Directly follows the events of Spiral of Chaos. Quick beta by Always_jbj Genre: , , - Rating: - Warning: , , - Complete: No Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,719 - Started: 09/24/2005 - Updated: 09/24/2005 03:47 am A Little chaos. A little magic gone astray. A Vampire and a
Slayer suddenly find themselves trapped inside a computer game world.
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Final FantasyX)
For the sake of convenience the sequence of some events in the story may differ from those in the game. (AR after OUT OF MY MIND) Disclaimer: Final Fantasy X characters are owned by Squaresoft and not by me - yet!!! Characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy. GrrArgh Genre: , , - Rating: - Warning: - Complete: Yes Chapters: 5 - Words: 55,354 - Started: 09/24/2005 - Updated: 09/24/2005 03:27 am Is this Spike's one good day? Beta'd by Always_jbj Genre: , , - Rating: - Warning: - Complete: Yes Chapters: 1 - Words: 470 - Started: 09/24/2005 - Updated: 09/24/2005 02:26 am | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |