Exeunt by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: What is seen cannot be unseen

12/19/2013 04:07 pm

Whoa!  In the first chapter you delivered the gut punch.    On to the next chapter. 

Thanks for coming along for another ride!

11/15/2013 12:15 pm
  I just finishedreading a story about this exact scenario,  nothing against that other author, but this was better.
  It was very, very vivid.  I am still processing, but this was really well done.
Thank you so very much! I hope you like the rest as well.

11/08/2013 11:13 pm
OMG!!! Spike is dust! (Un-do it! Un-do it!)
Eventually! Eventually! (I think...)

11/08/2013 01:34 am

what a start! having just come to the story and it being 12.35 in the morning I should go to bed but I need to read on! I love your fics!

Thanks so much, Mazza! Always a pleasure to have you along for the ride. 

11/04/2013 08:02 am

The angst has already started and I suspect it will be there for a long time now. I expect that Spike will be back at the end, but wich metos will bring him back, wish, african demon or other? Well we will find out.

Yes you will, with plenty of angst and soul searching along the way. 

11/02/2013 01:15 pm
Oh, wow! What a beginning!
I always hated Xander's judgmental attitude in this episode. He'd dumped Anya in the most public and humiliating manner possible, yet he still felt that he had the right to tell her off. Buffy wasn't quite as bad, but her reaction was still out of order. You don't get that jealous without there being a strong emotion involved - which she had denied having!
I can't wait to find out where you take them. Hope someone makes a vengeance to Anya on Spike's behalf....
I totally agree - neither Xander nor Buffy really had a leg to stand on in this episode.

I'm not 100% sure where this is going yet, but we will see.

11/02/2013 04:52 am
well damn...  what a way to start.  Gripping right from the get go.  Can't wait for the next installment. 
I have just delievered the next installment, so enjoy. 

11/02/2013 04:50 am
Right back at ya! :-)

11/02/2013 01:11 am
Holy Cr@p! You dusted Spike! Please bring him back!! Looking forward to a happy ending.
The ending should satifsy, but it will take a bit to get to.

Meanwhile, have a little angst, on me. 

11/01/2013 01:05 pm
It always pissed me off that Xander and Buffy thought they had the right to be upset at what Anya and Spike did. Xander and Buffy ended the relationships. Anya and Spike were free agents. Besides it wasn't like they were becoming a couple. It was misery sex. Comfort sex nothing more. Two brokenhearted people trying to find comfort in one another. They weren't cheating. It wasn't done to get back and Xander and Buffy. Truth be told it had very little to do with them. Anya and Spike just needed to be needed by someone at that moment. To let them know that there wasn't anything wrong with them because they had been dumped.

But it's all about them isn't it? Now Spike is dust, Buffy's been outed, Dawn is upset and Xander has stormed off.
All of what you said is true, but unfortunately, the characters can't hear you yet! So, they'll have to work their way around to that point of view on their own. Therein lies the tale. 

11/01/2013 03:49 am
Shoot!  He's dusted Spike!  How are you going to get me a happy ending out of this?  I guess I'll have to wait and see.
You will have to wait and see. I like to write my way out of well-nigh impossible situations!

11/01/2013 02:12 am
This a a pretty shocking and devastating start.   Now I just have to hope there's a light somewhere.  Pretty please?
There will be a light...eventually...I believe... 

But there will be a lot of angstiness before then, fair warning.