Buyer Beware by just_sue
Chapter: 5

06/11/2006 10:55 am
Must see what that scream was about! LOL

03/29/2006 07:38 am
Awesome update of this one! {is very glad that she is catching up which means she can read several chapters in a row}
Thanks, Tasha. So kind of you to review each one. BFN

03/21/2006 02:49 am
I love crybaby Spike. I was just watching Belonging the other day and Spike, for all his big love affair with Dru, lights a cigarette while he's talking to Buffy. Too hot.
Thank you!

02/12/2006 06:58 pm
This was great! Can't wait for more!
Thank you! More on its way now. Hope you like.

02/08/2006 05:33 pm
Spike is having nightmares maybe? It was good to see a little bit of the old Spike show up. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! Don't worry - Spike is in there and we just need to coax him out. BFN.

02/07/2006 06:51 am
Grr, you're evil! I want to know why Spike screamed and you're going to make me wait a whole week to find out. Great chapter Sue, you're doing awesome!
Er, thank you! Am really chuffed that you're liking and sorry about the wait (can't go any damned faster!). Hope next week gives you adequate answers.

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN.

02/07/2006 06:03 am
wonderful, I love this story very much.
Thank you! Am very happy that you like and hope it will continue.

Thanks for reviewing.

Jess Marie
02/07/2006 05:17 am
ACK! No! Don't leave us this way! =)
Oooops! Sorry, it just happened that way. I don't s'pose saying more next Monday will help?

Thanks for your sincere feedback! BFN.

02/07/2006 02:36 am
"Here I am, Slayer. Yours and damned." GOD!!! With every new chapter you write, the more I'm wondering why you haven't posted anything before?!? You are an amazing writer! You give me chills, I tell you!
And I'm especially loving--no, hating--no, lov--I DON'T KNOW! But the way you keep satisfying one cliffhanger only to leave us with another one is exquisite and horrible and I don't want you to stop! And now we have to wait a whole week! ARG!
Okay. Insano-girl has left the building. Great chapter. Seriously. I am so pimping this story out to my sister!

I'm taking the chills to be a compliment, so 'yay' me! I'm happy that it is entertaining you and hope your sister doesn't mind having things pimped to her (that expression always makes me smirk!).

Lord help me when you don't like something! 'Cos I'm pretty damned sure you'll tell me! LOL

I love your reviews - naturally - and they give me much smiling pleasure. Read the warning at the beginning of the next chapter as I don't want you going somewhere that would make you uncomfortable. Bye, sweetie. xxx

02/07/2006 01:57 am
Wonderful chapter. I liked Buffy's conversation with Spike. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Thank you, Irina. Happy that you enjoyed and hope next one isn't too much for you.

Thanks for reviewing. BFN.

02/07/2006 12:50 am
Thank you, Margaret! Very happy that you are enjoying and grateful that, as you can't have more, you are content with a weekly update. *smiles fondly your way*

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN.

02/06/2006 10:58 pm
So far this is an amazing story. Poor Spike, he's been through hell! Poor Buffy too, losing everyone like that. I hope they'll be good for one another. Can't wait to see what happens next. Update ASAP!!!
Thank you! My hopes are the same as yours, that they'll be good for each other. Who knows what will happen though? And next chapter will be a bit stressful in parts.

More next Monday and thanks for reviewing. BFN.

02/06/2006 09:47 pm
I'm liking this story better all the time. Did Spike have a bad dream? Wouldn't be surprising given the life he's had since the filthy Initiative. More story please.
Thank you! I think your surmise is pretty spot on - beginning of next chapter not for the faint hearted.

Thanks for reviewing. BFN.

02/06/2006 09:00 pm
All right evil woman! I've finally, finally accepted that I shall have to eagerly await Monday for another installment.....sigh!

I adore this story and your Spike is a wonderful characterization. He's beaten, broken and "conditioned" but at the same time not defeated or destroyed. His bravery in dealing with his impossible position was heartening. Bravo!

Love your Buffy, still so clueless but getting there. She's more compassionate too....go Buffy.

Now about that scream............ ::::glares at Sue:::...... Looks like I'm just going to have to rush down to that basement and do some comforting doesn't it??

OK! *shoves pointy hat to back of head and leans on broomstick*

I seem to be winning the evil vote - and I hadn't even entered the competition!

Am so happy that you are enjoying and I would, if I wasn't so evil, warn you against dashing down to the basement right now. But since when did anyone listen to me? It ain't gonna be pretty is all I'm saying.

Glare away - but they'll still be more next week! LOL

Hugs, sweetie, and thanks for your somewhat kind words!

02/06/2006 08:49 pm
Ohhh, you´re evil. How can you stop it like that...There?. I want to know why Spike was screaming. And now I have to wait to next week? See... you´re evil. :-)) Great Story. Keep the good work.
Thank you... I think? LOL

I am trying to ignore all these accusations of being evil as the muse takes umbrage and disappears in a huff for days on end! Leaving me on the edge of a cliff!

Happy that despite my shortfallings you are still enjoying. Thanks for reviewing (!). BFN.

02/06/2006 05:26 pm
You can't leave it there! More as soon as you can. PLEASE! Excellent chp!
I can! I did! More next Monday.

Thank you for reviewing and I just wish I could type faster! LOL

02/06/2006 05:14 pm
oh bad evil cliffhanger!! awesome chapter though. I am really enjoying this story!! I love your Spike in this and the way you are building this up, Spike and Buffy are like a match made in heaven. Sooo cannot wait to read the rest!!
Thank you, BSB! The evil cliff opened up in front of me - what could I do?

Am really happy that you are enjoying - next chapter worries me as I'll have to post warnings (yikes!). Ho hum.

Will be hoping to make Spike and Buffy a match, though whether heaven or not only time will tell.

Thanks for your kind words. BFN.

02/06/2006 04:59 pm
Great chapter, it's realy worth waiting.
Thank you! Glad you liked and I'm relieved you don't mind waiting a week.

Thanks for reviewing.

02/06/2006 02:48 pm
I'm loving this story...the storyline is unique and Buffy's attitude is refreshing. only one complaint---why do you wait so long between postings? Please *on knees begging* can't we have more now?
Thank you, jeni! Am really glad you're enjoying and sorry I write so slow.

There is no more to be had until it is beta'd, and then they'll be no more until it is written. Hope you'll still be around to read.

I knew I should have finished it before posting but that means it wouldn't be around for I don't know how long - and I might have lost interest in it before completing it. Hope you're off your knees now!

Thanks for reviewing. BFN (I hope!).

02/06/2006 02:36 pm
Fantastic Chapter. Wish I did not have to wait until next monday for more. Wonder what the pained scream was all about. Hate cliff hangers / Please update soon and more often. Love this story.
Thank you, Bernadette! The cliff moved into my path and I just had to stop! But at least you didn't say I was evil! LOL

Sorry I write so slow but unless you know of someone who would like to type while I think out loud...

Happy you are enjoying but am afraid it's still Monday next for more. And it's not gonna be without a warning at the beginning. *ducks and hides*

02/06/2006 02:19 pm
I like the tentative steps they are both taking - nicely done!
Thank you, Lou! Well, it's gotta be kind of strange - a vampire and a Slayer living together like this. need to sort their boundaries out.

Thanks for reviewing. BFN.

02/06/2006 02:06 pm
Oh, what's wrong with Spikey?? Nightmares??
Mmmmm. You could well be right there. Or not. Find out next Monday!

02/06/2006 02:00 pm
Ah! Evil cliffhanger! No! Can't wait for next week! This chapter was incredible...Spike telling Buffy off at the beginning like that, knowing what could happen to him, well that just broke my heart! I want to cry for him, poor baby! I'm glad Buffy's being nice to him, though... love love love your story!!!!
Thank you, Jessi! Am gonna get all lip-trembly if accused of being evil - not my fault a cliff appeared!

Yep, Spike still has a bit of life left in him yet - just needs encouraging out (but not by use of more naughty devices!).

So glad you are liking and thanks for your kind words. BFN.

02/06/2006 01:30 pm
Yey, great chapter. And with that cliffhanger... you must be evil to make as wait whole week!
Poor Spike, I hope it was only a bad dream.
I really don't remember when i enjoyed a story so much.
Keep writing, keep writing!
*wails* I'm not evil! Perhaps I'm updating too quickly - would once a fortnight be better do you think? LOL

So happy you are enjoying, Maddy. Thanks for reviewing (even if you did call me a four letter word!) and more next week - maybe! Now that's evil!!!