How Twilight Won Spike Over by coalitiongirl
Chapter: oneshot

sister cuervo
07/14/2011 02:37 pm
Hhilarious! RapturedAngel is the One true Vader.  One can hope Spike doesn't end up with his hand cut off.  Again.  Love your writing.  It always is a pleasure to read such a skilled writer.

04/24/2010 01:14 am
 Glad you enjoyed! :)

04/11/2010 03:59 pm
 This was just perfection and so completely hilarious! Wonderful Job!
 Haha, thanks! It's a bit obsolete now, but sadly, most of the crack's still there- there's just more, better crack now. :D

03/28/2010 07:20 pm

Clearly, she and the Scoobies have been abducted by the Powers That Be and replaced by fake Scoobies! - you're right!  It's the only possible explanation - except for Xander who is no more stupid than previously

 Naturally! Although oddly, Xander has gotten much smarter in the comics... which also fits neatly with the fake!Scoobies idea! :P

01/26/2010 02:08 am
Great Twangel Spoof - well done
 Thank you! Glad you like it! :D

01/25/2010 09:17 am
“Clearly, she and the Scoobies have been abducted by the Powers That Be and replaced by fake Scoobies! I see now that that must be your mission! To defeat these false, out of character child-people and save Buffy and her friends! I will help you, because I am the true messiah of this world!”

Brilliant,   OMG , the comics, the fans, the pencilers, Powers That Be Writting Stuff,  looool

You are my hero
 Glad you enjoyed it! It's so frustrating for me to sit through the absurdity of the comics without any way that I can :D

01/25/2010 04:40 am
Somebody certainly needs to save Buffy from them!

And it would nice if the comics made sense too.
 Lol, if only they did! :D

01/25/2010 03:44 am
Heh heh - just the roasting the comics and Twilight deserved. :)
 Always glad to oblige. ;) Apparently, i now vent through fanfiction! :D

01/25/2010 01:03 am
OMG LMAO!!! This was so frikkin great and hi-larious. You know how I feel about the comics and the discussions have been fun, so this fic is made of WIN!

Nearly peed myself with this..

"You and Buffy have a lovechild! I knew that Connor wasn't the only one!"
"What?" Angel squinted at the picture. "You're a moron,Spike. That's Buffy."
Spike chortled with uncontrolled laughter until he realized that Angel was scowling at him. "You're serious? But she looks like she could barely pass for twelve!"

Loved Angel's god like superiority complex and the Satsu and Xander snark and the lines about the Powers That Be Writing Staff and how they all must be guys. And Spike's lines about sparkling and Robert Pattinson were BRILLIANT! omg I'm still laughing!
Wonder if Joss is aware of all the mockery his comics have brought about? Hahaha

This fic is awesome and I'll definitely read it whenever I need to LMAO! Thanx for sharing! :)
 I'm glad you enjoyed it! The absurdity of the storylines in the comics alone makes me wonder how Spike is going to react to it in the actual comics... :D Although, somehow I doubt it'll go like this. :( 

Hee...and Spike's got a lot more than sparkling on Robert Pattinson. ;)

01/24/2010 11:17 pm
Epic Win. I loved reading this, since I've been participating the the thread- it's funny to read all the complaints we've all made
-Take that Robert Pattinson indeed.
 Glad you liked it- that thread makes me laugh at the idiocy that is the comics so much, I had to return the favor! :D

01/24/2010 11:00 pm
Still swiping tears...this is definitely going to be used for a pick me up...Thanks for sharing Coalitiongirl!  I loved this!

"I'm sparkling! I'm sparkling!" Spike shouted joyfully.  "Take that, Robert Pattinson!"  I loved that and then to bewilderment....brilliantly done!
 Glad you enjoyed it! The spoilers and the comics themselves get me so frustrated that I had to vent somehow- and how better than through fanfiction?! :D