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It Happened One Night by GoldenBuffy
Chapter Nine: Friendship And Other Things
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It Happened One Night

By: Golden Buffy

Summary: Buffy and Spike apologized to each other after he offered to walk her home from rescuing Dawn.

Disclaimer: All hail Joss, Lord of the Buffyverse! Clearly I am not Joss,lol.

Author’s Notes: And as always, thanks to my lovely and very talented beta, Just_Sue. Also thanks to the very talented and lovely Spikeslovebite, who beta-ed this chappie as well. So now it's extra fabulous!. Thanks for the reviews everyone! Keep it up, I love reviews, they make me happy.

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Chapter Nine: Friendship And Other Things

“It’s amazing, how in the blink of an eye you finally see the light.”

I'll change highways in a while, at the crossroads, one more mile. My path is lit by my own fire. I'm going only where I desire.
The Book OF Counted Sorrows


To the naked eye, it would appear he was in deep thought about something profound. Well, at least to Xander Harris what he was contemplating was profound. He was alone. Anya was at work and he had the day off. He was truly king of his domain. He had the football game the previous weekend recorded and he planned to watch it.

Garbed only in his favorite pair of Spongebob Squarepants boxer shorts and a pair of white tube socks, he marched through the apartment in all his manly glory. Heading to the kitchen, he grabbed a six-pack root beer and a bag of Cheese Doodles.

Back in the living room, he dove on the couch. Normally Anya prevented him from doing such an act. She warned that abusing new furniture reduced its life by five years. But his woman wasn’t home so he could sofa dive and Anya would never be the wiser. He chuckled; he truly was a genius.

Relaxed while the game waited on pause, Xander popped the top to his can of sugary goodness and guzzled. He finished the can in three large gulps. Good thing he'd had the foresight to bring the whole six pack into the living room or he’d have to get up to get more.

He was just starting to get into the action of the game when someone knocked on the door. Xander decided to ignore it. It was the middle of the day and normally no one was home.

The contents of the can decided to make itself known and Xander let out a loud belch. He could do that, too, without having to hear Anya going on about good manners and not doing such vulgar things.

The knock came again, but harder. “Xander, open up. I know you’re in there. I heard that burp!”

He knew that voice. Jumping up, he hurried to the door and opened it.

“Hey, Wills. What brings you here?”

“Your kitchen. I need your oven,” Willow said, walking inside. “I see you’re getting in touch with you're inner caveman today.”

“Yup, I’m all manly watching my game. Haven’t gotten to the scratching and grunting part, though.”

“Cool, but I’d put some pants on if I were you. Wouldn’t want Anya coming home finding you in your boxers and me in the kitchen. She might get ideas.”

Xander smiled. “Nah, Tara’s not here. Plus, I don’t own a video camera. So what do you need my oven for?”

An unladylike snort came from Willow as she playfully slapped the brunette on the arm then rolled her eyes. “Cookies! Got major ground to cover with Buffy. I think I hurt her feelings with the whole “Let’s research” at Giles'.”

“Yeah, about that. Here’s what I don’t understand; how long have you known and why wasn’t I let in on the secret? I was truly offended,” Xander protested, pouted.

Willow frowned. “Aww, Xan, I’m sorry, but it wasn’t my place to tell. Buffy swore me to secrecy. She initiated the pinky oath.”

“Oh, well then, I couldn’t have possibly expected you to tell me. I mean, the pinky oath… that’s big… it’s huge. It’s bigger than huge…it’s gigantic. It’s like lying under oath when testifying in court.”

“See, you totally understand. But in my defense, I only knew a week longer than everyone else, and I was happy that she finally came clean.”

“Well, you get to your cookie baking and I’ll get back to my game,” Xander said as he dug around in the refrigerator looking for something edible.

Willow turned and started to unpack her bags, setting the eggs, flour, vanilla, baking powder, and chocolate chips down on the counter.

Xander started to walk out the kitchen then stopped. Turning around, he stared at his friend for a moment.

“Yeah?” Willow answered without looking up from the task of measuring her dry ingredients. His hesitation made her pause in her actions and glance up at him.

He ran his hand through his hair before speaking. “You mind making a batch with extra chocolate chips for Anya? She's kinda got it in her head that I don’t really love her.”

Willow frowned, her eyebrows doing that cute little wrinkle thing that Xander loved so much. “What do you mean? Why would she think you don’t love her?”

Xander shrugged. “From my reaction to Buffy’s pregnancy. Well, to be more specific, my reaction to who the baby’s daddy is. She feels that her being an ex-demon diminishes the love I have for her.”

“Oh.” Willow was slightly surprised. “That’s strange. Anya shouldn’t worry about such things. The point is you love her and she loves you. So all is right in the world of Xander. You two will get married, have a few little Xander's and Anya's. One day, when you’re old and gray, you’ll look back on this and laugh.” She smiled. That seemed to lift her best friend’s spirits on the Anya front, and Xander headed back to watch his game.


Anya sat on the couch chewing away at her cookie. Her legs were crossed and her right foot swung back and forth with joy. The extra chocolaty chip cookies were delicious; soft and chewy, just the way she liked them. ‘Too bad Xander doesn’t know how to bake like this. God bless Willow.’ Anya smiled, acting like she believed it when he blurted out that he slaved over a hot stove all afternoon, making the nummy treat for her. The blonde knew what her man really did all day; he sat around in his boxers watching stupid football games and scratching his balls.

Men! They were so predictable.

Xander smiled, pleased that Anya was enjoying her cookies even though she hadn’t offered him any. But that was okay, since he ate his fill as Willow baked her batches.

“You know,” Anya said around a mouth full of chocolate chips. Normally she considered it very rude to speak while eating, but this was a matter of importance, after all. She was having a revelation and needed to share. “I think I figured out that new emotion I was having.”

Xander cocked his brow, this was news to him. “And what was that, Ahn? Just when did you have this emotion?”

She leaned forward and offered him a cookie, which he gladly accepted. “At Giles', when Buffy told us about her receiving orgasms from Spike, leading to her pregnancy.”

“I was trying to repress. See, this is me repressing,” Xander groaned, ending with a slight shuddering of his body.

Tossing him a look, the ex-demon continued, “I had this feeling of warmth and fuzziness. It sort of scared me, making me instantly think of those horrid little… bunnies.” Anya shook the thought of the furry creatures from her mind. “I had no idea what it was. But after giving it some serious thought, I realized just what those emotions were.” She didn’t give Xander a chance to respond as she prattled on. “A baby! I want to have a baby!”

Xander almost choked on his cookie. He sputtered and coughed, trying to dislodge it from his throat. “Ba-ba-baby! We haven’t discussed children yet. They don’t fit into our 'now' plans.”

Anya rolled her eyes. “Xander, when have children fit into anyone’s plans? They don’t, they just… happen. Just look at Buffy. I’m quite sure when she and Spike were having sex, a baby was the furthest thing from her mind.”

Xander really wanted to point out the glaring fact that Spike was a vampire, hence the no ability to produce offspring unless siring a childe. But he didn’t, he only groaned some more. Couldn't she please just let him forget that Buffy and Spike and the naked groiny action they had going on?

“Oh, calm down. I’m not saying we should have a baby right now. But maybe we can get started on it during our honeymoon,” Anya suggested enthusiastically as she picked up another cookie. Xander sunk further down into his armchair and moaned. “What? You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

Xander only closed his eyes.


Buffy was so confused after leaving Spike. Her emotions were all wonky. Friendly feelings towards Spike were fine now that they had crossed the line, between enemies to friends, but what bothered the Slayer were the underlying naughty feelings she had. Only they weren’t new. She’d had them for years, ever since her path had first crossed with Spike’s. Buffy was just worried they were starting to get out of hand, because the more the vampire weighed on her mind, the more intense the feelings became.

What she needed to do was take a hot shower. A nice, long, hot shower. The heat always seemed to clear the her head, not to mention she still had demon goo dried and caked to her.

She opened the door as quietly as she could, knowing Willow would have gone to bed some time ago. Sticking her head inside she was surprised to find the redhead still awake.

Willow looked over at the slowly opening door and the blonde head that poked inside. “Hey, Buff! I was wondering when you were getting back. I was busy and felt sorry... you know, for just, well... look, I baked cookies!”

Buffy walked the rest of the way inside, plopping down upon her bed. Willow scooped up the plate of sugary goodness and handed it to the Slayer, who accepted it with a huge grin. This was good; she needed to talk and take a shower, and Willow was awake and offering cookies. This had to be a sign, right?

“Thanks Willow,” Buffy said before picking up a cookie and taking a test bite. “Ummmm, nummy, and look, no flip floppy tummy!”

Willow could tell something was clearly bothering Buffy. “Care to share?”

“It's that obvious, isn't it?” Buffy slouched forward resting her elbows on her folded legs. She really needed to talk, but would Willow understand? Most likely not. She could just imagine the girl having a total wiggins session, but could she blame her? Buffy was about to wig herself!

“Yes, it's painfully obvious, and your covered in goo. Ewww.”

“It's Spike,” Buffy blurted out. “The problem! The problem is Spike... not the goo! That belongs to the pink blobby demon.”

“Oh, I knew that, but thanks for clearing it up, since we all have gutter minds,” Willow joked. “What happened with Spike?”

“Cliff notes version? Everything. My mom and Spike drink hot chocolate together on a weekly basis. Spike has dimples, which are just too sexy. We went on patrol, killed blobby demon, had a smooch session in the junkyard, and Dawn got kidnapped.”

“Dawn was kidnapped? Where was I? Wait, so not the question. You and Spike making with the smoochies in a junkyard. Why and what for? Are you feeling okay, Buffy?”

“It all happened so fast, Wills. One minute he's all with the dirty, sexy talk and he had that look. You know, the look all males get when they want to swap spit? And I caved. I kissed him back. Then I got all disgusted, and told him he was disgusting, and that I was disgusted that I let him touch me. And then there were more words said. I so could have staked him! Then came Dawn-savage. And all in all, we made up, so I guess we're sorta like friends. Did I mention Spike has a cell phone? Why does he get one and I don't?”

The river Nile was a huge body of water, and Willow decided that there was enough room for her to take a dip, thoroughly exercising her right to denial. So what if Buffy just confessed that she had lip locked with yet another vampire. One who just happened to be soulless and evil. That was okay, since Egypt was lovely this time of year. 'No! Bad thoughts. Bad, selfish thoughts. You are Buffy's friend. Oh awesome! you shouldn't go sticking your head in the sand. she needs you. You're best friend Willow.'

“Buffy, I know you're confused, that's perfectly normal when so many things are happening to you all at once. I remember when Oz left, I was so lost and alone... and confused. Not saying Riley is the cause of your confusion... 'cause hello, so not the case... but I think you need to be honest with yourself. It's time to stop swimming in Egypt and fly home.”

Buffy's mouth opened and closed as she did her best imitation of a fish out of water, momentarily caught off guard by her friend's words.
“What? What do you mean? I'm so not in denial.”

Willow just stared at the Slayer. “Buffy, you're all upset over Spike and he wasn't even trying to kill you. You're all confused 'cause you're having lusty Spike thoughts.”

“So not fair Wills, you having all the insightfulness. What's wrong with me? Why am I having these feelings? They should only consist of the wanting Spike dead, blowing in the wind, or fitting in a dust buster... but instead, I...” Buffy trailed off as a slight blush crept over her cheeks. “I mean, I've had countless chances to kill the blood sucker, but I never managed to. What's the first thing I do when I found out he couldn't kill? Instead of sending him to a dusty demise, I help him.”

A small sob burst through her throat as Buffy buried her face in her hands. “What's wrong with me, Will? I didn't turn to you, to Xander, not even to Angel. I sought refuge with an evil, soulless demon, and now look at me.”

Willow laid a sympathetic hand atop the blonde's head, stroking it lovingly. She let the Slayer cry for a few minutes before deciding enough was enough. Leaning over, she plucked a few tissues from the tissue box and placed them in Buffy's hand. Buffy sat up sniffling as she dabbed her eyes with the soft paper.

“Do you see this?” Willow asked, pointing to her face.

Buffy nodded, internally groaning. She knew that face, it was the resolve face. Willow was in a mood.

“As much as I know I'm going to regret this, I need to get this off my chest. And in no way am I supporting anything, but still... there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, sweetie. You're caring and loving and supportive. You a girl's dream of a best friend, and I couldn't ask for a better one at that. You see the good in people, Buffy, even when others can't.

“I know you... or I'm fairly certain that I do and, I know you wouldn't have turned to Spike or let him near you like... like that if you hadn't trusted him. Let's face it, you two have been dancing around the inevitable for years.” The redhead paused, frowning. “Not that I'm condoning you having a relationship with Spike in any way other than a friendly way, but not too friendly, 'cause friends are a good thing. Buffy, you need to decide what you want to do in the 'I'm your friend' department. Being friends is a start. Then after that, you can deal with the lusty Spike thoughts.”

Buffy smiled gratefully at her best friend, their impromptu talk reminding her just why she valued Willow so much.

“Thanks, Wills. You've helped me a lot.” Buffy leaned over and engulfed the witch in a tight hug. The two sat like that for a while before Buffy made it known that she had to pee and was in real need of a shower.

As the water beat down over her now cleansed skin, Buffy decided that she still needed to completely clear her conscience. A good purge of all the badness that had happened over the past few days. With a fresh outlook, Buffy knew just who to speak with.


“Welcome to the Magic Box, how may I help you?” Giles greeted his next customer as they entered the door.

“Rupert?” Joyce acknowledged his courteous greeting, even though her voice was clipped and to the point. The ex-watcher was pleasantly surprised to find the elder Summers visiting his store, but his joy soon gave way to hesitation. Why had she scheduled such a visit - When she had no need in things of a supernatural nature? Just then, a disturbing thought occurred to Giles; obviously, Buffy had finally come clean about the pregnancy and Joyce was here to chew him out over it. Clearing his throat, he pressed on. “Why, Mrs. Summers, what a pleasant surprise!”

“Don’t you ‘Mrs. Summers’ me, Rupert!” she practically spat out, glaring at the ex-librarian. Oh, Joyce was quite pissed and currently in mother hen mode. Buffy had stopped by the art gallery during lunch, looking lost and forlorn. Attentively, Joyce went to her, guiding her daughter into her office. After a few moments of silence, the young blonde spilled her guts to her mother. All her fears about becoming a mother, telling the vampire who'd shared in creating her current situation, and the reactions of those whom she held dear came flooding to the surface.

Now, Joyce stood there staring at the main player of all this nonsense, ready to give Giles a piece of her mind. “I don’t plan on keeping you long. I just wanted to touch base with you for a moment.”

Giles could tell by her voice and body language that this conversation would not be ending on a pleasant note, so he braced himself for the worst. “May I ask what this is about?”

Joyce's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she glared the man's way. “Why yes, I’d be more than delighted to tell you, Rupert,” she said in an overly saccharine voice. “It’s about Buffy and her pregnancy.”

Ah, he had assumed correctly. This impromptu conversation was in fact centered on Buffy and her unborn child. “Yes, well, errr, I feel quite... I'm sorry for Buffy's untimely situation.” And he was. Joyce could tell by his voice. “Needless to say, Spike being the father only adds insult to injury.”

Joyce found herself glaring at him once again as she listened to such garbage spill from his mouth, but she gave herself credit for keeping her anger in check. “I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you on that point. I’m going to say this once and only once, so listen carefully. Buffy being pregnant is not something shameful! I have and never had a problem with Spike. As for him being the father of my unborn grandchild, I see nothing wrong with that, Rupert. Now, what I do have a problem with is you!”

Giles was momentarily at a loss for words as he absorbed the woman’s statement. Surely she must be mistaken?

Joyce didn’t let him get a word in as she continued to rant. “My daughter looks up to you, she trust you. She worries about what you think about her on a daily basis, and not just as the Slayer, but as Buffy, the girl. And for you to have reacted in the manner you did was both ruthless and cold,” Joyce huffed. “And did I mention callous? Because you were! Buffy came to you looking for support and understanding, but all she got was you ranting at her for being careless and stupid. Really, Rupert, what has gotten into you?”

Giles found himself stunned speechless for the second time during their conversation. He truly had no idea what had gotten into him. What possessed him to say such things? All he heard was his charge confessing that she'd slept with Spike, and the end result was a baby. He had seen red then. All his years of teaching her seemed to disappear down the drain. Buffy had willingly opened her bed to her enemy. Giles didn’t care that the girl was hurting at the time, it just seemed to open old wounds which he thought where long since healed. Just knowing Buffy had slept with another vampire - this one being evil and soulless to boot - brought back images of the lifeless body of Jenny Calendar, left to cool in his bed by Angelus.

Giles hung his head. “I’m not sure what possessed me. I should have been more understanding of Buffy’s plight. I really am sorry, Joyce.”

Joyce pursed her lips before speaking. “I’m not the one you need to be apologizing to,” she replied, before walking out the shop's door.


Anya was making her way up the stairs from the basement. Hearing the muffled ringing of the shop bell made her hurry her steps, but she found herself pausing at the sound of Buffy's mother's voice. She sounded pissed, giving Giles a venom-filled greeting. Anya might not have been human long, but she had been a demon for almost forever, and if there was one thing that she did know, it was when a woman was pissed.

And Joyce Summers was one pissed off mother of the Slayer.

The ex-vengeance demon couldn't help the smile that blossomed on her face as she listened to the older woman give the ex-watcher a good piece of her mind. Anya could picture Giles' face going pale as he whipped off his glasses and gave them a furious polishing before placing them back on his face. She had to bite the inside of her lip when Joyce announced on no certain terms that she was okay with Spike fathering Buffy's baby, and that she accepted him as he was.

Anya had to stop herself from marching up the remaining steps and throwing the door open to give Giles a piece of her mind as well. He did have it coming, really he did, and if Joyce hadn't beaten her to it, Anya was quite sure she would have called Giles on his attitude towards his slayer. She made a mental note to send Joyce flowers. Wasn't that what humans did to thank someone for doing something that they themselves couldn't do?


Buffy had a slight bounce in her step as she headed for a wooden bench on campus. The late night talkage with Willow and the mother/daughter bonding time earlier made a world of difference to Buffy and her conscience. She was thrilled. So thrilled, in fact, that she greeted the two girls walking towards her with a radiant smile.

“Well, it looks as if someone is having a great day,” Willow commented sitting down next to her friend.

“Yup, the world of confusion has been lifted. I'm super positive girl!”

“So the pep talk worked?”

“Like a charm, Wills.” Buffy leaned over, offering the other girl a quick hug. “I've even decided to go ahead with the whole friend's thing with Spike. See if that little thing known as trust starts to sprout.”

“Good, because trusting is most defiantly of the good.”

“That's good, Buffy. I'm glad to see you giving this more thought,” Tara chimed in. She blushed a bit when she realized that maybe Buffy hadn't wanted her to know about what she and Willow had discussed.

Buffy was still wearing her cheesy grin. “Yes, happy Buffy is a productive Buffy.” She paused with a slight frown. “But hungry Buffy isn't so good. I think I'm going to grab a bite to eat. I'll see you two later?”

“Yeah, okay. We're all going to Bronze it up tonight. Come with?” Willow asked with a hopeful expression.

Buffy flinched slightly. She could see her optimistic view flying out the window. Why did the thought of Xander knowing about her budding friendship with a certain bleached vamp and laying to rest of wanting to kill each other make her want to heave? “Ah, yeah, the Bronze. I'll see, don't think I'll be much fun if I can't eat.”

Willow frowned slightly, not at the change in her friend's appearance, but at Buffy's response to them hanging out that night. “Well, we'll be there with bells on. If you feel up to it, that is.”

Tara did notice, however, and pursed her lips in thought. She briefly wondered what might have zapped Buffy's happy mood so quickly. She decided to put it aside for now, since she had more pressing news to share. “Oh, Buffy, before I forget; I was thinking... you know... about the baby,” Tara practically whispered that part. “Taking into consideration that this is a special pregnancy, I know a midwife who would love to handle your prenatal care.”

“That’s sweet, Tara. I’m sure she's wonderful, and I so didn't want to keep going to the clinic for appointments. This is great! When can I meet her?”

“I'll set everything up for you. All you'll have to do is show up.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Buffy glanced down at her watch. “I gotta run. I'm meeting with Giles. Wouldn't want to be late and get a lecture on the importance of being on time.”

With a final quick smile, even as that tiny bit of fear started eating its way in her belly, Buffy turned to head towards the Magic Shop. She was determined not to let Xander ruin her good mood.

Sadly, he already had.


The door opened and the bell rang, announcing the next customer. Anya looked up with a smile plastered to her face.“Hi, Buffy! How are you feeling? Have you allowed Spike to give you any more orgasms?” the blonde questioned as her smile changed from obviously fake to genuine.

Buffy blushed at the question, though she wasn’t quite sure if it was due to wanting Spike to give her more orgasms or because Anya knew that Buffy wanted Spike to give her more orgasms. ‘Cause, hey, she was the one who knew the mystery behind Buffy’s mystical impregnation in the first place. Heck, Anya even knew why Buffy sought Spike out, even if he was the bane of her existence.

Ignoring Anya’s question, Buffy pressed forward. “I’m good, Anya. Ummm, where’s Giles?”

Anya smirked, knowing she'd pushed some of the Slayer’s buttons. “He’s in the back.” She gestured with her hand. “He's been back there for a few hours, now. Your mom came storming in and gave him a piece of her mind. I was quite surprised, actually. I didn't think she would say some of the things she said.”

Buffy's eyes widened for a moment as she digested what Anya just told her. She felt like she was in the first grade and her mother had come up to the school to put a stop to a bully who was harassing her. She started for the back, but was stopped by the the ex-demon's voice.

“Did Xander stop by and apologize to you?”

“Yup, he did. I was pleasantly surprised, too!”

“Was there groveling? There better have been groveling,” Anya asked, skepticism lacing her voice.

“Yes, there was much groveling, and asking to be let back on the We Love Buffy bandwagon,” she responded with a nod.

“Good. Because if he didn’t, I would have had to wish vengeance upon him. Xander doesn’t want to get on my bad side. One call to Halfrek, that’s all it would take.” Anya crossed her arms over her chest.

Buffy laughed, shaking her head as she headed to the training room.

Giles was busily scurrying around the large room like a mother hen trying to catch all her wandering chicks. It was clear that something was worrying him.

“Hey, Giles, what’s the what?” She knew what 'the what' was, but she waited to see if the watcher would tell her.

Giles whipped around in surprise, not having noticed her entrance. Slightly taken back, he removed his glasses and gave them a quick polish.

“Ahhh, B-Buffy, I didn’t hear you come in.”

Buffy wrinkled her brow. “That little shiny thing that hangs over the front door and goes ‘ding’ ‘ding’ ‘ding’. Its job is to let you know when people come into your store.”

The watcher glared at his slayer before placing his glasses back on his face.

“Okay, wanna tell me what’s wrong then? And don’t give me that ‘there’s nothing wrong, Buffy,’ crap, ‘cause I’ve known you too long to buy it. So spill!”

There was no sense in arguing. Giles knew that once Buffy had her mind set on something or someone, there was no way of getting around it. With a resigned sigh, he relented.

“Your mother stopped by today. We had quite an interesting little chat. She did most of the talking, and I must say that she opened my eyes to some things,” Buffy waited for him to turn around and face her, but he didn't.

“Oh, really?” Buffy squeaked as memories of her conversation with her mom replayed in her head. What had her mother done now? Why did she have to confront the man? What good could possibly come of their conversation? “Mind telling me what it was about?” she asked, worrying her lip between her teeth.

Giles turned to face her then, taking in her expression of confusion and concern. “It seems to me that there were words said the other night which produced the opposite effect than intended. I doubt greatly that anyone in the room took your feelings into consideration. Instead, things were said out of anger and confusion.”

Giles paused and walked towards Buffy. Gently taking her hand in his, he stared into awe struck hazel eyes that glistened with unshed tears. “Buffy, I’m truly, truly sorry for the hurtful things I said to you. I wasn’t thinking about anything but my own selfish desires and emotions. I should have taken the time to understand your situation, what you were going through. I wasn't thinking about anything but my own selfish desires and emotions, and for that, I am truly remorseful. You are like a daughter to me, and therefore, I sometimes act accordingly. Can you ever forgive me, Buffy?”

The tears slowly trickled down Buffy’s checks as she squeezed Giles’ hand tighter in a loving grip. She searched his eyes, knowing there was only truth to his words, accompanied with love.

“Yes, Giles, I forgive you. All is forgiven.” She smiled through her tears as the elder man pulled her into a tight embrace. They pulled away after a few moments, neither knowing what to say, completely taken back by the display of emotion between them.

“So, what are your plans for tonight?” Giles broke the silence.

Buffy seemed to pale at the question. She really had planed on staying in, maybe even do some studying, but she'd promised Willow that she would Bronze it up with them later that night. She sighed. “Guess I'll be at the Bronze for a bit, then back to the dorm to rest.”


The Bronze had been a bust. While waiting for Buffy to show up, Willow took it upon herself to bring Xander up to date on Buffy and her ever-evolving relationship with the evil undead. The Slayer didn't even have time to order a diet coke before the brunette started to lay into her.

“Seriously, Buff, I totally understand the Dawnsavage, but why this? Why do you feel you have to lower yourself to being Spike's friend? I mean, he's not even human; he's a monster. Monsters don't do the friends thing.”

Buffy could have killed Willow. Granted, she thought she was doing the blonde a favor by filling the construction worker in on things, but she should have clearly discussed her plans with Buffy first.

“I'm not lowering myself,” Buffy snapped, her body rigid with anger. How dare Xander accuse her of lowering her standards? Hello, she wasn't the one who dated the pray mantis demon!

“You know, I don't have to sit here for this. I'm not feeling so good, Wills. I'll see you back at the dorms.” Before anyone could object Buffy rose to her feet and left.


Sorry I took so long with this update, but there were two reasons. First and formost, I'm taking my time with this fic. I want it to be as good as it can be and therefore I'm not just going to slap up an update just for the fun of it. I don't want to waste peoples time with an half assed fic. So if it seems I'm taking long, it's cause I'm trying to make a good and enjoyable story. *grin* Second, real life hijacked me once again, and I was dealing with that. But on a happy note, I do have two more chapters done, just need to polish them a bit then send them off to my wonderful beta(s), then I can post. Don't forget to review!
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