Buyer Beware by just_sue
Chapter: 7

Great read.
05/27/2010 06:39 am

09/17/2009 08:26 am
Wow!  You have a lot of subplots going on here!  It makes your story very intriuging--and suspenseful.  I can't wait to see how they all come together.

Fantastic work!  Keep working on it so we readers don't have to wait too long for the answers, please!!!!

06/11/2006 12:12 pm
Very entertaining, and getting a little nervous though. Willow's going to find out things she shouldn't and everyone will be in danger and to top it off there's Angel, the Council and the Inititive! Tigers and lions and bears, Oh My!

03/29/2006 07:53 am
I am actually getting a kick out of Willow at the end of this chapter. I loved the bit in the mall with Buffy, Spike and Tara. I really hate the Initiative even more than I did in the show, and that was a lot then.
Initiative never had a lot going for them in terms of rightness, IMO. Glad you liked the trio in the mall - Tara is such a sweetie. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

03/21/2006 03:09 am
Poor lonely Buffy.
Not for much longer, hun.

02/21/2006 07:34 am
ohhhh poor spikey *gives him lots of hugs*
You're spoiling the vampire! OK, he needs it so go ahead (as if I could stop you!). BFN.

02/21/2006 07:33 am
"Give me your secrets, you nasty government agency." Yeah, what she said. Good work!
LOL. Thank you. Glad you liked.

02/21/2006 06:42 am
Still loving it Sue. I really like how you're building up Buffy and Spike's relationship. This was just the thing to read after a long day. Keep up the great work! You make Mondays so much better.
Thank you! Mondays not good, huh? Will do my best to keep making 'em better, sweetie. No pressure on me, like! LOL

Hugs, hun. xxx

02/21/2006 06:14 am
Good chapter! Especially liked Spike and Buffy comforting each other. Hopefully, Ethan won't be all bad and can help stick it to the Initiative...I really hate those guys. Oh! And Angel...can't wait until Buffy finds out about THAT!
Thank you! I'm al most sure that Ethan would be happy to stick it to the Initiative - but you just can't tell with him! As for Angel? I see nothing too happy in his future!

Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/21/2006 05:45 am
Oh yes, very entertaining, as usual. I'm still finding it hard to be patient and read all of the non-S/B parts thoroughly and with the same attention as the Spuffy ones, but it's certainly a miniscule price to pay for such an amazing story, and one that just keeps getting better.
Sigh. Only six more days to go...
Thanks, Coquine! Don't moan at me if you skip through the non S/B parts when it all starts coming together (bet you won't care! LOL).

Yep, six days til more and am so glad you're enjoying. Hugs, sweetie.

02/20/2006 10:58 pm
It seems to be a good thing to have Willow hacking into the files; I just hope her jealousy over Tara won't lead to bad things happening to Spike and Buffy. Shouldn't Buffy read that nasty manual and the ownership papers pretty soon? More story please.
I'm hoping that Willow's jealousy is just a passing thing, but keep your fingers crossed just in case!

Buffy and the nasty manual... Yep, the gal needs to do some homework.

More next Monday and thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/20/2006 09:22 pm
Hmmmmmm, I thinks Willow will save the day :P
Still? Maybe. LOL

02/20/2006 09:03 pm
Hmmmmmm, I thinks Willow will save the day :P
Hmmmmmm, I'll be interested to see if you're right! Thank you, sweetie. xxx

02/20/2006 07:40 pm
Still loving this story. It is such a unique twist to the Spuffyverse we avid readers are so accostomed to. keep up the excellent work
Thank you so much. Will endeavour to keep it up. Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/20/2006 07:05 pm
Read this when you posted on LJ but had to come reread. Its such a fantastic chap! Please may we have an extra? Ok I'll be good and patient until next Monday.
Thanks, Rae! Am so glad that you liked it - both times! LOL

See you back here next Monday, hun.

02/20/2006 06:34 pm
Oooooh, very good chapter, very good. More updates please. Preferably now, but I think I can wait for a bit. But not too long. I love this story.
Thank you kindly! Happy that you enjoyed and hope the wait until next Monday passes quickly for you. BFN.

02/20/2006 05:58 pm
Very enjoyable read and well written too!! Anxiously waiting for the next installments. I especally like the building dynamic between Spike and Buffy.
Thank you, Shanna! Glad you liked and there'll be more next week (hopefully!).

Thanks for commenting. BFN

02/20/2006 05:51 pm
Sue - just wanted you to know that I'm enjoying this tale immensely. I love how you are teasing us with potential threads of plot (eg. What in the world the Init. is doing with Ethan, what have they done to Giles, the whole Angel angle.) You've also hinted at "Buffy's run-in with the Initiative four years ago..." What happened? Is that something you'll flashback to? I'm so curious as to why Oz disappeared after being captured. Even though I'm not online lately like I was, this tale is one that I always check to see if there has been an update. I'm hooked!
Thanks, Holly. You say such nice things and have so many questions - that I just can't/won't answer. But they're good ones to have and some will be explained - some won't (for now).

Hugs, sweetie. xxx

02/20/2006 05:50 pm
I'm really curious what Ethan is up to. Still love the story, especially the way things are developing between Buffy and Spike. Looking forward to the next chapter.
You don't want to know what Ethan is up to - but you'll be getting more of him next week so...

Thanks for your comment. BFN

02/20/2006 03:48 pm
This story is fast becomming one of my favorites stories. I love the way you have portrait the two of them (Spike and Buffy). I hope we get som Spuffy time soon, even though I understand that it wouldn´t be logical to rush it...:-)) Please update soon.!!!
Thank you! Spuffy will be there - in time. You're right, they can't rush into anything until a lot has been resolved.

More in a week, hun.

02/20/2006 03:43 pm
Wow oh wow, this story is fantastic. I can hardly wait for next week.
Thanks for your enthusiasm, Robyn! Hope to see you next week too. BFN

02/20/2006 02:31 pm
Well I'm most interested in what Ethan is up to...I'm sure it's gonna be interesting to say the least :)
You're right about Ethan - he should be an interesting one to watch. he has another cameo in the next chappie (but don't tell anyone!).

Thanks for your comments. BFN

02/20/2006 02:19 pm
still adoring this story...i'm so interested to find out what Willow finds out...a love the comfort that is developing between Buffy and Spike...and the way she just broke down and told him everything...very realistic for someone who's been repressing for a long time...poor buffy...poor spike...poor me i have to wait a whole week!!! :)
Hi, Jessi! So glad you're still liking. Yep, Buffy has been repressing for a long time and Tara couldn't be there every hour of the day for her to lean on. Willow has found some Interesting Stuff which will be revealed soonish.

A week? Phah! It'll fly by - look at all the writing you have to do for your fics! LOL

Hugs, sweetie. xxx

02/20/2006 02:18 pm
Ooo mystery! Goody - more please.
LOL! Will try to keep the mystery coming - or maybe they'll be answers. Some of both I expect.

Thanks for commenting, hun.

02/20/2006 01:48 pm
I really liked that Buffy opened up to Spike. Great interaction between the two in this update. I enjoyed Ethan's appearance in this chapter. Willow's findings are very intriguing. Should be really interesting to find out what happens when or if Buffy ever looks at the manual. Excellent chapter!
Thanks, Irina! Glad you liked Ethan - he is an interesting rogue! LOL

Manual will come into play soon - too soon for Buffy, methinks.

Thanks for your comments, sweetie.

02/20/2006 01:24 pm
It's getting beter and beter with every chapter. Will Buffy get to know who treaten Spike so badly?
I hope for some major Angel's ass kicking and soon. :-)
Really good one, Sue!
Thanks, Maddy! I'm counting on all the sordid information coming out at sometime - just don't know when yet. Angel's ass - is grass and someone will defo be doing a lawnmower impression! LOL

Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/20/2006 01:17 pm
Definitely entertained me big time!
Thanks, Lou! *beaming smile*