Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Cricket's Song

01/26/2007 03:18 pm
Ok, I've been remiss in post my reviews for this story because sometimes when I really like what I'm reading I will go back and read it over and over from beginning to end (or wherever the author makes me stop *pout*) and will zone out on leaving reviews.

So now, here's my review:

HURRY UP AND POST MORE! I swear I'm gonna stop sending you chapters of mine to beta so you have more free time to write this story. I have a few theories about who/what and its making me batty not knowing for sure.

That and its just an extremely intriguing piece.

Very haunting. Kind of sticks with you even when you're done reading.
Thanks so much for reviewing. It's so nice to know that people are actually reading. I'm so glad you have your theories. I'm trying to make people think, and I'm writing something that I would read too. I hope you haven't figured out the end yet...:) I don't want you, or anyone, to be so bored that you stop reading.

01/25/2007 11:49 pm
this is what oscar has been preparing for? very good read, thank you.
Most likely

Miss Rose
01/23/2007 01:21 pm
Looks like the quote "Out of the mouths of babes" really fits here... thank goodness for little Joni and her insights. Loved the chapter! :)
Yep, she's guileless. And, don't forget, she has some pretty weird things rolling around in her head. Things that could be important.

01/23/2007 08:49 am
Ah, now they, is Oscar about to drop Liam on their doorstep?
Could be. But, will he stay where he can be found? That's another question altogether.