Possession by icemink Thanks. :-) 05/21/2010 12:49 am Chapter 25 Ah, brilliant! Wonderful fic! I love vampires a lot more than humans, I love Spike and Buffy together and I love Angelus and Darla together, I love Vamp Willow and I simply adore the "I hate you but I'll kill anyone who touches you" conection between Spike and Angelus. I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of our gorgeous Dru but it was still perfect! I adore your Vamp world, the vamps-Inittintive war and The Circle. Slavery fics are just a week spot of mine and I couldn't resist this-good thing I didn't! Thank you for the fabulous read! good read. thank you. love the hopefully ending. be great if you revisited this two somewhere down the road (theirs or yours.) Tanja 01/08/2008 01:10 am Chapter 25 Oh my God! I love AU stories and this was SO beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I really hope there'll be more of this universe, a sequel would be great! thanks again! ~ Tanja ~ Very Neat story - it is pretty difficult to pull off a Slayer-Spike Vamp tale - yours works. They have a chance that I never thought they'd have -- an enjoyably different story. The End? Ah nooooooo kim 01/05/2008 07:16 pm Chapter 25 The End?! Awwwwwwww..... "Silently, Spike cursed whatever god seemed to want to keep him from being laid." *chuckles* I loved this *chuckles again* I loved every single chapter of this story (though I've been following in SR and I'm glad I noticed the update here, cuz there wasn't one there:P) And I know I'm greedy, but I'd looooove a sequel! LOL!!! Thank you for this great story!!! messy 01/05/2008 11:46 am Chapter 25 hey, loved hte story very much :) I thought they would never get out of the Circle for a moment there :P And then Darla and Angelus; I thought with Angel back with the "us", Spike and Buffy would have a harder time getting away. Reading the last three chapters, I could see the possibility for a sequel. Obviously, you're the writer and your's the muse; so I can only hope for a second act of this story ;-) Until your next story. Hugs, messy Definite progress!! fun read, thank you. love “Probably, luv, but it’s better than being normal.†I'm glad Spike put himself out there since Buffy clearly has a lot of insecurities. It's probably also a good thing they got away from Angelus. 12/24/2007 09:37 am 24 Love it. Can't wait to read more! yea!!! he got her away from there! not sure how it might turn out though...wonder if angelus would follow them...very sweet chapter, love, looking forward to the next :) kim 12/22/2007 03:46 am 24 I'm glad they got out of town. Spike really is good for her self-esteem. Buffy shouldn't hide from life, and he's the most alive dead guy you'll ever find. They're so cute together. Love the little no drama (for now) chap. Hope you can update soon. I just love this story. they're so cute together Cas 12/21/2007 05:48 pm 24 What a nice interlude for them, and a good prezzie for us! Thanks for the update. What a tender and loving chapter! Love this interlude. That's our Spike, going for broke but this time it has paid off (YAY). Just lovely. Kathleen Leave it to Spike to say exactly the right thing to comfort an insecure Buffy. oh man...now angelus is on the loose again...this could get ugly...great, exciting chapter, love, on to the next :) AHA protective Spike! Giggled myself silly with Spike's thoughts about the cables and where to apply them (not to mention the remarks about brain size that in canon were always addressed to Spike). Happy to see an update! Still loving this. Kathleen Shock him some more! lol kim 12/09/2007 03:58 am Sparks Dun-dun-dunnnn...He's baaaaack. Buffy can take care of herself in a fight, but Spike's right to worry about Angelus' more trecherous methods. And it's sweet that he's so worried. :) Oh an update! Awesome! I've missed this story and was hoping that you hadn't abandoned it. Yay! Cas 12/09/2007 12:49 am Sparks Lovely holiday surprise to see this story updated. I love the way you've taken it too. very happy to see this update. thanks. doubt angelus is as patient as spike recalls. Good to see you continuing with this storyline! Hopefully Spike can protect Buffy from her own cluelessness. so far, so good. hope it is as easy as they planned. hope after a month xander is chipped, be fun to see how he likes it. very good read, thank you. Thanks, glad you liked it. And yes, the rescue went off pretty much as planned. Always like the pairing of Vamp Willow and Vamp Xander! Good to see Buffy using her head since she is smarter than she thinks she is. Thanks. Glad to see you enjoyed the vamp version of the Scoobies, I think they're a lot of fun too. And yes, Buffy is more capable than she's aware, she just needed the right motivation. Cas 05/18/2007 04:05 am The Initiative O. I hope Xander is chipped so he can see what fun it is. Wonder has he spent his entire vampire existence in the iniative, and if so, were they the reason he got vamped in the first place? Just suspicious I guess. Great twist. Xander was only there for maybe the last month or so, but figure he's been a vampire for a couple years. wow buffy *did* come up with a good plan :) great chapter, so sweet how glad spike was to see her....excellent chapter, very much looking forward to more :) Thank you. Buffy has some good planning in her from time to time. And I think Spike would have been glad to see anyone, but the fact that it was Buffy made his rescue even better. golddrake 05/17/2007 06:24 pm The Initiative great chapter Thanks so much. Dee 05/17/2007 04:57 pm The Initiative I really am enjoying this story and love to see updates! This one was good. Xan and Willow vamped is interesting. The hellmouth went to hell without Buffy! Thanks, glad you liked it. And yeah, Sunnydale hasn't faired so well these last few years. Awesome! An update! I love this story! [br]I was hoping for a bit more carnage though during the escape route...especially if you're going to involve that Walsh hooker :grr:. But eh...I guess you can't win 'em all huh?[/br] I hope you can update soon!!! Sorry there wasn't more carnage described, I assure you it happened though, if that makes you feel any better. And thanks. There's another update up now. kim 05/17/2007 10:56 am The Initiative YAY!!! Xander's a prick. Cool action from Buffy to the rescue! I wonder who sired Xander. Thanks. I always figured it was Willow. The Master turned her, and she still had her crush on Xander at that point, so to prove to him that she was worth noticing she sired him. Awww, they saved Spike.... why'd they have to save Xander tho? ew lol *shakes finger at you* Don't you dare my Angelus and Darla likeable! *pouts* Hehe. You've discovered my secret mission, to spread the Angelus Darla love. ;) oh i hope they get there before the initiative manages to do anything to spike :( great chapter, love, i'm glad spike's family is concerned for him...can't wait to see more ;) Thanks. Glad you like his family coming to his rescue. kim 04/29/2007 01:28 am Plan B Hee hee hee....it's so funny seeing Buffy like this with the Aurelius gang...great stuff. And she's having to grow up right now. I hope they're in time! Those Initiative types can be damn fast about their damage. Thanks, glad you are enjoying it. And yeah, Buffy's finally starting to grow up and take responsibility for things. Wow Buffy actually listening to Spike -- I like it. And it's a big step for Buffy to ally herself with the vampires. Neat chapter. Thanks. And this Buffy's been living around demons for a few years, so it's not the kind of big step it would be for the Buffy on the show. pretty_in_fangs 04/28/2007 10:20 pm Plan B woo. Go Buffy with remembering to get backup. Though it's interesting to see Spike's family actually rallying around to help him for once. Glad you're enjoying it. And I think that Spike's family must have taken care of him when he was a fledge, otherwise how would he have survived? I always assumed that in the mine scene in FFL, Angelus had just pulled Spike out of a fight he probably wasn't going to win. After all that was right after Spike was turned, so how many fights could he have ever been in? Probably not many, and a mob can be tough even for a vampire to fight. Oh, the irony! Hehe, thanks. It is ironic, I think that's why Angelus admited to liking Spike's plan in the previous chapter. love buffy's attitude. excellent read, thank you. Thans. It is a lot of fun, so I'm glad you're enjoying it. GO Buffy! What an interesting turn in this universe....Buffy seeing the evil that is the Initiative because she doesn't have that inborn prejudice of human = good, demon = bad. Even not liking Angelus, Darla and Willow she can see the differences and the morality for that matter. Excellent. KAthleen Thank you. And yeah, Buffy's perspective on morality in this reality is a lot of fun. I'm glad your enjoying this twist of events. How odd, to see her on the other side. Strangely satisfying, too. Loving this story, many wonderful twists and turns. Thank you so much. I think it's a lot of fun to write a Buffy who isn't so sure of right and wrong. Actually this has gotten me wondering what Buffy on the show would have done if it hadn't been for Adam. Obviously he needed to be stopped, but how long would she have let the Initiative gone on? SpaceLord 04/28/2007 06:55 pm Plan B Just love that last part....and never harm another vampire again.....can you imagine something like that coming out of Buffy's mouth on the show? Just cracks me up. Thanks, I'm glad you found that funny. I've really loved writing a Buffy who identifies with demons and sees them as people too. Of course Sunnydale never did seem to get the nice ordinary demons that lived in LA. dark amia 04/28/2007 06:26 pm Plan B "I'm not letting those bastards torture Spike. That's my job." - lol. That is so Angelus. Great chapter. lets hope they save Spike before they chip him. Thanks. Yes, Angelus is very territorial, and I'm a secret Spangle shipper so I couldn't have Angelus stand by and let someone else hurt his boy. Damn, not him too? They have to go in before they implant him too, I just hate a chipped Spike who can't defend himself. I hope Buffy can remember in time. Thanks for all the updates, I love this story. Thanks so much. If it makes you feel any better, remember that the cannon Inititive only ever chipped one vampire. They use the rest of them in other experiments. If that makes you feel better. . . excellent read,thank you. loved darla putting angelus in his place. lovely chapter ending, if you like evil. seems spike is in deep.... and buffy is not suppose to remember. Thank you so much. And if you haven't realized by now, I like evil very much ;) And I'm glad you liked Angelus and Darla. cas 04/24/2007 01:07 am The Runaway Well, at least it looks like they'll only take SPike, and not Buffy too. Hopefully she has the wit and loyalty to go back and tell Angelus/Darla what happened. Wonder if chipped Spike will be next? Yeah, the Inititive thinks it's saving Buffy (as if she needs saving) so she'll be able to try and help Spike. And if she wasn't witty and loyal she just wouldn't be Buffy ;) Yikes -- that was unexpected! Spike back to square one? Well, Spike's not in a good place, that's for sure. Thanks for the review. Oh crap now they have to deal with the Initiative boys too. Like they didn't have enough on their plates. How much am I wishing they could have just taken off and left everyone else to sort out their own mess. I'm really hoping someone rescues them before anything too bad happens. Yes, Buffy and Spike do have a lot of troubles, most of them though are of their own making, so it maybe best for them to have an outside force interfere. There goes Spike, and with no smitten Riley for Buffy to use to infiltrate the Initiative. Let's see how well this goes. True, they don't have a smitten Riley, but they did have a turncoat Riley giving them lots of information (at least until Angelus dusted him) so they're not totally in the dark. Deb 04/23/2007 01:06 pm The Runaway Scary scenario for our duo. I like your Spike. Hope that you don't have plans to weaken him at all. Morally ambiguous Buffy is an interesting twist and makes the story interesting. Have fun writing. Thanks. I'm sure the Initiative has all kind of bad plans for Spike, but with any luck Buffy won't give them time to carry them out. And I'm glad you like my Buffy. For some reason I seem to love messing with her past. Oh oh! Looking bad for Spike....I just know Buffy will come to his aid though. Nice scene between he and Buffy but LOVED Darla's reaction to Angelus' arrogance LOL. So visual!!! So in character too. Kathleen Thanks. And yeah, deep down even this Buffy's got that hero bug. She wouldn't be Buffy without it. And I'm especialy glad you found Darla and Angelus' little spat so visual. It's nice to know that once in a while I can let others see the TV show that plays in my head. kim 04/23/2007 07:38 am The Runaway Oh, no! I was afraid this would happen if they were outside..... Cool, in that I'm glad that I made the Inititative menacing enough. I'd feel silly if all my characters were hiding in the sewer for no reason. I hope Buffy kicks their ass...es. I think Buffy isn't going to be happy with anyone taking her vampire. DAMMIT! lol in light of recent events, your review craps me up. Dreamsofspike 04/23/2007 05:57 am The Runaway oh man...poor spike... :( they're gonna chip him, aren't they? :( i hope buffy does remember it all when she wakes up, and knows enough to go and try to help him...great chapter, love :) Thanks. Well, remember of all the vampires they captured on the show, Spike was the only one the chipped. So that might have something else in store for him. I love your treatment of The Initiative and use of Angel instead of Spike. In fact, I really like your creation of The Center and how the demon society and your slayer's life are connected - excellent use of series character within a new setting - Well that was an unexpected turn of events, and wonderful twist, now for Spike to find Buffy. Glad to have another chapter, don't know how I missed this one, thanks, Great chapter. Thank you. And I'm sure you missed it because I confused you with my new habit of fairly regular updates :) orpheus 04/21/2007 07:58 am Single Combat aww I love it! Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Nova 04/17/2007 10:16 pm Single Combat Mmmm, Have been reading for a while, love your story by the way. Very different and I cant wait for the next chapter!! :) Thanks. Glad you like all the twists and turns, and thanks so much for leaving a review. really enjoy buffy becoming aware she needs more. even if she does not what. very good read, thank you Thank you. I think sooner or later Buffy needed to start taking responsibility for her life, or she just wouldn't have been quite Buffy. Not that Buffy isn't good at denile and hiding from her life too. Now that was a fight. Not only did Angel kill Riley and revert back to Angelus, but Buffy is leaving. It's understandable that she would be freaked by all the things she doesn't understand about their society but I wish she would talk to Spike. I wonder if he'll go after her when he realizes she left. I also wonder how Angelus will respond if she does come back. Never say nothing happens in my stories ;) I think once Spike realizes she's gone, and tracks her down, he make her talk, or at least try to. Awww poor Buffy! Spike is going to kick himself once he figures out what the girl is feeling. If this Spike is half as intuitive as the one we saw in canon universe he'll figure it out in time. Excellent update. I do love this universe and even like Darla for the first time *G*. And ..... Riley dusting.....always a good thing LOL. Kathleen Glad to hear that you like Darla. She actually become one of my favorite characters. And you're right, once Spke really realizes that Buffy is upset, he'll start to figure things out. Thanks so much. oh no....i'm getting a really bad feeling about this... i mean, i think it's good for buffy that she got out before angelus could do anything to her, as damaged as she already is...but what about spike? something tells me things aren't going to go so well for him now :( great chapter, love, very much enjoying this awesome story :) Thanks so much. If it makes you feel better, remember that Angelus is chipped, and that he doesn't have any personal grudge against Buffy like on the show. As for Spike. . . well you'll just have to wait and see. kim 04/16/2007 11:09 pm Single Combat Well, well! Definitely a different turn....how's Angelus going to be post soul? Hope he's not end-the-world-crazy this time. And Buffy's trying for a new start....about time she figures out she can have it. Well, I think it's safe to say that Angleus is going to be really pissed off about the chip. Hmmm, Spike couldn't even point an unloaded gun at Xander, so I'm not sure Angelus could end the world. And I'm glad you like that Buffy's finally starting to be independant. Aawww. Poor Buffy. I'm glad she's at least looking out for herself tho. If she's leaving, then she's at least showing some... perrogative? self? I'm not sure of the word. But anyways - I liked thta you wrote it that way! Lovely chapter. ;) Thanks. I was beginning to realize that even though Buffy was the owner and not the slave she was a little too weak-willed in the story. It was definitely time for her to grow some backbone. Ew, so did not need the visuals of angel and darla boinking *covers eyes* But awww at Buffy. Dumb-assed Spike lol I'm rather fond of Darla and Angel, but then I didn't try and make their bit if sex 'hot'. It was for plot purposes only. As for Buffy and Spike, as soon as Spike realizes she's gone, I think it's safe to say he'll change how he's been handling her. Pin 04/16/2007 08:54 pm Single Combat Can't wait to see what happens with Angelus back and Buffy gone. Thanks. I think it's fair to say that Spike is going to have his work cut out for him if he wants to put everything right. lOU 04/16/2007 08:25 pm Single Combat Cool vamp action. Thanks, glad you liked it. I always figure it's more fun to let the vamps be vamps. Otherwise they might as well all be human. Spike really is clueless. At this rate everyone is going to know about Buffy's feelings for him before he does. Why doesn't he make a move, since clearly he's interested as well? It will be interesting to see Buffy kick Riley's butt, not to mention the idea of him in a dress for a week. Talk about humiliation. Spike has some excuse for his cluelessness. Remember (I know, I don't update frequently enough so it was a while ago) when he was still Buffy's slave he kept trying to sleep with her again, but she was keeping her distance. Darla's right, never thought I'd say that! They do need an little tough'n tumble, Spike and Buffy I mean, it might lead to a lot of rough'n tumble! Once Riley heals, Spike needs to have a go with him go! Let the fledge knows what it's like to go up against a master, the twit. Thanks for the update, it's one of my favorites, the next one should be a whole lot of fun! Thank you. And I think Riley will learn what it is to go up against a Master vampire sooner rather than later. Cas 04/13/2007 02:44 am The Challenge Not that I particularly care about the Riley fight - but the aftermath might be interesting. But please, please try to update more often. This is such a fun story. Glad you're enjoying it. Sorry about the slow updates. I actualy meant to have this posted almost a week ago but I had computer problems. And I'll be curious what you think of the fight afterwards, because it's not going to be quite how everyone assumes it will go. "He should have challenged you directly," darla is much sharper than previously portrayed. she is "living" up to her age. very good read, thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it. And I think Darla has had to grow into her responsibility. After all she doesn't have either the Master or Angelus to pamper her right now. oh this should be good!!! lol...i can't wait to see riley get his rear handed to him...great chapter, building up the tension and drama, and the characters as well...very much looking forward to more ;) Thank you so much. Sufice it to say the next chapter isn't going to end well for Riley, although maybe not the way you expect. Lou 04/12/2007 01:25 pm The Challenge Riley's in for such a surprise! *evil laugh* Yes he is, but I think you'll be just as surprised as how the fight ends up. Thanks for the feedback. Great update. Clueless Spike *G*. Darla has Buffy figured out though. Riley in a dress is a LOL image...I'll be giggling all day. Hope the muse sticks around and RL lets you have time to take advantage. Kathleen Thanks. Glad you liked both Spike's bet with Riley, and also the fact that he doesn't always get it. The next chapter should be out soon. It was actually an e-mail problem on my end that kept me from getting this chapter betaed and done sooner, so the next chapter should go smoother. Aww...Spike reminds me of a big kid. I was estatic when I saw you updated! LOL, yeah, Spike can be a big kid at times. Glad you enjoyed the update. Dee 04/12/2007 05:09 am The Challenge I really do enjoy this story. The plot is so interesting. I liked The Circle. I always enjoy an update. Thank you. I do like to throw in a surprise or too, but also keep reminding people of how the story began (because I do have a tendancy to let the plots wander a bit). Hopefully I'll have the next update in about a week or so. kim 04/12/2007 04:28 am The Challenge Riley's gonna get his ass kicked.... Oh, yes, that goes without saying, although I think the next chapter will surprise you anyway. How funny is it that Buffy got along better with Harmony than with Willow and Riley. Makes sense since Harmony seems in her own world while Willow and Riley make Buffy feel like she's lunch. I'm thinking it might not have been so smart of Buffy to admit her crush to Harmony since she went back and told Darla. And Darla does not seem thrilled by the idea that Spike might reciprocate those feelings since apparently she sees Buffy as disposable. I'm glad you liked the Buffy/Harmony friendship. Although Harmony did sort of betray Buffy. Darla could cause trouble for Buffy and Spike later one, but since I see you've read the next couple chapters, you know that she's going to have some distractions of her own. borgie 03/25/2007 07:42 pm The Mall but...but...it's a cute obsession! aww they are sooo adorable!! UPDATE!!!!!!...please? I'll give u a puppy! Oh how I wish I could own a puppy right now. But I did update. I hope you enjoy. Emilee 03/23/2007 04:37 pm The Mall Yay! An Update. Excellent chap. Loved it. It's soo cute to see Buffy crushing on Spike. Kinda a nice change from canon. Are we going to get a peek inside Spike's head? Buffy likes him, Darla's convinced he's obsessing, but the last I remember is that he was planning to kill her...eventually. Can't wait for more. Thanks so much. And yes, having Buffy be the smitten one is fun. As for getting a peek insdie Spike's head, yes there will be one soon. In fact probably the next chapter. Oh yes, UST! Great update. Look forward to this one. Love Harmony in this and hit with the realization that she would have been perfect with Riley! Considering his habits on the show her being a vampire would only make it even more a perfect match. Kathleen Glad you liked it. Hmm, I hadn't actually thought about Harmony and Riley, but you're right, there could be something there. Of course curretnly Riley is Darla's boy toy, but then who knows what he gets up to when Darla is playing with Willow instead. Who knew Harmony's nattering could actually be useful? Wow, Darla can be intelligent if she tries. I think Darla was always smart, after all she was the only vampire who ever thought to go after Buffy with a gun, which isn't a bad idea if you think about it. She just underestimated Angel in that situation. As for Harmony, I just think she needed to be in the right place at the right time, which she usually isn't. But after all she was a pretty good friend to Cordellia, when she wasn't trying to be 'evil'. Can't wait for Spike to see Buffy in some of her new things. Still having a hard time thinking of Willow as a vampire. Thanks for the update IM, eagerly awaiting your next chapter. Thank you. I'll try and get the next one out soon. oh this could get complicated, all the varying motives and all...very interesting chapter, and i actually like your version of harmony, love... :) great job :) Thanks. I think Harmony can be a lot of fun, and you're right pretty much everyone in this Order of Aurelius has the own goals so not everything is going to go smooth. Buffy and Harmony getting along is hilarious! Thanks. I figured becasue of their pasts in this verse, Buffy would have far more in common with Harmony than with Willow. fun read, thank you. darla is not missing anything with harmony around. Glad you enjoyed it. It was a fun chapter. kim 03/22/2007 01:47 am The Mall Wow, you made Harmony really likeable. Well, she could be likeable at times, anyway, when she wasn't whining. I'm glad she was so helpful to Buffy. Buffy needs to figure out that she can be in the regular world, on her terms, and that there's no need to be insecure or fake, really. Glad you liked Harmony. You're right she can be a bit of a whiner, but at least she had nothing to whine about while shopping. And you're right, finding her place in the world is exactly what Buffy needs to do. oya 03/22/2007 01:45 am The Mall just raed the story it is really good please update soon i wanna know what comes up next please hurry!! Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'll try to get the next update out soon. Jasmine 03/22/2007 01:43 am The Mall please update soon maybe u can add 2 or 3 chapters at a time?? i know it is too much to ask for it but i really cannot wait to read what happens next!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I wish I could update quicker, but if I tried to do 2 or 3 chapters at a time it would take me even longer to update, cause it would take me longer to get everything written. I'll try to have the next update soon though. Selen 03/22/2007 01:40 am The Mall just read the whole story it is fantastic i cannot wait to read more please update soon!!!! Thanks glad you like it. Hopefully I'll have another update soon. Ew, Harmony, and yum at Buffy in lingerie strutting about for Spike... can't wait to see if she actually wears it for him and what his reaction will be, heehee I don't think this Buffy's quite confident enough to strut, but that doesn't mean she might not try dressing up a bit. And I think we can guess what Spike's reaction would be. Pin 03/22/2007 12:20 am The Mall great chapter! I actually really liked Harmony - an amazing accomplishment! Like the way you portray Buffy; look forward to seeing how the Spuffiness evolves. Thanks! Thanks so much. I always love hearing I made someone like a character that they don't normally like. I love them all (well excpet for Riley). Clever. I'm really enjoying the twists and turns in this story - and to have Willow back, and still be well-intentioned trouble? What a bonus. Off to read more ... excellent read, thank you. so many possibilities. Thank you. Glad you like where I'm going with this story. orpheus06 02/14/2007 05:40 am Plans one word 'YAY'!! Thanks :) Hey, girl, thanks for updating. Can't believe that it's almost been a year since I first started reading this fic. The slayer's come such a long way since you first begun this fic. Spike is someone that you can't easily replace. He's definately one of a kind. He'll have to keep her close and away from the rest of them, which is all the better for us! Now they can meet on equal ground. She has less to feel guilty about. Maybe he can mark her so that no one else tries to take her. She may be the slayer but she's dealing with Willow now and even Darla realizes her potential. Great job, thanks. Glad you like it, and wow, it has been a year hasn't it. I feel like I should have more written. Soon, I tell you, soon. As for Spike, he's definitely up to his ears in vampire polotics now. Thank so much. Oooo, Spike is free and offering Buffy some fun. Its a very intriguing twist, and I can't wait to see where you go with it. Hope you continue soon ;) Thanks. Sorry it took so long to finally get the next chapter out. And yes, Spike is definately offering Buffy some fun, if she knows how to enjoy it. pretty_in_fangs 02/13/2007 03:49 am Plans Oh, this should be an interesting confluence of people. Yes, especially since they are living together as one big 'happy' vampire family. Cause we know how well vampires get along. gdo 02/13/2007 03:28 am Plans It's been awhile since I've read this. I'm surprised with Spike getting out, but I like the direction you are going in. I hope to see more. Thanks. This is one of those storys that sort of took off on its own. The more I thought about the world I created, the more I saw just how much was going on in it. So glad you like it, and I finally got an update out. Interesting that Spike went back for Buffy to convince her to help him fight the Initiative. Even more so that she went, and admitted to herself that she missed both the fight and him. It will be enlightening to see how she gets along with Darla, Willow and Harmony. Those three could be scary for three different reasons, and I'm curious to see how Buffy interacts with them after so many years of isolation. Well, Buffy might not react in quite the way you might guess, but I think you'll like it. It is going to be hard for Buffy to suddenly be in the center of a big group after so much time on her own. Okay, that's more like the Darla I remember. Vamp!Willow, huh? And possibly chipped Xander. Looks like things are going to get interesting. Well Darla's been around awhile so she's complex. I think she's more comfortable simply being the manipulater. And yes, Buffy's going to have a lot to deal with with all these vamps. Wow this is shaping up to be one heck of a tale! Loved it all so far but this twist is a doozie. Oh yeah, can see Willow taking on Darla for the "Evil Bitch with the Biggest Balls" award...and winning! This will really be worth following as Buffy starts to fight for a cause. Wonderful, just wonderful. Kathleen Thanks. You know I think vamp Willow and Darla could have a story all of their own. I'm afraid their epic power struggle will only be a minor part of this story, since it's really about Spike and Buffy. Still there's a lot of potential there, and it's sure to influence Spike and Buffy. Emilee 02/12/2007 01:55 pm Plans Yay! Finally an update. This was an interesting development. Can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks. Sorry I'm slow on the updates, but I finally got another one out. Dar 02/12/2007 01:22 pm Plans This should be intense. Great Chapter Thanks. Lou 02/12/2007 10:34 am Plans Nice twist -- Darla is pretty cool in this. Thanks. Darla is a favorite character of mine, so I love to find ways to use her, and she just fit so well in this story. kim 02/12/2007 09:39 am Plans Ah, well done showing Darla's mindset. And Spike's roped Buffy in...easy enough, since she's never been educated about the Slayer way... Thanks, Darla is a favorite of mine. And yes, this Buffy doesn't know anything about Slayers so she's easy to manipulate, especially for Spike. Interesting. Having the Slayer join up with a group of vampires but without the ingrained mortal enemy relationship. I wonder how that will turn out. Also, love vampire Willow! Glad you like it. And who doesn't like vampWillow? Although I'm afraid she's not the nicest of vamps in this story. hmmm...i think there's more to the plan than spike's telling buffy up front, isn't there? loved the chapter...can't wait to see what happens next :) Yes there is more to the plan. In fact he didn't really give her a good idea of what the plan is. Awwww, bad Spike for leading Buffy into a trap Well, it's not quite a trap. At least not a trap of Spike's making. buffyconvert 05/28/2009 12:11 am Rats I like the way you build up the family life of the vamps. "They were just as tainted with love as he and Dru had been" Spike knew that Darla wanted Angelus back and he didn't hesitate to help. This is creepy. And, not even being able to kill rats? That's just too harsh. Wow so Angel was captured by the initiative and turned into this crazy person. Explains why Darla needs help, and why she turned so many initiative people. Seems Willow and Xander were also turned and have a strange relationship to Angel. I wonder what Spike will do to try and help them. It's telling that they all do thing of trying to help one another even if they want to deny having feelings for one another It's telling that they all do thing of trying to help one another even if they want to deny having feelings for one another This is kind of how I view vampires in the Jossverse. They are capable of all this emotion, just most of them deny it. What makes Spike different is that he embraces his emotions, especially love. So thanks for the review, even if I'm very slow in answering it. Dar 01/11/2007 03:47 pm Rats Ain't family life grand even for Vampires. Good Chapter interesting world you present and a very good read, thank you. being an angel hater, your tale forces me to feel sorry for the poof. Thanks, I was hoping to make people sympathetic to Angel. As much as I hate Buffy/Angel, I like the character of Angel so it's great to find new ways to use him. And he's pretty used in this story. Really a chilling account of the Initiative (and my mind went to our Spike and how we only saw a glimmer of what had to have happened to him before escape). Love the name Darla of the hard eyes (how fitting)! But love her two sides best. So Willow and Xander are vamps heh? Tee hee....yup, Vamp Willow DID love to play with the puppy. Nice parallel to that dimension. Excellent as always. Kathleen Thanks. I was pretty proud of Darla of the Hard Eyes myself, and I like the idea that Angel's so messed up that he's splitting Darla up in the same way he splits himself up into Angel/Angelus. awww...poor angel...you made me feel so bad for him....and darla, you've written her flawlessly....looking forward to the next chapter :) Oh oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that might come across as maybe meaning how you wrote him. You did good... I just meant I never liked Angel... I'm a rabid Angel-basher and most people know that, lol I gotcha. Well I figure that any Spuffy story will bring a bunch of Angel haters. Lou 01/10/2007 10:28 am Rats An excellent twist, chipped Angel -- who'd have thought it? Nice twist IM. Figured it was the Initiative but Angelus was the twist. To bad Willow and Xander are vamps Don't see how Buffy will be helping this new family of vamps, definately not all of them anyway. So now you've really got my curiosity peaked, as to how they can get together. Great work, thanks for the update. Thank you. And remember this Buffy has a slightly different take on the world than the Buffy we're used to. But you're right about one thing, it won't be easy for her to get along with them. kim 01/10/2007 03:21 am Rats Interesting perspective, mixing the Initiative with the Wishverse. poor mad, soulful Angel. Thanks, I didn't really think of it as mixing the Wishverse, I just figured without Buffy around, Willow would have been vamped, and we know what vamp Willow was like. Glad you're enjoying it. orpheus 01/10/2007 02:58 am Rats YAY!! Poor Angel...but will Buffy and Spike ever see each other again? What's gunna happen to Buffy now that Spike is gone? Is she gunna continue in the circle competition? If she is who's gunna replace Spike? I personally hope she continues the competition or replaces the guy darla killed and becomes head honcho in the Demonic world and cuz she's human some stupid fuck thinks she's not worthy of the position and challenges her where after some odd years Spike is in the crowd and sees her beat the shit out of the guy and realize that's she's become more harden, more demonic, more feral. A totally ruthless Buffy: too human to be demonic and too demonic to be human...yeah...that'd be awesome! Wow, you've given this some thought. In fact you've written a whole alternate ending to my story. Which is the only hint I'm going to give you. Glad you 've enjoyed it. icky pathetic angel You find him icky? I guess he is sort of, but that's because he's never had a purpose, and still hasn't found a way to live with his soul. Plus all the torture. Cas 01/10/2007 01:48 am Rats I almost feel sorry for Angel with a soul and a chip - and a lot worse chip than what Spike had, although come to think of it, we never did know if the pain only came for humans, or other living things (assuming that demons can be classified as not alive). Wondering how you are going to get Buffy back into this. I've always felt that the more you try to think logically about the chip, the less sense it makes. But you're right, it was never clear what Spike was doing with those kittens he won at poker. BuffyConvert 05/27/2009 09:57 pm Women of Business Loved the twist of Riley being Darla's "big, dumb and Irish"childe! Interesting. I always thought Riley would make a creepy, dumb butt vampire. Cas 01/10/2007 01:37 am Women of Business Terrific chapter,don't know how I missed it. Love Buffy's decision making process! Also, Riley the minion, great touch. Thanks. There will be a little more about how Riley became a vampire, but let's face it, he has a biting fetish too, so it was bound to happen in some 'verse. Giggilymesh 01/06/2007 10:58 am Women of Business Please write more-I asked nicely Deb 01/06/2007 10:15 am Women of Business Interesting twists that you're taking with the story. I'm missing Buffy with Spike already. Guess they will have to be thinking of how they miss each other and can be together. After all Spike has something to "prove" to her about his skills. Enjoying the story! Thanks. Spike does have something to prove, and Buffy's going to be awfully lonely now. Dee 01/05/2007 03:50 pm Women of Business I can't tell who got the gift you or me, becuase that chapter was just great. It is a wonderful twist on the story. Thanks you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Lou 01/04/2007 01:41 am Women of Business Love the twists in this chapter. Excellent! Hum, this is getting even more intriguing and I wouldn't have thought it possible. Lovely update. Love the reason Buffy sold Spike, actually nobel. Hope he finds out in time. Kathleen Thanks. And I'm glad you liked Buffy's reasoning. Unfortunatly she isn't that good at comunicating her feelings. But I'm sure there's still some hope for them. very good read, thank you. buffy's decision making process was as screwed up as in canon. maybe i meant consistent? doesn't matter, had to have the sale to continue the tale. enjoying the read. thanks, again. Hehe. Well, I'm glad that Buffy's decision making process fit in with cannon. Glad you continue to enjoy it, I should have more soon. hmm so Buffy decided to let him go because she didn't want to break his spirit or seperate him from his family the way she had been. Very interesting. So is the idea of Spike being Darla's champion and helping her deal with the initiative. How much do I love the idea of her turning Riley, and then Spike beating him senseless to teach him his place. Curious to see what happened to Angelus and how Spike will handle all the changes Glad you like the Buffy's reasoning. I know most people didn't want Buffy to sell Spike, but I think her reasons are good ones. As for Riley, I'm afraid he's just found himself on the bottom of the vampire totem pole. kim 01/02/2007 03:29 am Women of Business Sunnydale, the Mayor...the Initiative...oooh, has Angelus been chipped? I wish Buffy would seize hold of her options and just go live! She's 18, her life should be just starting, not chained to that dreadful place. I can't wait for her to go after Spike. Sadly Buffy still has too much of the slave mentality to go live her life. But maybe now that she's had a small taste of living it'll get her moving. Looove where you're taking this. Surprised that she sold him but I understand why she did, and she's right to think that he would end up like her. She care's enough about him not to want that for him. Can't wait to see who goes after who first, Spike for her help or Buffy since she misses him. I can see Angelus fighting with the scoobies without a slayer, if that happens, Spike's going to have to switch over to the other side. Darla won't be happy about that. Wasn't Riley already in the Initiative during this time line? Is that why the vampire's have the gun's? Oh the possibilities! Great work IM, thanks. Please update soon, can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. Thanks so much. I don't want to give anything away, but I will say the fate of many more characters will become apparent in the next chapter, along with why Darla needs Spike. Excellent Riley bashing. Thanks. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I almost feel sorry for Riley in this fic. He really has the short end of the stick. Oops! I got it Buffy is totally broken. But Spike will find his way to unbreak her, won't he? And I wonder with whom Darla is at war? Looking forward to more! Yeah, Buffy is pretty broken, and I think if anyone can unbreak her, it's Spike. hmmm...intriguing...wonder what's been going on outside the center...very interested in seeing how buffy fares without spike...maybe she'll get out of there for good...looking forward to your next update, love :) Thanks, glad you like the way things are shaping up. There will be a lot more about what's been going on in Sunnydale in the next chapter. Lou 01/04/2007 01:33 am A Family Affair Interesting chapter. Darla is pretty cool Interesting...seems there's more to the Darla situation that she is currently telling. It also seems like Spike is unsure of her motives and his a complicated history with her. I wonder what happened to Angelus and how Buffy will respond to the offer to purchase Spike Hmm once again the Master rises in a Sunnydale without Buffy but I'm surprised that Darla did him in but the logic makes sense. I'd like to know what is going on in Buffy's mind. She seems awfully reticent re "thoughtful". Has being in the Circle affected her natural ebullience or doesn't her character have that in her in this fic? I love seeing Spike's POV...just want to see more of Buffy re her motivations. Well, there's more of Buffy's reactions in the next chapter, at least at the begining. And this Buffy isn't so much thoughtful as cautious. She's used to be punished for acting in ways other than she's told, so she doesn't act out as much. And ebullience is a great word. With Spike's help she may get some of that back. What's Darla up to? Is Buffy really going to give up her prized vampire? Is Buffy going to have another accidental sex episode? Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks, I'm glad you want to know. But there's a lot of plot to be coverd in the next chapter, so it may take me a bit. I'll try to have it soon though. Ensouled Angelus, perhaps? This really puts a great twist as to her interest in Spike. Wondered how the real world was handling things without a slayer since Buffy's there. Nice touch that it was Darla who closed the Hellmouth this time. Wonder if any of the scoobies are still alive, since she obviously killed Jesse by now and had been to SunnyD. Wow, the thought really blows the mind. Great chapter, IM. Thanks for posting. Thanks. And there will be a lot more information about how the world got along without Buffy in the next few chapters. Love the falshback with Darla....that seemed so believeable even though I've never really pictured Spike and Darla while he "loved" Dru. It makes lots of sense the way you describe it. Great update. Kathleen Thanks. I have a huge soft spot for Spike and Darla, although that will be the only place I indulge in it in this story. I just the think the two of them were both sort of on the edges of the family. And I think from time to time when Angelus and Dru left them out, they must have gotten up to their own mischief. kim 12/26/2006 09:41 am A Family Affair Closing herself off again... Angelus not well? Soul issues..poison..crazy-making visions? Darla's an interesting one for loyalties...she's unpredictable. Of course, I do want to see Spike free. I think you may be the only one to want to see Spike free. The general consensus seems to be that Buffy shouldn't sell. Aww.... don't sell him, Buffy It's going to be a tough decision. I could see Darla just shoving the Master into a Hellmouth like that. I'm eagerly awaiting more. I like the concept and the way it's told. Thanks. I just couldn't see Darla ever really wantig to destroy the world. I think she's a lot like Spike in that respect. hmmm...she seems to be softening to him...i wonder if she'll agree to darla's offer...and if spike will really want to go...another fascinating chapter, looking forward to more :) Thanks. Other than to say you'll find otu Buffy's decision in the next chapter, I won't give you any clues as to what she'll do. No idea if you even read reviews but this story is really engrossing and that is from someone who rarely reads distopian stories like this. Thanks, Blue they were no longer fighting but grabbing at each other and ripping each other's clothes off. Boy I hate it when that happens. Happy Birthday and thanks for the excellent chapter. Thank you, and glad you liked it. Serinah 12/19/2006 10:40 pm Dea ex Machina oh god, oh god, oh god! don't let him be selled! Darla will get him with the collar and be nasty about it! BTW I like that when you explore realms of submission and dominance you still let your chareacters have a free will. I don't like "doormat-spike" very much. nor unfeeling buffy using him and once realising her bully nature, forgiven fearily easily. I love your stories. update soon! Serinah 12/19/2006 10:35 pm Dea ex Machina oh god, oh god, oh god! don't let him be selled! Darla will get him with the collar and be nasty about it! BTW I like that when you explore realms of submission and dominance you still let your chareacters have a free will. I don't like "doormat-spike" very much. nor unfeeling buffy using him and once realising her bully nature, forgiven fearily easily. I love your stories. update soon! Thank you. Spike as a doormat wouldn't be as fun. And this Buffy does feel a great deal, even though she thinks that she's shut down. Loving the story so far. I'm wondering what Darla is up to since she and Spike are not friends. No, she and Spike aren't friends, but they are family. Of course Darla does have ultirior motives. Didn't see that one coming. Never did like Darla, but after that I could learn to. Thanks. I think at the very least you'll find Darla a lot more interesting in this story than she is in most Spuffy stories. Of course there isn't much Daral in most Spuffy stories so maybe that isn't saying much. Well that was an interesting turn of events. I wonder what Buffy will do about Darla wanting to buy Spike. I also wonder if Daryl's death will come back on Buffy. Hoepfully enough people saw Darla do it that Buffy won't be blamed. Buffy's going to have some tough choices ahead for her, but she's pretty much safe from 'the law' since the demons in The Center aren't really organized enough to have any. Thanks for reading and leaving a review. Gilgamesh 12/18/2006 10:23 am Dea ex Machina UPDATE!!! please? *insert puppy eyes* Ahh. Not the puppy eyes. :) I'm hopeing to have the next chapter before Christmas, but I've a lot of Christmas shoping to do, so no promises. pretty_in_fangs 12/18/2006 08:43 am Dea ex Machina Well, THAT's an interesting twist. Thanks. And it's just going to get twistier over the next couple chapters. excellent way to get rid of daryl. now how does buffy get rid of darla? very good read, thank you. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. And getting rid of Darla will be a lot trickier. You can't let her have him!! Buffy's not going to be keen on letting Spike go, but it's not a simple matter. You'll just have to wait and see what she decideds. wow...i wonder if this is a good development or a bad one...how exactly does darla feel about spike in this 'verse? and where exactly was spike during that whole exchange...another wonderful update, that's left me wanting more!! :) Thanks, glad you liked it. And you'll just have to wait and see if Darla's apperence is good or bad. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter before Christmas, and then you'll see a little more of Darla and Spike interacting. Wow. What a completely original & interesting storyline! I can't waot to see what happens next! Thanks. Glad you like my twisting of the Buffyverse. Happy Birthday! fellow Sagittarian, mine was the 13th. When you give a twist you do it up right. Wow, hope Spike gets to Buffy before Darla can strike a deal, but then Buffy isn't one to jump into something without thinking about it, a very long time. Thanks for the posting on your b-day. Hope you had fun. Thanks for the fantastic fic, hope you can update again soon, Icemink. Thanks. Hope you had a good birthday too. And I'm glad you like the twist. I'll just say there's a lot more to it than I've reavealed yet. And you're right, this Buffy does tend to take her time to think things over. She won't make a decision right away. Cas 12/17/2006 11:45 pm Dea ex Machina Oh, and Happy Birthday! Thanks Cas 12/17/2006 11:44 pm Dea ex Machina Unlikely allies - or enemies? What does Darla want Spike for, and how will Buffy react? Interesting turn of events. Glad you like it. And whether Darla is there to help or hurt Spike, well you'll just have to wait to find out her motives. just sue 12/17/2006 10:17 pm Dea ex Machina Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day! Thanks for another super update to this story. Was very surprised to see Darla appear on the scene and am looking forward to finding out what happens next. Thanks ever so. Thank you. I had a great birthday. And I think Darla's motivations will be as big a surprise as her appearence was. kim 12/17/2006 09:55 pm Dea ex Machina Darla's here? Hmmm....is she purchasing Spike for the good of family, or does she have wicked plans for him? And obviously, buffy hasn't realized she's dealing with a very old vampire, yet. Actually, she really doesn't realize much of anything that's truth, yet, like what her power is, and should be. To be afraid of a little weasel like that, when she could snap him like a twig? The girl certainly doesn't have much imagination. Or ambition. She could make a life outside, if she wanted it bad enough. Anyway...Spike got her another time, eh? But she's confused about why he wants her that way....he doesn't fear who she might send him to, but she doesn't seem to understand a vampire's nature, or Spike's strength of will. Still young and naive. Spike's going to have his jaw on the floor to see Darla there! You're right, Buffy doesn't realize how powerful she is. In a lot of ways she hasn't left her life as a slave behind. And yeah, Spike's going to be pretty startled to see Darla. Thanks for reading and leaving such a thoughtful review. Lou 12/17/2006 09:31 pm Dea ex Machina Darla! What a cool twist. Thanks. Glad you liked it. I love twists, and this one has only just begun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Hope you get lots more than just the great reviews this story deserves in its own right. Love the update. Wow....DARLA!! And doing somthing I highly approve of too...I think I actually like her and that amazes me! Naturally Buffy shouldn't sell at any price. I sure wouldn't. Excellent update and love the story still. Kathleen Thank you. And yes I did get a lot more than just reviews for my birthday, but the reviews are great too :) Darla may surprise you in this story, she's certainly going to surprise Spike. As for whether or not Buffy will sell to Darla, well. . . you'll just have to wait and find out ;) Grin. Love the concern about reputation. 05/20/2010 01:01 pm Uncovered I think Spike is deluding himself just as much as Buffy was about why she had taken that step with him. His reason's for not killing her go far beyond what he will admit to himself. And I'm afraid that she will let Daryl have his way, because of what will happen to her if she refuses. Right, he's really going to kill her now, what a bunch of bull. He is so into her and he knows it no matter what happens with Daryl. Thanks for the Spuffy lovin' even if it was short and sweet. One more to go and I'm all caught up again. You all have been so busy while I was gone, again thanks for posting here. Love it, but I know that, don't you! If he didn't care what other people did with his body, well, then she would be the first to do something to him. Yes, Buffy, a fine decision. Looks like Spike lost that round. Heh heh. very good read, thank you. really thought spike's last reason for not killling buffy was hysterical. Oh Spike.....funny excuses (and self delusion). THIS Slayer most certainly would take him to Daryl. Just as a soul doth not make a do-gooder, neither doth being a Slayer. *G* Nice, nice chapter. Look forward to Spike worming his way into her heart (and discovering how much in his heart SHE is). Kathleen I love your story! I'm always so happy when I see it's been updated. I like how despite Buffy's hardness, she still has remnants of the inherent goodness that we saw on the show. Emilee 12/09/2006 05:50 am Uncovered I think for as old as Spike is, he's being incredibly naive. I can't wait for the next update, but I'll admit, I'm more then a little apprehensive. Cas 12/09/2006 05:01 am Uncovered Gotta love Spike's reasoning. Of course he may have made some miscalculations. pretty_in_fangs 12/09/2006 03:48 am Uncovered Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that, Spike. And doesn't he realize she's likely to find a solution that involves keeping him and keeping him away from Daryl? oh spike keep lying to yourself, poor boy...he's already hooked and it's too late to do anything about it..lol..i hope he's right though and buffy doesn't let anyone get their hands on him but her ;) funny how she thought of their little encounter and how he did were two totally different things...and excellent update, love, looking forward to more :) Manda 12/09/2006 03:13 am Uncovered Nice story. I just read the whole thing. Very original. kim 12/09/2006 03:03 am Uncovered Yeah, she would have a skewed view if her only sexual contact had been forced by demons. Too young to really understand/know how it was between lovers. Wonder what he has in mind for Spike and Buffy? Well some of the pieces are starting to come together but we know how many layers Buffy always has. It's never easy to figure her out. Spike has to think a little more before he makes his next move, that's for sure. Wonderful chapter, thanks. Excellent fight, I really enjoyed that. I wonder how Spike will respond now that he knows Buffy used to be a slave. Or what exactly Daryl wants with Spike and how he can cause such fear in Buffy. excellent read, thank you. spike is starting to understand. let's hope is devious mind comes up with a plan, that works. Nova 11/29/2006 09:50 pm A Battle of Wills thank you for updating, liking this story Lou 11/29/2006 12:16 am A Battle of Wills Oh goody! Now Spike can get a handle on Buffy -- he can be more help than she thinks. Amy 11/28/2006 05:16 am A Battle of Wills This is so original! It is such a pleasure to find a story with a unique plot that is so well written. I enjoy reading AUs but many fall short. This little gem has me on the edge of my seat. I also appreciate how well in character you're keeping Buffy and Spike. Their situation is vastly different from the canon but they are still true to themselves. You've made a big fan out of me. I can't wait for the next chapter! Cas 11/28/2006 01:18 am A Battle of Wills Terrific update. I like how the plot it moving along, Spike is starting to figure out things, and Darryl is just ugh! She ought not to give in to him and let him take Spike - and I'm beginning to see where she may get her squeamishness. Thanks. And you don't even know anything about Daryl yet and you already think he's 'ugh' :) Buffy's going to have some tough choices ahead of her. Pin 11/28/2006 01:08 am A Battle of Wills Great chapter! Looking forward to seeing what happens next. AHA, Spike has a clue and that is all it usually takes him to figure things (and Buffy) out. I have a feeling that this Daryl has a "thing" for pretty fighters (and lots of power....I think HE'S the one who called the fight, so Spike could stay pretty). Methinks that Buffy had her "Angelus moment" with this creep and she already cares enough to not put Spike through it. Nice update in a well crafted story. Always look forward to updates. Excellent. Kathleen lol 'Angelus moment' is that what we're calling it now? As for Daryl calling the fight, I hadn't really thought of that, but it would make sense. May have to work that into the next couple chapters if it fits in. LoL... well.... can't say I argue with the whole hitting is a sign of affection to him... lol hehe. Yeah I couldn't reists that. We'll just pretend it's because Spike likes strong women. Shanna 11/27/2006 08:35 pm A Battle of Wills Just want you to know that this is one story that I anxiously look forward to finding another update. The plots thickens..and nicely. Thanks for a great read. Thanks. I'm trying to get back into the writing habit, and I'll try to keep the updates coming regularly. oh man..what does daryl want with spike? it cant be good, judging by the way that guy was talking...i hope she doesn't let him hurt spike...great chapter, looking forward to more :) No, Daryl doesn't want anything good. As for Buffy, she's going to have a tough choice ahead of her. kim 11/27/2006 07:04 pm A Battle of Wills Yep, Spike...use that sharp brain of yours and work out a plan... He was always a good demon fighter. The only beings that really messed him up were Buffy, Glory, and the Ubervamp. And the last was only because he'd been captured and tortured to begin with. You forgot Buffy's mom :) But yes, this Spike can definitely hold his own in a fight, especially with all the training he's been recieving. pretty_in_fangs 11/27/2006 07:00 pm A Battle of Wills Bingbingbing! It all starts to make sense to Spike. And I presume from what was just said that Darryl requires a ... personal audience with all the attractive slaves sent into the Circle? Which included Buffy and includes Spike? And I'm guessing it's not all hearts and roses, either. Really liking this story. Well written. Glad you're enjoying it, and yeah, Daryl is definitely not a hearts and roses guy. It might not have been the evening that he wanted but it was something and the name of the chapter is perfect. Now she has something to think about when she closes her eyes tonight. Excellent chapter, thanks for the read, Icemink. Where is Giles! Good chapter adn excellent start to spuffiness. Hmm I wonder how this change in their relationship is going to affect each of them. Spike is going to be in for a big shock if he thinks Buffy will be easy to seduce since her own trama makes her very guarded. I'm curious to see what the next day will bring after they've both had the chance to think on the kissing and the pseudo date Wonderful chapter. Lİked it so far:) Shanna 11/21/2006 02:36 pm Pandora's Box And this story just keeps getting better. Thanks for the update. I am looking forward to the next. very good read, thank you. love to see spike''s plan progress until he is caught in the middle of it. Cas 11/21/2006 01:06 am Pandora's Box Evil author, you never write enough! Terrific chapter. Poor Spike... poor Buffy... *hugs them both... and cops a feel* hmmm....i have a feeling whatever happened to buffy that has her so freaked is gonna be pretty awful, huh? :( i hope spike knows what he's doing, but i have a feeling he's gonna be in deeper than he wants to be very quickly... :) great chapter, pet, looking forward to more :) Lou 11/20/2006 11:22 pm Pandora's Box Good chapter -- a little progress I think. kim 11/20/2006 09:54 pm Pandora's Box Oh good! Some of the truth is revealed! hee hee...I'd love for her to fun into a Watcher. Is this Spike not the Slayer of Slayers, expert extraordinaire? Or does he not want to give her too much info about the whole Watcher Council thing? Is she still a virgin? I can't remember if you've said..... And she could be a girl, if she wanted to. No one out in the real world knows who she is. She could go anywhere and make a life if she just wanted it bad enough. Oh yeah.....kissage. Nothing like a serious snog to start the ball rolling. Interesting idea about the kitten exchange places (much as I love the little fluffers it was funny). Excellent update. Kathleen Looks like both of them learned something the day of the fight and not I don't blame Spike one bit for trying to get back to his world, "their" world. It's always nice to have a naked Spike to look at even if it's just his chest. So glad that your posting here, I still have trouble with the text at your site. Wonderful read, thanks. Very interesting. Spike's got her number now. tis-kit 11/19/2006 02:25 pm Chapters 7&8 Looks like seduction is the way forward for Spike. This is a fascinating premis for a story. All that Buffy's been through and her consequent fear of the outside world... I'm certainly looking forward to your next update. spike seems to have a plan. he'll probably get caught in his own trap. fun read, thank you. Delighted to see more of this cery unique story. Great update (and TWO chapters....woo hoo). Spike is laying a trap that we all know he'll fall into himself, the dear boy...likely heart first. I am enjoying the relationship that is building with these two warriors. Look forward to more. Kathleen Lou 11/17/2006 03:07 pm Chapters 7&8 That's my boy -- soon you'll be playing her like a violin! kim 11/17/2006 09:23 am Chapters 7&8 Catch more flies with honey, Spike...now you've got the right idea. Ah, he has so much to teach her...she really is clueless. i think spike's playing a dangerous game...buffy's so scarred by her own experiences that she's very suspicious...and she's hardened enough to be dangerous to him...still, i hope his plan works :) golddrake 11/17/2006 04:38 am Chapters 7&8 great chapters Cas 11/17/2006 04:27 am Chapters 7&8 Clever demon, posing for the girl - it would work on me, Spike. Yeah, it would. Wouldn't have taken so long either. Baaaad Spike, hehe Emilee 11/17/2006 03:58 am Chapters 7&8 Oh yay! Finally an update. I really like this story. It was nice getting 2 chapters at once. I think she's in trouble if Spike's strategy is seduction rather then outright rebellion. I'd fall for it. Can't wait for more. Excellent. I think she hit the right button. Lynda 10/10/2006 05:50 am Double Jeopardy If I am correct Buffy doesn't know what a Slayer is and how potent her blood is to a vampire. Great story. vladt 10/10/2006 04:29 am Double Jeopardy am sure that type of "punishment" will be a great deterrent. very good chapter, thank you. Nova 10/08/2006 06:45 pm Double Jeopardy lol like it so far, please update again soon Lou 10/08/2006 04:28 pm Double Jeopardy This Buffy is quite a mystery. hotlipedjen 10/08/2006 09:54 am Double Jeopardy Very interesting. I really love this story!! Poor Spike should have thought about the consequences, before he tried to take her on. But an interesting way to get him off. (no pun intended) Can't wait for more! Emilee 10/08/2006 02:10 am Double Jeopardy Love this story. It's so original! I'm a romantic at heart, so don't mind me hoping for a non-angsty spuffy end. I'll definitely keep reading though just to see where you go with it. Can't wait for more. *the pervert in her is thinking of dirty thoughts about how to use that button on him* kim 10/08/2006 12:29 am Double Jeopardy I can't wait for her education. Gonna be pretty humiliating to go into a room of demons for a fight smelling like that. LOL cas 10/08/2006 12:20 am Double Jeopardy Terrific! "..at least it would have been less messy." LOL What a clever girl this Buffy is. well that was sneaky of her...lol...i'm a bit scared for him after the fight, though...she's probably plenty ticked off after his just trying to kill her *twice* in the space of about two minutes... personally...i think it was on purpose... ;) ...great chapter, and really looking forward to more :) Great update! I'm thinking she hit the right button. Got a little worked up herself and since he's fighting again for her she wanted to give him pleasure. She probably hasn't been aroused maybe ever, so it's Something new for her to deal with. Hope they give him new clothes! Thanks again for the update, I've missed not seeing where this was going and how their relationship would develope. Fabulous read. Nasty Buffy. Good Chapter. Sam 09/30/2006 02:30 pm First Fight I was not sure what to think about this Story in the first few Chaps, but it gets better and better with every Chap. Spike reminds me of Russel Crow in the first part of Gladiator. I really start to like this Story. Please update soon. vladt 09/29/2006 09:54 pm First Fight excellent read, thank you. love spike's last comment. imamped 09/28/2006 11:11 pm First Fight I'm really glad you're going to continue this one. I found it a while ago and thought it wasn't being updated anymore. Even though it's so different than anything in the series you've really managed to catch the voices of Buffy (esp S6 and S7 Buffy) and Spike! Hope to see more soon. Shanna 09/28/2006 08:03 pm First Fight I read all the chapters posted on this fic yesterday and I loved it. It is such a pleasure when someone can find the 'voices' of Spike and Buffy and put them in a whole new world and setting totally away Joss' unsatisfying manipulations.....so thank you. I look forward to more new chapters. lOU 09/28/2006 03:38 pm First Fight She's one tough cookie! Love the new update. I really like this story and look forward to seeing how this works out. Thanks! Verda 09/27/2006 12:07 pm First Fight Thank you for updating this wonderful fic. Apparently your trip to Long Beach and seeing James got your muse going as well, that we all appreciate it more then you know. Hate that Spike's in the position that he's in, fighting for his life again. Can't wait for Buffy to take advantage of the training sessions after effects! Thanks again for this great chapter. This is one hard Buffy! I have no doubt that Spike will find a way to get under her skin eventually though. He always had a way of getting into her heart after all *G*. I missed this story, glad to see this excellent update. Kathleen kim 09/27/2006 06:08 am First Fight I can't wait until he starts teaching her. Lets her know exactly what she is, what she was made for, her destiny. And yeah, he could even help her fit into the real world again. margaret 09/27/2006 03:11 am First Fight thanks for the update! i thought maybe we weren't going to see any more of this fic. glad to see you back No, I'ver just had a hard time writing lately. But I'm back now so there should be more soon. Elizabeth Anne Summers 09/27/2006 03:06 am First Fight Poor spikey-poo ^.^ Cas 09/27/2006 02:29 am First Fight Glad to see you update this story. I love the idea of the center, and how Buffy is ignorant of the possibilities life could hold. Please update more frequently. Thanks, and sorry about the long delay between updates. I'm going to try and get new chapters out much more frequently. excellent update, pet....i was so glad to see that you'd updated, i was beginning to be afraid id never see more of this great story...the backstory on buffy really helps a lot, helped to make everything make sense...poor spike, though...i feel bad that she chose, in the end, to punish him...she's still a slave to the world she lives in, isn't she? can't wait for another update, pet, this one was awesome! :) Thanks. Sorry it took me so long to update. My life's been crazy and I've had a lot of trouble writing recently, but I should be updating a lot more now. And yes, Buffy's very much a prisoner here too. Great chapter. I loved the little blood details, too. Clare 07/19/2006 04:04 am Training Please update this story! It's awesome. You've pulled me in for sure. Please don't leave me wondering? Lou 05/13/2006 10:26 pm Training This is promising. vladt 05/12/2006 07:09 pm Training very good read, thanks Yeah! I am so glad to see this fic updated again, I really enjoyed the first few chapters. I love your 'new' world with the Circle, etc and I can't wait until Buffy and Spike become closer. Great job!! Jess Marie 05/12/2006 05:16 am Training A couple of weeks ago, I wondered what happened to this story. Awesomely glad you're updating again. Great job on this new chapter. Is Spike getting an idea about what Buffy wants to do with him (besides shagging him senseless)? Thanks for the new chapter and more story soon please. excellent chappie LoL, I hope she finds the cock ring... muahahaha yummy Very good, can't wait for more! great update...i love this hardened, world-weary version of the slayer, love the dynamic building between them so far...can't wait for another update...please make it soon!!! :) neo_trinityknot 05/11/2006 10:26 pm Training glad to see an update! Maybe Buffy better give her new slave a reward. vladt 05/09/2006 02:38 am Home excellent tale. enjoying this buffy. you do know you left spike with a minor problem? looking forward to more of buffy's past and whatever she needs spike to do. thanks for the fine read. ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/03/2006 06:09 am Home Hmmm ... interesting storyline. Look forward to seeing where else this goes. This was an intriguing chapter. please please please update soon!!! i love this story and i'm going into withdrawal!!! :( ComedyofErrors 02/06/2006 03:19 am Home Fascinating world you've created in this fic. I like the separation you've established between Buffy and real world. I like Spike's reactions to her and surprise. Look forward to more. This fic has me on the edge of my seat wanting more! Eep, be nice to Spike! hehe... and is she eventually going to help him with the problem in his pants?? Dee 02/04/2006 11:56 pm Home I am enjoying this story. Very original plot. I don't think I have seen it anywhere before. I think you are also doing a good job with the flash backs. Gadz. Can Spike take off the cock ring now or does he have to keep it on until she takes it off? Weird story but I want more please. Still loving this story! I love the way Buffy revealed she was the Slayer to him...am intrigued as to just what exactly she has to do with him, why it's so important, etc...can't wait for the next chapter!! neo_trinityknot 02/04/2006 09:15 pm Home YAYAYAY! Update! Cant wait to find out what she is doing SpaceLord 02/04/2006 08:05 pm Home Well good chapter and I really do love the idea with the slave market and center. Works very well Fantastic chapter!! I am really loving this twist you added by Buffy not knowing what she was. And Spike pretty much being canon Spike. Can't wait until you update again!! just sue 02/04/2006 06:45 pm Home Am loving this so far - and I don't expect to stop! You are painting a cruel, hard world with many interesting differences. Thanks ever so and hope to read more soon. Very exciting, but Buffy shouldn't be complaining that she couldn't see what she was getting, under the circumstances. MORE MORE! I can't wait to see what you do with this! I like that. I like that "no-so-saint" Buffy. Hope you will not keep us without update for too long. But is it so obvious that Spike is the one to be the poor little (sex) slave? This is the third story in the row with enslaved Spike. Ok, he's like made for it ;-) But I'm waiting for something with enslaved Buffy and Master Spike. That could be fun too. ;-) This is intriguing! The Slayer wants a vampire as a fighter? I'm too blonde to figure this out so I need more story please. SpaceLord 01/31/2006 07:52 am The Sale Nice chapter, I like this take on the challenge it feels like a really novel idea and it really seems to work. Awesome chapter Icemink! I really love this story. I didn't even know I had a 'slave Spike' fetish until I began reading all these awesome fics. I like Buffy's history here, very believable! Lol. What sane woman wouldn't have a 'slave Spike' fetish? Glad you like it. Hope to have more soon. Oooo pleasure button!! *grabs the bracelet and starts playing with the button* I keep reading this review and laughing. Got to love the pleasure button. LOL, is Spike in for a suprise. Great chappie jl1980 01/31/2006 02:20 am The Sale I'm loving this, really! The bracelet idea is cool...very intriguing...and boy is he in for a surprise when he actually tries to get away from her! Poor Spike! I can't wait for your next update!! neo_trinityknot 01/31/2006 01:44 am The Sale YAY! Update! I love this story! It could be amusing to see if he could even touch her arm before she ripped his off. Oooh, I'm very intrigued; Buffy's the Slayer, but she's never seen a vampire dusted?? Hmm; can't wait to read more, and luckily there's lots of chapters! Hee hee! she hated signing autographs - LMAO. Great start, but why hasn't Buffy ever fought a vampire? Will all be explained? Interesting start, Ice, but why is Buffy famous? Oh yeah loving this one This is an interesting answer to the challenge, can't wait to see more. daisy 01/29/2006 10:27 pm The Slave Market ohhh great start. can't wait for more Burnz 01/29/2006 10:03 am The Slave Market I like it! I look forward to your updates. :) very very good start...i am intrigued by this version of Buffy, and want to know what's gone on in her past...a very unique approach to this challenge... can't wait for your next update!! Thanks so much. I really like Buffy's character, so I like to play with who she might have been if different things had happened to her. I should have the next update soon. Jenna 01/29/2006 06:33 am The Slave Market Very promising start. I especially liked the fight at the end. The hints at Buffy's past are intriguing. Hope you continue this. Glad you liked it. I'm definitely conintiuing it. Glad you liked the fight, and there will be more of Buffy's past to come. um the story line is a little confusing. if she's a slayer, then why is she surprised at seeing a vampire being dusted?? otherwise it has lots of potential. keep updating. Sorry about any confusion. Why Buffy's never seen a vampire dusted should become clearer in the next chapter. bluebird 01/29/2006 03:39 am The Slave Market interesting start Please write more soon Typerbabe57 01/29/2006 03:09 am The Slave Market Great start--this promises to be very interesting and I look forward to the next chapter! 01/29/2006 03:05 am The Slave Market neo_trinityknot 01/29/2006 02:18 am The Slave Market *bounces* I love it, more please! Zoegrace 01/29/2006 02:07 am The Slave Market very nice start. A lot of people are responding to this particular challenge. I've got an idea brewing myself...a couple actually. don't know if i'll ever get around to them though. Thanks. It is a nice sort of open ended challenge. The sort of thing that you could do a whole bunch of different ways. My first idea for it was actually cannon, but this is more fun. Lou 01/29/2006 01:51 am The Slave Market Great fun - more please. Yay! My first review. Don't worry I do intend to contiue, I just need to get a bit more organized, but it should be soon. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |