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Back In The Game by Kimber
Chapter Four

Rome May 14th 12 a.m.

Buffy sat on the windowsill staring up at the moon. It had been several hours since Giles had called, but she couldn't sleep. She wasn't used to going to bed before three in the morning after doing a bit of patrolling. The clock on her bedside table told her it was not even midnight.

She thought about the first time she met Angel and how mysteriously sexy he was. She recalled the feeling of disappointment when she first found out he was a vampire, but still being unable to shake the attraction she had for him, thus leading to him becoming her first lover.

Presently she chose to ignore all the badness that had helped to seal their forced nonexistent lovey-dovey relationship that led him to leaving her and going off to L.A. She thought of how he had been the second, no third, man to leave her at that time.

First was Merrick; he had to go and get himself killed by Lothos. Pike never called her again after she told him she was moving to Sunnydale. Next to leave was her father. And then Angel, the vampire with a soul who claimed to love her too much to stay, saying she deserved a normal life. Like being the Slayer would give her any chance at a normal lifestyle. The last thing she wanted to think about was Riley, or Parker.

Giles had even left her; not once but twice. The first time when she really needed him most, after Sweet forced her to admit that she'd been in Heaven. Granted, he had come back to help save the world from evil Willow, but then he left her again, taking the broken witch back with him so the coven could heal Willow. This left her alone to work things out for herself again, not realizing she was still broken as well.

The last significant other to leave her, and the most memorable to date, was Spike. Spike left her to earn his soul for her after the event in her bathroom. He came back into her life when she needed him the most, at a time he should've been the last person she could trust. He gave his unlife to close the Hellmouth for her, so that she could move on and be normal girl. That was her Spike, and it hurt to think he didn't believe her when she said she loved him.

The feelings she had when she kissed Angel that night in Sunnydale when he had brought her the amulet were still felt fresh in her mind. It was then that she realized she wasn't in love with him anymore. After being with him, she started to see what she had been denying for a very long time. She loved Angel, but as any young girl would feel about their first love.

That night however, she accepted the fact she was in love with someone else now, yet another vampire. It surprised her how Spike could still love her so deeply after she had treated him so poorly over the years.

She was the same girl who had hurt him so many different times, in so many different ways, and had yet to tell him she was sorry. Her treatment of him should have pushed him away from her. He shouldn't have allowed himself to continue to be her doormat or punching bag, or let her use him the way she did after coming back from Heaven.

She looked over at the picture of her and Nick and realized she would never be in love with him. Yes, she did care about him in a way, but she was not in love with him. Something told her she'd never find anyone that would replace Spike in her heart.

Nevertheless, Nick was there for her, and for now, she was willing to give him a chance. Even though her little inner voice was sending messages not to trust him, whispering in the back of her mind, telling her that something about him wasn't right.

She had talked to Dawn and Giles about it, and both told her she might just be using that as an excuse to keep him from getting too close to her. A part of her believed that could be the reason, but still, that inner voice grew slowly in intensity, telling her that she should find out more about him.

She couldn't help but notice how that funny little voice got louder whenever he was away from her. It was something she'd make sure to talk to Willow about tomorrow. Something told her the redhead would be calling her once she found out about Angel.

"God, Andrew, please find it was all rumor and that Angel is alive and well and working to help the helpless, but with better pay and benefits," the slayer mumbled as she fought back a yawn and knew she was losing the battle and needed her sleep.

She went over and pulled out a pair of sweats and a tank top and changed into them. She wanted to be ready to go out running in case the news was bad and she needed to burn off some energy. The last thing she needed was to take her grief out on those she cared about, or on the punching bag, and therefore her hands and feet.

After getting in bed and pulling up the covers, she remembered coming home with the amulet and finding Spike taking out his own frustrations on a poor rendition of a fanged Angel. She couldn't stop smiling at the funny thought. The memory of how she had felt the need to take Spike to bed at that time and prove to him who she really wanted brought up more regrets. Like a fool, she had waited too late, thinking if she didn't tell him she loved him he would be standing there after the battle waiting for her, and then they could make love until the cows came home. She closed her eyes and softly cried herself to sleep.


Dawn had been ready to knock on the door when she heard her sister’s tears. She really didn’t know how to deal with Buffy when she got like this, and she often found herself angry at Buffy's stupid slayer pride and her thinking she didn't need anyone.

The younger Summers girl turned and went to her own room to pray that Nick would be home soon and that he would be able to help Buffy with the bad news. She never liked Angel and believed the news would be bad and the rumors true. She just hoped that others wouldn't make with the 'I told you so's’.

"I really don't think Buffy could handle that right now," she said to herself as she looked back toward the door, wishing Buffy had not shut her out.


Brazil May 13th 7 p.m.

Willow looked up at the sunset, wondering if Buffy was asleep. She had not seen the Sunnydale Slayer since right before Buffy met Nick DeLuca, otherwise known as The Immortal. Since the night Buffy had been forced to step down that night in Sunnydale, things had not been the same between them; not like the old days when they'd talk about everything that was going on with each other.

She kept a magical connection with her best friend, just so she would know when to make the needed follow up phone call if Buffy felt she needed someone to talk to. She knew now was not that time, but it would be soon.

With her schedule being so full, it was hard to travel and visit the Summers household. Searching for new slayers and the old books she was trying to find to replace for the Council took up most of her time. She kept close tabs on Dawn via email. The younger loved to talk about things concerning Wicca and magic.

"Funny, I just realized, I haven't talked to Dawn at all this week," she muttered to herself, putting it on the list to do tomorrow after talking with Buffy.

She’d retreated into her study after she and Kennedy argued over the Buffy and Angel matter. Kennedy felt no slack should be given to the blonde slayer, since it appeared her judgment had been clouded by her feelings about an old flame.

'Didn't help when I told her how wrong we were about Buffy's instincts about Spike, and that she had been right all along about Caleb and what he was hiding at the vineyard,' Willow silently mused to herself.

Willow knew that their betrayal that night kept Buffy from truly trusting them again. It didn't help that they had placed their trust in Faith, of all people. That only added insult to injury for the blonde slayer and it must have really hurt as well.

'Then there was Giles going behind her back and keeping her occupied while Robin tried to kill Spike. I'm sure that didn't help matters in the end,' she mused, wondering where Giles' mind was back then. 'I wonder if he was somehow under the influence of The First?'

The thing that mystified her was the fact she had yet to meet Nick. After hearing everyone talk about how wonderful he was, even though few of them had even met him, her little red light was saying, 'danger, danger.'

She didn't know why, but what little she had managed to find on him in her research made him look very suspicious in her book. For as old as he supposedly was, there was very little information, other than it appeared he had used many different names throughout history. Something told her that Buffy would not believe her if she voiced her suspicions. Not right now, anyway. More concrete evidence would be needed, and she knew who to call and get it.

The witch walked over to the phone and dialed a familiar number, waiting impatiently for someone to pick up the phone.

"Hello," a perky voice answered the phone, making Willow relax for the first time in a long time. She smiled as she returned the greeting. "Hello, back."

"Willow, me dear child, it is so wonderful to hear your voice!" Agnes practically yelled through the phone. "Please, tell me you are coming for a visit. It has been far too long and you would be a sight for me poor eyes, dearie."

The redheaded witch felt the warmth of her mentor's words. They'd become very close during her intense therapy after the incident with Tara. "I was hoping to come and see you tomorrow. I have something I really need to talk to you about."

"My girl, you are always welcome in my home," Agnes cooed. She knew that her Willow was coming for information about The Immortal; information she would need to save her friends and herself when the time came to face him down. "But let us leave the chatter until you get here. No need to waste money on talk that could be done for free."

Willow laughed. "Yes, free talk is good. Very good, in fact."

"Good. Just call and leave me your flight arrangements, and I'll arrange for someone to pick you up at the airport," Agnes offered.

"I think that would be my best bet on such short notice. I'll call you tomorrow with the details," Willow answered, feeling like she made the right choice. ‘If anyone can help me figure out what is going on and how to best help Buffy, Agnes will know what to do.’

Willow smiled as she hung up the phone and called the airport to make flight arrangements. She knew as she talked with the airline that after this, she and Kennedy would be over. There was no way her lover could go, since her negativity would interfere more than help Willow do what she might need to do.


Cleveland May 13th 9 p.m.

Robin cursed all undead creatures that had fangs, no heartbeats, and cold dead bodies but were able to still walk, talk, and muck up peoples lives. He watched as Faith pulled away from him, both physically and mentally.

He just never understood the freaky relationship she had with Angel. He didn't care that Angel had somehow pulled her back to the light. He truly believed she would have found her way back anyway. Not only that, but finding out that Spike had not been the first vampire lover that Buffy had was just another mark against her in his book.

"Faith, do you want to talk about it?" He figured he could at least make another effort to try again to understand it all.

"Man, you wouldn’t understand. Nobody would. Well, maybe B would." Faith looked out across the backyard. "Do you know he chose me over Buffy once? Not sex, but he chose to help me against her wishes."

"I bet that hurt yours and Buffy’s relationship," Robin snorted.

Faith looked at him with a raised eyebrow as she continued. "Nah, me and B already had our differences, big time. I betrayed her in a bad way; even after she tried to help me. But then, being the good slayer that she was. She knew she had to kill me if she couldn't reform me. I was too dangerous being evil to be left alive."

"So that's why she gave you such a hard time when you came to help us?"

"Yep, a lot of history, and most of it bad between us. At one point, while I was working for the Mayor, I tried to get Angel to sleep with me so we could bring Angelus into the fold." Faith chuckled. "But the white hats had already anticipated that and set me up. Then, Buffy put me in a coma and took down the Mayor, proving once again that she was the best of the best."

"But if you reformed?" He looked at her questioningly.

"Oh, but lover, it didn't end there. When I woke up, I did a switch-a-roo with her body and mine and slept with her new boyfriend, Riley. I also did a little sexual head game with Spike, flirting and bragging what my slayer muscles could do to him. That was before he and Buffy had their little thing."

"Does seem like you were busy making Buffy's life hell." Robin crossed his arms and leaned back on the porch railing. It was the first he'd heard about his lover's past, and he was trying not to be judgmental.

"Yeah, but then came Angel to the rescue. He helped me see who I had become and gave me the courage to change it; to take responsibility for what I had done. Even in prison, he kept in touch and made sure I was doing okay. Even Wesley had taken an interest in me and my future. The fact that they broke me out of jail and sent me to Sunnydale told me how much they believed in me."

"So, you think that because of Angel, you're a better person?"

"Yeah. If not for Angel, the Council would have had reason to kill me, cause man, I wouldn't have gotten better on my own." Faith sighed as she looked over at the man she had come to love, who taught her what it meant to love and to be loved.

"But he turned evil," Wood stated calmly.

"Did he, or did someone turn him evil, or is it all a lie? You don't really know him, know how much behind the good fight he really was; he and his little gang of demon crime fighters." Faith shrugged. "We’ll have to wait for Andrew's report, and then I might have to do a little snooping on my own."

"Faith, you have a responsibility here."

"Robin, I also have friends that I care about and want to know the truth about what happened to them and why. Was there something I could have done? Something I can learn that will help me be a better friend in the future? It's something I have to do for me, for them." She looked at him. "I owe him that much; to make sure it all went down just like it gets reported, ‘cause my little tingles are telling me it's not how it looks."

Robin snorted and turned away saying, "What is it about slayers and vampires? You and Buffy with Angel, and then there's Buffy with Spike and Angel."

"Hey, I can't speak for Buffy, but as for Angel and Spike, I can vouch they did love her. Hell, Spike died for her so she could move on to a more normal life. That night he kicked my ass, man…that's when I knew he was telling us the truth. We turned our back on Buffy. I overstepped my authority when I took the group clubbin'. I can see that now. I undermined Buffy's authority and caused them to lose faith in her."

"Hey, they were losing faith in her long before that," Robin defended her right to have had a shot at being in charge.

"No, The First played with our heads and we let it. It made her appear weak, playing its games, but she kept finding ways to fight back. She never stopped fighting and looking beyond the shit it was sending our way. Buffy knew that and that's why she never stopped looking, kept looking outside the box. We fell for the mind fuck and in turn, we betrayed her. The only reason those girls backed me that night was because I took them out and showed them a good time, blew off some steam."

"Faith, I think you are being too hard on yourself and the others."

"I'm just stating the facts, something we never acknowledged as a group." Faith snorted. "I had told her that night that I never wanted it to turn out like that. She just told me to be brave and to lead them."

"And you did."

"Yeah, into a fuckin' trap, that's where I led them." Faith rolled her eyes. "You see, that night Spike came back and called us on it. Well, I agree with everything he said. Buffy had never let us down, always ready to do what was best. Why do you think she has lasted so long? No slayer has lived as long as she has, and now we know why. She thinks outside the box and she refuses to ask anyone to do anything she's not willing to do herself. Did you know she died saving the world once?"

"Yeah, Giles told me one night over tea and brandy." Robin looked over and noticed the sad look on her face.

"I'm not so sure I could have done that, nor could I have killed someone that I loved to close the gates of Hell." Faith smirked. "But she did, no questions asked. No 'God, do I have to?' She just did it and took on the repercussions that followed."

"Is that when Angel had become Angelus and was going to release Hell on earth?" Robin looked over toward her with a skeptical look on his face.

"Yeah, after he had lost his soul after a night of bliss with Buffy." Faith smiled. "And guess who helped Buffy against his nature?"

Robin looked confused at first and then surprised as it dawned on him. "Spike?"

"Yep, the blonde wonder vamp came to offer his assistance, 'cause he didn't want the world to change." Faith laughed about that. "Goes to show you what a night of ice cream with a teenager will get you." She thought about the late nights after leaving Sunnydale spent talking with Dawn.

"So, I guess it's wait and see what Andrew has to report, and then you will decide if you need to look further into it or not?" Robin asked, as he looked down at his shoes.

"Yeah, it does. I can't trust Andrew of all people to know how to get the truth on something like this." Faith shrugged. "I hope you can understand that I need to do this for me, and I also have to do it for Angel and Buffy. She deserves to know the truth, and if it's true he turned into evil Angelus, I want to know why, and how the others got involved."

"Fine." Robin looked up and met her stare. "I will support you to a point-" He held up his hand to stop her from interrupting. "The point will be when there is no doubt in my mind that he acted on his own and no one turned him evil, making him lose his soul."

Faith nodded her head as she agreed with him. "That seems fair."

"Okay, so how about we go do a quick patrol and come back and spend quality time together before calling it a night." Robin winked.

"I'd say I'm five by five with that plan, Woody." Faith smiled seductively at him.

"Hey, I'll give you Woody in a minute."

"Was plannin' on it, baby." The dark haired slayer blew him a kiss as she checked and made sure she had her stakes before heading off the porch. Feeling the cool air of May with a hint of rain in the air, Faith remarked, "Man, the climate here in Cleveland sucks. In Cali, man, I wouldn't have to wear this much gear."

"Well, maybe I can help take care of that extra gear when we get back." The dark skinned man chuckled.

"Only if you promise to do everything in your power to keep me warm and happy," Faith tossed her head and replied.

"Like you have to ask." Wood again snorted as he watched her walk in front of him, her bottom swaying to and fro, wishing they could cancel patrol altogether and start with the undressing and warming up part.

Instead, he smiled and called out, "Thank you for sharing tonight, honey." Letting her know he still loved her and appreciated that she had opened up and talked to him instead of her usual keep it to herself defense mode.

"Thank you for listening, babe." Faith was totally surprised that he had taken it all so well.

Robin understood that his lady would do as she said, for she had a fierce code of loyalty she lived by. He also understood that she felt she owed Angel the respect to make sure everything said about him and his crew tonight was indeed true.

All she asked of him was to trust in her to do the right thing. He only hoped he could.
