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Buffy and Spike prepare to face Glory.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,654 - Started: 01/17/2010 - Updated: 01/17/2010 10:24 pm

Part Three of the Demon Trilogy. As Buffy and Spike battle in the Realm, the Scoobies face an old enemy at home.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 2 - Words: 26,212 - Started: 09/27/2005 - Updated: 09/27/2005 10:03 pm

Part two of the Demon Trilogy.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 20,453 - Started: 09/27/2005 - Updated: 09/27/2005 09:55 pm

It's raining, Spike's bored - then Buffy turns up, wounded and dying. In the following days she will face betrayal, deceit and danger - and discover a love strong enough to fight them all. R. LINKED TO THE OLD BLOODSHEDVERSE
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 16,538 - Started: 09/27/2005 - Updated: 09/27/2005 08:22 pm

BtVS Season 6, set right after Flooded, except that Angel never called Buffy. When Spike tries to help Buffy financially she decides to find out where he's getting the money from
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,765 - Started: 10/07/2005 - Updated: 10/07/2005 04:23 am

The journey of a thousand miles...
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 709 - Started: 06/23/2009 - Updated: 06/23/2009 05:49 pm

She was a legend. And legends didn’t feel. Legends didn’t cry. Legends didn’t lose—only people did.

After The Writing on the Wall and Epilogue.
Genre: , , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,267 - Started: 05/13/2017 - Updated: 05/13/2017 05:00 am

There was no body to bury. There was no funeral. There was nothing but the three rules and the knowledge that a thousand years of torment was nothing compared to a world without her in it. Spike embarks on a journey through the Gates of Hell to rescue the one he loves, but in order to save her, he must risk losing himself.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Warning: , ,
Chapters: 36 - Words: 147,762 - Started: 10/06/2008 - Updated: 06/06/2010 07:53 pm

He was after all, a soulless, killer vampire … who had nearly sacrificed himself to keep her sister safe. He was after all, much more than that. Post Intervention - that beautiful scene we all wish could have lasted so much longer!
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,623 - Started: 01/09/2009 - Updated: 01/09/2009 07:13 am

As the title says, it's three unconnected, 100-word drabbles of a spuff-ish nature.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 416 - Started: 04/04/2008 - Updated: 04/04/2008 03:46 am

Revamp of 'that scene' in 'Seeing Red' and goes healing AU from there. This is what I wish had happened. No warnings as the bathroom scene from this episode is entirely avoided. Non-Bitey
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,325 - Started: 08/13/2006 - Updated: 08/13/2006 11:46 am

Sideways'verse. One year after the end of Sideways, Buffy hits her head and loses her memory. And she can't make sense out of her life at all. Also, she's a bit mystified about her relationship with Spike.
Genre: , , - Rating: - Complete: No
Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,355 - Started: 09/03/2010 - Updated: 09/22/2010 03:24 pm

Set sometime during season six.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: No
Chapters: 1 - Words: 170 - Started: 11/04/2007 - Updated: 11/04/2007 11:12 pm

Goes AU after 'Something Blue.' What would happen if the Watcher's Council didn't relinquish their rights to the Slayer and her Watcher quite so easily.
Genre: - Rating: - Complete: No
Warning: ,
Chapters: 16 - Words: 26,800 - Started: 03/07/2006 - Updated: 06/09/2007 01:49 am

A challenge response from Dark Solace. When Joyce becomes ill, Spike offers to take the trials that Angel took to save Darla.
Genre: , - Rating: - Complete: Yes
Chapters: 13 - Words: 28,445 - Started: 09/24/2012 - Updated: 12/09/2012 08:00 pm