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Sequel to "A Very Joan and Randy Christmas." Valentine's Day is coming up, and the gang is planning hearts and flowers ... but what's that about demon eggs? Fluffy Spuffy rewrite of "As You Were," or as I think of it, "the episode that never happened."
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,923 - Started: 05/07/2007 - Updated: 05/07/2007 07:34 pm

Weeks later, the gang is still suffering from its “Tabula Rasa” memory wipe, which the Legion of Dim plans to use to its advantage. Fluffy and mildly smutty Spike/Buffy fic.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,612 - Started: 04/30/2007 - Updated: 04/30/2007 07:54 pm

Spike and Buffy are being inventive: Buffy’s the head cheerleader, and William her seductive English tutor; Queen Fi pleasured by her enslaved eunuch; Will and Buff in an illicit tryst in a posh boarding school; the follower of Lucifer properly tormented for turning to the side of the devil. A lot of things can happen in five hours.
Starts fluffy, eventually gets kinda heavy, pretty much running the gamut of a lot of sexuality.
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , ,
Chapters: 6 - Words: 24,349 - Started: 05/30/2016 - Updated: 06/16/2016 07:39 pm

“Are you all right?” Spike asked.
“Perfectly normal,” Buffy said. “Spell’s all gone.”
“That wasn’t what I meant,” he said. “I meant... after what it made you.... After.”
Buffy and Spike talk just after the events of the episode Him.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 510 - Started: 09/09/2016 - Updated: 09/09/2016 03:53 am

“Well," Spike told Buffy. "You didn’t seem real happy about finding Faith down here." Missing scene from Dirty Girls.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,295 - Started: 12/10/2016 - Updated: 12/10/2016 02:14 am

Spike. Ensouled. Stuck in a basement. Alone. Scared. Mad. Tortured by guilt. “I don't have anywhere else to go.” Buffy already knows, that can't be true.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,321 - Started: 09/06/2016 - Updated: 09/06/2016 09:55 am

My other Seasonal Spuffy entry for this round:
A sequel to a short (6200+) off-canon Season Four fic – Even Demons Need Friends, but I don’t think you need to have read that story (although it’s kinda fun...). All you need to know is that this is a non-canon Season 5 in which Glory is there searching for her Key, Joyce is sick, Spike is unchipped and living in another city. At the end of the previous story, he’d asked Buffy to call him if she needed help.
They don’t have a relationship yet; they weren’t even much more than canon Season Four semi-enemies, with an unrecognized and unacknowledged sexual attraction, when Ethan’s spell to turn Giles into a Fyral demon wrought some important changes in a very short period of time. But not changes sufficient to make it likely that a slayer, with a human boyfriend and a firm belief in what’s right and acceptable, and an old vampire, who has just regained his ability to hunt and feed, are likely to see any kind of a future for them. In spite of some surprising revelations about how they may feel about each other.
You can assume that the rest of Season Four and some of Season Five have proceeded pretty much as in canon, but without Spike’s presence. That absence, and the reason for it, has changed things enough that I think it’s fair to call this an AU Season Five. Some things will be familiar, some things obviously will not, so don’t go looking for an identical timeline or identical events.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 15 - Words: 45,121 - Started: 12/09/2012 - Updated: 01/04/2013 09:42 pm

A Christmas present (but not a Christmas fic)for BSB who requested unchipped Spike. Season III- just after Buffy has made Angel bite her to save him from the poison in his system. Disclaimer: All Joss, all the time. I’m just playing with his toys. Distribution: BSV, Spuffy Stuff, SA, Vamp Kiss – anyone else, give me a shout This fic was written as a (late) Christmas present for our wonderful web mistress, Bloodshedbaby. Hope you like it, Stacy! And a gazillion thank yous to Always_jbj for both the beta and the time spent getting rid of random lines that appeared and wouldn’t go away. hugs C.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,201 - Started: 01/06/2006 - Updated: 01/07/2006 06:40 am

Season Four, what if Buffy had not gotten the Gem of Amara off Spike when they fought? How would the fight have gone, and how might she have gotten away?  What difference might that incident, as well as the Initiative's activities, have made in their relationship? Could/would a vampire and a slayer who hate each other make another truce to join forces against a common enemy? A what might a trip to Las Vegas have to do with anything?

Beta'd and bannered by Always-jbj.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 14 - Words: 47,815 - Started: 04/20/2012 - Updated: 05/08/2012 12:23 am

To meet a prompt at sb_fag-ends - what if Spike had caught Buffy's eye in that club? (probably intended to be set in The Girl in Question, but I chose to set it in the Bronze season 2)  Not sure where this is going to go, if anywhere, but it could almost be a prequel for the Gentleman.... ficlets. Or, it could be the beginning of its own little Spuffy world...

ETA My apologies if your review got lost. I'd apparently posted twice (?) so I deleted the one I didn't know was  there.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 363 - Started: 01/21/2015 - Updated: 01/21/2015 11:49 pm

Could have happened this way, if Buffy was a little nicer.Thanks to Francis for her hard work as a beta!
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,835 - Started: 09/23/2005 - Updated: 09/23/2005 02:18 pm

Buffy comes across a very reckless woman while doing some post Something Blue thinking. Of course Spike has to be there to help remind her. :) AN: Written for one of Taming the Muse prompts, it will be updated weekly as I get a new prompt. With luck, I'll be able to shoehorn them in without it being terribly noticeable. Banner by Always_jbj
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 21 - Words: 62,145 - Started: 01/09/2010 - Updated: 06/11/2010 01:12 am

Follows immediately after "Maybe We Can" which followed "As I Should Be"(both on this site). Season six, during Hells Bells. Buffy has broken up with Spike (but more gently than in canon) and they've talked at the wedding. This fic takes place after Spike has talked Xander into marrying Anya and Buffy has told him not to leave. This was for a Schmoop Bingo prompt, so beware!
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,982 - Started: 10/29/2010 - Updated: 10/29/2010 01:54 am

The third entry in the I Would Still Have Loved You series. Our time-traveling heroes are now in season six and working out how to deal with the events of that time.

For those who need a play list: OCs are Winston (sent back from the future after Buffy) who is a powerful magician, Max, their mysterious landlord who was Winston's teacher at one time and is a powerful sorcerer in his own right. Joyce is still around, thanks to Winston's abilities to destroy her tumor. Willow is still too full of herself and unpredictable. And Buffy and Spike are mated, the mutual claim having knocked off one Angel had put on an unconscious Buffy in season 3, but never told her about. She was a tad displeased and and they are not on good terms....
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 26 - Words: 85,539 - Started: 10/21/2018 - Updated: 05/30/2019 10:45 pm

Takes place in the Bumpverse (Things That Go Bump in the Night), many years after all the other fics set in that verse. Spike and Buffy are still fighting the good fight, even though they have grown children and several grandchildren. Can they retire? Should they retire? What would they do with themselves?
(For those unfamiliar with the verse - all you really need to know is that after years as a ghost, Spike was brought back as a very human man, albeit one with superpowers. A male slayer of sorts. He and Buffy married and had a family.)
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,300 - Started: 12/04/2012 - Updated: 12/04/2012 06:22 pm