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Replacement by sus
My Way or the Highway.
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Betaed by Maria and Flight Of Fancy.

Buffy was becoming frustrated. Giles had been on the phone with the Council for hours, and they were still refusing to discuss her terms. The Council insisted that the Slayer...the active one...didn’t get paid, and therefore they were not willing to pay someone they considered retired.

Eventually, Buffy couldn’t stand to listen to the Council’s excuses any longer. She walked over to Giles, and asked him quietly, “It is Travers? On the phone, I mean.”

Giles covered the mouthpiece with his hand, and shook his head. “No. He refused to return to the phone after I presented him with your list of demands.”

“I’m tired of this. Tell whoever you’re talking to that I want to speak with Travers.” She kept her voice low, so the receiver wouldn’t pick up what she was saying. “Tell them that the Eternal Light wants to speak with the Head of the Watcher’s Council.”

Merrick, watching everything from a comfortable seat on Giles’ couch, started to grin. Buffy smirked back, while she waited for the call to be transferred.

“Yes. Yes, that’s right. The Light. Correct...I’ll wait.” Giles nodded to Buffy, indicating that she should approach the telephone. “Mr. Travers. Yes, sir. Just one moment.” The phone was passed to Buffy, and Giles went to join Merrick on the couch.

Buffy nodded her thanks to Giles. “Mr. Travers...Yes, I’m the Light. Yes, that’s right. Ask your seers, I’m certain they’ll back me up.” Buffy was openly smirking now. “Listen up, Travers. I know all about the Council’s financial situation. About the vault, and about...” Buffy was speaking into the phone, very softly, and in a strange language that neither Watcher was familiar with. After a moment, it became obvious that Travers was speaking, and Buffy was content to simply listen with an odd smile on her face.

Merrick and Giles appeared confused, looking briefly at each other, before returning their gaze to Buffy.

“Yes, that’s right. Okay, I’m looking forward to it. Have a nice day.” Buffy hung up the phone. When she turned back to her Watchers, there was a big smile on her face. “They’re going to courier the contract. It should be here by tomorrow afternoon.”

“No reason why we can’t celebrate today,” Merrick exclaimed, as he gave Buffy a hug.

Happily returning her guide’s embrace, Buffy cautioned, “Let’s wait until we have the money, and the contract has been signed.”

“Excuse me, Buffy, but I couldn’t seem to place the language you were speaking. Would you mind telling me what language it was, and what you were telling Travers?” Giles interrupted the hug-fest that was going on.

“Sorry, Giles, but I can’t tell you that.” Buffy untangled herself from Merrick. “I promised Travers that what I said would stay between the two of us, and I always keep my word. The only thing I can tell you is, the Council of Watchers has a lot of secrets, and I know most of them.”

“There’s something else you really need to understand.” She sighed. Hopefully Giles would get what she was saying the first time. Buffy didn’t want to think about what would happen if her friends and family started trying to take over again. She knew that her mom would understand with a bit of time, and Willow might also be willing to listen. The problem would be with the men. Definitely Xander and Angel, and maybe Giles, though he seemed to be on board at this point. There wasn’t much she could do though. Once the soul transfer was complete, she was here for good and she would force them to understand, if she had to.

“This time I’m my own person, and I won’t be pushed around by you, my friends, my mother, or the Council. You have to trust that I know what I’m doing, and that I can make good decisions.”

“I’ll do my best to remember that, especially because it’s clearly very important to you,” Giles managed to respond.

“Now, what are we going to do for lunch? I’m hungry. Oh, and I have to get to the library today.” Buffy gave Merrick a quick hug, grabbed her hoodie, and was already heading to the door of Giles’ apartment.

“Wait a moment, Buffy. You can take my library card with you,” Giles offered.

“Thanks Giles. That’s great. I don’t know whether I’ll need one or not.”

“Yes, well, if you expect to be allowed to borrow books, you’ll need a library card,” Giles said in a slightly condescending voice.

Buffy closed her eyes briefly. “Actually, I was heading to the library to find out who owns the building I want, so I can give them a call and see if it’s for sale.”

“Oh, well, if you can’t get that information at the library, you’ll most likely find it available at city hall.” Again, Giles the Lecturer made an appearance, peeking at Buffy over the top of his glasses.

Do I really come across as that stupid? He seems to believe I’m still the naive child that I was before the Master killed me. Did nothing from the past few days sink in? Buffy grimaced at her own thoughts.

Giles handed Buffy his library card, and she left to check the town registry while the two Watchers went to the Espresso Pump to wait for her results. They were both finishing their lattes when Buffy rejoined the group.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Merrick inquired.

“Uh-huh.” Buffy nodded, before being distracted by the menu board.

“Well? Is it a secret?” Merrick asked, amused.

“Hang on, Merrick. First I want to get some coffee.” She looked pleadingly at the two older men. “I went so long without it. So very, very long.”

Unable to resist, Merrick quickly offered, “I’ll go get it for you.”

“Thank you, Merrick. You’re such a gentleman.” Buffy teased, while wearing a smile so big that it was even visible beneath her hoodie. “Get me something sweet and foamy, with sprinkles and whipped cream, please.”

Once again, Giles was struck by the interaction between Buffy and Merrick. I wonder what’s really going on here. One minute Merrick behaves like her father, and the next he’s a friend, a very close friend. Could he be her other half? I know she’s lived several lifetimes, but he just seems too old for her. If it’s not him, then who? Xander or Angel? Xander is much too immature and hot-headed, and Angel...well, he is a Representative for the Powers. He’s a warrior, and is almost as strong as Buffy. She needs an equal, and Angel could certainly help her when she’s fighting. Plus, he’s got his soul, which is a bonus and should make him protect her when needed. Anyone else as strong as a Slayer would kill her, and that wouldn’t do. Giles decided he would have to do some more research, so he could confirm the identity of Buffy’s other half and do what he could to support their relationship.

Unfortunately, Giles was already forgetting the lessons learned in his apartment earlier that day, and was busy trying to organize the Slayer’s life. He just couldn’t accept that there were others who might have answers that he himself was missing. His job was to guide his Slayer, and his Slayer’s job was to listen to his direction. Feeling uncomfortably like he was losing control of Buffy, Giles decided that he had best invest more time and energy in translating the book of prophecy. When he discovered the book’s answers, then he would be better able to guide Buffy in the right direction.

Giles watched Buffy and Merrick joking and having fun at the table. He couldn’t help feeling some contempt for his compatriot, as it was clear that Merrick didn’t understand that a Slayer and a Watcher should not behave like best friends. There were boundaries to be maintained, for the good of all. Maybe it would be best if Giles took over Merrick’s official role? Merrick would benefit from seeing an experienced Watcher at work, and Buffy would flourish once she had firm boundaries to work within. Pleased with his plan, Giles thought of the transfer of power as a done deal.

Though outwardly joking and laughing with Merrick, Buffy had been watching Giles’ reflection in the cafe window. Seeing his demeanour change as he assessed the situation and then developed his plan, Buffy could see he was falling back into his must-be-in-control trap. She knew that look, and it didn’t bode well for her future. Realizing that her openness earlier had changed nothing, the Slayer suddenly felt exhausted. Hopefully the Council would be quick to come through with her money. She needed to get away from Giles, but would have to just make the best of things for now.

Merrick knew that something was going on. He could see the change in Buffy’s eyes, and recognized the sadness she was feeling. Merrick decided to ask her about it later, when the two of them were alone. For now, he would do what he could to make Buffy laugh, and help her to forget her troubles for a little while.


Late the next morning, as promised, the contract was delivered by a messenger from the Council. The messenger was asked to sit in the living room, while Buffy and Merrick withdrew to the kitchen and reviewed the papers he carried. Buffy read the contracts very carefully, both copies side-by-side to ensure they were identical. Merrick, who was reading over her shoulder, did his best to look for flaws and loopholes. Giles, sitting across the table from the couple, was fuming over the fact that he wasn’t asked for his input.

The Watcher and his charge read the documents several times, to be certain that the contract was exactly as she had requested, right down to the tiniest detail. An additional envelope sent with the contract included two bank cards for Buffy’s use. The first card was a credit card, to be used to purchase her home, and for any repairs or furnishings she desired. It was also earmarked for any weapons or books she might want, as well as to replace any clothing that might become damaged in the course of her work as a Slayer. The second card was a debit card, and was linked to the account where the Council would be depositing her paycheque. Buffy smiled when she saw the statement of accounting for her first cheque. No more flipping greasy burgers for this Slayer.

“What do you think, Merrick? Does it look okay?” She looked over her shoulder at the Watcher.

“If there are loopholes here, I don’t see them. You must have scared the Head of the Council pretty badly.” Travers had already signed the contract. They smirked at each other, satisfied with what they had achieved.

“Giles, do you have a pen I can use?”

“I cannot abide this. Do you not see how wrong it is, to demand money, payment, for doing your duty?” Giles was clearly irritated as he handed over his pen.

“I have no duties, Giles.” Buffy’s face had lost the smile she was wearing minutes before.

“Buffy...the Buffy in the hospital bed, is the Slayer. If you take over her body, you’ll be the Slayer,” Giles claimed.

“Wrong again, Giles. I won’t be the Slayer, I’ll be the Light. Kendra is the Slayer, not me.” She turned her attention back to the papers on the table. “What do you think, Merrick? Are they okay for me to sign?”

“Everything seems as it should be, Buffy. I think they’re fine to sign.”

Buffy smiled, delighted by Merrick’s answer. This was it. She looked at the papers spread in front of her and then, with a deep breath, she signed the contracts. Free. I’m finally free to do what I want. I don’t have to listen to the Council, don’t have to do what my friends say, don’t have to pretend to want Mr. Normal. I’m finally free to build a life for myself, and to love whoever I want. Oh, Spike, I wonder what you’re doing right now?

Buffy’s brief mental holiday was disturbed by the sound of the Council messenger clearing his throat. She turned to him and asked, “When can I start using the cards?”

“You need to go to a local branch of the bank, and have the cards activated. They should be useable as soon as you’ve done that.” The messenger picked up the contracts from the table, checking them over for signatures and initials. Putting one copy in his bag, he handed the remaining copy back to Buffy. “Here’s your copy of the contract. I’m also to give you this,” he said, passing her a sealed envelope. “Have a nice day.” The messenger bowed slightly, then nodded to Giles and Merrick before making his way out of the apartment.

“Hey, Merrick, let’s go for a walk.” Buffy looked at him, pleading for his cooperation. She wanted to escape the apartment before Giles started up again.

“Sure. Why not?” Merrick agreed.

Before the couple left, Buffy turned back to return Giles’ pen. “Giles, will you talk with mom tonight?”

Giles wasn’t happy about not being consulted when the contracts were reviewed. Buffy didn’t listen to him, or even ask his opinion. She didn’t want his help then, so who was she to demand it now? “Sorry, Buffy, but I’m busy for the rest of the day.” Unwilling to make eye contact, Giles was polishing his glasses.

Buffy could tell that Giles wasn’t reacting well to her demand for independence, but she refused to apologize for her actions. “Okay, Giles. When do you think you’ll have the time?”

“I will consult my calendar and get back to you with some possible dates.” Giles became even more stuffy, trying to show Buffy that he was still in charge and wasn’t willing to do things according to her schedule.

Buffy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before responding. “What the Hell are you doing, Giles?”

“I...That is, I...” The spectacles, recently returned to his nose, were back in his hand again.

“If you’re thinking of betraying me, give it up. I’m not a naive young teenager anymore, and I refuse to let you or anyone else control my life.” She paced in front of Giles, not letting him get a word in. “You know what? I was crazy to think I could trust you to understand. I’m done here.” She marched to the door. “Are you coming, Merrick?” With that, Buffy was gone, leaving her Watcher to follow.

Merrick hurried to catch his charge before she disappeared. He knew she was heading to the bank, but didn’t know exactly where the bank was. His only hope was to walk there with Buffy. “Hey, slow down! Not everyone travels at Slayer speed.”

Merrick could see Buffy pause, and then continue at a much slower pace. As he drew closer, he could also see that her shoulders were shaking.

Merrick touched her arm. “What’s going on?”

Buffy turned to him, tears running down her face. “He’s trying to do it again, Merrick.”

Wanting only to protect her from any more pain, Merrick wrapped the Slayer in his arms as if she were a small child in need of comfort.

“He wants to take control of my life.” She sniffled against his chest. “I can’t go through that again.”

Merrick took a small step back from Buffy, using two fingers to lift her chin, so he could look her in the eye. “Listen up, Buffy. You can choose your own fate and, if it’s what you want, you will never have to speak with Giles again. The power is all yours. Now, let’s dry your tears and get to the bank. It’s still early, and we can accomplish a lot before the day is over.” He wiped her cheeks with a tissue from his coat pocket.

Feeling a little braver, Buffy smiled at him. “Thanks for the pep talk, Merrick.” With that, she linked their arms together and set off for the bank with a more positive attitude towards the future.

As they walked, Merrick asked Buffy about the envelope she had received with the contracts. Buffy told him that yesterday, when he and Giles had gone to the store, she had called the Council and told them she needed papers that said she was older than the Buffy from this time was. She couldn’t shake a lingering fear that Giles would turn on her, and wanted to make sure he couldn’t use her supposed youth as a means to control her. As a minor, Giles and her mother would have a legal right to make decisions about where she lived and whether she was allowed to marry. Though she hoped that Giles had truly learned his lesson and her suspicions were unfounded, he was already starting to revert to his over-controlling ways.

“And they just agreed, with no argument? How did you manage that, without telling them you are the Light?” Merrick was amazed.

“Oh, I didn’t have to explain anything. Giles had already given them a full report, so they weren’t surprised at all.” She smiled sadly.

“What? After you explicitly said that nobody was to know?” Merrick was stunned.

Buffy just nodded in response to the question. She couldn’t seem to speak around the lump in her throat.


At the bank, Buffy found out that her first paycheque had already been deposited into her account. When activating the credit card, she was advised that the account was earmarked for buying, renovating, and furnishing a home, and that the card had no limit. Buffy asked to see the branch manager, and told him that she was interested in purchasing a building that the bank had foreclosed on a few years before. Things happened quickly after that, and when Buffy and Merrick left the bank an hour later, Buffy was holding the keys to her new home in her hand.

“Let’s go look at it again.” The elated Slayer bounced down the sidewalk beside Merrick.

“Absolutely.” He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. “Now that you have the keys, we can have a good look inside, instead of peeking through the windows.”

Laughing and playing as they made their way through the warehouse district, they hurried to explore Buffy’s new home. They had a little trouble getting in, because the big freight door was jammed, but eventually they gained access without damaging anything. Buffy ran around like a child, checking everything out. It was exactly as she remembered it, with a broad stairway, little freight elevator, and big, open rooms upstairs.

Being in the warehouse, Buffy couldn’t help but start planning how the space was going to be used. There would be a large living room, library, and kitchen upstairs, as well as a master bedroom with ensuite bath, and a few smaller bedrooms, each with their own bathroom, for guests. Downstairs, there would be at least one training room, a large kitchen for feeding groups, and a few more bed and bath sets.

“Buffy.” Merrick had been trying to get her attention for some time now.

“What is it, Merrick?” Buffy still had a dreamy look on her face, as she answered the Watcher.

“Who are you going to get to do all the work on this place? We’re not talking about an easy job that will be done in a weekend, you know.”

“Don’t worry. I know it’s a big job, but I also know where I can get the help I need to have it done as soon as possible.” She grasped her Watcher’s hand and pulled him to the door. “Let’s go talk to a friend of a friend. He’s just the guy for the job.” Buffy locked the door again once they were outside, and then turned to Merrick. “Here, Merrick, I want you to have these.” She handed him a extra set of keys to the building. “I would like it very much if you would stay with me. You can have one of the guest bedrooms downstairs, so you have your privacy. I mean, if you want to. If you’d rather stay somewhere else, that’s fine too. You can still keep the keys, so you’ve got a copy in case I lose mine, or um...in case you need something from my place, or...if something happens to me...”

“Buffy, you’re babbling, my dear.” Merrick laughed gently.

Buffy sent an apologetic smile his way. “Sorry.”

Merrick smiled right back at her. “It’s okay, and I’d love to take the room you are so kindly offering.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Buffy bounced as she hugged him. “I’m so happy!” Finally, the Slayer felt like she was on her way home.


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