The Struggle For Good by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Three

07/11/2009 06:05 am
Glad to see a Spike story that will explore his blood lust and extreme measures that he has to deal with in order to not feed from humans.  For all the vast amount of Spike centered stories, so few of them ever really bring in this theme and yet it would have to be one of the most important things of his life and transformation journey arc. 

Looking forward to see how your handle the theme -

06/28/2009 05:56 am
 :) Spike plotting revenge against the slayer, that sounds about right.  I feel bad for him, settling for Dru.  Still captured by this story, off to read next chapter!

06/26/2009 11:22 pm
Yep, revenge is sweet but does Spike really want this?

06/17/2009 11:55 am
Oh I just love this!! I hope you'll be able to update soon ;) Don't feel pressured though
I'll try my very best!! :-) Thank you for your encouragement.

06/17/2009 09:05 am
Trouble's a brewin'! Very interesting route you're taking with this. I loved the bit about the shameful secret he and Dru never discuss. She likes her games, does Dru.
Spike just can't hold his tongue when he's hurting. Can't say I blame him though. Let's hope Dru's games don't go wrong.... Glad you're liking this.

06/17/2009 03:35 am
Hmmmm not the direction I expected it to go.  Now I'm anxious to see the next chapter. :)
I hope it wasn't an unpleasant surprise! :-) Thanks for reading.

06/17/2009 12:29 am
love it please update soon
I'll try! Thanks for reading, as always.

06/17/2009 12:23 am
yeah, sorry, but i won't be continuing this one.  i don't see any spuffy happening here, especially not after he just ruined any chance he may have had.  it's too upsetting, and seeing him back with dru and all lovey dovey with her makes me sick.  and using dawn like that, i definitely don't like this spike, i have a feeling i never will, so i'll just step away now, good luck with the rest of it.
Sorry to hear that. To be honest, I can't reassure you because I'm not entirely sure where this is going myself! :-) Thank you for your support anyway.

06/16/2009 11:33 pm
You're doing a lovely job with Dru. I find myself enjyoying this in spite the fact that Spike is drawing things out with Dru. Great work!
Thank you! Dru is such a difficult character to write, and I hope I'm not making too much of a mess :-) Glad you're enjoying it, even if it's not the Spuffiest of starts.