Boy Good by slaymesoftly Nine AN: The obligatory reunion smut - nothing redeeming about this chapter. :) As usual, beta'd by the patient and quick as a bunny Always_jbj Chapter Nine When they’d had to dust three different vamps that had wandered up thinking the kissing couple would be an easy meal, Buffy reluctantly pulled away from him. “I think we should get out of here,” she said softly, playing with the buttons on his duster. “Maybe find some place where we won’t have so many…interruptions?” “Got just the place, pet.” He stood up, offering her his hand. She handed him the bag of blood and allowed him to lead the way out of the park. “Just wait, Slayer,” he growled when she balked at following him into Restfield Cemetery. “Trust me, Buffy,” he added in a much softer, sexier voice, “Wouldn’t take you anywhere I didn’t think you’d like.” Buffy followed the sexy voice, dubious about finding a place that she would like in a cemetery, but wanting more of the kisses that she could feel all the way to her toes. As though reading her mind, the vampire suddenly turned around and fastened his mouth on hers, extending the kiss until she was mewing with frustrated desire. With a final nibble on her lower lip, he let go and resumed leading her deeper into the graveyard. When he finally stopped in front of a large crypt, he set the bag of blood down and whispered, “Wait here, love. Let me turn the lights on.” He opened the heavy oak door and stepped inside. She heard the ‘snick’ of his lighter and watched as light blossomed from the interior of the crypt. When it was lit to his satisfaction, he returned to the door and took her hands, gently pulling her inside. Buffy’s mouth dropped open in surprise as she took in the candle-lit interior of the big stone building. The candles gave a warm glow, softening the sharp edges of the stone walls and illuminating the red quilts and pillows piled on the floor. While she gawked at the surprisingly cozy room and the makeshift bed in the center of the floor, Spike brought his blood into the room and closed the door firmly. He dropped a newly-installed latch into place before walking past her and depositing the bag of blood on a table beside a small refrigerator. While the slayer continued to look around, noting the other touches that attempted to transform the large grave into a home, he carefully put the blood away. When he turned back to her, he was holding a bottle of beer in each hand. Numbly, Buffy took the proffered bottle and began to sip at it. When he just watched her rather than drinking his own beer, she stopped and cocked her head at him. “Do you think you need to get me drunk again?” “I hope not. Want to know who I’m makin’ love to this time. Want to know it’s Buffy.” As he spoke, he was setting down his bottle and pulling her in for another searing kiss. “I’ll always be grateful that Cave Buffy thought I smelled good, but this is the Buffy I want.” “Cave Buffy is a pretty smart girl – for a Neaderthal,” Buffy murmured. “I never would have thought to smell you.” In spite of what she’d just said, she buried her nose in his neck, inhaling his unique scent and licking the soft skin there. “She had her moments,” he agreed, purring at the way her tongue was laving his skin. “She definitely had her moments.” Without warning, he bent his knees and scooped Buffy up in his arms, walking toward the pile of pillows and quilts. He sank gracefully to the floor, rolling so as to land on his back with the slayer lying across his chest. Buffy brought her face up, offering her lips and squirming around so as to be lying beside him, their bodies touching from head to toe. While she gave in to the urge to run her hands all over the body she hadn’t been willing to admit that she’d been missing the entire time she was with Riley, Spike was pulling her clothes off with no thought to keeping them in one piece. Rather than yell at him for ripping her shirt, Buffy began her own assault on the few items covering his body, ripping his tee shirt down the center and pushing his jeans down as far as they would go. When the vampire’s frustrated growls and Buffy’s own whimpers of impatience had reached a ridiculous level, they gave up and fell apart, laughing even as they took their hands off each other long enough to remove the tight pants they were both wearing. Rather than grab Buffy as soon as she was naked, Spike surprised her by holding her at arms’ length and running his eyes over her body. “Just as beautiful as I remembered,” he breathed, bringing his eyes up to her blushing face. “This is what kept me going in that place,” he continued. “Every time things got too bad, I just pictured you naked.” “But…I thought you were mad at me…that you thought I—“ “Was, love. I did. Didn’t matter. Even when I was hatin’ you for puttin’ me in there, I wanted you naked. ‘Course,” he admitted with a sheepish grin, “I might have been picturing your naked, bloody body and my fangs in your throat…but the important thing is that you were naked. Just like now,” he finished, pulling her against him and nuzzling her neck. “Just like now.” “If that was meant to be romantic – I’ve got to tell you, you suck at it!” Buffy pushed him away sharply, her eyes narrowed and her mouth pinched. She moved away from him, ignoring the stricken look on his face and retrieving her jeans from the floor. (How could I be so stupid? He’s an evil, soulless vampire who came here to kill me. He doesn’t’ care anything about me – he just wants to do a slayer – one way or another.) (Fuck! I couldn’t have buggered that up any more if I’d tried.) “Buffy,” he started, throwing himself in front of her. “I never – I didn’t mean – I’m a bloody stupid wanker - please, love, don’t –“ “That’s all this is to you, isn’t it?” He was shocked to see her eyes filling with unshed tears. “Just another way to add a slayer notch to your belt. Kill me or fuck me – doesn’t make any difference to you.” She struggled futilely to get back into the tight jeans that she’d just pulled off, resolutely ignoring the way his face had tightened. The jeans were most of the way up her thighs when she was tackled and forced down onto the makeshift bed, pinned under a snarling vampire. Only the emotion she could see glistening in his amber eyes told her he was not planning to kill her. For long minutes they lay perfectly still, the vampire taking rapid, unnecessary breaths as he glared down at her, the slayer staring back him, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the unfairness of her accusation. With a movement so swift she was already climaxing before she realized what he’d done, Spike sank his fangs into the invisible marks he’d left there months ago. He took two deep draughts of blood, growling as he felt Buffy go limp under him. “Mine,” he whispered into her throat, licking the bites closed. “You are mine.” “You bit me. Again!” She struggled to put the necessary anger in her voice; a difficult task when she was still limp from the unexpected result of his bite. “I claimed you. Again.” “Why do you keep doing that?” Her voice, she was unhappy to notice, now sounded more petulant than outraged. “I don’t know,” he admitted, wriggling his hips until he could fit his rock hard erection between her thighs. “It just seems like the thing to do when I have you in this position.” “Well, get over it! That might have worked with Cave Buffy, but I’ll decide who I do or don’t belong too, thank you very much,” she grumbled unconvincingly. Instead of answering her, he wriggled again, brushing the head of his cock against her outer lips and dropping his head to take a hardened nipple into his mouth. With her legs trapped by her still partially up jeans, Buffy could do nothing but lie there and press her hips into him, whimpering with sudden need for more contact. He ran his mouth down her torso, kissing and licking his way past her belly button. Instead of stopping when he got to where she expected him to stop, he slid the rest of the way down and tugged her jeans off. As her legs dropped open, he was immediately lying on her again, his cock nudging her entrance and his lips on hers. ”Let me in, Buffy,” he whispered against her mouth. “Tell me you want me to come in.” “Is this some weird, vampire thing? Cause I’m thinking it’s pretty obvious I want you—“ She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him toward her. “Where do you want me, love? Do you want me here?” He rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit, eliciting whimpers of agreement before he moved again. “Or, do you want me here?” He slid down until he was pushing under her ass. “Or,” he whispered again, sliding forward until he was just touching her, “Do you want me here?” As he spoke, he thrust himself into her warmth, reveling in the way she clutched him and at the gasped “Yes!” that escaped against her will. Suddenly the urgency that had been present when they first got to the crypt was back and they moved together as though it had been years rather than a couple of months since they’d last touched. In no time, Buffy was squeezing him tightly, her inner muscles fluttering around him as she began to pant her release. Fighting down the demon’s desire to bite her again, the vampire thrust himself into her, crying her name as his hips jerked long after he was spent. When Spike tried to roll off her limp body, he found himself trapped by supernaturally strong arms. “We’re not done here, vampire,” she growled, holding him in place with her arms and legs. “Know we’re not, sweetness. Jus’ wanted to give you some breathing room.” “I’m breathing just fine,” she mumbled into his neck, realizing as she said it that she was. Whereas having Riley lying on top of her resulted in her face being smothered in his chest, Spike fit very nicely and she had no trouble feeling comfortable with his weight pressing her into the bed. She smiled as she felt him growing hard again, squeezing gently and bringing forth a happy groan from the temporarily spent vampire. “I missed you,” he crooned, beginning a slow rocking that she willingly joined. “Wanted you again so bloody much…” “I…I missed you too,” she admitted, blushing fiercely. “I tried not to, but I did.” “Did you think about me? While I was gone? Or were you too busy shagging the lout?” He fought back the snarl, but his pain came through in the way he stilled briefly and Buffy unconsciously held him more tightly. “I did think about you – but I thought you were gone. I thought I’d never see you again. If I’d known…” “If you’d known, what?” he murmured, still moving gently and adding a twist of his hips at the end of each stroke. “What if you’d known I was still here? That I still wanted you?” “I wouldn’t have let Riley touch me,” she admitted, surprising herself as much as the vampire. “Not after the first time, anyway.” “He’s never going to touch you again.” Spike’s intended growl faded into more of a purr as Buffy pulled him against her body and squeezed internally. “Never,” she whispered, biting into his shoulder as she felt herself falling over the edge. “Never.” He let himself go with her, the feel of her teeth in his flesh only adding to the surprisingly explosive release he felt. He put his lips on the marks he’d made and sucked vigorously, extending their orgasms until they both collapsed in exhaustion. He rolled carefully to the side, pulling the Slayer’s body with him so that she remained connected, but was now lying on him. As her ragged breathing evened out, Buffy nuzzled his chest and gasped, “Wow.” “Wow, indeed,” he chuckled, sounding more like Giles than he normally did. “I think we may have set some sort of record there, pet.” “Yay us.” He stroked her back with one hand, waiting until she began to stir before asking quietly, “So, Slayer. Is there an us?” “Feels like it to me. I’m pretty sure there isn’t going to be anybody else. Not after that little experience.” “Little?” She rolled her eyes and pushed herself up on her arms. “It’s an expression! Stop pouting. You know what I mean.” “I know, love,” he grinned, pulling her back down. “I just like hearing you say it.” “I hope you’re not going to need a lot of ego-stroking all the time,” she grumbled, relaxing back into his embrace. “Cause I think I’ve had about all of that I need for one lifetime.” His chuckle turned into a happy purr, and he rolled them over, pulling the quilt up around her shoulders. “All I need is you, pet. As long as you’re here and stroking something, I’m happy.” “Pig,” she mumbled, snuggling into his body. “Oink, oink, love,” he whispered as her eyes drifted shut. “Oink.”
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Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |