Sins of the Father by Laura Siri
Chapter: Chapter 16: Power Play

08/27/2006 06:29 am
something tells me she wont be thrilled about that when she's feeling a bit better..great chapter though :)

02/05/2006 12:09 am
Oh. My. God. Fuck that! Why the hell should Spike get away with that?! That asshole! He practically raped her! I mean, sure, she enjoyed it but did he have to be such as ass about it?!?! She's going through something and learning stuff about her past and here's Spike being a dick because she decided to freeze him so she could be alone for a while. Please, oh PLEASE let Buffy extract some vengence on him in the next chapter, please?!?! (Wow, I kinda sounded like Anya a bit there, lol). Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Spuffy lovin' and always have been. But when Spike treats her like that, thats taking it too far. Lol, wow I can rant and rave with the best of 'em. Sorry if I sound like a bitch, I just hate it when Buffy or women in general are demened in any way. Just know that I love your fic, except for the whole Spike-being-an-asshole-thing.
Ok, you'll see in the next chapter that its not quite as bad as I made it out to be... and Spike kinda had a point in doing what he did. The world Buffy lives in consists of predators and prey, and Spike was trying to remind Buffy that acting on emotion makes you prey. Also, as in the show, SOF Buffy is struggling with her darker side and trying to sort out what she is and what she isn't. She was raised by a monster, and I kind of feel like Spike was reminding her that she has a long way to go to becoming a REAL monster. And that she's a lot closer to redemption than she thinks.

But thank you for reading Priscilla... I appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think. :) And don't worry, Spike's still gonna get messed with...

02/03/2006 11:32 pm
Believe me when I say I am definitly still following this story. I check all the time to see if you've updated it. I love it. This chapter was no exception. Can't wait for more!
I've set up a new writing schedule. Mondays and Fridays. So I will be posting those days (or sooner). Thanks for reading!

02/03/2006 09:09 pm
Woohoo! Way to go Spike! It seems to be time for her to come to grips with her slayer status. Spike and Giles need to help her find a plan to stay safe from her father. Thanks for coming back to this story.
MarzBar, you're still there! Thanks for keeping with me... am working on having a set writing schedule of Mon and Fri, and I'm chaining myself to it this time, dammit!! :)

02/03/2006 04:39 pm
great chapter

02/03/2006 10:53 am
So happy to get more of this fascinating story. The sex weren't bad either! LOL

Looking forward to the 'coming soon' bit - hope it will.

Thanks so much.

02/03/2006 07:36 am
I'm so glad to read your update. This is such a good story. Can't wait to read more.
thank you!