Buyer Beware by just_sue
Chapter: 8

Excellent. :-)
05/27/2010 06:50 am

06/11/2006 12:36 pm
Great! now Ethan's got the hots for Spike, damn sexy vampire! You know it's that good when the suns coming up and I have 7 more chapters to go and I continue to read.*hugs*

03/29/2006 07:58 am
Oh yeah ... take the Iniative down. Yippee!!!! {runs to the next chapter} I know that my reviews aren't hugely long like a lot of other people's, but I hope that you know I am just very excited to get to each chapter since I'm behind. I Love this story, and I want to read more.
Hey, it's quality, not quantity, that counts (in all things!). I am just so happy that you are enjoying and being kind enough to let me know. *hugs*

03/21/2006 03:17 am
Buffy cooking? Now that's frightening.
*nods* It is totally against the laws of nature, isn't it?

03/04/2006 05:46 am
absolute genius. hurry and update..luv it
Thank you, carin. Glad you're liking and have just obeyed! BFN

Sara M.
03/02/2006 04:11 am
Ok, my computer has been down for a few days, my guess is it just needed a break, and my sidekick wont let me post a review for this site.... that said and done. THIS STORY KICKES ASS!!! You so have something going here! I love how slowly but surely you have things happening!! WOW!! I can't wait to see what happenes next! I will happly be waiting for more! :)
Thank you! Especially for the trouble you've gone to to let me know. Much appreciated, sweetie.

Hope I don't keep you waiting too long but next chapter still to be written. BFN

03/02/2006 02:13 am
im sooo hooked..loveeeeeee thiiiiiiis storyyyyyyyy.......*giggles*
update anytime soon ???
keep up the good work!!!
*grins* Happy you're liking and will do my best on the update front. BFN

03/01/2006 12:24 am
Excellent! That's what our guy needs - a bit of revolution!
LOL! Thanks, Lou. Hope Spike sees it the same way. BFN

02/28/2006 09:06 am
Great chapter!  I love how you are taking time with the thoughts and emotions of the characters.  Even though, the storyline is only a couple of days in, you have written everything in such a way that nothing feels rushed.  I'm truly loving this story.
Thanks, Morrigan! Am so glad you are liking this. Hopefully there will be more next Monday.

Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/28/2006 07:36 am
Oh, please, please Muse, be kind to Sue this week! Are there any offerings of some kind which would please you, perhaps chocolate or deep-tissue massage?

Yet another fantastic chapter, which is clearly your status quo. I've been waiting for Buffy to kick into gear and really feel the need for some serious Initiative slayage. The feeling of dread when it comes to Ethan and Angel is steadily increasing with each new chapter. And now I'm also wondering how Spike might feel about taking on his former captors. I could see it going to either end of the spectrum.

I guess I'll find out in six days...hopefully???
Thanks, Coquine! Muse has gone missing...but I'm ever hopeful (though the thought of deep-tissue massage would certainly tempt me!).

Why does everyone get worried about Ethan? *grins*

I like your assessment of Spike, I like it a lot! You'll have to wait and see...hopefully only six days. No promises, mind.

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. xxx

02/28/2006 06:48 am
What is Ethan up to? >.
Not telling you...yet! LOL

02/28/2006 06:40 am
All day long I go rownd Thinking :sigh: 'Ug its monday.' Then I come home log in look to see what was updated. Then I see you update and say :dance: "Yay! It's Monday." Never thought any thing would make Mondays look so good.
LOL! Thanks, Cewcew! Glad that Mondays are getting a better vibe to them. BFN

02/28/2006 12:22 am
Oh Sue, you've so got me hooked. I'm really enjoying seeing things from Spike's perspective and I'm still trying to figure out what Ethan is up to. Great chapter!
Thanks, sweetie! Music to my ears to know how much you're liking. I'll leave you to carry on wondering what Ethan is up to. *grins*

02/27/2006 11:47 pm
NICE! I think thathe real a$$ kicking will commence soon! LOL!
Yikes! There's some mighty bloodthirsty folk here on BSV! You'll have to wait and see. *grins*

02/27/2006 11:42 pm
I look forward to this every Monday, and this week’s chapter most definitely did not disappoint. Buffy’s reaction to what Spike has gone through and her confusion as to where she stands in all of this felt so real. I can’t wait until the next chapter, I hope you muse straitens up.
Thanks, Robyn, that's kind of you to say. Am so glad you're liking it and hope the pesky muse turns up too.

Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/27/2006 11:06 pm
awesome as ever :) yea! Buffy and Spike are gonna take down the initiative...ethan rayne's freaking me out though...can't wait to see what happens next week! :)
Thanks, Jessi! I have no idea why Ethan is getting to you so much! *grins*

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie.

02/27/2006 10:30 pm
"How would you like to help me take the Initiative down, Spike?"

Sure, got nothing better to do. Great work!
Hey, you volunteering to help too? LOL

Glad you liked, hun.

02/27/2006 10:06 pm
LOL, why do I think Spike will be glad to help??
Ah, you'd think so, wouldn't you? We'll see. *grins*

02/27/2006 08:45 pm
This is brilliant, please update soon
Thank you! Normally on a Monday (but missing muse might mean a delay next week).

02/27/2006 08:16 pm
I can't begin to tell you how 'into' this story I am. I get so worked up every time I read a new chapter... wanting to turn the page and keep going and going. I love how the Buffy/Spike relationship is growing.
But,Ethan,...yuk! He just can't get his hands(or anything else) on Spike!
Thanks, sweetie! I'll bear in mind your aversion to Ethan touching Spike with..anything!

Thanks for reviewing.

02/27/2006 07:29 pm
YAY! Take down the Initative! Stupid bastards ought to die...horrible painful deaths!
See what I can do...but no promises!

02/27/2006 06:08 pm
WTF is Rupert/Ethan up to now? Will the phone call inspire Angelus to come after Spike so he can take him back for more torture and domination games? More story please.
Not telling! LOL

02/27/2006 06:01 pm
Oh yeh - down with the initiative!

Rock on!

02/27/2006 05:38 pm
Another great chapter! Can't wait to see them starting to attack the Initiative!! Update asap!
Thank you! Will have to wait a bit before any attacking starts (bloodthirsty aren't you?).

Thanks for your comments.

02/27/2006 04:18 pm
I love this story. I love the fact that Ethan is there plotting and doing his thing. I hope he has something planned for the initiative as well....can't see him not wanting to get even with them.
Thank you! Ethan will be thoroughly enjoying himself - to a limit - in future chapters. And you are so right that he has a score to settle with the Initiative.

Thanks for reviewing. BFN

02/27/2006 04:12 pm
It's good to see the dust has cleared from Buffy's eyes and she has a new perspective of the world around her, not to mention a new mission. Ethan and Angel... that should be an interesting conversation. Great chapter.
Thanks, Irina! Yep, Buffy is a gal with a mission. Let's hope that works out for her, eh? Not saying a word about Ethan and Angel! LOL

Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/27/2006 03:38 pm
Good chapter. Buffy's introspection was well written. I guess now the fireworks will begin. Angel will find out where Spike is and the angst and horror will begin. I hope you find your muse. It is hard waiting for a chapter a week. Good luck.
Thank you, Bridget! Glad you liked and I'm not commenting on your guess (nope, not at all!). Still searching for muse but am sorta hopeful.

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie.

02/27/2006 03:20 pm
Nice chapter but maybe a little slow for me.
But wow, that's interesting turn - taking the Initiative down. I want to see that. Might be fun, thay deserve to get their asses kicked.
Please please post something next monday!
Ah, so you like the fast and furious?

I have a little fic that I can slip in if the next chapter isn't ready, but am always hopeful.

Thanks for reviewing, hun.

02/27/2006 03:10 pm
Fantastic as always!
Thank you. *blushes*

02/27/2006 02:53 pm
The muse is being a bitca right now

ahhh how well i know that particular song lol Cheer up dear! Sometimes inspiration can come from the most mundane things!
LOL. I think a few household chores have convinced it to creep least partially! Hugs, Tam. xxx