A very young Buffy jumps through a portal to chase a demon and ends up saving a young boy...in 19th century England. When a certain blond vampire appears in Sunnydale years later, things get interesting...
Beta'd by Always_jbj and Amyb/banner by Always Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 7,954 - Updated: 12/23/2005 05:31 am Buffy learns something that upsets her Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 4,609 - Updated: 12/23/2005 11:21 pm Some admissions are made and secrets revealed- but not all! Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 5,177 - Updated: 12/25/2005 11:13 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 5,715 - Updated: 12/26/2005 01:08 pm This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 4,455 - Updated: 12/27/2005 01:15 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 3,652 - Updated: 12/28/2005 09:23 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 2,304 - Updated: 12/29/2005 10:58 pm This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 1,624 - Updated: 12/31/2005 05:23 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 2,965 - Updated: 01/02/2006 04:07 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 1,717 - Updated: 01/03/2006 06:24 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 5,291 - Updated: 01/04/2006 08:20 pm This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 5,717 - Updated: 01/11/2006 07:47 am This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 6,872 - Updated: 01/11/2006 08:26 pm This is the fic I'm writing for Always-jbj that I've been posting on lj. Now all nicely beta'd by Amyb and ready for its close-up. Here are the first three chapters - which is what makes it a Season I fic, then we'll jump to Season II and III eventually. Genre: - Rating: Warning: Words: 6,254 - Updated: 01/12/2006 10:41 am | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |