Something Redux by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 1

06/02/2009 10:52 pm
     And, I'm hooked.
Oh, I'm glad you like it!  Spike's shock was fun to write!

07/15/2008 03:41 am
love it when buffy gets an opportunity to fix things. very good beginning, thank you.
Thank you for liking it!

07/10/2008 10:48 pm
oh! i LOVE time travel stories! always so sad though, cuz this spike doesnt know or love her... i can't wait to see how this one plays out!!!
I'm a hopeless romantic, so absolutely it won't be sad!  Thank you so much for liking it!

07/10/2008 08:56 pm
OOOOOO I am a sucker for go back and do it right stories.  Will be eating this up with a spoon an asking for seconds.

Yes, heaven can wait indeed.....can't wait to see how she uses her knowledge to make things right.

You are dead on about how the characters did not improve (possibly Xander in S7) over the years but became hard and bitter instead.  They were still sweetly innocent in many way at this point, even Giles.

I love time travel stories.  I'm so glad you're liking this one so far!  I do think everyone became hard and bitter, especially Giles.  I hated the way the show darkened Giles in canon!

07/10/2008 08:03 pm
Fantastic start! The Stonehenge catalyst is inspired. The back and forth with Andrew is entertaining. Fix-it Buffy is certainly going to have her hands full. Poor Spike's brain is about to take an incredible (metaphorical) beating. It should be pretty funny.
Oh, thank you!  I'm so glad you're enjoying this!  I always worry about my first chapters.  And, yes, they're both going to go through something.

07/10/2008 06:38 pm
Ohhhhh, very interesting beginning.  Must see more!  How will Buffy cope with wanting Spike so badly, but Spike not wanting or loving her at first?
Thank you!  Coming right up.  The idea of Buffy trying to cope with Spike not loving her was what drew me to this story.

07/10/2008 05:51 pm
This looks like its going to be a great story.  I love the way you described stonehenge.  One thing: its Wiccans, not Wiccas.
I'm so glad you're liking it!  The Wicca thing was Buffy being cocky.  I did write 'Wiccans' first, but it didn't look right.

07/10/2008 04:31 pm
Woohoo! Another great story!! Good good! I like that Buffy realizes how wrong it was the way she treated Spike! Hurray! Looking forward to the rest!
Oh, thank you!  I too hated the way Buffy treated Spike in canon.

07/10/2008 04:24 pm
Great start.  Love your stories and am looking forward to another wonderful one!
Thank you!  I'm so glad you like my work!  I'm still learning and that's wonderful to hear!

07/10/2008 03:29 pm
love time travel stories, looking forward to this one
Thank you!  I love time travel too.  I hope you like the rest!

07/10/2008 02:06 pm
A smashing start - I love go back and fixit fics.
Oh, thank you so much!  I'm so glad you like it!  I love fixit fics too - can't stand the way they left things on the show.

07/10/2008 01:31 pm
Great story so far. Please update soon. Time-travel fics are my favorite, and I can't wait to see what happens in yours. I hope everyone finds out soon. It'll be cool to see their reactions.
I'm so glad you're liking it!  Chapter 2 will be up this afternoon.   I love time-travel fics too.

07/10/2008 01:24 pm
Well done!
Thank you!  I'm so glad you like it!