Exeunt by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Into the Desert

12/19/2013 04:22 pm

The old adage really fits here: 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone.'

Ok, now I've got Big Yellow Taxi running through my head...

11/21/2013 11:57 pm
That long walk gave Buffy plenty of time to be honest with herself without any distractions. 
Sometimes a long walk is exactly what you need. 

11/19/2013 06:44 am
I want more! Especially if Dawn & Buffy get to give Xander hell for staking Spike.
It will happen, eventually..

11/16/2013 01:15 pm
Xander is in really deep denial about Spike's attributes isn't he? I mean he said it himself, Spike is compact and well muscled! I can understand him being upset but he has no place to say anything or to dust Spike. He dumped Anya in the most public, painful, humilating way. His reasons don't matter. For him to get on his high horse is a bit hypocritical too. Anya slaughters more people than Spike could have ever hoped to when he was evil. But that didn't matter because Xander was sleeping with her. But the same rules don't apply to Buffy.

Glad to see she is missing him and realizing why she misses him. Buffy isn't known for her introspection so it's good to see her doing it now.

The hell thing is the one thing I never understood on the show though. If vamps don't have souls how can they go to hell? There isn't a soul to send. They just cease to exist.
Well, I figured if Spike himself was convinced he was going to hell in Angel, then there must be something to it. I figured their soul must go to some sort of limbo, to be processed when they are well and truly, really most sincerely dead. 

11/15/2013 12:39 pm
No! Not text! :-)

11/15/2013 12:39 pm
  Whew, angst.  You've captured the Scooby dynamic really well here.  I am watching Buffy and Angel with my niece and We're currently about midway through season 6 and this feels like that time period.
  As to the Scooby dynamic, they never really got into any kind of lasting fights.  They always forgave each other without ever actaully getting over the reasons they were upset.  I'm getting that here as well.  They never placed enough blame.

  In my rewatch I founnd out that I sometimes like Xander a great deal,  ut then he goes on rants and gets really really full of himself and holier than everybody and I hqve to hate him for a while.  That's the Xander your currently writing and you are doing a fantastic job,  I hate the hell outta him,lol.

  Cool story so far, I really can't wait to see where your headed here.
Xander as a character really got on my nerves by the end of the show. He became so thick headed at times you just wanted to pound him. Hopefully I will get him to see the light in this story.

11/14/2013 02:12 pm

Yeah.  You've got Buffy down pat.  She is definitely not good with the self analysis.  Update, please? 

Working! Should be up today.

11/11/2013 12:08 pm

This gave Buffy some time to think, but also gave her some more "normal" troubles.

I liked the fact that the whole sixth season was about how awful those normal troubles could be.

11/09/2013 11:13 pm

Please let her punch Xander, or stab him. Please?

Well, not immediately...

11/08/2013 01:53 am

I like the way you've made Buffy think over her feelings. Xander really needs to be punched ( and I don't usually advocate violence), he was so wrong about this, especially after leaving Anya at the altar. Just one little thing, I think you mean Principal Snyder not Skinner (unless Buffy turned up in the Simpsons!). Looking forward to the next chapter.

LOL, I can't believe I typed that. Thanks for noticing - I fixed that. No idea how my brain went into Simpsons mode.

It's been a looooong week. 

11/08/2013 12:13 am
So glad to see Buffy having a rare session of introspection and being honest with herself.

Xander by contrast is being characteristically stubbornly self-righteous and refusing to see what's under his nose. I never did understand the sudden claim in S7 that he was the one who sees - because until that little scene with Dawn in 'Potential' he had had his eyes well and truly closed when he wasn't diving deeply into that river in Egypt.
Boating down de Nile - always Xander's way. Maybe he'll see the light by the end of the fic.