd raising yourself, eh?”

William let out a soft chuckle.

“And that was a right smart thing you did with Dawn and your pup.”

William looked up at his dad with wide eyes.

“You think I didn’t notice? I just chose not to say anything,” Spike replied and smiled.

The rest of the gang circled in on William, all saying their goodbyes and expressing their love and gratitude.

Most surprising of all was Xander.

“William, we didn’t get to spend much time together but I can tell that you are an incredible being and I would hate to not be a part of your life because I couldn’t deal with my prejudices against your dad. I promise you, I’m going to be the best uncle ever,” Xander said as he leaned in and gave William a big hug.

“It’s time for William to come along,” Joyce softly spoke as she appeared in front of everyone. She reached out to take William’s hand.

“Bye Dad. I love you. Tell Mom I love her.”

Spike wrapped his arms tightly around William.

“I love you too son.”

William grasped Joyce’s hand, and then disappeared with her.

Everyone huddled around Spike, not one of them with dry eyes, and held him until he could finally cry no more.


Angel, Dru, and Spike walked back to the Summers’ residence while Giles and Xander stopped to pick up a supply of tissues and then some dinner for everyone.

Spike was not sure what was going to be more heartbreaking, watching his son slip from his arms or telling his love that their son had gone.

Either way, it was tearing him up inside, but he had the support of his vampire clan to help him through this. Still it seemed the door to 1630 Revello Drive came before them far too soon. Slowly, he reached out, grasped the cold doorknob and turned it. He walked into the quiet house.

“Go on up to her,” Angel encouraged Spike. “She knows.”

Spike silently ascended the stairs to his mate’s bedroom.

Dru was heartbroken to see her Spike like this. She could smell the tears that had been spilt hours before they came home.

She could also sense that Joyce had paid a visit here too. She sat down on the couch and encouraged Angel to do the same. Tears began to fall down her face, and Angel pulled her into his arms to comfort her.


Spike slowly opened the door to find Buffy holding on to their infant son. In that moment he was reminded that he had not lost his son, but in turn gained more time with him. Time to bond and forge a relationship.

He sat down on the bed behind her and wrapped his arms around them both.

“Mom visited.” Buffy whispered. “She said it was time to take him home.”

Spike squeezed her tighter, and then wiped the tears from her face.

“He did well. I’m going to miss him.” Spike replied.

“Mom said,” Buffy softly spoke between her sniffles, “That everything was in balance now and that we would make a good family.”

Spike began to stroke her long, golden hair.

“That’s right love. I’m going to be a great dad, and you’re going to be a fantastic mother. Most of all we are going to give our son a fantastic life.”

Buffy turned around to her love, and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

“A new beginning for us, it’s nice.”

“It is. What do you want to do?” Spike asked.

“Stay here. This is the only home William has known, as an infant and as an adult, with us. We can see the world, we can avert apocalypses, but we can do it all from our home here.”

“Our home.” Spike repeated and smiled as he laid his family down on their bed. In a short time, the three of them fell asleep together.


Thanks for reading! *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

Please review!

PS - No it isn't the end of the story - it may seem that way, but no. I have the final chapter to post sometime this week once it comes back from beta.
Chapter 38 - Just Like Mom Used To Make

*Banner By Ariel Dawn*
Thanks AD! Hugs~Opal

Story Dedicated to Meli!
Thanks for being a great Beta. Hugs~Opal

Finally, here is where the story ends. It is a nice, sappy, happy, fluffy ending. There will not be a sequel, since I think that I've taken this as far as it can go.

Here is where I express my heartfelt thanks to everyone:

~ Thank You to Meli. She is a fantastic woman and wonderful beta. I'm so glad you loved this fic.

~ To Dom and GoldenBuffy, both whom have been faithfully asking me to update. *hugs**hugs**hugs*

~ To everyone who has constantly reviewed. I have tried to answer all of the reviews, but here I would like to acknowledge all of you have have been supportive, kind, and even constructive in your reviews. You all are awesome!!! Hugs to:

Ariel Dawn, Tasha, Vladt, Letitia, Rhonda, MarzBarz, Redwulf, Tami Brandt, Comedy of Errors, Erin, txjmfan, ZoeGrace, Elizabeth Anne Summers, Spikes_petslayer, Confused Muse,
Oracleholly, Athenewolfe, Lou, Braat44, Alex, Chanel 5, Max, Vicki, Tina, DK, Stephanie, Mali, Tamara, Sam, Karyn, Maria, Niamh,Cordykitten, Verda, DreamsofSpike, maryperk, SpaceLord, Pulchra Nex,Jane, Romero, seraiza, Sirc, BerMH, bubble_blunder, gaillee, idk5743228, Piper, Kim, lilmamaday, Jessica, Daisy,Cheryl, Spikes Slayer2, Bridget, Jackofspikes, PyroChilde, Kelci, Lynda, Kim, rayan, Ineke, Melissa, margaret, gillypod, diane-01, deedo, Aonadharcach, Araedhel, Dom, GoldenBuffy, Rebelbaby, Eve

If I missed you're name, I'm sorry. Kick me in the ass and send an email, I will be sure to post it.

Happy Birthday to maryperk!

Now here is my happy, fluffy ending. I know I stretch the imagination a bit, but hey I'll explain why at the end.

For one last time, thanks again. This last chapter is for all of you.

Single Quotes = thoughts to oneself or between Buffy & Spike

Chapter 38 - Just Like Mom Used To Make

William slowly opened his eyes and sat up. Looking around, he seemed to be in the same crypt he was just in moments before Grandma Joyce came along. He could still feel the touch of her hand in his lingering still.

Will looked around the crypt and saw that he was alone. He stood up and wandered over to the closest sarcophagus. He noticed that the crypt was cleaner, and that there were a number of candles lit along the walls and sarcophagus. The candles on the wall were of red wax, the sarcophagus had white wax. In the middle of the candles, there was a black book, which on the top was inscribed in Latin:


Blood which Bonds
Blood which Ties
It is the Blood which is everlasting

Only the Blood of the Marked Ones
Shall this book yield its words

William reached for the book, and he was surprised that he was able to pick it up. He was surprised it was not dusty as he brought the book up to his nose. Gently, William inhaled the scents of his loved ones.

He opened the book to find that it was a journal of the past twenty years.

Therefore, the Powers That Be have decided that he was going to come back to his body as a twenty year old male. To his relief, he was still a vampire. He opened up the book and read the very first entry that was made by his mom the day after the big fight.

The Powers That Fuck with Peoples Lives did it again yesterday. They took my sweet William away from me. I can only estimate that he may return to us as a young man, if maybe at all. Spike seems to think that perhaps the Powers will send him to the same place he left, just in a different point of time. So, we have decided three important things today. One, that 1630 Revello Drive will always be our home. This way William will find his way home to us when the time comes. Two, we will turn the crypt that he left us from into a waiting space for him. Spike wanted to burn candles in honor of the spark he brought to our lives. Thirdly, we decided to start this journal, in case he didn’t remember all of the things we’ve done for him as he has grown.

I know he couldn’t stay, but damn it I miss him.

William tucked the book under his arm and made his way towards the exit in the crypt. Slowly the memories of his youth were starting to materialize in his head. With each step he took, he smiled.

His first birthday party.

His father teaching his mum how to cook a decent meal without burning the house down.

Auntie Dawn graduating from college.

The double wedding of Xander and Anya, and Tara and Willow.

Angel’s soul becoming permanently anchored, and then Dru and Angel becoming mates.

Auntie Dawn marrying an odd, but kindhearted man named Andrew. Then having her first child, Joyce shortly thereafter.

The first time he kissed a girl.

Snuggling up at night with his faithful companion, Trouble.

The day his father got a new Ring of Amara, so he could play outside with his son during the daylight.

Along with the good memories, came the sad.

Giles falling ill to congestive heart failure, and passing on to join Grandma Joyce as an emissary of the Powers.

When the First Evil tried to tear his parent's marriage apart, but they persevered.

Being in the hospital with his Mum and Dad, and hearing the doctors tell them their son was dying of cancer.

All in all the memories that were hitting him were of the good. He trotted down the path to his home and smiled, especially as he recalled his rebirth as a vampire, this time by the hands of his father with the help of Drusilla and Angel.

He had succeeded, even with a few forks in the road; he had succeeded in the mission. He had a happy family that would continue to live lives to the fullest for the remainder of eternity.

He looked to the top of the steps and saw the lights on the front porch. Everything looked the same, except the trees were taller and the cars were more modern. The flowers in front of the porch were vibrant and the sun was shining down on his home.

His home.

It was funny how he thought about that first instead of the fact that he was a vampire and that he was standing out in the sun and not combusting. Well, that was his second thought. However, his memories came to him and he recalled that he was not just a vampire, but he was half Slayer and half Vampire and the Slayer part of him was what allowed him to go in the sun. As William was absorbing this information in his mind, the front door opened.

Standing before him was his Aunt Dawn, Mom, Dad, and faithful companion Trouble.

“Welcome home son,” Spike spoke.

“Dad,” William spoke as he ran into parents arms. “Mom, so glad to see you here, and well.”

“I’ve waited all these years just to find out if my baby was alright,” Buffy whispered as she held onto her son tightly. “We knew the moment you had come back and you had touched the book.”

“The wards around the book,” William replied, “I’m slowly getting memories back, but I do seem to remember both you and dad saying that only when the time was right would I be allowed to pick up the book.”

As he held on to his parents with all his might, he felt another tapping on his shoulder, as well as a furry friend pushing his nose between himself and his parents. He moved back and allowed his aunt and dog to give him a hug as well.

That is when he noticed. Dawn still looked like she was in her twenties, and Trouble should have had all white fur by now.

Buffy recognized what her son was thinking, and decided to enlighten him.

“Thanks to the handy books on claims you referred to your Auntie Dawn, we will all be here for a very long time, including your aunt and dog. When she was twenty, she thought she figured out an enhanced version of the protection spell, and tried it on both Trouble and myself. While it was a protection spell, it also made us immortal.”

Dawn smiled at William.

“Well, I guess that means I have the first immortal canine. No complaints here, I assume?”

“Not at all,” Spike replied. “Let’s go in and sit around the fireplace and have some hot cocoa. We can read through the journal and reminisce about days gone by.”

Dawn, William, and Trouble walked into the house. Spike turned to Buffy and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her into the house.

As he shut the front door behind them, he turned to her and whispered, “And the not so normal family lived happily ever after.”

Buffy smiled and took her mate’s hand and led him to the kitchen to make hot cocoa.

Just like mom used to make.

The End.

Thank you again for sticking by. I have an extremely active imagination, and I really couldn't take having William come back to his dog being old or having passed on. Especially since my little birdie died this weekend on me. I was already sad, and I put you all through a sad chappie before.

Again, I appreciate your reviews and feedback. Look for some new ficage coming from me soon.

*hugs* Opal