Season Six and Buffy wants time to think about her relationship with Spike. She is given more than she wanted as she is called back to Tudor England by a young Watcher in need of a Slayer.
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Words: 3,361 - Updated: 10/04/2006 01:41 am


Season Six. Buffy and Spike have been called back in time to the year 1594 by a young Watcher named Will who desperately needs a Slayer’s help.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,031 - Updated: 10/04/2006 02:32 pm


Buffy and Spike have been called back through time to the year 1594, the place - Tudor London. A Watcher is in desperate need of another Slayer to help him protect Queen Elizabeth because his present one is only eleven years old.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 2,943 - Updated: 10/07/2006 12:19 am


Buffy and Spike have been called back to the year 1594, to Tudor England, to save Queen Elizabeth I from being turned into a vampire. But the Watcher and the head of the Council, Lord Travers, are not telling them the whole story.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 3,141 - Updated: 10/09/2006 01:45 am


Buffy and Spike are back from their journey to 1594 but will everything go on as before?
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 1,141 - Updated: 10/11/2006 10:43 am