Buyer Beware by just_sue
Chapter: 10

05/27/2010 07:52 am

05/27/2010 07:20 am

06/11/2006 01:13 pm
Good answer Buffy! 5 more to go, LOL This is great!

03/29/2006 08:08 am
Awwwwww .. Buffy was willing to let him go if Spike wanted it? That is so sweet. Her anger at Angel wanting to take Spike from her was perfect too. Sadly only one chapter left to read on the current updates.
Sweet, though perhaps not particularly sensible. Not that the poor sod could have done much to hurt humans with the current state of Initiative chipping of all found vamps going on; Spike would find it very difficult to survive. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

03/15/2006 02:20 pm
Delightfully entertaining, my dear! Spike's uncertainty is completely believable.
Thanks, Lou! So nice to hear you say so. BFN

03/15/2006 01:38 pm
great great great chappie
Why, thank you! *blushes*

03/15/2006 06:34 am
Oh my. Just discovered this story. What a wonderful chapter for my first reading to end on.
Not that I won't be anxiously waiting for the next.
Thank you! Welcome aboard and hope the rest doesn't disappoint. BFN

03/15/2006 03:16 am
Awwwww! More please.
LOL! Monday, hun! BFN

03/14/2006 04:52 pm
Wonderful chapter. I'm loving this story even more as it evolves. Thanks for entertaining us so.
Thank you! It's my pleasure and I hope it continues to entertain. BFN

03/14/2006 03:52 pm
Good chapter. I am glad that Buffy did not let Spike down.
Thanks, Bridget. Me too!

03/14/2006 01:31 pm
Fantastic update. Of the stories of this sort out at the moment, I'm enjoying this one the best. :)
Thanks, hun! So glad you're enjoying and hope it continues. BFN

03/14/2006 12:32 pm
This is gorgeous - keep going!
Thank you! I'll try!

03/14/2006 05:04 am
That was the most perfect answer that Buffy could give Spike in this situation. This chapter was so great, the run from the house, the initiative guys, the clearing, so great. And I love the possibility of Ethan as Giles coming to Sunnydale, as much as he loves chaos I could see him really wanting to stick it to those that have held him captive. I look forward to Mondays because of this story, and am really looking forward to seeing where you’re going with it.
Thanks, Robyn! I hope you're right about Ethan - he's such an unpredictable so and so.

Am so glad that you are enjoying and letting me know. means a lot, sweetie. *hugs*

03/14/2006 03:49 am
Oh Spike. Mister impulsive. I really like the way you had Buffy handle that. I'm all giddy for the confrontation that's bound to happen now. Ohhh, Angel is gonna get it. Great chapter Sue!
Thank you! So glad you liked. And there's more of that Angel-getting-bashed anticipation that I'm getting used to. *grins*

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN xxx

03/14/2006 12:34 am
so glad he was able to bring himself to trust glad she responded like she heart was breaking for him the whole time....and now she's expecting angel, it shouldn't be so bad...hope she beats the crap out of him!!
And the Angel hate just keeps on coming!

Thanks, Jessi. *hugs*

03/13/2006 10:56 pm
*watches Spike fondle himself and faints dead away*
*fans frantically*

Is there a doctor in the house? Anyone? Help!

Thanks, I think!

03/13/2006 10:31 pm
Oh poor Spike this is breaking my heart - please let it have a happy ending!! (Loved the Hello Cutie bit though ;-)
No breaking of the heart - 'tis bad for you! The ending is a way ahead right now but I'll be hoping for a bit of happiness as much as you do.

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

03/13/2006 10:30 pm
ooooh... Angel's gonna get it... Great chapter! I loved how you pushed them both in this one. Can't wait to read what happens next
Thanks, hun! There seems to be a lot of baying for Angel's blood - and dust - and for some reason I'm not surprised! *grins*

So glad you liked. *hugs*

03/13/2006 09:55 pm
I enjoyed reading both Spike and Buffy's POV in this chapter. Excellent confrontation between Spike and Buffy. I liked how Spike took a chance and asked Buffy point blank if she would give him to Angel. Loved her answer and Spike's closing thoughts. Wonderful update!
Thanks, Irina! Am really happy that you liked all the bits that I enjoyed writing. Thanks so much for letting me know and hope you enjoy next week's chappie too. BFN, sweetie.

03/13/2006 08:25 pm
Awwwww *sniff* that was wonderful!!!! Those last few paragraphs really got to me. I am loving this version of Buffy. I can actually care about her. You should have written for the would have been much better! As usual, I can't wait to see what happens next! This is sooooo good!!
I love an enthusiastic double review! *grins*

03/13/2006 08:25 pm
Awwwww *sniff* that was wonderful!!!! Those last few paragraphs really got to me. I am loving this version of Buffy. I can actually care about her. You should have written for the would have been much better! As usual, I can't wait to see what happens next! This is sooooo good!!
Thank you! This would have made very depressing viewing on the show and if the show hadn't left so many stones unturned they'd be no fanfic, right? But thank you for the compliment, hun.

Am really glad you liked and thanks for letting me know. BFN, sweetie.

03/13/2006 07:44 pm
Okay, so, I read this chapter so fast that I probably missed some important parts, but I just needed to say ASAP that oh my god you SUCK! You, and your sucky poopy cliffhangers! You just HAD to tack that last sentence onto the story didn't you??? AAAAGGGHH!!!!
Okay. No. You don't suck. Not really. You know I love you, right? I swear, you just bring out the schizo in me.
Amazing chapter, really. The whole 'chase' scene had my heart racing and lungs gasping right along with them. And I just loooove that Buffy was ready to let him go. I have to admit that I hope there will be some more dialogue between the two of them next chappie. They really need to get some things out into the open. Of course, you're probably just going to do more of that whole 'plot' thing that you have this strange fixation on, but I can deal. I kinda like it, too!
I'll just be foaming at the mouth for six days, thanks!
Yikes! I love your reviews! You have me frowning, laughing and smiling - usually in that order! *hugs*

I'm sorry that my 'plot' fixation is dragging things out but you just know that I ain't gonna be changing my bad habits - and as you kinda like it... More from Buffy and Spike next week, hun. Hope you will like and will be eager to find out. BFN. xxx

03/13/2006 07:42 pm
Angelus will be in for a surprise when he gets to Sunnyhell. She's still in a bad spot though with Ethan having replaced Giles. Looking forward to more story.
Thanks, sweetie. I think there'll be surprises for everyone as things unfold! Glad you're still liking. BFN

03/13/2006 07:16 pm
I thought Spike was going to get spotted by the Initiative for sure! *whew* I'm looking forward to seeing how the Buffy/Angel/Spike confrontation goes.
*shudders* Spike okay for now - sorta - and I'm afraid it will be a bit of a waitbefore the anticipated confrontation. Hope yuo continue to like, hun. BFN

03/13/2006 07:12 pm
YAY!! Stupid Angel thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants. Ha, she'll show him. In fact, I really hop he shows up just so she can kick his ass. Spike could help :) I mean, after all, Angel isn't human so the chip wouldn't work against him. Let Angel see how HE likes it! I really hate him! MORE PLEASE!!!
Whoa, calm down! LOL

Patience, sweetie, patience. *grins*

03/13/2006 07:10 pm
OH..I love that, the last sentence is truely poetic...Please give me more
Thank you, sweetie! Am so glad you're liking. *grins*

More next week.

03/13/2006 05:55 pm
As usual you leave me wanting MORE, MORE and soon, please. Great as usual.
So glad you liked and are wanting more - try again next Monday, hun. BFN

03/13/2006 05:46 pm
Good enough to read/review again *G*.....keep it coming sweetie.

What a generous giver you are, Kathleen! *squishy hugs*