Denial by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter nine

02/04/2010 04:02 am
Good for Will seeing the consequences of what she wrought! Hee..hee.
Oh yeah! She finally found the time to fix her mess, though it took her a lot of time.... not that Buffy is complaining, not really. ;) Thank you for the yummy review, Joyce!!! :D

02/01/2010 06:13 am
Now that was hot. Really, did Buffy actually think teasing a vampirre was a good idea? Once again, I commend Buffy's self control for being able to resisit as long as she did (even if I think she's an idoit for it)
Damn, now Willow's here to undo the spell. I can just see Buffy hitting denial again the minute she doesn't need to be around Spike all the time.
Can't wait for more!
Hee... was it? ;) Then I think you'll like the next chapters quite a bit. Buffy hasn't always been the brightest blulb in the box, has she? lol Poor Buffy though, she would have jumped his bones already if people didn't keep interrupting. Such a shame, really. :P
Or will she? Hee... can't tell you, but I think you'll like what comes next. ;) More probably on Wednesday and thank you for the awesome review, Niori!!! :D

02/01/2010 04:24 am
 again with the interruptions! Hehe but again wonderful job! I am on the edge of my seat! :)
:P I'm a big tease that way. Oooh, I like having you at the edge of your seat! Maybe I should just tie you to the chair, but that would be kinky. ;) Thank you for the compliment and the scrumptious review!!! :D