Set post AtS, Spike closes his eyes, expecting to be fried by the dragon, and wakes up on a yellow brick road. Italics=internal monologue.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,095 - Updated: 09/17/2007 10:55 am


Buffy and Spike wake up in Oz. Hilarity ensues. In response to Challenge 321, full challenge to be posted with last chapter.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,577 - Updated: 09/20/2007 03:35 am


Buffy and Spike are on their way to see the Wizard, and run into a hay-filled companion.

**Author's note: italics=internal monologue.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,347 - Updated: 09/24/2007 06:58 am


Buffy and Spike find the Tin Woodsman...Woodsperson...Woodslady? **Some lines are taken from The Wizard of Oz.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,021 - Updated: 09/24/2007 09:14 am


The Scoobie Gang finds out what's the what.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,155 - Updated: 09/28/2007 08:58 am


Buffy and Spike find the Cowardly Lion, the Wicked Witch spies on their movements, and a much-hated character in the Spuffyverse falls victim to a horrible death.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,277 - Updated: 09/28/2007 11:01 pm


Poppies put them to sleep...sleep! The gang enters the Emerald City and meets the Wizard, a floating head who is vaguely reminiscent of someone from Buffy's life....
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,375 - Updated: 09/29/2007 07:35 am


In the room of the Great and Powerful...Giles?

*Note, some lines are lovingly ripped from The Wizard of Oz.
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,774 - Updated: 09/29/2007 08:29 am


Can Buffy and Spike find their way home, together?
Genre: , , - Rating:
Words: 1,666 - Updated: 10/02/2007 07:59 am