One Glorious Summer by dawnofme
Chapter: Two

12/23/2009 12:02 pm
I'm intrigued... Can't wait for more!
:)  Thank you.  I hope you enjoy the rest.

12/23/2009 01:15 am
 I am pretty much in love with the concept for this story! This can be added to my long list of lovely Spuffy-centric endings instead of the goings on of the comics! so this is pretty much awesome! Can't wait for more!!! :)
Thank you very much.  :)  I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

12/22/2009 10:48 pm
LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! I love the idea behind it. And I love that banner on this chapter! I really liked Buffy's comparison of Angel and the little girl. Oooohh I'm so excited that you have a new story! I can't wait for more! Will he notice her and be drawn to her? Will she tell him that she at least knew him and sugar coat their past? Maybe not mention all the nasties aka being a vampire until they're out on a date and she has to dust one? Squee! So many possibilities! Can't wait!!!!
I'm thrilled that you love it!  :)  I always viewed Angel as being a like a petulant child. 

And I was so excited when Amy did that banner for me!  She's very talented. 

I'll have two more chapters posted tomorrow.