148 days by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: One shot

01/16/2012 02:51 pm
Just like Buffy to realize what she had and what she wanted a little to late.

01/16/2009 01:33 pm
Very nice sequeway between the two events.  It's always good to read about Buffy just letting it loose.

01/13/2009 10:51 am
I lurk, and rarely if ever leave reviews, but this demands that I do so.  I found when I reached the end, that I had tears rolling down my face.  Very heartbreaking, and very touching.  Excellent job.
Yay for me! :-) I'm glad I could compel to you tears and to leave a review!

01/13/2009 06:03 am
I really love to think that she did mourn, did hope.  They never made it seem so in the Angel episodes or the comics but I know the Buffy I saw in S7 would have...this is her.  Nice one shot (even if it would beg for a reunion sequel LOL).

S7 Buffy definitely would have missed him and mourned for him- they were so close at the end. Silly writers. Glad you liked.

01/13/2009 03:27 am
Aw, Buffy. No tears for 148 days? He shed a few. Much healthier.

This is so sad, and then just frustrating, since you know she'll be suffering for much, much longer than necessary.

Very well done. I especially liked this passage:

“He counted,” she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut tightly to stop the tears that threatened to break free at the mere thought of Spike. She took a deep breath and focused her gaze on a nearby bush, struggling to keep her voice even.

Glad you liked. Thanks for reading!

01/13/2009 01:32 am
“He counted,” ...“So I counted too. One hundred forty-eight days.” Wow! Great line, so short, so perfect. I love this. I want more but I don't at the same time because it is really a beautiful moment. WOW!
Aww, I'm glad to hear! Especially glad to hear you don't want more :-p Just a short burst of inspiration :-) Thanks for reading!

01/13/2009 12:19 am
good, except it was only 19 days, unless you just wanted to change that.  there should be a continuation showing their reunion or something.

01/13/2009 12:14 am
good, except it was only 19 days, unless you just wanted to change that.  there should be a continuation showing their reunion or something.
Was 19 days canon? Oops. Oh well, I changed it :-)