Denial by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter four

01/29/2010 04:26 pm
You wrote at the end of this chapter that "Reviews are like a taste of the most delicious chocolate".  Well, reading your chapters are like a taste of great chocolate to me, too!!!
*blushes* Can I hug you and then kiss you in a very inappropiate way? Can I?? :D I love reviews, especially if they're as sweet as yours. *smacks her lips* Thank you!!! :D

01/21/2010 12:49 am
I am loving this story. The banter is top notch.
Then I did my job right. ;) Thank you for being awesome and leaving me this lovely review, Brett!!! :D

01/11/2010 04:10 pm
Hurry up with the next chapter...Pretty please!!!!!!!
*grins* Since you asked so nicely, how can I possibly refuse?? I can't! An update some time this week... possibly mid-week. Thank you for the yummy review, Bynee!!! :D

01/11/2010 05:19 am
I know all about the suckage of school work, and I feel your pain. But I love this story so much, I hope you're able to find time to keep writing.

This was another great chapter. I loved the fun conversation between Spike and Buffy in bed, and the real look at Buffy's thoughts about it. Spike's comforting her and his worries at the start were well done, too. You always use such great word choice as the story flows along, fitting both characters and showing the scene perfectly without over-done descriptions. Great job, and I can't wait to read more!
Fellow suffering student, hmm? We should have a secret handshake or something! :D Sorry, I'm just being silly. No worries though, I can always find some time to write Spuffy, I wouldn't give that hobby up for anything and reviews like yours are the reason I'm doing it. ;)

Now you're just trying to make me blush and sing! :D I'm happy you like the thoughts parts and the way I write it. Between you and me I have a problem with using too much description so I'm glad to know you think the story flows. You just make me feel giddy and accomplished, so I'll just hug you! Thank you so much for the lovely review!!! :)

01/11/2010 05:09 am
There can never be enough Spuffy banter, full of snark and innuendo.  Fun story, keep it coming!
I'd say you're my kinda girl. ;) I LOVE Spuffy banter... they're just so childish it makes you laugh! I'm super glad you're having fun reading it, and thank you for the awesome review, Dreylin!!! :D

01/11/2010 02:52 am
Keep it going.  Great Story.  Can't wait for more.
*grins* Thank you for the lovely review, Pam!!! :D

01/11/2010 01:35 am
 “Buffy, I’m not gonna molest you. If someone’s going to be molesting someone here, it’s gonna be you.”

I don't know why but I absolutely loved this line. Maybe its just the word molest, that makes me laugh for 5 minutes straight, but any who again the banter was superb. I also liked Spike's line in the end the you don't know me at all thing, it was a good balance of funny banter and bordering on deep emotion!......So I can't wait for more! :D

You just made me feel awesome with that delicious review of yours!!! *hugs* I LOVE it when you tell me which line you liked and that it actually made you laugh. :D I feel like I've done something right. There will be some embarrassment in the next chapter, so I hope you'll like it! I'm glad you noticed that in the end... they really don't know much about each other and it's not all about want, it's supposed to be about trust and love too. :) Thank you for being so amazing and leaving me the review!!! :)