Without friends, family or a watcher, Buffy slays, strips, and stays emotionally isolated. Until a bleach-blond vampire shows up looking for a fight.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,449 - Updated: 08/01/2007 04:15 am


Without friends, family or a watcher, Buffy slays, strips, and stays emotionally isolated. Until a bleach-blond vampire shows up looking for a fight.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,489 - Updated: 08/03/2007 01:09 am


Without friends, family or a watcher, Buffy slays, strips, and stays emotionally isolated. Until a bleach-blond vampire shows up looking for a fight.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,176 - Updated: 08/07/2007 04:00 am


Without friends, family or a watcher, Buffy slays, strips, and stays emotionally isolated. Until a bleach-blond vampire shows up looking for a fight.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,362 - Updated: 09/07/2007 01:07 pm