A Different Light by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 10

08/26/2008 01:10 am
very good read, thank you. wonderful twist with the gem.
I couldn't resist the irony.

08/21/2008 08:38 pm
I want to cry.
Denial-Buffy - she would.

08/21/2008 08:17 am
no buffy! don't let him go!!!!! brilliant chappies, i haven't been reviewing the past few, sorry! but, i did love them all. loved the fact it was a dragon, how he was intelligent, was waiting for someone to suggest they send him home, knew spike loved buffy and would want to stay, loved how that scene played out, and really want buffy to realize she can't go back to her normal life and be without him! love the twist about the gem still being on earth. can't wait for the end!
Oh, I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  Last chapter coming up.

08/21/2008 05:08 am
I guess you don't have 45 days in which to cure Buffy's blindness. LOL

Very painful (and, given the circumstances, rather inevitable) parting. Part of me was really hoping they would stay, even though I didn't think Buffy would...I think they could have been very happy there. *sigh*

Still loving the fic, can't wait to see where the next chap goes.

I don't think even 45 days would do it. :D  I liked this world too and was sorry to have to let it go.  Last chapter coming up.

08/21/2008 04:03 am
From high joy to deep sorrow...all in one chapter.  Looking forward to how this situation will resolve.
Thank you!  I'm so glad you like it!  Last chapter coming right up.

08/20/2008 10:22 pm
Aw man.  I want the rest.  I guess I'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow.  This chapter was great, though.  Poor Spike.
Thank you for liking it!  That's Buffy, isn't it?  Half the time, watching the show, I wanted to whack her over the head with a two by four and yell, "Wake up!"

08/20/2008 09:45 pm
So much bling! Dragon scales, medals, rings, and all the rest of the Amara trove, too. They are showered with riches, but will Buffy recognize the greatest treasure before her? Can't wait until tomorrow!
You know Buffy - always in denial.  I'm so glad you like it!

08/20/2008 08:57 pm
Noo!! Please bring him back!! In the one chapter that's left... :-s Oh no!! Badness. Fix it please.
Wow!  I'm so glad you like it!  Last chapter up tomorrow.

08/20/2008 08:36 pm
How I hate Buffy let me count the ways!You have to get them together...My poor Spike.(I wish!)
What a great chappy, can't wait untill the next one.What a hell of a story.
Oh, thank you!  I'm so glad you like it!  It had to happen - Buffy's still in denial as always.

08/20/2008 08:22 pm
Oh no! They can't split up now! Come on... find a way for them to get back together......
Had to happen.  I'm so glad you're liking this!  Thank you!

08/20/2008 07:38 pm
Another heartbreakingly wonderful chapter!
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!

Gill B
08/20/2008 04:18 pm
Poor Spike - shafted as usual...  I can only hope that you have a little something up your sleeve to make it up to him.
Oh, yeah!  Last chapter up tomorrow.  I'm curious.  How close did my ideas come to yours?  :D

08/20/2008 03:50 pm
GAH!!!  That was awful!  (not badly written, mind you, just...so sad!)  Why did they have to leave?  The 45 days...  sigh.  You're the writer, I'll have to trust you.

And -  are you NUTS?  Thinking we'd get bored with THAT??  I'm planning to go back and read all your stuff now, this was so good.  Looking forward to more new writing, too, mind you.  :)
It had to happen sooner or later, right?  And it would have been just as painful for Spike then!

Wow!  Thank you!  You wouldn't believe how nervous I was!  I'd only done straight romance before.  I love writing Spuffy, so there will definitely be more!

08/20/2008 03:31 pm
I want to cry!
It had to happen sooner or later.  Thank you for liking it!

08/20/2008 03:19 pm
aww so sad! great chapter! looking forward to the end!
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  Last chapter up tomorrow.

08/20/2008 03:08 pm
Thanks for another great chapter - I'm looking forward to the next!
Thank you for liking it!  Last one up tomorrow.

08/20/2008 02:06 pm
Well, that's pretty crappy of Buffy, although completely expected.  It takes a lot to get through that thick skull of hers!  I'm counting on you to make it right! ;o)
You know Buffy - denial all the way!